
Dr Eduard Salzborn's terminal & inoperable cancer cures

Cancer healings: long-term success with starvation diet and "Inoperan"

by Healing Cancer Naturally copyright © 2013

For detailed background information, see Dr Eduard Salzborn's cancer treatment: thanks to starvation diet and "Inoperan" many successes with inoperable tumors and patients diagnosed as terminal.

The following testimonials are excerpted and translated from Dr. Eduard Salzborn's book "Ist der inoperable Krebs immer unheilbar?" [Is inoperable cancer invariably incurable?], 1942 edition. The original case histories often include detailed hospital documents which are omitted here.

Note that when words such as 'Today' are used in the below patient histories, they refer to the time at which the book was prepared and published, i.e. the late 1930s/early 1940s.

Update: A more recent cancer cure predominantly based on the Salzborn approach is owed to Austrian R.A. Hoffmann who was diagnosed with an inoperable lung tumor with skin, tongue and genital metastases and who shared the details of his success story in the book, "So besiegte ich den Krebs und viele andere Krankheiten" (How I Beat Cancer and Many Other Illnesses, 1980).

Inoperable cancer

Prof. W., head of a German surgical university hospital, writes:
"I too have treated my inoperable cancer patients with Extractum conii and gained the impression that tumor growth can be stopped and the general condition improved in this manner. The dietary measures you propose are useful."

Inoperable stomach cancer

Mr. H.A.'s relatives had been told by Professor B that the patient had an inoperable stomach cancer. For months he suffered great pain in his stomach and became progressively emaciated. At the start of the Salzborn cure, the patient was 68 years of age.

He became well and fit to work again, drank two to three liters of wine a day and smoked from morning to evening. He finally died eighteen years later at age 86.

(Dr Salzborn comments that "some likely have to be careful with diet, cigars and drink for the rest of their life, but I have several patients ages 70 to 85 who six to sixteen years ago were diagnosed with stomach cancer and who today smoke all day long and drink up to two liters of wine.")

Assistant professor Sch. in D. writes:
"I have run some clinical tests applying your method. Apart from solely temporary improvements, I have obtained success in a case of clinically diagnosed inoperable stomach carcinoma which has lasted two years. I am firmly convinced that your approach provides the foundation for fighting against inoperable carcinomas."

Cancer of the caecum

The director of a surgical clinic abroad reported to Dr. Salzborn:
"The remedy you've discovered exerts a regulatory function via the liver (at least the guaiacol and quinine components). In addition to other things, I have been using your recipe for quite a while in one of my cases — carcinoma of the caecum with highest-grade, up to walnut-size glandular metastases towards the duodenum.

Combined with surgery, I believe to have obtained substantial success in this case. The tumor has strongly reduced in size, and the overall condition of the patient has virtually become excellent (case under observation since two and a half years)."

Stomach cancer

H.K., 68, had been suffering with stomach pains for one year. Increasing cachexia. The letter of the clinic dated 18 March 1919 states his diagnosis as Ca. ventriculi (stomach cancer).
After undertaking the Salzborn treatment, the patient recovered and kept working until three days before his death nineteen years later in March 1938 at age 87.

Mrs. M.D. according to a letter of the Medizinische Klinik Wien (Medical Clinic Vienna) was diagnosed with Ca ventriculi (stomach cancer of the scirrhus type, i.e. presenting a hard, translucent cancerous tumour of a gray or bluish color) with glandular metastases in the axilla (armpit) and supraclavicular fossa. Serious hematemesis (vomiting of blood), pain, and cachexia. The patient received symptomatic therapy.

When starting on the Salzborn cure, the patient was 66. She regained her health and ability to work and died at age 85.

Medizinalrat Dr. K reported:
"Mrs. B. K., 46, diagnosed with Corpus Ca (stomach cancer) one year earlier. First treated in Klinik P., later with radium and x-rays. Very poor condidtion. After eight weeks on the Salzborn treatment, excellent improvement, with her weight increasing from 47 to 60 kg."

Laryngeal cancer (lymphoma)

Mr. W.K., 31, had radical surgery for lymphoma of the larynx in 1929. In January 1930, the patient came to see Dr. Salzborn with a tube, nagging cough, pain, sleeplessness, his breath rattling, with breathing difficulty, etc.
Today the patient feels excellent, is actually overfed, and his tube has long since been removed.

Dr. Salzborn adds that the above case beautifully illustrates the advantages of collaboration (surgery and diet). Without surgery, this patient would have suffocated before the Salzborn treatment would have made inroads into the fist-sized tumor he carried in his voice box.

Reported by Dr. K.:
Male patient, 42, had had radical surgery for laryngeal cancer one and a half years earlier in a Vienna clinic, after which he was able to work and travel again. Some time later, the patient reported with splitting headaches to the Vienna psychiatric clinic.

Unable to help, they suggested to remove various ganglia which the patient refused. He received vast amounts of morphine and upon examination by various medical experts was labeled incurable. His relatives were advised to try the Salzborn cure on him because of the danger of metastases forming. After several weeks on the Salzborn cure, the patient was pain-free.


Dr Sch. of H. who did several weeks of practical training with Salzborn writes about the Salzborn treatment of sarcoma: "... have been treating a fibrosarcoma (postoperative relapse) since several months which so far has responded very well. Initially melon-sized, now the tumor is palpable only as a poorly defined resistance. Even more striking is the subjective improvement. Even inoperable stomach cancer improved quite satisfactorily."

Metastasised breast cancer

Dr. K reported:
After mamma surgery, the patient developed multiple bone metastases. In spite of receiving massive amounts of morphine, she was groaning with pain for months and nearly paralysed. After several weeks of applying the Salzborn treatment, the patient was nearly free of pain and had regained her mobility.

Both of the following cases had no radiation, and just undertook the Salzborn treatment.

Mrs. L. R.: Exstirpatio mammae (radical mastectomy) in 1930. The x-ray diagnosis by lecturer Dr. F. E. dated 6 July 1932 suggested that metastases had formed in her vertebrae (details provided in the above-mentioned book but not translated).

Due to extreme pain in her back and legs, the patient could hardly walk and took three to four painkillers / sleeping pills a day. She started on the Salzborn cure in July 1932. The patient was last spoken to in summer 1938 at age 79 when she went for daily walks of one to two hours duration.

Mrs. G. M., 50: mamma exstirpation (radical mastectomy) in 1925. In his x-ray diagnosis of November 1930, Prof Dr. P. states the patient has metastasis in the tenth thoracic vertebra.
After Salzborn treatment, the patient is "well to this day, overfed and working".

Uterine / cervical cancer

Mrs. V, clinically diagnosed on 29 August 1924 with Ca. uteris et cervicis (uterine and cervical cancer). Parametrium already involved, heavily hemorrhaging.
Thanks to the Salzborn treatment, Mrs. V. regained her health and at the time of reporting (late 1930s/early 1940s, continued to work on her farm, then age 66).

O. Ch., 54, inoperable cancer of the uterus, spent five months in a gynecological hospital where she was treated with x-rays and radium. She lost more than ten kilograms, was bleeding from the bladder and incontinent due to perforation, and finally sent home to die, sedated with morphine.

After several months on the Salzborn cure the patient was well until March 1933 when she relapsed with renewed hemorrhaging from the bladder. She restarted on the Salzborn treatment for several months. The patient works to this day (now 65 years old).

Mrs. F. C: clinical diagnosis of 21 June 1919: hernia abdominalis on her right; prolapsus cervicis, Ca. uteri with light bleeding and some vaginal discharge. Uterine tumor larger than the size of a fist, left parametrium as well as the Pouch of Douglas heavily infiltrated with hard knots up to the size of a hazelnut.

After Salzborn treatment well and working on her farm to the day of reporting (then age 70).

E.P., born in 1880, received a written diagnosis by Professor M. (Vienna) on 22 February 1924: Myoma uteri, Cystis ovarium, uterine adenocarcinoma. Her uterus was double the size of a fist with many subserosal knots, and her left ovary completely embedded in a fist-sized tumor. She underwent a total exstirpation of the uterus and left adnexa.

After undergoing the Salzborn cure starting in 1924, the patient was well for ten years. A local relapse was healed with radium. Today she works hard as the matron of a hospital.

Compare the testimonial "Cancer of the uterus, stage 4" featured under Superior herbal formula — sensational cancer remission testimonials.

Liver cancer

In 1912, Mr. M.M. spent several weeks in the clinic due to jaundice and cachexia. He was diagnosed with Ca. hepatis (liver cancer — the primary tumor was not ascertained). Thanks to the Salzborn regime, the patient recovered. He died over twenty years later in February 1933 at age 83.

M.Sch.: The letter of the Medizinische Klinik in 1914 states, "large liver tumor, Echinococcus (bandworm), neoplasm not excluded."

Patient undertook the Salzborn cure. Was well and fit to work in 1938.

Cancer of the windpipe

L.M., 47, yellowish-white complexion, gland in her right supraclavicular fossa swollen to the size of a hen's egg, great pain, severe cough, difficulty breathing. According to x-ray diagnosis of Vienna hospital and several doctors: Ca. tracheae (cancer of the windpipe).

In 1931, the patient was treated with the Salzborn cure for several months. She gained fourteen kilograms (the weight she had lost before). At last news in 1938, she was well and fit to work.

Lung cancer

Mrs. F.L., 50, had been suffering with haemoptysis (coughing up of blood) for several months together with pain and cachexia. X-ray diagnosis: Ca. pulmonis (lung cancer).
She was treated with the Salzborn method in 1934. When news of hers were last taken in October 1938, she was well and working.

Mrs. R.N., 46, had been coughing up blood for several months, had pain and finally high fever which kept her bedbound. She spent several weeks in hospital, where her x-ray diagnosis was tumor pulmonis (lung tumor).

She was treated according to the Salzborn method in 1932. At last enquiry in 1937, she was well and able to work. Interestingly, this patient ignores to this day that she was treated with the Salzborn cure.

Terminal stomach cancer

K.E., 53, had appendix surgery in 1914, gallbladder surgery in 1926, and surgery for a jaw cyst (?) in March 1932. In December 1932 she underwent the resection of a stomach tumor (which according to the hospital was Ca. ventriculi, terminal stomach cancer. The patient lost fourteen kilograms and when started on the Salzborn cure, hardly tolerated two to three spoonfuls of liquid food.

Last news in 1937: The patient is well again, eats everything and even drinks wine.

Inoperable stomach cancer plus liver cancer

Mrs. B.M. had stomach surgery in December 1934, diagnosis: inoperable stomach cancer. Two brothers of the patient had already died of cancer (they both had surgery). Several months later the patient developed serious jaundice, pain, vomiting, edema, and hard, tubercular growths on her liver. Diagnosis: liver cancer. Followed the Salzborn treatment.

Today age sixty, she works on her farm and eats just about anything.

Cancer of the cervix

After biopsy of her Portio uteri, Mrs. V.T. was diagnosed with pronounced nonkeratinizing squamous-cell carcinoma of the Collum uteri (cervix) by assistant professor P. On 15 October 1935, the patient had surgery. Serious relapse after undergoing surgery and radiation, with the patient receiving over three hundred morphine injections in a few months time, lastly five a day and still unable to find sleep.

Today after the Salzborn cure, the same person is overfed, free of complaints and hard working.

Metastasised uterine and breast cancer

In 1910, Sister A. had radical surgery for uterus cancer, and in 1927 a mastectomy for breast cancer. One year later, in 1928, the Chirurgische Klinik diagnosed her with vertebral metastases. She was in great pain; cachexia, vomiting.

She started the Salzborn cure in 1928. The patient was well and fit to work until nine years later in 1937 when she died at age 85.

Rectal cancer

H.E., 59, had two surgeries for neoplasma recti (rectal neoplasms) between 1926 and 1928, serious hemorraghing, pain, ten kg weight loss. When he had a relapse in 1929, he was advised a third surgery but undertook the Salzborn cure instead. The patient is well to this day, he just has to repeatedly go on diets due to overweight.

Another man with rectal cancer and most serious bleeding, his complexion yellow, lost 30 kg before starting on the Salzborn cure and another 20 kg during the treatment (going from 101 to 50 kg), but his complexion acquired a rosy shade and he felt very good.

Bladder cancer

Mrs. R.J., 65, the relative of a professor of urology, twice had surgery for neoplasms in her bladder. She received four radium treatments and approximately forty treatments involving a "glowing needle" (likely another type of radiotherapy used at that time). Due to constant bleedings, dysuria (painful urination) and great pain, she did the Salzborn cure in 1932. Last news in May of 1935: bladder no longer gives any major trouble, but she had some pain after breaking her arm.

Mr. H.G., 72, had been bleeding heavily from the bladder for several months but refused surgery for neoplasm. He underwent the Salzborn cure in 1928 and was well until several weeks before his death nine years later at age 81 in 1937.

Pancreas cancer

O. A., 62, according to the letter of the clinic in 1935 suffered from pancreas cancer. The patient had severe pain for months, emaciation, sleeplessness, etc.
Patient undertook the Salzborn treatment. Able to work to this day.

Compare the pancreatic cancer healing testimonials in the selected Budwig Diet Testimonies, Anecdotal case history: exclusive Gerson diet therapy leading to full recovery from terminal pancreatic cancer as well as the sensational pancreatic cancer healings reported thanks to the Apán mushroom supplement as well as Fenbendazole treatment.

Suspected stomach cancer

The mother of a Head Physician with suspected stomach cancer, already cachectic, under the Salzborn treatment lost another 7 kg but lived another ten years in good health, could eat anything and died of diabetes at what is considered an advanced age.

* * *

Dr. Salzborn concludes the series of cancer cures (a word he did not use himself) presented in his book by stating that he had more than three hundred similar cases he could list and that it was perhaps no accident that cancer mortality declined in Vienna and its surroundings at that time.

Which cases responded to the Salzborn treatment?

Not including improvements that lasted under a year, Salzborn writes that more than three hundred cases were successfully treated — they were well and able to work for one to 25 years. "Even deducting 20 percent of these three hundred permanently improved cases as false diagnoses, spontaneous remissions etc., there were enough left to prove the efficacy of the Salzborn approach." Most patients healed long-term didn't report back, however, so there were likely more.

A large part of the failures was due to the patient not complying with the strict treatment instructions. The diet was difficult to observe (Salzborn doubted that he himself would be able to stick to it) and the simple act of giving up smoking and drinking wasn't within the strength of every male patient (so there were always mostly women remaining).

Salzborn often observed that dietary errors were followed with near-mathematical certainty by worsening. Upsets and efforts incommensurate with the patient's condition could have the same effect (hence the necessity to continue the treatment until health had been stable for several months).

Salzborn especially warned against interrupting the treatment at the first signs of welbeing and wrote it was preferable to follow it six months too long than one week too short. Generally he advised at least three months of treatment. If the whole body was ill, emaciated, and major organs (stomach, heart, kidneys etc.) were more or less seriously damaged, even several years of treatment could be required. Generally he advised patients to gradually return to a normal way of life if they had been well for a year.

There were however rapid healings as well and in such cases Salzborn "got the impression that eg a clinically diagnosed stomach carcinoma was easier to heal than some gastric ulcers".

But there were also easier cases who patiently complied to a T but who didn't respond. The number of permanent improvements was also reduced by the fact that the improved patients seldom had the luxury to take it easy for sufficiently long after their serious illness and that men were rarely able to resist alcohol and nicotine as soon as they saw the first improvement in their condition.

Apparently easy cases in the best general condition often didn't respond while eg a given-up on patient with a melon-sized tumor relapse after renewed uterus cancer surgery (her relatives were told she had little time left) was in excellent health for two years after doing the Salzborn cure, with her tumor nearly gone. She then submitted to a rough follow-up exam after which she worsened and failed to recover again (see Other important therapeutic considerations).

Advanced cases were actually particularly suited for the treatment since after their long and serious illness, these patients had the patience required for properly following the Salzborn cure. Rapid, striking improvements, particularly at the beginning of the treatment (when patients would comply most diligently!) were observed both by Salzborn and his collaborators Schlüter, Schlegel, and Ulrich.

Most patients showed subjective improvement after eight to fourteen days, in which cases Salzborn urgently advised to continue. Otherwise experience had taught him to leave it up to the patience of the individual as shown in the following case:

A woman with stomach cancer diagnosed by a professor and several doctors, with nine cases of carcinoma in her family, showed no improvement in two months; Salzborn repeatedly advised the patient to interrupt the treatment. Today 8 years later the patient has regained the 30 kg she had lost and eats the heaviest dishes. Salzborn adds that he has other cases like hers.

After an improvement of several years' standing, some patients relapsed so seriously that both Salzborn and his collaborators gave up on them. With renewed strict dieting and modified medication combinations however they were able to obtain a new period of wellbeing.

Another important part of the equation was the physician overseeing the cure since the percentage of long-term permanent improvements mostly depended on the skill and experience of the physician. Salzborn felt that they should specialise in cancer treatment since cancer has a thousand faces and specialised experience is more required in this than in other areas of medicine.

Salzborn warned that only the strict application of his original instructions led to success and that doctors who mixed in other ingredients did not reap proper results. He commented that "much of what other doctors report about my method does not correspond to the facts of the Salzborn principles".

In Salzborn's own surgery, most doctors had the impression that 90 percent of patients were improved.

Other observed effects of the Salzborn treatment

Several patients remarked that they felt rejuvenated and experienced enhanced potency. Two showed deepening of their hair color.

After the cure, patients often tolerated dishes they had been unable to eat for many years.

Frequently, healed patients reached ages such as 96 or 80s.

Finally, other diseases refractory to the usual treatments, eg stomach ulcers, rheumatic diseases of long standing, neuralgias, eczema, even mental disorders also responded well. In two nephritis cases the serum proteins (proteinuria) vanished from the patients' urine.

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