
Isopathy & homeopathy

Helping your body heal thanks to isopathic (self)-treatment

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What is the difference between homeopathy and isopathy?

Homeopathy is based on the principle of "therapeutic similitude" (law of similia). Considered a law of nature, this principle asserts that any substance which causes specific symptoms in a healthy person is able to cure a sick person presenting the same symptoms provided the substance has been properly diluted and "potentised" by succussion. This is best illustrated by an example:

Arsenic poisoning inter alia causes vomiting, abdominal pain, watery diarrhea and thirst. A person suffering from gastroenteritis presenting the same symptoms will be successfully treated with diluted and potentised arsenic (Arsenicum album).

Isopathy (from Ancient Greek ísos = equal) is an offshoot of homeopathy. It also uses highly diluted and potentised substances but these are based on small amounts of toxic and other agents directly produced by the patient (including saliva, blood, pus, urine, smears, etc.) or responsible for his illness (bacteria, other disease-causing microbes etc.).

In other words, isopathy heals by giving the patient the same substance which has made him ill but in a highly diluted and potentised form.

Scientific validation of homeopathy and isopathy

While frequently described as unscientific and having no effect beyond mere placebo, both homeopathy and isopathy have recently been gloriously vindicated by a major study, the first systematic review of meta-analyses of randomised placebo-controlled homeopathy trials.

Origins of isopathy

While homeopathy dates back to the end of the 18th century when German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) published his first article on the homeopathic approach in a medical journal, the first applications of isopathy are owed to German university lecturer and veterinarian Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux (1776–1849). In 1833, Lux successfully tested the principle on horses with glanders and on sheep with anthrax and published his results.[1]

To this day, bacterial or parasitic infections in man and animal as well as poisoning due to various agents can be treated in this manner.

Hetero-isopathy versus auto-isopathy

As alluded to above, there are two types of isopathic preparations: hetero-isopathic remedies (from ancient Greek heteros = "other, another, different") and auto-isopathic ones (from ancient Greek auto = "self").

In hetero-isopathy the homeopathic dilution is made from a substance foreign to the body which causes the illness. Homeopaths will use it for instance to counteract the negative effects of chemicals, medications, pollen and other substances leading to allergies. It is also successfully used with patients who have opted for chemotherapy to mitigate its noxious side effects.[2]

There are a number of ready-made preparations such as Staphylococcinum (against infections due to Staphylococcus epidermidis), Streptococcinum (against infections with Streptococcus pyogenes), Colibacillinum (e.g. for treating bladder infections due to Escherichia coli), etc.

In auto-isopathy the homeopathic remedy is made from a substance the patient himself produces and which carries pathogens, such as infected urine, pus, smears taken from the throat, blood and other secretions.

How to make your own isopathic remedy

The great beauty of isopathy is that you can actually make your own remedies. There are a number of ways to produce a homeopathic dilution/succussion. The simplest one is the "Korsakovian" method which only requires a single container for a series of dilutions (rather than a new container for each round).

Start by gathering the substance that carries the disease-causing pathogen (secretions such as urine, pus from abcesses, saliva, fluid/smears from your nose, throat etc.) A small amount (a few milliliters) is amply enough.

Dilute your sample in a bottle holding 125 milliliters of water. Vigorously shake (succuss) 100 times. Empty the bottle completely, refill with water and succuss again 100 times (you have just made a first dilution of 1K).

Empty the bottle again (some water will always remain clinging to the inside walls), fill and shake as before to obtain a dilution of 2K. Restart the operation and repeat until you have the Korsakovian dilution you wish to obtain (at each round the dilution increases by 1 K).

Simple infections can be treated with a 7K dilution but for certain indications it may be necessary to potentise up to 200K.

You can read about the sensational results obtained with isopathic solutions in cancer pain patients using the fourth and sixth dilution (with the fourth dilution being used for more acute, the sixth for chronic cancer patients).

-> For additional step-by-step instructions, also read Making isopathic remedies (nosodes) yourself.


1 "Die Isopathik der Contagionen oder alle ansteckenden Krankheiten tragen in ihrem eigenen Ansteckungsstoffe das Mittel zu ihrer Heilung. Den Coriphäen der Homöopathik zur strengen Prüfung vorgelegt." (Leipzig: Kollmann, 1833)

2 See Using hetero-isopathics in cancer supportive care: the fruit of fifteen years of experience and Homeopathic remedies for symptomatic relief of side effects of conventional cancer care treatments: chemotherapy.


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