Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's German New Medicine

Interview with Dr. Hamer

Part 1

excerpted from www.neue-medizin.com/interv2a.htm

Interviewer: Dr. Hamer, how did you become involved in the treatment of cancer and make your general observations regarding the link between psyche and illness?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: I was not involved with the subject of cancer until 1978. I was a specialist in internal medicine, had worked for 15 years at university clinics, and for five years taught students as an assistant professor. I was a regular internist and also worked in private practice for some years until 1978.

Then something terrible occurred. An Italian prince went crazy and shot, without any reason, my son Dirk who was sleeping in a boat. That was a shock that was completely unexpected and which caught me totally off guard. It was a shock against which I was totally powerless and defenseless.

Normal conflicts and happenings do not catch us "off guard" in this manner since we always have a little time to prepare ourselves. These are the normal problems and conflicts we all face from time to time. Those conflicts that we have for which we cannot be prepared, that strike us without warning, which are totally unanticipated and which send us into utter shock, we call biological conflicts.

And so in 1978 I fell ill because of a biological conflict, a "loss conflict", with testicular cancer. And I suspected at that time, because I had never been seriously ill before, that this testicular cancer had something to do with the death of my son.

Three years later, as head of the Internal Medicine department of a gynecological cancer clinic at Munich University, I had the opportunity to do research on my patients, to find out whether the mechanism could be seen in them as in my own case - that is, whether these cancer patients had had conflict-shock experiences like mine, which had led to their cancers.

And I found that indeed, in every case without exception, such a shock-experience had taken place, and from that moment onwards, the patients had had cold hands, lost weight, had difficulty sleeping, and one could deduce that the cancer they suffered from must have begun at the time of the shock.

In those days, these observations were so totally against all the conceptions of conventional medicine, that as I reported these findings to my colleagues, I was immediately ordered to either leave the clinic or to renounce this idea, to abjure.

Interviewer: That sounds like something out of the Dark Ages. How did you react?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: Of course as a Friesian (from Friesland, Germany), I couldn’t simply renounce what I believed to be true especially without any counterargument. So I left.

As a result of being thrown out like that, I suffered another biological conflict, more precisely, a "breach of self-esteem". I can recall it quite well, because I found it a monstrosity being expelled from the clinic for presenting well-substantiated, incontestable new scientific findings. I had never before thought that such a thing was possible. It was also rather dramatic at the end, because on the last day I was doing research on my two hundredth patient, and it was right around then that I recognized the Iron Law of Cancer.

The Iron Law of Cancer (ILC)

Interviewer: Could you explain to us in simple terms what the essential criteria of the Iron Law of Cancer are?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: The Iron Law of Cancer is a biological natural law, an inherent regularity of nature. It has three criteria. The first criterion states:

Every cancer or cancer-equivalent disease originates from a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, or DHS. A DHS is a most severe, highly acute-traumatic and isolative conflict shock-experience. It occurs simultaneously on three levels:

  • -> in the psyche
  • -> in the brain
  • -> and in the organs

I call it the DHS, the Dirk Hamer Syndrome, because I myself got testicular cancer after the death of my son Dirk, through just such a shock experience.

This DHS concept has since then become the fulcrum and central point of the entire New Medicine. We must try scrupulously, for every cause of disease, to ascertain the DHS and everything connected with it. We must try to specify what the situation was like when it occured.

Only from understanding the situation at that time can we determine why someone experienced a problem as a biological conflict — why it was so traumatic, why the shock was experienced as isolative (no one able or available to discuss it with), and why the problem was conflictive (that is, that the person in question was either unable to make a choice between two options, or else simply had no possibility to address the problem).

A good doctor must be able to determine and characterize the situation at the time of the DHS. Only through such means can he/she ascertain the difference between a problem, of which we have hundreds, and a biological conflict.

Interviewer: What is the second criterion of the Iron Law of Cancer?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: The second criterion states: the content of the conflict determines, at the moment of the DHS, the location of the "Hamer Herd" (= "focus") in the brain, as well as the location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the body’s organs.

There is no such thing as a conflict without content — every conflict must be about something. The content is fixed at the moment that the DHS occurs. The content of the conflict arises associatively. It is set up through involuntary thoughts, and goes right past the filter of our intellectual understanding.

So for example take a typical water- or liquid-conflict. A driver of an oil tank suffers a leak in his oil tank and the oil drains out. Or a dairy trucker’s entire milk tank accidentally runs out. This will be associated with liquid or fluid, and so makes a biological conflict pattern in the mind, associated with the concept of fluid, for short called a water-conflict — and with it comes a particular type of renal (kidney) cancer, assuming this disaster is perceived as a biological conflict.

Interviewer: So, for every type of conflict, there is a specific type of cancer, and a specific place in the brain steering it?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: Yes, there is a very specific relay in the brain. In the same moment as the DHS, a very specific place in the brain undergoes something that I first called a "short-circuit" but meanwhile recognized as the beginning of a special program of the organism. In the case of our kidney cancer caused by a special "water or liquid-DHS" the special program begins at this very moment at a predetermined place in the brain causing something in the kidney.

This special area in the brain can be photographed with a computer tomogram (a type of brain X-ray). The area affected looks like the concentric circles of a target, or as if you had let a stone fall into a pool of water. (This phenomenon was earlier often thought by many radiologists to be an artefact of the tomography equipment.) Such an altered relay in the brain is called a Hamer Herd (HH). The expression comes from my opponents, who dubbed these altered areas "the strange Hamer Herds".

Interviewer: And what does the third criterion of the Iron Law of Cancer say?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: The third criterion says: as the conflict runs its course in the psyche, so will the Hamer Herd in the brain, and so will the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organs. To put it in a nutshell — it means that this biological conflict strikes on three levels: in the psyche, in the brain, and in the organs, virtually simultaneously.

It is conclusively demonstrable that in all cases the conflict or disease run simultaneously on all three levels. And once the conflict is solved, we also see the recuperative changes taking place on all three levels simultaneously. The three levels run in parallel.

The ensuing process of healing is also synchronized on all three levels. We are dealing here with a so-called "overdetermined system" in the strictly scientific sense, wherein if one knows the condition of a single level, one can infer the condition of both the other levels. We are basically taking an organism and thinking of it as consisting of three levels, even though it is actually a unit.

Here’s a little story. After I gave a lecture in Vienna in May 1991, a doctor brought to me a computer tomogram (CT) of a patient’s brain. He asked me on behalf of the other 20 colleagues in attendance, among whom were many radiologists and computer tomography specialists, to say what conditions the patient had in his body and the conflicts corresponding to those.

So only one level was presented to me, namely, the brain level, and from this I was supposed to derive facts about at three levels. I diagnosed from the CT a freshly bleeding bladder carcinoma in the healing phase; an old prostate carcinoma, a diabetic condition, an old bronchial carcinoma, and a sensory paralysis of a certain area in the body — and for each of these the corresponding conflicts that the patient must have experienced.

At this point the doctor stood up before all his colleagues and said, "Dr. Hamer, congratulations! Five specific claims — five successes. The patient had exactly what you say. And you can even differentiate what he now has from what he had earlier. Fantastic!"

One of the radiologists said, "As of today I am convinced of this New Medicine. Because how in the world were you able to detect a freshly bleeding bladder carcinoma! I myself had examined this CT and concluded nothing. But now that you have shown us the relevant relays, I can understand your procedure."

Biological Conflicts

Interviewer: How can people find out if they have had such a biological conflict, a shock that gives rise to cancer? How can one tell?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: There are very specific signs which enable biological shocks to be clearly distinguished from the normal conflicts and problems that we all have every day. From the moment of the DHS on, the patient has a prolonged sympatheticotonic effect, an extended period of stress. That is, he/she has quite cold hands and feet, has reduced appetite, loses weight, he/she cannot sleep well at night, dwells day and night on his/her conflict, and this state of affairs comes to an end only when the patient has solved this conflict.

And so, quite differently from normal conflicts and problems, we see with these biological conflicts that the patient is undergoing an extended period of stress that causes very specific symptoms. Thus we can observe not only the growth of the cancer, and the existence of a Hamer Herd (HH) in the brain (which, by the way, appears in the brain from the very first moment of the conflict), but also the patient has very definite outward symptoms that one cannot fail to notice.

Interviewer: What happens when such a biological conflict is solved?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: In that case we again see very clear indications on the psyche level, on the brain level, and on the organ level. On the psyche level, we see that patient suddenly no longer thinks day and night about the conflict — and he/she gets warm hands, his/her appetite returns, he/she sleeps well, he/she gains back the weight that was lost during the conflict active sympatheticotonic phase. He/she becomes quite weak and tired, and can sometimes do little more than just stay in bed.

This is nevertheless not "the beginning of the end", but rather a very positive sign. This healing phase is of variable duration; it will last roughly as long as the patient’s conflict lasted. At the high point of the healing phase or post-conflictolytic (p-cl.) phase, in which the body has taken on a lot of water (edema, serous fluid), we see the epileptic or epileptoid crisis, which, although with varying symptoms, every disease evinces.

From this crisis on, the body quite simply pushes out the edema, and returns slowly back toward normality. At the same time the patient will notice that his/her strength is gradually returning.

And on the brain level, once again in parallel with the other two levels, we see during the healing phase that the Hamer Herd which in the conflict active phase had a target-ring-like appearance, now collects edema, and the rings on the computer tomogram become hazy, indistinct and dark, and the entire relay in the brain swells significantly.

The epileptic or epileptoid crisis, which is triggered by the brain, also marks the high point of the edema. It is the point of change over, back to normality. During the second half of the healing phase there appears in the brain harmless brain connective tissues, called glia, for the purpose of repairing the Hamer Herd.

These quite harmless connective tissues, which we can color white on the CT scan with an iodine contrast substance, had often been misinterpreted as brain tumors, and due to that complete misunderstanding, were surgically removed. The brain cells themselves cannot, after birth, multiply. So in that sense there is no such thing as a brain tumor.

On the organ level in the healing phase, we now see something that counts for more than all these other phenomena — the cancer does not grow further. That is, with the conflict solution (conflictolysis), the biological conflict ceases and the cancer’s growth is stopped. This is a very important finding which at the same time programs the therapy ahead.

On the organ level we also see quite specific processes of repair, which we will later discuss in more detail. And the epileptic crisis also appears in the organs, together with the corresponding happenings on both of the other levels (psyche, brain).

The Epileptic Crisis

Interviewer: Could you describe exactly what an epileptic crisis is?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: The epileptic crisis is a process that Mother Nature has been providing for millions of years. It runs simultaneously on all three levels. The purpose of this crisis, which comes about at the highest point of the healing phase, is to bring us back to normality. That which we normally call an epileptic fit with muscle spasms, is only a special form of the epileptic crisis, namely, the one that follows the solving of a motoric conflict.

Epilepsy-analogous or "epileptoid" crises are to be found in every case of disease, with varying symptoms. Mother Nature created quite a trick for this meaningful occurrence. The patient, right in the middle of the healing phase, suffers a physiological conflict relapse; that is, every patient encounters his/her conflict again, for a short time, right in front of his/her eyes.

As a result, he/she is briefly pushed back into the stress phase, gets cold hands, gets centralized with cold sweat, and experiences all the symptoms of the conflict activity once again. The purpose of all this is that the brain edema now gets pressed out and pushed out, and the patient is brought back to normality.

After the brief epileptic crisis the patient becomes warm again. After that he/she experiences the first urinary ("pee-pee") phase. From the epileptic crisis on, the patient is directly on the road to normalization. That means, when the patient has gotten through this crisis, normally nothing disturbing happens further.

At the end of the healing phase we have the second big urinary phase, where the body then completely expels the remaining edema. The most dangerous point lies just after the epileptic or epileptoid crisis where it shows, whether or not the epileptic or epileptoid crisis was enough to turn the disease around.

The best-known epileptoid crisis is the heart attack. Other epileptoid crises are the pulmonary embolism, the hepatitis crisis, or the crisis in pneumonia. We assist the patient´s body in making the necessary changes in severe cases, if the conflict active phase has lasted a long time, with an injection of cortisone. In very severe cases the cortisone injection can also be administered earlier.


Interviewer: Perhaps you could give us some typical examples of conflicts, and also explain why you call them biological conflicts.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: We call them biological conflicts because they have to do with biological evolution, the development of species, and are to be found both in humans and animals, occurring analogously for both. They have nothing to do with the conflicts and problems that we so often have, which we call intellectual or psychological conflicts. These biological conflicts have a fundamentally different quality.

They are by nature quasi preplanned trouble-events of the programmed archaic behavior patterns in our brains. One thinks that one thinks, but in reality the biological conflict has already associatively hit a fraction of a second before there is even a chance to think.

For example: if a wolf robs a mother sheep (ewe) of her baby lamb, then the mother undergoes a mother-child conflict, just like a human mother would. The sheep-mother will get a teat cancer on the same side of her body as the human mother would suffer her breast cancer, depending on whether she is right- or left-handed (or right- or left-handed).

The HH for the mother-child "nest-territory" conflict will be in the same place in the mother’s brain as the relay for the mother-child "relationship". The HH for the child-mother conflict, especially the suck-behavior conflict, will also be in the same place in the infant’s brain as the relay for the child-mother "relationship".

All of our biological conflicts can be organized according to the evolution (ontogenesis, phylogenesis).
[ontogenesis = development of the embryo, partly repeating the evolution of the species;
phylogenesis = evolution of the species. The development of new species out of older ones]
This is why we not only have organs and brain relays which belong together, but, even conflicts which are connected and related thought evolution. All psychically related conflict programs (special programs) in our brains lie adjacent to one another, and they correspond to phylogenically related organs, and they have the same histological cell formation. We see a wonderful order in nature when we learn to understand the behavior of our organism from the point of view of the evolution of species.

Interviewer: Could you give more examples from everyday life?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: Yes, let us say that a mother holds a child by the hand, and is standing on the sidewalk, chatting with a neighbor. The child tears itself loose, runs into the street, the brakes of a car can be heard screeching, and the child is struck. The mother had never anticipated any such thing, of course, and is now suddenly caught completely off guard. She is scared stiff.

The child is brought to the hospital, and lies all day long in danger of dying. The mother has icy cold hands, can't sleep, can't eat, is in a prolonged stress condition, and from that moment on in her left breast, if she is right-handed, a node has begun to grow. She suffers a typical mother-child conflict, with a target-ring-like configuration in a specific relay area on the right side of the cerebellum.

Now let us say that the mother is later permitted to bring her child back home from the hospital, and the doctors say to her: "Well, it all worked out fine, the child is back to normal". From that moment on the conflict-solution (p-cl.) phase begins. With the conflict solved, she again has warm hands, can sleep well again, gains weight back, and has a good appetite. That is a typical course of a conflict, and it is practically the same for animals as for humans.

Or take another example. A woman discovers her husband in bed with her best friend. She suffers a sexual frustration conflict. In biological terms, this is a conflict of "not-going-to-mate-with", bringing about a cervical cancer (assuming she is right-handed).

The very same situation need not produce the same conflict in everyone. For instance, if the woman did not care much for her husband, and had for some time been considering divorce, then she may well experience this shocking scene not as a sexual conflict, but rather as a human conflict of mangled family solidarity. This conflict would be a partner conflict, and would bring about a breast cancer in the right breast, assuming she is right-handed.

Seen from the psyche-level perspective, the same occurrence as perceived through different psyche-level constellations is only the same occurrence in appearance; in reality it can be entirely different. The determining factor is not just what happened, but rather how the patient perceived it in the moment of the DHS. This same set of circumstances could also have produced a disgust conflict with hypoglycemia (abnormally low blood sugar), if the woman had discovered her husband with a prostitute or some other offensive situation.

There are several things one must find out, in order to discern, what the patient was thinking at the moment of the DHS. Because in these seconds, the track or trail is laid in the brain, along which the disease will subsequently travel. This "track" is an extremely meaningful image, because any later setbacks or relapses will all, run again, as if spellbound, according to that same track. We can even talk here about a conflict allergy.

The Second Biological Natural Law of the New Medicine

Interviewer: Dr. Hamer, can one treat a patient with the Iron Law of Cancer already?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: In principle yes, but the Iron Law of Cancer is only the first biological natural law of the New Medicine. There are in total five biological natural laws, which I have discovered empirically. That is, I base my views on the study of some 15.000 assembled and documented cases. If one really wants to work with certainty, one must treat every case in accordance with all five of these biological laws.

The second biological natural law of the New Medicine is the two-phase pattern of all diseases.

Interviewer: All diseases, not just cancer?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: Yes, all diseases in medicine run in a two-phase manner. Earlier, we in the medical profession had, in our ignorance of this law, observed some 1,000 types of diseases. Half of these were "cold" diseases, in which the patient’s blood vessels of the skin were contracted, he/she was pale, lost weight, and so on. The other 500 were "hot" diseases, with fever, dilated vessels, accompanied by good appetite but great tiredness. All these alleged diseases counted as their own, independent diseases — now we know that that was not right. They were really only half-diseases, and logically we know now that we have been observing only roughly 500 diseases that were two-phased.

The first phase is always the cold one, conflict active, sympatheticotonia, the stress phase; and the second phase, assuming a solution to the particular conflict is found, is always a hot, conflict solved vagotonia, a healing phase.

In the brain the HH of both of these phases lie in the same place — one can say it is the very same HH. In the conflict active phase it is like a sharp target-ring, and in the healing phase these rings take on fluid and melt away in edema.

Take for example an old stag who has been thrown out of his territory by a young stag. He is in a prolonged stress condition. He suffers a biological conflict, namely a territorial conflict with a HH in the right side of the brain, in a particular area over the right ear. The stag rages now and thinks only of recapturing his territory. He doesn’t eat. He doesn’t sleep. He loses weight readily, because he is in a prolonged stress condition. He has sharp heart pains (angina pectoris), organically speaking, he has ulcera, little ulcers in the coronal arteries.

And he "goes into overdrive" thereby he has the chance to succeed, defeat his rival, expel him from the area and seize back his territory. From that moment on he enters a prolonged vagotonic condition. He once again feeds well, a great tiredness comes over him, he gains weight back, and he has warm extremities. In the middle of the healing phase he suffers a heart attack as the epileptoid crisis. If he survives that he has completed the recapture of all that he had lost.

That is the way of the animal kingdom, just as it is among humans. With humans the territory would perhaps be a farm site, one’s own business, one’s family or one’s job security — we humans have many more kinds of territories. Even a car can be a territory.

Among humans heart attacks are noticed only when the conflict has lasted at least three to four months, and the attack is normally fatal if the conflict has lasted more than a year and one fails to notice the onset of the vagotonic healing phase. The brain CT scan is very quick to demonstrate this.

People may wonder why regular medicine did not discover the two-phase pattern of diseases long ago since this two-phased process is really so obvious and rule-governed. The answer is as easy as it has been difficult before. It was tricky, because only a certain percentage of conflicts winds up getting solved. If the conflict is not solved, the disease remains one-phased, that is, the individual remains in the conflict-active phase, wastes away, and dies in the end of enervation and cachexia.

The law of the two-phase pattern of all diseases in fact only applies in cases where the individual attains a solution of the conflict. Nevertheless this law accounts in full for every disease, every conflict, since in principle every conflict can in some way be solved.

The Third Biological Natural Law of the New Medicine

Interviewer: What is the third law that you have discovered as part of the New Medicine?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: It is the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases.

Interviewer: What does the concept "ontogenetic" mean?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: The concept ontogenetic means here that all diseases in medicine are derived in important ways from the evolutionary species development of mankind.

Interviewer: How did you discover this principle?

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: I examined a very large number of cases; some 10,000, in fact, up to the time when I discovered the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases. And I worked as an honest natural scientist should work — purely empirically. I documented the facts of every case, assembled the computer tomograms of the brain and the histological medical evidence, and then always laid them all out together and compared them. And there I saw the breathtaking result that had up to then been considered impossible: there was a system.

There were many patients with whom a solid tumor, a cell increase, grew during the conflict active phase. And there were others, that grew something in the healing phase, the vagotonic phase, subsequent to conflict solution. And such processes could hardly be one and the same. There must be two types of cell increases.

There is one kind of cell increase in the conflict active, sympatheticotonic phase. The other type of cell increase occurs in the healing phase, namely, among those diseases that in the conflict active phase had had cell decrease, shrinkage or atrophy (often called holes, necroses or ulcers).

Again and again I compared these various items and formed by cell augmentation in the conflict active phase always had their relays in the brain close by one another. They were moreover always in either the brainstem or the cerebellum, the oldest portions of our brain in terms of evolution. These two brain parts together are called the "old brain". So, all cancers which in the conflict active phase make a cell increase, have their relays, the place from which they get directed, in the "old brain".

And all so-called tumors, that are basically just an excessive healing process, that make their cell increase in the healing phase, had been in the conflict active phase, holes, ulcers or necroses.

Their relays in the brain lie always in the cerebrum. This regular, law-governed interrelationship was discovered in 1987 and is the basis of the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases. After the Iron Law of Cancer and the law of the two-phase pattern of every disease, the very first systematic classification of the whole medicine was laid out.

The concept "ontogenetic" here means that neither the localization of the Hamer Herd in the brain, nor the type of tumor or necrosis (which means its histological formation) happens just by chance, but rather that it is all very logically derived from the evolution of men. Through ontogeny — it is a pre-determined pattern.

You’ve heard it said that ontogeny is a recapitulation of phylogeny. That means that during a human organism’s time as an embryo and an infant, the development of various species all the way up to mankind is repeated.

We now recognize three different layers in the development of the embryo. These developmental layers (blastodermic layers) start building up from the very beginning of the embryo’s existence, and from them derive all the body’s organs. These are called the inner layer or endoderm, the middle layer or mesoderm, and the outer layer or ectoderm.

Every cell, and likewise every organ in the body, can be categorized as coming from one of the three blastodermic layers. The cells, and likewise the organs, that develop from the inner blastodermic layer have their relays, their "control tower", in the brainstem, the oldest portion of the brain. The organs belonging to this inner layer experience, in the case of cancer, a cell increase with solid tumors of the adeno-cell type.

All cells, and likewise organs, that have developed from the outer blastodermic layer, have their directing relays in the cerebral cortex, the youngest part of the brain. These all experience in cases of cancer or cancer-equivalent diseases, a cell decrease, whether it takes the form of ulcers or necroses or a loss of function on the organ level, for example diabetes or a paralysis.

With the middle blastodermic layer we distinguish both an older and a younger group. The cells, and likewise organs, that belong to the older group of the middle blastodermic layer, have their relay in the cerebellum. That is, they still belong to the old brain and therefore in the case of cancer will make solid tumors of the adeno-cell type in the conflict active phase.

The cells or organs that belong to the younger group of the middle blastodermic layer, have their steering place in the medulla (interior) of the cerebrum and in the case of cancer will exhibit in the conflict active phase necroses or gaps, a cell decrease. Examples are the gaps in the bone called bone osteolyses, the necroses in the spleen, in the kidneys or ovaries.

So you can see that cancer is no senseless storm of wild, random cells, but rather a very orderly, understandable, and even predictable process that holds fast to the ontogenetic facts.

Interviewer: So growths need not be at all like one another. Cell growth, it seems, means different things in different phases. Perhaps you can further clarify the whole picture by explaining this, with regard, to specific diseases.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer: This is really the basic reason why, until now, it had never been possible to bring the entire process of cancers into a system — because there was no system. Conventional medicine has produced nothing more than long lists of unrelated phenomena that really have nothing systematic to do with one another. There was no law-governed linkage among them. They simply said cancer is when cells grow excessively.

But as we can now see, cells in quite different places exhibit excessive growth. In the conflict active phase cells can grow, and in the conflict healing phase cells can also grow.

Consider these two examples. One — if a patient has an "inability to digest" conflict, he has already swallowed a lump of morsel of something but cannot digest it. It need not be, an actual lump of something with humans the way it is with animals.

Let us say that the patient has just bought a house and suddenly he learns that his bill of purchase has been declared invalid. The whole transaction is botched, and he loses the house to some other buyer. Then he could get a stomach carcinoma, a cell increase in the stomach that we call an adeno-carcinoma, a cauliflower-like cancerous growth. He suffers this carcinoma in the conflict active phase (and the HH belonging to it lies in the old brain, on the right side of the brainstem, in the area called the "pons").

Case Two — a patient suffered a water-conflict, a conflict with fluid, with water or some other liquid. Example, while swimming in the sea a young man’s strength fails him and he nearly drowns, and he is rescued at the last moment and revived.

From then on, he dreams for months about drowning and doesn’t want ever to go near water again. Thereby he suffers a kidney parenchyma necrosis cancer and develops cell decrease and dwindling in the renal tissue until all of the kidney’s tissue "melts away" and the kidney is practically without function.

At least the conflict was solved years later because, the patient’s young daughter wanted badly to splash around at the seashore, and the patient relented and for the first time returned to the sea to spend a vacation. Now, a large cyst grew in the kidney, a cell increase during the healing phase. And the original purpose of this cyst was to support durability, with a kind of connective tissue which is meant to become kidney tissue to enable later on the normal elimination of urine.

We must now look at the question. What exactly was the purpose of tumors originally (or perhaps still today)? These cancers or tumors were not senseless, but were something purposeful. Every mechanism, every process, has its purpose.

For example, if a lump was already in the stomach, already swallowed, but impossible to digest, because it was too large, then the organism would make a big so-called tumor. This tumor is however not something random; those are digestion cells, intestinal cells, that produce a great deal of digestive fluid. They try to make the lump more digestible, so that the lump can then be broken up and digested safely. That is how the system operates in the animal kingdom, and how in principle it operates also in humans.

In the second example, this kidney cyst originally had the purpose to build a big new piece of kidney, which really is able to excrete urine.

That is the sense of these various cell growth tumors, among which we were earlier unable to distinguish. in the New Medicine we can distinguish these cell growths in the brain. We can distinguish them in their historical formation, and we can distinguish them according to the corresponding conflicts as well. And all these interrelationships are part of an ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases. All diseases that we in medicine know of run in accord with these five biological natural laws and can be examined and reproduced with an understanding of these laws.

In the psyche and in the brain all symptoms are, in the same phase, also the same. Only on the organ level do they differentiate themselves from one another so much. There, the old brain directed organs show cell increase in the conflict active phase, while the cerebrum directed organs show cell decrease, cell dwindling (gaps, necroses or ulcers) in the very same conflict active phase.

In the healing phase it is completely reversed. Here the old brain directed organs break down their tumors with the help of special microbes. While likewise in the healing phase the cerebrum directed organs have their holes and ulcers filled back in by swelling through the help of certain viruses and bacteria.

So, our microbes are our helpful, loyal workers. The imagination of an immunologic system as an army, which fights against the "bad" microbes is simply wrong.

continue to The Fourth Biological Natural Law of the New Medicine

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