Ozone treatment
Ozone Toxicity & Healing Potential and Electron Healing
Of Ions and Ozone and Mice and Men
by Merlin D. Wolf C) 6-30, 1986[1]
(Notice: I make no therapeutic or health claims for the uses of ionized air, ozone, or free electrons applied to any form of human or animal life in the United States, where it is illegal to do so under FDA rules. Experiences, observations, and theories relative to my ongoing studies of electrical charges and altered air gasses and their possible therapeutic effects are presented as a reference and guide to other investigators to either verify or disprove my statements and carry on additional studies for the good of mankind.)
It might be interesting to note here a comment by Howard F. Burgess in his excellent article on Air Ions in the November 1969 Popular Electronics magazine. He stated, ”To solve the riddle of the ion and to apply the knowledge gained could be an important breakthrough to those who will get relief of a serious ailment. The fascinating thought is that some reader may just do that in his backroom laboratory.” While I have not done this, I have uncovered some interesting observations and thoughts to ponder.
In this and perhaps, future enclosures in this research journal I will deal with my experiences and theories and speculations about the therapeutic effects of electrically modified air oxygen.
My experiences have shown some very dramatic healing effects that have led me to believe that what I have ultimately been observing is the result of free electrons released by highly electron charged (or, ‘excited’) oxygen.
For lack of a better term I will refer to this as Super—Oxygen, or S—O. Working backwards from S—O, I hope to show that ozone and negative ion air, with their healing and germicidal effects, are all part of the same package, and that the differences between these three modified air gasses is described by varying degrees of electron saturation.
This is to say; that the more densely saturated the gas is with negative electron particles, the more saturate is the evolution of free electrons as the gas returns to its normal electron balance.
My feeling is that the environment of these concentrated free electrons causes the electrons to impregnate tissues where applied, and that this raising of the negative electrical potential accounts for the destruction of disease-causing microorganisms and accelerated healing and tissue regeneration.
Of course, we will have to deal with the matter of ozone toxicity and some observations of mine and other researchers in this regard.
All experiments I describe can be easily duplicated with proper equipment. My theories and speculations about the mechanisms of experimental results I have achieved are certainly open to questioning and challenge, and I am open to all comments from my readers.
The quest here is for new knowledge and for future development of new technologies in healing. For those who are offended by new concepts, please keep an open and inquiring mind!
My fascination with this whole thing began 16 years ago while I was working as a chemist and process developer for a research and development laboratory. I had been given an assignment to evaluate an electron generator to see if it might fit in as a part of an age cultural produce decay control program my company marketed.
The machine that was loaned to us for evaluation had been designed and sold as an environmental air purifier for buildings and other enclosed areas. The inventor claimed his device had proved quite effective in stopping mold growth in cheese ageing warehouses, which seemed to make it worthy of our own investigation since we were involved in the control of fungi and other organisms that cause fruits and vegetables to spoil.
I will describe the device more thoroughly later on. But for now, it was basically a rectangular sheet metal box with one end screened to allow air to be drawn in by an internally mounted squirrel—cage fan which then exhausted the effluent air out of a smaller port at the front of the box.
It was powered by 110 VAC house current, with on/off switch and a graduated rheostat knob to regulate the current going to the primary side of a transformer. The secondary output side then delivered up to 5,000 volts to a stack of ceramic plates positioned in the stream of air drawn through the device.
When turned on at full power a blue—violet plasma glow of electrons could be seen within the air spaces between the plates. By reducing the power to the transformer with the rheostat control, the intensity of the plasma glow would diminish.
The idea, as it was presented to me, was that a portion of the air being drawn through the machine would pass through the plasma of the discharge plates and carry with it extra electrons as it left the exhaust port.
In turn, these electrons would fly off and attach themselves to airborne particulate materials, imparting a negative charge that would cause them to precipitate out of the air, as its method of air purification.
My preliminary tests in the microbiology lab with the electron generator proved quite successful in killing or controlling a wide variety of cultured microorganisms in Petri dishes. Further tests on infected fruits and vegetables were equally encouraging.
However, one question remained to be answered before the test program could go into a packinghouse where workers would be breathing this treated air: that of toxicity. This posed a real concern to me because at high power settings the effluent air smelled strongly ozonic.
All available literature citations I studied indicated the toxic nature of ozone to man and animals in the concentrations necessary to achieve germicidal effects. In fact, one test report submitted to the FDA stated that in ozone—bactericidal studies on infected animals, the test animals had died before the bacteria were completely destroyed.
It seemed very likely at this point that I would have to put this research project to bed, in spite of the outstanding test results I had had thus far.
To make the final determination I chose to run some toxicity studies using lab mice as my subjects. For openers, I decided on a maximum exposure to a mouse in a small cage with the machine at 100% power setting.
In fact I was so convinced that the animal could not survive such an extreme test, that I deliberately chose a severely diseased mouse that didn’t have long to live anyway. My main interest here was in doing a postmortem to determine the effects of the electron—air on the lungs.
The mouse was indeed in very pathetic condition. All fur was gone from its head and neck from either fungal or cancer disease, and the exposed skin was brown and leathery and covered with open lesions from constant violent scratching. The right eye was opaque white with cataract, and a huge tumor engulfed its stomach, so large that the mouse could barely get its feet on the ground.
I placed the mouse in a wooden cage (about 1,400 cu. in.) adapted with a duct port on the side so that the full stream of air from the electron generator would enter the cage and exhaust through the openings of the peg board door at the rear of the cage. Food, water, and nesting material were provided, and the machine was turned on at maximum power setting.
Observing the mouse through the glass front of the cage, I noted initial agitation from the wind blast of the air effluent going into the cage. But, within an hour it was busily shredding up paper for a nest, between fits of violent scratching.
Later in the evening, and well beyond the tine I had predicted that he would be in extreme distress from ozone, the mouse seemed completely serene in his new environment, looking as healthy as he could be for his condition, but with one notable change.....he wasn’t scratching!
By next morning all of the inflamed lesions of the head and neck were dry and had developed healing scabs. Throughout the rest of this test the mouse functioned normally in all respects, receiving a total of sixty continuous hours of undiluted exposure to this (ozonic) air from the electron generating machine.
One of the fascinating aspects of research work is the unexpected results that turn up in the course of studies. In this case the mouse was alive, which was incredible enough in itself. However, what followed my attempt to kill it was even more spectacular.
After completion of the test the mouse was maintained in the cage, with normal air ventilation, for six weeks of observation for any long-term deleterious effects of the test that might show up.
Curious things began to reveal themselves as the days unfolded. Within a week all of the lesions were healed and scabs gone and skin becoming soft and normal looking.
At two weeks the entire affected skin area was a normal pink color and new fur was beginning to grow. Also, the tumor seemed noticeably smaller.
By the end of six weeks the mouse was normal in all respects, with new fur on the head and neck, the stomach tumor completely gone, and the right eye pink and clear and visually responsive.
He was then returned to the main breeding cage where he sired many litters and lived to a respectable age with no further signs of disease or other complications.
This ozone—like gas not only did not kill, but it actually healed! It was time to take another hard look at ozone toxicity.
Research literature and abstracts on ozone and its toxicity are rather plentiful, but unfortunately quite often contradictory. From all of this confusion it seemed to me that the physical and chemical properties and actions of the atomic oxygen, 03, or ozone may have a lot of dynamics unaccounted for, and that these undefined and unaccounted—for variables could be what was causing so much divergence of test results among various researchers.
The first major clue came to me from a report on ”The Toxicity of Ozone” by Clark E. Thorp, Chairman, Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology, published in INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE and SURGERY, Feb. 1950, Vol. 19, and No. 2.
In this report he showed that electrically produced ozone from air was indeed highly toxic; while ozone produced in the same way, but with pure oxygen instead of air, had no reasonable toxicity.
The key difference between these two ozones is that the ozone derived from air contained high amounts of nitrogen oxides, while the pure oxygen derived ozone contained only ozone. However, no explanation was given about the reasons for toxicity of the ozone with nitrogen oxides.
Another interesting clue in this lengthy report came to notice when it was mentioned that one researcher was able to produce a less toxic ozone (with lower amounts of nitrogen oxides) from air by carefully maintaining low air humidity which lessened electrical arcing between the discharge electrodes of his ozonizer.
This item was interesting to me in view of the fact that I had earlier established that the electron discharge plates of the machine I was using produced a cold plasma. The electrodes of the ozonizers cited in Thorp’s report produced electrical arcing at high power settings which increased at higher ambient humidity.
A trip back through the chemistry books revealed that a rather exotic array of nitrogen oxides (NOx) gases of various atomic combinations are formed by the thermal fusion or, more correctly, thermal fixation of nitrogen and oxygen in air.
Among these various chemical combinations formed by this high temperature fixation are nitric oxide (NO) gas and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas, which is formed by a chemical union of nitric oxide and oxygen (i.e.: 2NO+O2=2N~). The MERCK INDEX describes nitrogen dioxide as a reddish—brown gas; irritating odor; and a deadly poison!
I also determined that temperatures within the corona of high voltage electrical arcing will exceed 2,000 deg. F., ample thermal energy to combine air nitrogen and oxygen.
Without belaboring too much more chemistry, nitrogen dioxide is also a water soluble gas that will combine easily with water to form nitric acid (HNO3), thus: 3NO2+H2O=2~~+NQ.
Nitric acid is a powerful oxidizer and destructor of animal protein. This gave me a hunch about the mystery of ozone toxicity that needed some testing to define.
By this time I had built a test version of the electron generator I had been using, incorporating the commercial version components into a unit with an air flow chamber that allowed 100% of the forced air to pass through the electron discharge plates.
Also within this unit I installed a separate Jacob’s Ladder hot sparking device powered by a separate 7,000 VAC transformer, for comparative studies of hot spark vs. cold plasma air gases.
As I have often been prone to do in my research studies, I chose an extreme test which I could work downward from, as needed, to get the information I was seeking. In the lexicon of research, this refers to the establishment of parameters or boundaries of conditions of a test project. In this area I have seldom been conservative.
My personal thought here is that the bigger the vista you observe, the greater the amount of useful information and junk you will get back. The real art form of this approach is in being able to sort out the trash.
With an air pump rigged to recirculate air through the chamber and into a jar and then back through the chamber, I was able to get highly concentrated modified air gases derived from either of these electrical discharge devices. The concentrated air gas from the hot sparking Jacob’s Ladder was amber in color, while the concentrated effluent from the cold plasma electron discharge plates was colorless.
Young white mice placed in the amber hot spark gas expired in two to three minutes. Mice placed in the colorless cold plasma gas died in five to ten minutes. However, mice placed in a jar containing effluent from the commercial test unit, at full power setting, experienced initial breathing discomfort, but soon adjusted to the new environment and survived an exposure of one hour without ill effect.
Postmortem examination of the above killed mice revealed some interesting evidence:
i) In all three mice killed separately in the amber hot spark gas, there was severe hemorrhaging of the lung tissues and air passages, including nose. One mouse had a major tissue hematoma adjacent to the artery leading into the left leg. And all had major hematomas of heart muscle tissues.
2) The three mice killed by the colorless cold plasma gas all evidenced severe edemas of lungs and bronchial passages, but no evidence of bleeding. One mouse had a massive embolism (blood clot) in the upper left chamber of the heart.
My analysis of the above evidence indicates that in the hot spark gas killed mice, violent and swift tissue disintegration or erosion occurred in all moist areas contacted by the gas in breathing, and that this corrosive action was carried in the blood causing erosion of veins and arteries with blood leakage into tissues (hematomas) adjacent to eroded vessels closest to the lungs, where the gas was introduced into the bloodstream.
It might be well to note here a couple of items mentioned earlier. First, the amber color of the hot spark gas matches the ‘reddish—brown’ color described in the Merck Index~ for nitrogen dioxide.
Secondly, it has been established that nitrogen dioxide combines with water (mucus membrane fluid and blood) to form nitric acid, an aggressive tissue protein destroyer.
Confirmation of this nitric acid theory came when I bubbled this hot spark gas through distilled water, producing a faintly yellow colored liquid which tested out as nitric acid in qualitative lab analysis.
Postmortem evidence in the mice killed by the cold plasma gas indicates that massive edemas (secreted body fluids) in the lungs as primary cause of death due to suffocation.
Since there was no evidence of bleeding or tissue erosion, I suspect that edema-causing irritation resulted from excess oxygen release from an unstable form of oxygen other than 02.
In the Thorp cited studies of pure oxygen derived ozone, the much higher toxic limits of this pure ozone produced breathing discomfort and irritation and secretion of fluids from exposed mucus membranes. The evidence of this oxidizing effect possibly accounts for the heart embolism being brought on by excess free oxygen in the blood, imparted through the lungs, and causing formation of the blood clot.
It should be remembered here, that both of these tests were with extremely high altered air gas concentrations, exaggerating the speed and impact of test results.
In reviewing these results I conclude that hot spark altered air should be considered toxic in even very low concentrations, due to its demonstrated ability to produce traumatic damage to pulmonary and adjacent tissues.
Cold electron plasma altered air is most likely tolerable in much higher concentrations, with its toxic limits defined by duration of exposure and the lower thresholds of irritation to the pulmonary system; the same being true for pure ozone.
Keep also in mind that the mice exposed to the very ozonic cold plasma air from the commercial machine at 100% power setting suffered only transient breathing difficulty and survived a one hour exposure, indicating high time/concentration limits of cold plasma electron modified air.
In conclusion, research evidence of my own and others suggests that there is a popular misnomer of definition in the common usage of the word, ”ozone”, and automatically equating it to the word, ”toxic”.
I further suggest that ozone toxicity be defined and accounted for by its co-constituent presence of acid forming nitrogen dioxide. This is to say, that within reasonable limits of concentration, ozone is not the toxic agent!
Therapeutic and other uses and studies of ozone and ozone—like altered oxygen gases should be confined to ozonic gases free of nitrogen oxides and derived from either pure oxygen or the cold plasma electron discharge process, when air is used as the raw material.
Where extremely high concentrations of these ozonic gases are used, care should be taken to prevent such concentrations from being breathed over any extended period of time due to their irritating effects on pulmonary tissues.
In the next enclosure — PART TWO (see Electron Healing), I will present a view of electrical interrelationships of negative ions, ozone, and super oxygen which may contain atomic groupings higher than 03, and how these super oxygens liberate a dense avalanche of free electrons which seem to be responsible for some rather extraordinary healing effects and disease reversal, and various other unique physical phenomena.
THE MACHINE (Electron Generator)
As previously described, the physical layout of the electron generator is quite basic in that an internally mounted fan draws air in and exhausts it through a secondary opening. A portion of the incoming air passes through a stack of electron discharge plates, imparting varying degrees of electron saturation to the total effluent air leaving the machine.
The electron discharge plate stack is powered by a 5,000 volt transformer driven by 120 VAC house current. The high voltage delivered to the plates is controllable downward by means of a rheostat in the circuit delivering power to the primary side of the transformer.
All of this is very basic electrical and mechanical design. The unique aspect of this system is in the ceramic electron discharge plate design, and its ability to provide a cold plasma of free electrons that will not break down the dielectric and cause hot spark arcing.
The physical design of the plates consists of a circular disc of thin stainless steel which is sandwiched between two thicker dielectric discs. Two holes directly opposite each other are drilled near the edges of the plate.
The laminated stainless steel disc between the two dielectric discs is of smaller diameter and positioned within the sandwich so that one edge is in contact with one hole, while the opposite edge of the metal is a calculated distance from the opposing hole.
This construction allows only one hole to have direct electrical access (contact) with the laminated metal. These plates are then fitted with grommet spacers at the holes to provide a precise uniform air—gap spacing between the plates when assembled in a stack and secured with long bolts through the holes to provide rigid stability to the stack of plates, and a means of electrical delivery to the sandwiched stainless steel discs.
In assembly of the plate stack the electrical contact holes (with the steel laminate) are positioned alternately left and right so that every other one is in electrical contact with the securing bolt on one side and the alternate plates are in electrical contact with the opposite securing bolt.
When the two bolts are hooked up to the two high voltage transformer leads, we now have a combination air—gap/dielectric capacitor which discharges a uniform flow of electrons between the plates each time the polarity is reversed at sixty times per second. Air passing through the plasma flow picks up extra free electrons.
The choice of dielectric materials used in plate construction is critical and unforgiving. For instance, if glass or bakelite is used, the initial electron flow between the plates would indeed be a cold plasma within certain voltage limitations.
However, quite rapidly the electron impact between the plates will erode the dielectric to such a point that hot spark arcing occurs, producing the very toxic and potentially deadly nitrogen dioxide gas formed through the thermal fixation of the nitrogen and oxygen constituents of the air passing through the plates.
The equipment I have been using incorporates a rather high tech ceramic dielectric material, formulated and patented by the inventor, which resists electron impact erosion and at the same time provides unique dielectric properties to allow for a uniform flow of electrons between the plates in the form of a cold (non arcing) electron plasma, which normally cannot be achieved except in a vacuum tube.
Final proof that this is indeed a true cold plasma can be demonstrated by injecting liquid or vaporized anesthetic anhydrous ether into the plates with maximum voltage on......Nothing happens; no fire, no explosion! Ether vapor mixed with air simultaneously detonate, all by itself, at 180 — 190 deg F.
A more timid experiment is to place a strip of cigarette rolling paper between the plates with the power turned on and come back the next day and remove it: not so much as a brown mark on the paper!
Unfortunately, these particular ceramic plates are not available at the present time and the inventor is unable to provide an estimate of when they might be available. The point to be made here is that the technology does exist!
Perhaps, if a sufficient number of people indicate interest in acquiring these ceramic plates for experimental work, a resource might become available. (Make your desires known to BSRF. 6 to 12 plates is sufficient for most experimental work. Cost is unknown at this time.)
My experiments over the last 16 years seemed to raise more questions than answers in the beginning. But as time went on, many of the large and small question marks began to resolve themselves into cohesive, workable, and repeatable facts of what I now view as electron healing.
With the electron generator I have seen a wide variety of rather spectacular reversals of injury and disease in man and beast. Some healings occurred in conjunction with orthodox medical therapies; and many exclusive of any other concurrent orthodox allopathic intervention. A few of the healings occurred after conventional medical offerings had failed.
Among these healings there have been instant reversals of shingles (herpes zoster) and sustained reversal of most heruetic neuralgia in cases that were progressed beyond the active viral stage.
There have been, complete and sustained reversal of diagnosed venereal herpes (this was 12 years ago); complete and ongoing sustained reversal of skin cancer, medically diagnosed, but without benefit of conventional treatments; complete reversal of Hong Kong and London flu symptoms by merely bathing all swollen lymph glands with the effluent electron air; accelerated healing of post surgical incisions after mastectomies and other surgical procedures, with much less pain and scarring than would normally be expected; rapid reversal of pain and accelerated healing of third degree burns with no complications of infection and absolute minimum of scarring; efficient reversal of trauma related gangrene in which necrotic tissue sloughed off within 24 hours without need of surgical removal, and subsequent rapid healing and regeneration of intact viable tissues; overnight reversals of purulent staph infections without antibiotics or surgical draining, both deep tissue (as in boils), and topical (as in dermal laceration infections).
The interesting thing here, and I have seen it happen many times, is that once appropriate electron air exposure is completed, there is immediate reduction of pain and adjacent tissue inflammation, soon followed by reduction of swelling and tissue absorption of the now detoxified pus without any evidence of secondary toxemia to the biosystem.
A most interesting case regarding fungal disease had to do with a man who had contracted an exotic fungal infection in both feet during his W.W.II military tour in the South Pacific.
For the ensuing 30+ years he suffered recurring outbreaks every 12 to 18 months in which the feet would swell and become lesioned and all toenails detach and fall off, leaving him crippled and unable to work for as long as 2 months per episode.
Both military and civilian physicians tried everything in the book including aggressive X—ray radiation that left its scars.
When he came to me at the onset of a new episode, the right foot was red and swollen and one toenail was partially detached. The other foot was inflamed, but not yet swollen.
The protocol was simple. I merely placed his feet in a plastic trash bag secured closed at the knees and introduced the electron air via hose through a slit in the bag. Each of the three treatments lasted 20 to 30 minutes, every other day for six days.
On the sixth day all swelling, inflammation, and tenderness was gone and the intact part of the toenail remained intact. Since he had become a close friend over the years that followed, I can personally verify that he had no subsequent outbreaks of this fungal disease.
In 1972 after my initial and surprising lab study with ”the mouse that walked away”, I started experimenting aggressively with this discovery and developed my ‘Target Theory’ of electron air therapy.
This means simply that the electron air effluent from the machine is conducted through a flexible hose which is used to direct the discharge of electron air to a specific area of application. This allows for high voltage settings which produces a denser electron saturation of the effluent air and higher ozonic oxygen groupings.
Since the electron air at these high therapeutic settings is very irritating to eyes, nose, and pulmonary system (and also noxious smelling), an auxiliary fan is used to blow the effluent away from the face, and adequate room ventilation must be maintained.
In certain cases where total limb tissue electron saturation is advisable, as in the aforementioned foot fungal case or in cases of poor circulation related infections, necrosis, or gangrene in the extremities, I have found it advantageous to enclose the limb in a plastic bag secured at the top and with hose from the machine introduced through a hole cut in the bag.
In this sort of case it is not necessary that the hose be aimed at the insult, since the entire limb is the target. If the hose is tightly secured at its entry into the bag, a second exhaust opening should be provided to insure free flow of incoming electron air.
Also, with this technique lower voltage settings should be used, particularly where prolonged treatment sessions are employed. It must be remembered that ozone and super oxygen are also super oxidizers and that in extreme concentrations may cause temporary discomfort and inflammation of tender skin tissues or exposed deep tissues.
Now; back to June, 1972. While on a one month sick leave from work (ulcers from too much lab work pressure!) I was teaching myself to weld. Accidentally, a piece of near molten steel welding rod dropped on my right forearm. The resulting 3rd degree burn was charred through the skin layers and into the tissue beneath, 1.5” long by 0.2” wide.
Electively, I decided to do a radical experiment and left the burn entirely untreated and unwashed and open, to purposely infect, which it did quite grandly. By evening of the fifth day the resulting staph infection had reached such a point that I feared it might not remain localized much longer. The wound was inflamed and swollen to a diameter of about 2.5 inches, was draining serum and throbbing constantly. A very slight pressure applied to the swelling produced copious amounts of pus from the burn lesion.
However, no attempt was made to evacuate the pustules. I then showered, washing the wound for the first time. Afterwards, I directed electron air via hose with machine set at 100% power directly over the wound for exactly 30 minutes. After this, I turned off the unit and went to bed.
Upon awakening the next morning (7.5 hours after the treatment) I noted that the towel wrapped around the forearm to prevent soilage of the bedding from serum drainage was dry. Swelling was completely subsided and the red inflamed color of the skin was reduced to a narrow border adjacent to the burn lesion which now had a dry intact scab covering it.
For the remainder of the healing time I kept the burn lesion clean and covered to prevent reinfection. No other form of asepsis or antibiotics were used in this experiment, nor had I had any exposure to any form of antibiotics within eight months prior to this incident. The burn lesion healed rapidly and the scab detached 5 days after the electron air treatment and there was no permanent scarring.
It was of particular interest to my personal physician that the pus was so rapidly assimilated by the circulatory system (7.5 hours or less) and that this happened without any swelling of lymph nodes or other symptoms of secondary toxic reaction.
OBSERVATIONS and THEORIES and Afterthoughts
In the cases of open wounds and topical infections (bacterial, viral, fungal) it might be speculated that ozone, a known germicide, could be the prime mover in the healing. However, this thought does not address the spectacular results achieved with deep tissue microbial insults that are not exposed to the ozone, such as in shingles, boils, swollen lymph nodes, and deep tissue fungi.
Some additional thoughts are in order. A very interesting research study was conducted and reported in 1971 in Japan by Dr. Sutzkiyo Uozumi, Phd., a physicist, college professor, and research consultant in his in depth study of phenomena that take place within the cold electron plasma.
It was theoretically revealed through balanced mathematical and chemical equations that oxygen molecules of air, when exposed to the dense high velocity electron plasma,will temporarily form into higher atomic groupings than 02 and 03 through alterations in individual atomic valences of the oxygen atom.
Valences are the + and — electrical charges that serve as the glue that holds chemical combinations together.
In the absence of high thermodynamics, as with the cold electron plasma, oxygen is the most susceptible molecule of the air gases to be affected. This leads to two interesting phenomena, once the super oxygen (higher than 03) is out of this dense electron environment.
The higher the atomic grouping, let’s say, 010, the more aggressively the molecule seeks to return to its natural molecular balance, O2 In the process of this molecular decay from O(x) to O2, electrons are released randomly at high velocity to land where they may.
This randomly causes unexposed air oxygen in proximity of this decaying super (or, ‘excited’) oxygen to move into higher atomic groupings, from impact and attachment of these secondary free electrons, until electrical (electron exchange) conditions allow it to decay back to 02, while imparting more secondary free electrons to further random landings.
Two things must be noted here. Electron attachment to a continuing succession of oxygen molecules (altering them temporarily to higher than O2 groupings) may go on and on in the form of an electron avalanche effect or, secondary electron effect!
That is, oxygen, to be altered, does not need to pass through the cold electron plasma; it merely needs to be in proximity of an excited super oxygen molecule to be changed.
The second point to be implied here is that the speeding free electrons released by a decaying excited oxygen are moving to random targets. If human or animal flesh is the landing site, it stands to reason that the targeted tissue is going to shift to a noticeable negative charge.
Of course, the more saturate the secondary free electron density, and/or the longer the exposure is, the more effective is the tissue polarity change.
And this seems to be where mysterious things begin to happen. Invaders, disease causing, microorganisms seem to die and disease vanish. Tissue cells instantly or rapidly return to normal function, with rapid healing, and pain and toxemia and other adverse symptoms vanish......But, why?
This question has kept me awake for more evenings than I care to remember!
My speculations and theories, all with good supportive data, could fill a book! But, all of these speculations and theories are totally irrelevant to a diseased or injured and badly hurting man or animal!
The fact is that plants and animals and man all seem to function with greater positive vitality in a negative electrical environment. This is a fact that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by acclaimed research scientists throughout the world.
So, let us take this fact a quantum leap forward, and consider that with high negative electron potentials of body tissues, or the whole biosystem for that matter, tissues and tissue systems may be mobilized towards normal function (i.e.: disease and impairment free) when the electrical potential becomes appropriate for such miracles.
I, Merlin, warmly invite critique, honest skepticism, or support of my researches, experiments, and theories. Please make your thoughts known in writing to BSRF to serve as a guide to me towards further directions of my writing and studies.
Merlin D. Wolf
Note by Healing Cancer Naturally
Please see these important comments on animal experiments which are rarely reliable indicators of what will benefit humans and thus have led to serious harm incl. death of humans, as well as the complete section exposing Cancer Research, Toxicity Testing & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?.
1 formerly found at www.oxygenmedicine.com/ozonetoxicity.html
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