
Light: Medicine of The Future

A book by Jacob Liberman reviewed by Healing Cancer Naturally

Copyright © 2004

"Light: Medicine of The Future" is an eye-opener as to the importance and curative/health-maintaining value of natural full-spectrum light. Skin and other cancers may be due to other factors than those strongly promoted by the mainstream (or to a combination of factors) such as long-term exposure to neon and other artificial lighting, the use of chemical-laden sun lotions, various deficiencies incl. long-term underhydration, omega-3 fatty acids etc.

This and much more (including the early detection and healing of cancer) is discussed in this truly ground-breaking work on light and health.

Covering a wealth of topics, the author, an ophthalmologist, makes it abundantly clear that UV sunlight is a great healing and preventative factor, while artificial light is a major disease-inducing influence.

Liberman calls light an essential nutrient and quotes many examples and studies to explain why this is so.

He introduces the term malillumination to describe the state that most people in the Western world have been living in since the predominantly rural way of life was abandoned in favour of life in the cities.

He discusses a wide range of therapeutic uses of light and color including emotional healing and catharsis triggered by colour and light (for instance, if you dislike a certain colour, this colour is quite likely the very colour that will (when therapeutically "applied") trigger and help you heal buried trauma).

He talks about treating cancer, AIDS and other illnesses using light and color and a light therapy called Syntonics that was developed by one Dr. Harry Riley Spitler who himself built on the light/color frequency research of another researcher, Dinsha, which he further expanded. (Royal Rife’s revolutionary healing work is also discussed).

Other topics include: the true statistics of skin melanomas and the sun versus working indoors all day; vast improvement of the eyesight of individuals using nothing but coloured filtered glasses and a light source; depression and light therapy; dyslexia and poor quality fluorescent light sources; dramatic improvement in behaviour and learning potential in children with learning disabilities after changing their environment to quality full spectrum lighting sources; the development of tumors in cancer-prone mice (exposed to pink fluorescent lighting in 42 weeks, under cool white light in 47 weeks and under full spectrum light in 51 weeks).

On Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

In Jacob Liberman's book "Light: Medicine of The Future", the most impressive part re cancer (in a nutshell) is the following:

There are light-activated chemicals called porphyrins ("a ubiquitous class of naturally occurring compounds with many important biological representatives") which accumulate in cancer cells. Porphyrins injected into the body make (under certain conditions) tumors fluoresce.

T. J. Dougherty developed what he calls Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). PTD allows to both detect (highlight) cancerous cells as well as “explode" them subsequently by subjecting the injected photosensitive chemicals to irradiation with red laser light (640 nanometers), transported to the tumor locus via fibre-optic cables.

The UV light activates these chemicals which then proceed to selectively destroy the cancerous cells! PDT is painless and more successful than any conventional method in the treatment of localized tumors.

As long as the light is able to penetrate to the tumor site, the therapy is next to infallible. Many cancer patients have been treated very successfully using this method. In 70 to 80 percent of the cases, one treatment suffices for positive results to be noted. See T. J. Dougherty: "Photosensitization of Malignant Tumors" in S G Economou: "Adjuncts to Cancer Therapy", Philadelphia 1991. Someone developed PDT further into what he called Cytoluminescent Therapy (CLT).

(The following contains some re-translated excerpts from Dr. Liberman’s book)

Cells and UV:

“Heliotherapy" was very popular in Europe from 1900 to c. 1940. One Dr. Rollier, head of a sun therapy clinic, wrote a volume titled La Cure de Soleil [The Sun Cure]. He knew that the higher the UV dosis, the greater the success of the treatment.

Many patients were healed from tuberculosis (and it was noticed that the sun did not effect a cure if the patients wore glasses impenetrable to the healing UV rays).

Other successful treatments concerned colitis, anemia, eczema, acne, lupus erythematodes, sciatica, asthma, and other ailments. Sun bathing and UV therapy were known as the most effective treatment modality for many infectious diseases. When penicillin was discovered in 1938, big business and science rushed into the new area of antibiotics and sun therapy fell into disrepute.

Why we need UV light:

  • UV light activates vitamin D synthesis.
  • UV light lowers blood pressure.
  • UV light increases heart "performance".
  • UV light improves ECG and blood parameters in persons suffering from arteriosclerosis.
  • UV light lowers cholesterol counts.
  • UV light helps in weight loss.
  • UV light is effective against psoriasis.
  • UV light is effective with numerous other ailments (Krudsen in his book "Light Therapy" lists 165 diseases).
  • UV light promotes the production of sex hormones.
  • UV light activates an important skin hormone (Solitrole).
  • UV light is a nutrient just as vitamins and minerals.

The media rehashes pseudo-scientific facts linking UV light to skin cancer. Scientists at the University of Sydney and The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine concurrently ascertained that malignant melanoma (skin cancer) is much more widespread among indoor workers and office employees than among persons with predominantly outdoor (sun-exposed) job or leisure activity.

Sensational tests on one-celled organisms: cell-life extending factors

Prof. Smith-Sonneborn irradiated one-celled organisms with bactericidal UV-C rays which damaged their DNA and shortened their life span (accelerated their aging process).

She then proceeded to re-irradiate the cells, this time using UV-A. The cells repaired themselves and the aging process was halted. This alone was sensational news.

Prof. Smith-Sonneborn wanted to know next what would happen if she resubjected the cells to UV-A. This second radiation treatment extended the cells’ lifespan by up to 50 % compared to the control group!

These results showed without a doubt the ability of certain types of light to not only support cells in repairing their DNA, but also to support life-extending factors present within the DNA.

Liberman advises among other things: spend at least one hour per day outside, no matter what the weather. Don't wear sunglasses or tinted contact lenses and generally don't use sun lotion (Dr. Zane Kime is convinced that most sun lotions further the formation of cancerous cells under the impact of sunlight). Don't go into the sun between 10 am and 2 pm and never look directly at the sun.

What impressed me particularly is the author’s observation that natural sunlight is required as a catalyst to ensure complete digestion (my own experience seems to confirm this).

To round this review off, I am quoting from another pertinent website/other researchers:

“Research on various organisms and cell types consistently demonstrated that light alters cell metabolism, causing synthetic cell processes to dominate catabolic ones. In a recent paper, Karu described it this way: 'The primary changes induced by light are followed by a cascade of biochemical reactions in the cell that do not need further light activation.' (Here they are referring to laser light, “...lasers are used only because they are easier to control").

...light finds just the right places in the body to heal... starving or oxygen deprived tissue responds to the irradiation but not healthy tissue. Wounded, chronically inflamed, and ischaemic cells are characterized by their acidic, hypoxic and inhibited state. Light drives them toward oxidation, balanced pH, and vitality."

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


Light — Medicine of the Future 

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by Jacob Liberman

Note: Also see the list of important Books on the link between health and light.

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