
Emotional Freedom Technique in Cancer Treatment & Pain Relief

A case study reported by Gary Craig

Introduction by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2006

The following is Gary Craig’s “preliminary” report on how he has seen EFT affect seven cancer patients both with respect to their experience of pain as well as the cancerous process itself.

The results reported - although mixed, preliminary and anecdotal - are highly encouraging and yet again recommend EFT as an outstanding complementary therapy, in fact a treatment that often seems to address and heal symptoms at their emotional core or energetic root level from whence they sprang and had been continually nourished.

Once this root has been “extirpated”, symptoms should subside (and often seem to) or be gradually healed by the body’s innate wisdom which naturally knows how to heal itself and indefatigably works towards that end.

Compare Introduction to EFT, Can EFT Help Prevent Cancer By Reestablishing Healthy Energy Flow? and particularly Stage 3 uterine cancer remission testimonial: healed via EFT, healthy diet and detoxification.

For treating and curing cancer, Healing Cancer Naturally recommends looking into a combination of healthy diet such as the Budwig protocol (which is both DIY and inexpensive), detoxification, as well as mental, spiritual and energetic/emotional healing modalities, with EFT being an outstanding representative of the latter easily accessible to next to everyone.

Tap Into Your Body’s Natural Healing Power for Cancer Pain Treatment

formerly published at emofree.com

If you believe that nothing can ease your cancer pain, treatment is available. Gary Craig, a Stanford engineer has developed a natural pain relief technique that provides relief from pain when nothing else will work. If you suffer from cancer pain, please investigate this completely free resource.

Based on ancient Eastern philosophy and the most modern understanding of physics and the body / mind relationship - EFT often works when nothing else will.

“ EFT is a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is a unique version of acupuncture except you don't use needles.”

Results from our cancer clients

by © Gary Craig

In May of 2004 I invited 7 cancer patients into my home to see what help EFT might provide regarding their disease. I originally expected these volunteers to represent varying degrees of cancer — from early diagnoses to aggressive/late stages. However, all of those who actually came were, except for one, in the aggressive/late stages category. Four of them reported impressive improvements after our workshop.

My approach was to address any energetic imbalances and/or unresolved emotional issues that may be contributing to their various cancers.

Accordingly, I spent an average of 3 EFT sessions with each person while the others tapped along and Borrowed Benefits [an expression Gary Craig uses to denote the fact that when people tap themselves along with a person being treated, even their own unrelated issues can get resolved].

Although we spent 9 days doing this, we achieved only a "good start" on the imposing list of unresolved emotional issues that these clients brought with them.

After 4 months, here is a synopsis of the results — person by person.

1. One man had a mild form of prostate cancer. After the workshop his PSA test levels dropped substantially. They ended up in the "safe" category.

2. Another man had very aggressive prostate cancer and had a constant sensation in the prostate area and, about once every week or two, he experienced excruciating pains that caused him to "bend over in agony." Since the workshop his PSA test levels dropped nearly in half and all sensations, including the "bend over in agony" pains disappeared.

3. One lady had stage 4 breast cancer and would experience pains described as "hot shards of glass" in her chest about once every week or two. Since the workshop those pains have disappeared and a visible tumor has diminished noticeably. In addition, she has had a large surge of energy and has "never felt better."

4. One lady had stage 3 ovarian cancer. After the workshop her CA 125 cancer marker (from a blood test) was about 35% improved compared to her expectations. She was thrilled with this result.

In addition, the other blood tests on the panel showed only 3 abnormalities compared to the 6 abnormalities shown by her previous blood tests. However, for reasons known only to the cosmos, she discontinued doing her tapping shortly after leaving my home. The cancer resumed its previous path and she is now undergoing more treatments from the medical profession...but still not tapping.

5. Another lady had stage 4 breast cancer which had metastasized to other parts of her body. Although she received noticeable emotional benefits, there has been no material change in the progression of her disease. However, she is a great believer in EFT and is diligently searching out more unresolved emotional issues to address.

6. Another lady had breast cancer that appeared to be aggressive. However, no diagnosis was given by a physician because she chose not to go the medical route. There was no apparent benefit from EFT regarding her cancer.

7. Finally, another lady had stage 4 cancer that had metastasized to various portions of her body. Although she received some symptomatic relief during our workshop, her cancer has continued to progress...in this case seriously.

Also, it is difficult to say with certainty what role EFT played in the turnarounds. For example, some were on special diets while others meditated and were on various medications. However, it was both observationally and intuitively clear that EFT contributed materially to the healing of approximately half of these cancer clients.

One thing that was indelibly clear to me was that the list of unresolved emotional issues involved was substantial. We could have doubled or tripled our time together and still not gotten to them all.

I think this is generally true with almost anyone harboring serious diseases. Thus, the main lesson here is that ongoing and consistent daily tapping is essential if one wants to get the most use from EFT. In fact, it appears that whether these people continue to improve ... or relapse ... may well depend on the consistency of their tapping.

We have much to learn.

Love, Gary

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