Lothar Hirneise

“Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World Is Flat”

A cancer researcher's holistic cancer cure book: intro & excerpt

Copyright © 2005 Healing Cancer Naturally

The following is an extract from cancer treatment researcher Lothar Hirneise’s book “Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World Is Flat” published in autumn 2005, complemented by its extensive table of contents.

Contrary to what its title suggests, this is an “encyclopedic” comparative reference and guide book as well as a fascinating read on both the holistic “alternative” approaches to healing cancer and the conventional or orthodox allopathic treatments of the variegated forms of this disease.

The book is highly recommended by Healing Cancer Naturally to all who wish to possess a holistic and very informative how-to or DIY healing guide in book form which simultaneously provides numerous detailed insights into the vast and many-faceted subject of cancer healing. Quote:

“For many years Lothar Hirneise has been traveling throughout the world looking for the most successful cancer therapies, and he has been explaining to people that there is much more available than just chemotherapy and irradiation.

Recognized internationally as Europe's leading specialist in this area, he describes the results of his years of research in this encyclopedia of nonconventional therapies. The reader will also learn in detail why so-called experts in reality know little about cancer.

In addition to descriptions of more than 100 cancer therapies and substances used in treating cancer, the author also explains which cancer therapies are used allopathically, for which types of cancer, and what is imperative for a patient to know before he subjects himself to such therapies.

The 3E program, which is based on the analysis of case histories of thousands of people who have survived late-stage cancer, is also described for the first time. Learn why so many people die of cancer, and why so many others do not. This book not only supplies an incredible amount of information, it also helps the cancer patient to find his own way to cure cancer through the active exercises of the 3E program.”

Reprinted by Healing Cancer Naturally with special permission of the publisher.

Here is what you can expect from this book and what you should not expect from this book!

Almost without exception people view the diagnosis of cancer as a type of punishment and injustice, which they initially confront with a sense of powerlessness. This sense of powerlessness however is primarily due to false reports in the press and the consequent lack of information on the part of patients. To a great extent cancer is not a terminal illness to which one is helplessly surrendered.

How have I come to this conclusion, which certainly may appear as “quite presumptive” in the light of the many deaths attributed to cancer each year? Unfortunately I cannot provide you with an answer to this question in just a few words; and this is precisely the reason that this detailed book has been written. If you have read it carefully then you will understand for yourself, why I have come to the firm conviction that by no means is cancer the dangerous illness that it is always made out to be, even though so many people die of cancer.

In the following pages I will explain to you how allopathic medicine normally treats your type of cancer, and why its practitioners believe that they must do it this way. This is very important because it will enable you to better communicate with your doctor.

I want to make it clear from the very beginning that it is very important to me that you conduct a satisfying dialog with your doctors, alternative practitioners, and other professional helpers. I am an absolute proponent of close collaboration with therapists (here I mean all helpers, regardless of whether alternative practitioner, psychologist, etc.) and I am an opponent of the attitude, “I’ll get through this on my own”.

On the other hand, my experience has shown me that it is very difficult to find therapists with whom you can really conduct the necessary dialog.

I would also like to explain an additional bias at the beginning of the book. I am neither for nor against conventional medicine and I am neither for nor against nonconventional medicine. I am exclusively concerned with people’s welfare, and whatever contributes to regaining their health is all the same to me.

If I have become more and more interested in nonconventional medicine in recent years, this has nothing to do with any prejudices or personal interests, rather it is due to the results of my own research which have convinced me that conventional medicine is not nearly as successful in treating chronic illnesses like cancer, as many patients, unfortunately, still believe.

It is very important to me that you understand this, because if an author writes positively about nonconventional therapies and exposes errors of conventional medicine, then that author is happily relegated to an “esoteric corner”, or even worse, that author is considered a “doctor hater”. Believe me, nothing is further from my intent and interests, and anyone who knows me, understands that I am a man who thinks quite logically, and that I prefer to move on diplomatic, rather than revolutionary, paths.

Naturally it is a tactic of allopathic medicine to present me as an enemy of physicians who are not used to entering into a dialog with those who do not share their views, and instead dismiss all people with different opinions as crackpots. To apply the title of crackpot to people who think differently has some great advantages. In the first place you can always play the role of one who knows better, and secondly you do not have to change, because everything is all right (comfortably right).

We all know from our own experience that nothing in life is more difficult than changing ourselves. Naturally this also applies to doctors, or perhaps it would be better to say, this primarily applies to doctors. And I can understand this. A person has studied at the university for 5-6 years, then spent 2-4 years in specialization, and perhaps a few more years in a hospital to gain experience, and here comes Mr. Hirneise, who does not even have a doctor’s degree, and maintains that this knowledge gained over years is at least in part, if not entirely, wrong.

It takes genuine greatness of character for a person to question his knowledge and thus a portion of his personality over and over again in the course of his life; and the number of people who are capable of doing this is very small.

I thank God for the privilege of becoming acquainted with some of these people, and I am eternally grateful to these people that they have shared so much of their priceless knowledge with me.

Without their input I would never have thought so much about why people become ill, or how they can be restored to health. In this book I would like to share with you in a brief form the unifying theme I have found as to why people who are most seriously ill have become healthy again.

In order for you to learn as much from this book as possible, unfortunately it is also necessary to refer to circumstances, which on first glance appear to have nothing to do with your illness. However only if you understand that political and financial interests can contribute to a medicine has being prescribed for you, which perhaps will harm you more than it will help you, can you conduct an open dialog with your doctor; a dialog that could determine whether you live or die.

In almost every case this dialog will determine whether you will live or not. You should be clear about this for yourself, and you should prepare for this discussion. I am amazed again and again at how little patients know about their illness. Every woman browses through catalogs before she purchases a new kitchen, not to mention men and cars.

However when it comes to purchasing a therapy, very few patients inform themselves in detail about their illness, rather they rely on statements from neighbors and acquaintances, or on the statements of a doctor. If you are wondering about my choice of words, “purchasing a therapy”, then this may be because you have not yet considered that medicine is a business just like other enterprises.

Even if payment is organized somewhat differently through the health insurance system than it is for other businesses, nevertheless in the final analysis it comes down to buying and selling. As a patient you must always remind yourself of this fact, because you never have to accept an “unfriendly therapy salesperson” again.

This is no appeal to haggle over a discount, but rather an appeal to speak to a doctor like one grown-up speaks to another grown-up, and to place at least the same minimum requirements on this business transaction that are placed on the purchase of a car.

Would you deal with a car salesman who would respond to your question as to whether the car that you are interested in is also available in a special paint finish, with the following statement: “Either you take it or go to a different dealership”? You would certainly leave immediately and take your business elsewhere.

However when a doctor responds with insult or with arrogance to a patient’s questions, then this is accepted by many patients without so much as a murmur, because they are not aware that they are paying the doctor’s salary with their monthly insurance premium.

Another point: patients believe that if they are not nice to their doctor they will have disadvantages in their treatment as a consequence. No doubt this can be true, on the other hand, every patient should ask himself whether he really wants to be treated by this kind of therapist.

If these lines should give rise to the impression that I am not fond of doctors, then this is 100% incorrect as good friends of mine are doctors. However I feel that my primary responsibility rests with patients, and in my more than 10 years of clinical experience, and principally through my experience with cancer patients, I have learned that it is the “uncomfortable patients” who return to health. By uncomfortable, I do not mean arrogant or loud, but rather demanding. Demand that which is your due of your doctor – namely that he helps you to the full extent possible.

Good doctors are never irritated with legitimate questions, and they know how unsure patients are, particularly right after the diagnosis. If your doctor does not take the necessary time, then find a therapist for whom you are valuable enough that he will take the necessary time.

By the way, if I write “somewhat more” in this book about nonconventional cancer therapies than I do about allopathic applications, there are two reasons why. First, those who purchase this book expect to learn something about successful therapies other than chemotherapy and radiation, and second, it is simply a fact that is not easy to write about conventional cancer therapies if you want to describe them independently of pharmaceutical funding and career thinking.

Another tip: Use this book as a workbook. This book is structured in such a manner that when you have completed it you will know what is important for you. Moreover it is important that you understand that even in holistic therapy there are things that are necessary, things that are important, and things that are not-so-important.

I say this because I know there are many books and reports in which hundreds of therapies are listed, and after reading all this material the patient neither remembers what he has read, nor does know how he should then begin “his” therapy. Thus I recommend that you take notes while you are reading and do not leave any question open. Your life and the happiness of your family are at stake. Do not put yourself under time pressure; at this point just think about your future. Everything else is secondary.

However I do not want to conceal from you what this book cannot do. It will not tell you which therapy you should start today, it cannot relieve you of the responsibility of perhaps speaking with various therapists; and more than anything else there is one other thing it cannot do: It cannot change you.

From the bottom of my heart my desire for you is that you will start to view your future today (again) in an extremely positive light, and that you will create your future yourself through visualization and activities. Whatever you have hoped for up to this point – it is possible!

Carpe diem.

Lothar Hirneise

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


Table of Contents of Lothar Hirneise’s Book “Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World Is Flat”

Foreword to the English edition 18

Here is what you can expect from this book and what you should not expect from this book! 23

1. The medical status quo 29

Why this book and the 3E Program are so vitally needed! 30
Origination of the 3E Program 34
The law of order 36
Do illnesses really exist? 39
Modern oncology or why patients and doctors know so little! 42
A doctor's career 45
Watch out — people are concerned about you! 51
The because — in-spite of therapy 58

2. Cancer — what is it? 65

What is a medical school graduate talking about when he uses the word cancer? 66
The mutation theory 68
Mistaking cause and effect 75
The mitochondrial theory 78
Dr. Fryda's adrenaline theory 81
The theory of the 2nd liver 84
Dr. Hamer's New Medicine 89
Psyche and body — Dr. Hamer's discovery? 92
The frequency theory 95
The balance theory 98
The Reich theory 101
The parasite theory 103
Acid base theory 106
Other theories 110

3. Diagnosis Cancer 111

When is cancer actually cancer? 112
When do I have cancer? 118
The 1% hurdle 121
Conventional examinations for diagnosing tumors or leukemia and lymphatic cancer 123
List of tumor markers and the associated tumors 124
List of tumors and the associated tumors markers 125
nonconventional examinations for diagnosis of a tumor or leukemia and lymphatic cancer 131
Preventative care and aftercare 144

4. Chemotherapy and radiation 153

Chemotherapy! A cure or the last resort? 154
The cancer business is a billion dollar industry 169
Response rate and survival time 175
The fundamentals concerning irradiation 176

5. Conventional therapies 185

Conventional therapies 186
What is the gold standard of conventional oncology? 189
Acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL) 192
Acute Myeloic Leukemia (AML) 196
Anal carcinoma 201
Astrocytoma 205
Basalioma 211
Breast cancer 216
Cervical cancer 225
Chronic Myeloic Leukemia (CML) 231
Colon cancer 235
Corpus carcinoma 243
Ependymoma 245
Esophagus 249
Gall bladder cancer 253
Glioblastoma 257
Kidney cell carcinoma 261
Laryngeal carcinoma 266
Liver tumor 271
Malignant melanomas 275
Mesothelioma[1] 280
Morbus Hodgkin's 284
Multiple myeloma 288
Myelodysplastic syndrome 297
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 302
Non-small cell bronchial carcinoma 308
Oropharynx carcinoma 312
Ovarian carcinoma 317
Pancreas carcinoma 322
Penis carcinoma 327
Prostate carcinoma 331
Saliva gland cancer 338
Small cell bronchial carcinoma 342
Soft tissue sarcoma 348
Stomach cancer 353
Testicular cancer 358
Thyroid gland carcinoma 363
Urinary bladder carcinomas 369
Uterine cancer 374
Cancer treatments for children 378
Acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL) 382
Astrocytoma 389
Michael Horwin and his knowledge of brain tumors 394
Neuroblastomas 398
Medulloblastomas 405
Soft tissue sarcoma 408
Chemotherapy, irradiation and 3E 411
Pain control 414

6. The 3E Program 417

The first E

Eat healthy 419
The oil protein diet 424
Nutrition guideline 429
Is there a common element that links all nutrition therapies? 437
The somatic-psycho influence of a healthy diet 440

The second E

Eliminate toxins 443
Avoiding toxins 459

The third E

Energy 467
3E mental training 468
Why we resist changes (The professor system) 473
I know what I want! 481
The Jefferson technique 484
The Pastoda technique 491
The Sandbox exercise 498
The problem with our language 505
The balance-sheet technique 511
The tumor contract 517
The middle way technique 522
Visualization 530
The house on the right bank 534
Sexuality and Cancer 538
Spiritual energy 541
The healing field 547
Daily 3E exercise 553
Surya Namskar — sun prayer 558

7. Nonconventional Cancer Therapies 563

Successful Cancer Therapies Group 1

The oil protein diet 573
Frequency therapies 574
Aquatilis Therapy 576
Synergetics 578
PapImi Therapy 581
Cluster Medicine 583
NutriTherapy 585
Antineoplaston therapy 588
Coley's Toxin 591
Hyperthermia 594
Gerson Diet 597
Dr. Paul Gerhard Seeger's 10 point program 600
Homeopathy 604
IAT 606
Galvano Therapy 609
Govallo's VG 1000 612
Laetrile 616
Gonzales Therapy 618
Transfer Factors 620
Reduced L-glutathione 622
The biofield test 624
Breuss diet 627

Successful Cancer Therapies Group 2

Alloplant 629
Di Bella Protocol 631
Dries Diet 634
Hulda Clark 636
Hoxsey Therapy 638
Issels Therapy 641
Tumorspecific Immuno-Therapy (Dr. Klehr) 644
Tumosterone 646
Urtherapy 650
Livingston Therapy 652
Macrobiotic diet 655
Moermann Diet 658
Naessens 714X 661
Systemic Cancer Multistep Therapy 663
Oxygen and Ozone Therapy 665
Revici therapy 667
Rife Therapies 669
Stockholm Therapy 671
Ukrain 674
Galavit 676
Urea & Creatine Therapy 677
Bach Blossoms [Bach Flowers] 679
Mistletoe 680
Essiac & Indian*Essence 683
Hackethal's Buserelin 686
Hydrazine Sulfate 687
Bio Pro 690
Yeast Cells 692
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) 693
Cartilage 694
Cancer vaccines 696
Fetal cell therapy 700
Xenogenetic peptides 702
Enzymes 703
Carnivora 704
Photodynamic Therapy and Cytoluminescent Therapy 706
Vitamins 708
IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy)[2] 711
Caesium [cesium] chloride 713

Successful Cancer Therapies Group 3

Cell Specific Cancer Therapy 715
IHT 717
Supporting Substances 719
Therapists and clinics 731
The progress of "modern" oncology 734
3E-Emergency Program 738
The future of oncology 743
Holistic cancer consultant 745
People Against Cancer 751
German holistic cancer center 752
Dr. Johanna Budwig’s last book 753

Index 754

Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World Is FlatChemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World Is Flat

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1 Compare the books by “terminal” mesothelioma victors listed under Inspirational cancer victors' first-person accounts in book format: determined survivor personalities who cured themselves choosing a dietary and holistical approach while declining conventional treatment options.

2 Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is a somewhat less aggressive procedure of applying toxic chemotherapy and is practiced by a few doctors.

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