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Urtica membranacea cancer cure

German physician healed benign and malignant tumors with nettles

by copyright © 2014 Healing Cancer Naturally

Adding to the growing body of scientific research as well as the numerous testimonials and endorsements by naturopathic practitioners, the following translated summary of two dramatic cases of tumor healing achieved by the administration of an extremely simple medication — a nettle (Urtica) preparation — furnishes another example of nettles' largely untapped but clearly enormous medicinal powers.

Dr. G.H. Penha was a German physician practising in Portugal who reported some of the extraordinary results he achieved with nettle treatment in the medical journal Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica (Basel) in 1951.[1]

Ten months before Dr. G.H. Penha wrote up his observations, a colleague had referred a haemophiliac to him who was afflicted with severe epistaxis (nosebleeds). All known treatments, both localised and general, were tried on the patient but the nosebleeds wouldn't stop.

At his wit's end, Dr Penha remembered that the Portuguese occasionally resorted to nettle infusions (particularly of the ubiquitous Urtica membranacea plant) for bleeding problems, and even used the roasted nettle leaves for topical applications.

So Dr Penha tried the "nettle treatment" on his haemophiliac patient — and lo and behold, the previously unstoppable hemorrhaging stopped.

Dr Penha had another patient under his care whom he had been treating for a long time: a 12-year-old boy suffering from a very serious nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (a benign but aggressively growing tumor) which frequently bled.

Two tumors which kept bleeding ever more often were obstructing the patient's right nostril. Additionally he had a hard tumor the size of a pigeon's egg in his right cheek, lending this side of his face a bloated appearance.

Due to his constant blood loss, the boy was very anemic. An attempt at surgery was quickly aborted due to extreme bleeding setting in. Ten days of x-ray treatment brought no improvement either.

Numerous other therapies were attempted including vitamin K, Ergotin, Pituitrin, calcium plus vitamin C, Coaguleno, Zimema, Acidum folicum, and liver extracts. The boy was finally started on blood transfusions which eventually had to be given on a daily basis.

At this desperate point in the progress of his disease, the patient was started on 1/2–1 liter (1 liter is approximately a quart) of nettle (Urtica membranacea[2]) infusion a day, later replaced by 16–20 tablespoons of nettle extract.

To the physician's utter surprise, all the boy's symptoms vanished in a matter of weeks — and it wasn't just the bleeding that stopped but the angiofibroma and the fibrous tumor in his cheek also disappeared. The patient continued to be in good health at the time of Dr. Penha's report — without even taking the nettle medication any longer.

Intrigued and encouraged, Dr. Penha decided to try the same therapy on his cancer and leukemia patients. The results he achieved were variable — even with the same type of tumor[3] — but seemed promising enough to continue researching the treatment.

A remarkable case: advanced-stage basal-cell carcinoma of nose and face with large double fistula disappears under oral and topical nettle treatment

A 77-year-old farmer had developed difficulties breathing through his left nostril two years earlier. The nostril exuded a bloody discharge and easily bled. Since his problems kept worsening, the farmer finally — one year later (on 6 July 1949) — consulted with Dr. Penha.

By this time, his left cheek was swollen, his eyeball on the same side protruding, and a small fistula secreted a bloody exsudate from the left side of his mouth.

Rhinoscopic examination revealed an easily bleeding tumoral mass filling his entire left nasal passage. The mass which appeared like a cabbage head was biopsied and diagnosed as "looking like a basal-cell carcinoma" (Dr. Penha provides x-ray pictures corresponding to the diagnosis).

Radiotherapy somewhat improved the patient's ability to breathe through his nose — but one month later he took a turn for the (increasingly) worse. His cheek continued to swell, now two fistulae of increasing size formed two openings (one emptying into the oral cavity, one outside) around which new tissue was forming that bled at the slightest touch while releasing copious quantities of an extremely malodorous discharge.

Until the fistula(s) started to open, the patient however had never had any pain. In fact, he was very feisty and refused to be treated or see a doctor. He finally did call again (eight months before Dr. Penha's report).

The reason were not the above-described problems but the fact that he felt debilitated, had no appetite whatsoever and could no longer supervise his personnel!

With the patient refusing any renewed radiotherapy or other conventional treatment, Dr. Penha decided to try nettle therapy on him: he administered aqueous nettle extract by mouth plus the freshly squeezed plant juice topically.

Hardly two weeks into this treatment, all discharge had stopped, both towards the outside and into the oral cavity. The swelling of the left cheek had disappeared as had the formation of new tissue. Rhinoscopy revealed no more suspicious tissue and the patient had recovered his ability to breathe through the nose.

In his case description, Dr. Penha included x-ray pictures made at the farmer's first consultation and one month after the start of the nettle therapy which showed a considerable difference.

The patient himself reported that after starting on the nettle medication he soon had redeveloped an appetite, felt his strength returning and within shortly was back to working as vigorously as before. Dr. Penha notes at this point that this kind of general improvement had also been reported by other cancer patients, even those whose tumor hardly responded to [oral] nettle administration.

The above patient continued to be well at the time of Dr. Penha's report (although he had stopped taking the medication two weeks prior). He was advised not to abandon the treatment altogether and report back from time to time.

Dr. Penha added that of all the tumor-bearing patients he treated with oral nettle therapy alone, the above-described two cases responded the fastest. Some cases took a lot longer to respond or were "tenacious".

Additional trials performed by Dr. Penha seemed to confirm that the refractory patients' best hope lay in parenteral application (i.e. by injection or intravenously) of the (correctly prepared) nettle juice.

General outline and side effects of Dr. Penha's nettle-based cancer treatment

Three times a day, 2-3 ccm of purified nettle juice were administered orally and by intramuscular injection (animals such as rabbits tolerated even high doses given by IV extremely well).

Generally, the treatment was very well tolerated. Some patients developed light pain at the injection site for some hours, and a large percentage of patients occasionally developed (sometimes pronounced but transient) shivers accompanied by fever.

Dr. Penha assumed those crises to be due to several possible factors (incl. errors in the preparation of the injected fluid) but seemed to prefer the hypothesis of the decomposition (lysis) products of the tumor irritating the body.

This crisis appeared only several (often many) days after starting the nettle injections and seemed to announce the onset of the most massive destruction of tumoral tissue.

One dramatic case that had hardly responded to oral nettle treatment was finally injected with 1/4 ccm of the purified plant sap into the tumor's periphery. Within two hours, the patient developed a crisis, which 36 hours later was followed by the tumor breaking up and being shed while healthy tissues remained intact.

While this case ended well, for reasons of safety Dr. Penha considered it of paramount importance to at least simultaneously give intramuscular injections several times a day which work much more slowly if used exclusively but allow to better arm the body against the onslaught of the cancer cells.

Dr. Penha expressed the hope that sharing the preliminary results of his research with the public although it was "too early to draw final conclusions" would enable others to repeat the same and do much of what he envisioned doing — and should his observations be confirmed, would allow the treatment to be further simplified so all its benefits could be reaped.

Dr. Penha encouraged researchers to further refine the therapy by studying which cases responded and which didn't, by additionally purifying the product for the purpose of injection (since he assumed this to be the preferred mode of application), by examining dosages, isolating the active ingredients etc.

Note: Considering Dr. Penha's above successes, these Stinging nettle (urtica dioica) cure testimonials (nettle juice healed pancreas cancer and nettle tea cured stomach cancer) certainly appear more credible.

To be continued:

On Dr. Penha's instructions for the preparation of the nettle extract and nettle injection.

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1 German original: "Über zwei Fälle von Tumoren aus dem oto-rhino-laryngologischen Gebiet, die auf eine außergewöhnliche Weise behandelt wurden" [Two tumors of the otorhinolaryngeal region, with report of an extraordinary treatment], by Dr. G.H. Penha (Coimbra, Portugal).

2 Dr. Penha used U. membranacea since in Portugal this is the most commonly found species of stinging nettle. Dr. Penha thought it likely that other nettle species would show the same if not even better results (compare Urtica research).

3 As an example, Dr. Penha quotes another case of angiofibroma of a less serious nature than the foregoing (that had so speedily responded). This second patient took the medication orally for over two months without showing signs of improvement (in fact, for some time the tumor seemed to increase in size). The patient then developed hemorrhagic episodes (which he had never had before) after which the angiofibroma started to dissolve. (Seen from a naturopathic standpoint this furnishes a perfect illustration of the body shedding surplus matter, i.e. the tumor [here: papule]. The initial increase in size can be a good sign denoting the tumor becoming less dense and compact.)

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