Budwig Diet

Dr. Budwig’s Works

in English and German: complete listing

Copyright © 2005–2023 Healing Cancer Naturally

Caveat: Since Dr. Budwig's death in 2003, books/CDs have been published which give misleading information on Dr. Budwig's approach. Details under On self-appointed "Budwig experts" and fake Budwig books misleading cancer patients.


Written by two master experts (there are only three worldwide) — German scholars Michael Bierschenk and Ulla Schmid — this detailed book fills in all the gaps left open by Dr Budwig's three available books and will safely walk you through the Budwig protocol holding your hand each step of the way.

"Budwig Diet — How To Get It Right — The Ultimate Guide" was published as a Kindle and a paperback on Amazon in 2023. It is also available as a downloadable PDF at an introductory discount.

This comprehensive book will give you the complete guidance you need to put all the chances of success with the Budwig Diet on your side.

And even those of us who are healthy and would like to stay that way well into their golden years will find an abundance of unique health-related information — information not easily found in any other place.

Dr. Johanna Budwig's books in German listed here

The Oil-Protein Diet CookbookThe Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook
[Amazon partner link — commissions earned]

by Dr. Johanna Budwig

How to use flax oil plus cottage cheese in many varied tasty vegetarian dishes, even including ice-cream!

"[I]ndispensible to someone serious about closely following the Budwig Protocol."
"I have found that one of THE MOST VALUABLE, yea NECESSARY items one should get for following the Budwig diet is Dr. Budwig's ‘Oil Protein Cookbook.’ It demystifies all kinds of things for you, and has OVER 500 recipes in it to make sure [you] will be getting all the things Dr. Budwig wanted her clients to get in their diet."

"I recently received my copy of the Oil Protein Diet Cookbook by Dr. Budwig. I am so glad I ordered it! It is much more than a cook book, it helped to really understand the use of flax oil and seeds, and how to portion our food intake throughout the day. The suggested ways of preparing food also were wonderful, and allow for using your imagination in ways to prepare the food to be tasty as well as healthful. This book is way [more] than a cook book....should be entitled more like, 'practical applications of the oil protein diet in your everyday life'". (Excerpts from readers’ comments)

Dr Budwig: Cancer — The Problem and the SolutionCancer — The Problem and the Solution

by Dr Johanna Budwig

This is the last book Dr. Budwig published. You can read here an extract from Cancer — The Problem and the Solution.

FlaxOil As A True Aid

FlaxOil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, And Other Diseases

by Dr. Johanna Budwig


Read excerpts from "FlaxOil As A True Aid".

(The following title was not written by Dr. Budwig but addresses the subject of her healing diet & protocol for cancer and other disease:)

William L. Fischer: How to Fight Cancer and WinHow to Fight Cancer & Win

by William L. Fischer

William L. Fischer has been involved in medicine, health care, and natural healing for over 30 years. After working with several of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in his native Germany, he moved to the United States and began publishing books on natural healing.

For him to obtain the most comprehensive information available, his research has taken him around the world to such diverse places as Iran, the Far East, Europe, and Egypt to study natural healing techniques... Fischer, too, arrived at the conclusion that Dr. Johanna Budwig’s easy-to-implement protocol is the number one choice in healing cancer... Read excerpts from Dr. Budwig’s book "FlaxOil As A True Aid".

Dr. Johanna Budwig's books in German

Krebs - Das Problem und die LösungKrebs - Das Problem und die Lösung [Cancer — The Problem and the Solution, see above]

by Johanna Budwig

Sensei-Verlag, Germany (September 1999)

Öl-Eiweiß-KostÖl-Eiweiß-Kost [The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook, see above]

by Johanna Budwig

Sensei-Verlag, Germany (November 2000)

Kosmische Kräfte gegen KrebsKosmische Kräfte gegen Krebs [Cosmic Forces Against Cancer]

by Johanna Budwig. Hyperion-Verlag, Germany (1966)

Krebs, ein FettproblemKrebs, ein Fettproblem. Richtige Wahl und Verwendung der Fette [Cancer — A Fats Problem, On The Right Choice and Use of Fats]

by Johanna Budwig, Hyperion, Freiburg, Germany (1967)

Fette als wahre Hilfe gegen Arteriosklerose, Herzinfarkt, Krebs u. a.Fette als wahre Hilfe gegen Arteriosklerose, Herzinfarkt, Krebs u. a. Drei Vorträge. [published in English as FlaxOil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, And Other Diseases, see above]

by Johanna Budwig, Hyperion, Freiburg Germany (1972)

Die elementare Funktion der Atmung in ihrer Beziehung zu autoxydablen NahrungsstoffenDie elementare Funktion der Atmung in ihrer Beziehung zu autoxydablen Nahrungsstoffen [The Elementary Function of Respiration in Its Relationship to Autoxydable Foodstuffs]

by Johanna Budwig

Das Fettsyndrom Das Fettsyndrom [The Fat Syndrome]

by Johanna Budwig
Hyperion, Freiburg, Germany (1972)

FettfibelFettfibel [Fats Primer]

by Johanna Budwig
Hyperion, Freiburg, Germany (1979)

Der Tod des TumorsDer Tod des Tumors, Bd. I [The Death of the Tumor, vol. 1]

by Johanna Budwig

Der Tod des Tumors, Bd. II [The Death of the Tumor, vol. 2]

by Johanna Budwig

Laserstrahlen gegen Krebs [Laser Beams Against Cancer]

by Johanna Budwig
Hyperion, Freiburg, Germany (1968)

Fotoelemente des Lebens [Photo-Elements of Life]

by Johanna Budwig
Resch Verlag, Innsbruck (1979)

Inaugural DisputationInaugural Disputation

by Johanna Budwig
(November 1979)

"Dieses Manuskript mit Einleitung liegt dem Karolinska MedicoKirurgiska Institut Stockholm vor, in englischer Sprache. Der [alternative] Nobelpreis für Medizin wurde für die Autorin vorgeschlagen von mehreren Vertretern der Medizin aus dem In- und Auslande."
(possibly available second-hand)

Mensch seinMensch sein. Atmung, Immunabwehr im Würgegriff [To Be Human. Respiration, Immune Defence In A Stranglehold]

by Johanna Budwig

A very personal book describing both her scientific work and inventions and the relentless suppression of her research findings & work Dr. Budwig had to contend with.
(possibly available second-hand)

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Related section

For the most comprehensive and authoritative English-language coverage worldwide of the oil-protein diet & protocol developed by Dr. Budwig, see

Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

discover what this German expert thinks.


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