
Stage III low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma and three-week water fast

followed by plant-based diet

Patient now asymptomatic with lymph nodes no longer palpable

Copyright © 2019 Healing Cancer Naturally

While the authors of the report published in the peer-reviewed BMJ Case Reports in 2015[1] carefully avoid the word "cure" (perhaps rightly so) and even point to the fact that about 20% of low-grade NHL cases are reported to experience spontaneous remission, this case of a strongly overweight 42-year old woman diagnosed with the second most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma (follicular lymphoma) deserves being included on this site.

After her diagnosis in June 2014, her oncologist explained that her lymphoma was slow-growing and incurable but actually advised against chemotherapy and radiation since it would cause more harm than good (although standard follicular lymphoma treatments include those approaches as well as immunotherapy and close observation).

He advised monitoring her disease on a quarterly basis and gave her a life expectancy of 20 years.

The patient decided to contact TrueNorth Health (a London-based non-profit holistic health organisation with over 30 years experience who had already supervised more than 15 000 fasting patients).

After consulting with them, she embarked on a 21-day fast at their premises which was conducted under constant medical supervision.

The only beverage she was allowed was distilled water (as much as desired but at least 40 ounces daily). During that period, she was asked to reduce her activities since experience had shown that unrestricted activity during fasting can lead to unwelcome symptoms such as hypotension, arrhythmia, dehydration and electrolyte disturbances.

Low-energy activities such as listening to music, watching instructional videos, reading etc. were allowed.

After completing the 21-days fast, she was gradually reintroduced to food. Starting with unsalted vegetable broth, she was then given freshly squeezed raw fruit and vegetable juice, then fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.

Finally she was started on a minimally processed vegan diet including both raw, steamed and baked vegetables, whole grains and legumes, plus raw salt-free nuts and seeds (1 ounce a day).

Her meals (she had formerly consumed the Standard American Diet) did not contain any sugar, oil, salt, bread, meat, fish, fowl, egg or dairy or other highly processed foods.

She was encouraged to continue on this diet even after leaving the TrueNorth Health clinic, which she did.


At 9-month follow-up, her weight had reduced from 81.6 kg at baseline to 59.9 kg. Her enlarged lymph nodes had approximately halved in size, were no longer palpable, and she had no symptoms. Her original oncologist was happy for her and encouraged her to continue with her diet, suggesting that considering her progress, a 6-month interval for checkups would now be sufficient.

The patient's experience

She reported "feeling happier than she ever had" during her fast which was "one of the most life-changing and awe-inspiring experiences" she had known. She knew that she was doing the right thing both for herself and her children who would need her longer than the time conventional medicine had allotted her.

After meeting remarkable people during her fast, all determined to accept nothing but success, she gained the deep conviction that the will to live, a positive attitude, and determination to get and stay healthy (in her case inspired by her family) were the most essential ingredients in healing.

She plans to continue on her vegan diet devoid of sugar, oil and salt for the rest of her life.

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1 Water-only fasting and an exclusively plant foods diet in the management of stage III, low-grade follicular lymphoma

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  • The Fasting Cure with Introductory note on fasting in cancer patients by Healing Cancer Naturally.

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