
Pancreatic cancer homeopathic treatment ('Banerji Protocols')

Sensational homeopathy case study — long-term cancer remission

Copyright © 2022 Healing Cancer Naturally

[Beginning of book excerpt — for background click here.]

Pancreatic cancer

"Of all cancers, cancer of the pancreas is one of the most dangerous, and percentages of cure are low. At our research foundation, we treat these cases with success in some cases, and give relief and prolong the lives of patients in many cases. The cases treated successfully include those of patients living normal lives for more than fifteen years without any medicines.


Carduus Marianus mother tincture and Conium Maculatum 3C, one dose every 3 hours alternately.
Chelidonium Majus 6X, in liquid: give two doses daily, 15 to 20 minutes before taking any food.


After the treatment with first-line medicines, if necessary, give Hydrastis Canadensis mother tincture and Chelidonium Majus 6X, in liquid: one dose every 3 hours alternately, but not during sleep at night; other symptomatic medicines, if necessary, may be given in case of acute trouble.

Pancreatic Cancer: Case Study

PK, a 47-year-old male, came to us for treatment on 13th December, 2010, presenting with pain in his upper abdomen, as well as back pain in the lower dorsal region, acidity, sour belching and gas in the abdomen.

The ultrasound of his lower abdomen done on 5th December, 2010 showed "...Pancreas is enlarged in size. A poorly defined heterogeneous space-occupying lesion (75 x 58 x 57 mm) is arising from the head of the pancreas. Few focal calcifications are seen in head. Body and tail of pancreas are unremarkable...".

A biopsy of the head of the pancreas and the liver nodule dated 10th December, 2010 showed '...poorly differentiated infiltrating adenocarcinoma head of pancreas with metastasis in liver...'.

After undergoing our treatment, all his clinical symptoms disappeared within a month. A follow up ultrasound of his lower abdomen done on 29th March, 2011 showed '...Irregular outline with heterogeneous echo pattern of the pancreas. Main pancreatic duct is dilated (9.1mm) with calculi inside...'.

The patient is continuing to take our medicines and living a normal life.." [End of excerpt]

The above is an extract from


The Banerji Protocols — A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines

by Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji (Amazon affiliate link — commissions earned, see further below). This book contains a whole chapter on cancer and protocols for more than 175 diseases ranging from the less serious to the life-threatening.

Even if you don't have cancer, I urge you to get this book as well as the follow-up "Additional Banerji Protocols from the Clinic" by Nimisha Parekh. The second book is based on her practical experience at the Banerji Clinic in Kolkata over the years and lists homeopathic remedies for many additional complaints not listed in the original Banerji protocols book.

In my experience, homeopathy is one of the most potent and effective while inexpensive treatment modalities available to mankind.

And did you know? You can easily support this humanitarian site at no extra cost to you by doing your Amazon shopping through its affiliate links which will send a 1-4% commission on your purchase my way. You can also use the above link leading to the Banerji Protocols book.

... and for ALL the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

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