
Protocel®, Entelev® and Cancell®

Cancer survivorship testimonials (II)

by copyright Healing Cancer Naturally © October 2021
continued from Protocel® cancer survivorship testimonials (I)

Medulloblastoma brain tumor, stage IV: full remission

On October 25, 2002, the parents of an 18 months old girl learned that their daughter had a Grade IV Medulloblastoma in the posterior portion of her brain. Since the tumor had spread into the respiratory section of the little girl's brain, they were warned that she might not even make it through the night.

2 days later, the tumor was completely resected and the little girl seemed to recover apart from a secondary meningitis infection. Even so, the parents were told that the tumor would grow back within 6-11 months at which point it would become fatal. The doctors offered to put the young patient through chemotherapy and radiation but added that she only had a 10% chance of making it through the first year.

Since the parents couldn't find any proof that the conventional therapy options were curative, and likely would only be life- extending while promising an uncertain quality of life, they declined the oncologist's offer after much soul-searching, prayer and research. They put their daugher for the following four months on Samento, a cat's claw extract formulated to support the immune system with reported antioxidant, cardiovascular, and neurological benefits.

When they learned about Protocel and the research behind its effects they were certain that it would support the healing their daughter needed. They were even happier to discover that their litte girl was ready to ingest it (apparently it does not taste good).

For the first year after surgery, they administered Protocel around the clock, with the following two years applying the daytime dosages. Since starting Protocel, their daughter only had negative MRIs for regrowth. In fact, in spite of what had been promised by the oncologists, her tumor NEVER grew back.

At the time of reporting, the girl was 8 1/2 years old and as normal a girl of her age as could be.

Needless to say, the parents were thrilled and believe that God led them to Protocel and has a beautiful plan for their daughter's life!

(Reported in November 2009)

Brain Tumor (large cell lymphoma [B-cell])

Diagnosed with a 6x7cm brain tumor in the left forebrain area in November 1994, this patient initially received steroid therapy for four days to reduce the swelling after which she underwent surgery which reduced the tumor to 2x3cm. She then went through a course of chemotherapy for four months at a rhythm of one week on and three weeks off to allow her to recover.

She subsequently submitted to the so-called Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption Therapy (BBBD) at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. This involved a catheter being inserted into the femoral artery to reach an artery in the neck and sending a concentrated sugar solution (mannitol) through the catheter to temporarily shrink the cells constituting the blood/brain barrier. This allows introducing the chemotherapy drug (in her case Methotrexate was used) to the brain at a much higher concentration than standard chemotherapy.

Her tumor indeed vanished during her BBBD but returned after the second month. The doctors then tried carboplatin, another chemotherapeutic drug but the tumor continued to grow. She finally was administered Temodar which she took orally.

It was at this point that the patient learned about Protocel®. She started taking it in parallel with the Temodar and additionally took a vitamin supplement. The tumor however kept returning. She then learned that the supplement she was taking was too high in vitamins C and E which interfered with Protocel's® effect on the tumor and made the cancer cells resistant to it.

She discontinued the vitamin supplement, increased her Protocel® dosage to 1/3 teaspoon, and began taking it in four-hour intervals rather than six as she had done before.

At the time of reporting (March 2006), the tumor had disappeared and had been gone for seven months as seen in her MRIs which showed her to be clear of cancer. While she reported no adverse effects from taking Protocel®, she did suffer serious physical and mental side effects from the chemotherapy treatments.

(She additionally helped her body's immune system by juicing and consuming only organically grown foods without noxious chemicals and hormones.)

Compare another sensational brain cancer cure attributed to Protocel's sister product Cantron: Terminal Brain Cancer Survivorship Grade 4 Anaplastic Astrocytoma and Cantron.

Prostate Cancer

While attending a doctor's visit in August of 2006 for uncontrollable urination, I was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. The blood results also showed a PSA of 16.00. I was told that I had prostate cancer.

In that same time frame, I also heard of Protocel®. I started taking Protocel® on September 13th, 2006. Within the next three months and after another blood test, my PSA had dropped to 3.2.

Having had several eye operations in the past eight (8) months and having to have blood work done before the operations, my PSA has been monitored as well. As a result, my PSA has remained stable to this day. My success can only be attributed to Protocel®.

F.A., September 2007

Lung Cancer

I have had lung cancer since the spring of 2002 (now about 7+ years).

It was recommended that I take chemotherapy and radiation. Well, I decided to forgo that and take the Protocel 50, proenzymes & pawpaw instead. These products have shrunk my tumors and have prevented the cancer from traveling to other places in my body.

The doctor himself admitted that most patients undergoing chemo and radiotherapy live about ten months. Now that I have survived 7+ years thus far, my doctor says I'm amazing and finds my case very interesting. I usually go to my doctor every 3 months for x-rays, blood work or a CT or PET scan.

I'm very grateful for those who have helped me and for all the products available to me.

J.K, November, 2009

Kidney Cancer
(testimonial contains a strong spiritual element)

In April of 2005 I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had my left kidney removed. My post-surgical checkups were clear until November of 2007, when an enlarged lymph node in my chest was discovered, and then later another site on my vertebra L2 was discovered along with other lymph nodes. A biopsy confirmed it to be a metastasis from the original cancer.

Kidney cancer alone has a good survival rate when the tumor is small, is confined to the kidney, and is caught before metastasizing. It is typically treated by surgically removing the affected kidney. However, when the cancer has metastasized, the survival rate falls to less than 10% for survival beyond 5 years. That can be extended with therapies and drugs, but there is currently no long-term cure for this kind of cancer. My tumor was large and the cancer had metastasized, so I was definitely high risk.

I was admitted to the hospital in March of 2008 for an immune therapy but was not responsive. In May I went on a chemotherapy drug called Sutent in an attempt to control the progression of the cancer. I was responsive to the drug, but this drug is only effective for an unpredictable period of time and has side effects. By April of 2009 I was suffering the side effects and battling with the fact that there is no long-term cure. The chemo was only delaying the inevitable.

About 9 months after the second diagnosis, i was told about an alternative treatment called Protocel® that had been reported to be effective in curing 80% of all cancer types attempted. It is also reported that kidney cancer was one of the top 3 cancers that responded well to Protocel®. In May of 2009 I started on Protocel® and the following month I stopped taking Sutent. It is now March 2010 and my lymph nodes are back to normal size and my vertebra is clear of cancer. According to my doctor he can no longer conclusively tell if I still have cancer.

My story is a story of faith in the power of prayer and God's merciful hand. I invite you to read My Story. If you have cancer yourself, my hope is that you will dig deep into my story and find hope. If you know of someone with cancer, please share my story with them.

God Bless,

M. C., April, 2010

Breast cancer
(testimonial contains a strong spiritual element)

In August of 2009 I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. When I heard this news, my overall reaction was a sense of numbness. This was only the second mammogram I had ever had in my life, although I would often get referrals at doctor's visits. I just didn't think I was at risk, and I hadn't felt a lump. For whatever reason (the prompting of the Holy Spirit, perhaps), I just felt led to make the appointment this time.

Even prior to the diagnosis, I searched the internet for alternative options. I figured it couldn't do any harm to have the information in advance. I definitely didn't want to walk into the doctor's office prepared to passively place myself in his/her hands. Protocel® was the one method that seemed to resonate with me, and I began taking it a few weeks prior to the actual diagnosis, because I figured it couldn't do any harm.

A lumpectomy was recommended, and I felt okay about that procedure. Several weeks later I was informed that they had gotten 99.9 percent of the cancer and wanted to take some more tissue and test lymph nodes. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of more surgery, but I did comply. Initially the doctor had told me the tumor measured 2.2mm, but when it was removed, it turned out to be 1.3mm, so it's very possible the Protocel® would have taken care of the tumor without surgery, and I could have kept the lymph nodes. I just didn't know enough about Protocel® at that point, and I certainly didn't have a lot of support from family members, several of whom are conventional medicine fans.

After the second surgery, I was told everything was clear, and it couldn't have been better. Of course the surgeon pushed the idea of radiation, assuring me that the cancer would return if I didn't do it.

I was referred to an oncologist, whom I saw several weeks later. He felt under my arm pit and noticed a swollen lymph node, which he assured me was cancer. He said he'd been doing this for 40 years, and he knew what he was talking about. He told me I would need surgery to have all the lymph nodes removed on my left side. However, a PET scan had already been scheduled, and it seemed foolish to me to have the surgery (which I had no peace about) until I received the results of the scan. At this point, I had been on Protocel for six weeks.

A week ago I (reluctantly) returned to the oncologist to learn the results of the PET scan. It turns out it was totally clear! I will continue taking the Protocel® for the recommended year as well as IC3, because my cancer was hormone-driven.

It's incredible to me that this doctor (and the surgeon concurred with him) would have whisked me into an unnecessary surgery. My advice to anyone on this journey is to arm yourself with knowledge and if you are a Christian as I am, pray, pray, pray. I printed up healing scriptures from Joyce Meyer's ministry and read them aloud several times a day until they became reality in my spirit. They were my medicine along with the Protocel®, IC3, vitamin D and enzymes. The Lord was definitely an essential part of my healing.

L.D., April, 2010

Prostrate Cancer

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 10 years ago (1999). A needle biopsy was performed. I was told I had a PSA of 13 and a Gleason scale rating of 4.5. I had already known about Protocel at the time I was diagnosed and started taking it immediately. I never had surgery or any other conventional treatment for my cancer. After six months of taking Protocel 23 my PSA rose slightly to 16, but then it started to go down to 9.7, which is more normal for me. With continued testing in 2003 my PSA went down to 7.0. My doctors have pronounced me cancer-free!!

It is now November 2009, ten years after my diagnosis. I continue to be a healthy, fully functioning individual at 79+ years of age and there is no sign of cancer. I see my urologist every six months for a check-up and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am continuing to take Protocel® formula-23 in regularly prescribed doses.

P.F., November 2009

Possible Breast Cancer

Last fall (2008) I noticed that I had a lump in my breast. I decided that I did not want to use traditional medical procedures, but instead, I knew about Protocel from my husband's cancer, and I ordered it immediately.

I took Protocel for about 6 weeks when I noticed that the lump had completely disappeared. I have checked for the lump quite often and have not been able to find it, or even where it was, at all.

I realize that I did not get a mammogram and I do not know what the lump was, but it is completely gone now.

K.M., November 2009

Lung Cancer and Diabetes

In April of 2005 my husband, Joe, was diagnosed with lung cancer and given four months to live.

Dear friends of ours told us about Protocel. We ordered it and Joe started taking it. However, he did not get serious and would miss doses, then stopped taking it entirely for one month, two months and even three months at a time (they say it's a man thing), To me this speaks volumes for Protocel because, even though he didn’t take it correctly; it held off his lung cancer for over 3 years.

In May of 2008 he became extremely ill and had to be hospitalized for 2 ½ weeks. He had fluid on the lungs, which affected his heart, kidneys; and his breathing was extremely labored. He was put on oxygen and had emergency surgery to put a tube in his chest to drain the fluid off his lungs. The doctors removed 3 quarts of fluid in surgery and he was put on a machine to keep removing the fluid for the balance of his stay. When the fluid from his lungs was tested it was found that the cancer, found in the fluid, had mutated.

During his last week in the hospital the Protocel was administered every 6 hours. I called Tony Bell and explained what had happened. He encouraged me that this could be turned around if done properly. We increased the Protocel to 1/3 tsp. every six hours, and added Germanium and Larch, which helps Protocel work faster. He was also put on PawPaw and Vitamin D3 to help kill the mutated cancer. Joe now realized the importance of following Protocel’s protocol, and vowed to follow its directions.

The day he was to be released from the hospital a different doctor was on duty. She came into the room and talked to us about a hospital bed and hospice care for Joe at our home. I refused her suggestion on both counts. I had always felt that God had sent us Protocel as the answer, and I did not believe He had changed His mind. I told her that she could order home nursing to monitor Joe’s care and therapy to help him recover his strength. It was decided that the home nursing and mentoring would help Joe recover the quickest.

In addition to the cancer: Joe is a diabetic. He had been on four prescription drugs for the diabetes. Upon being released from the hospital his medication was reduced from the four medications to only one. Two weeks ago they cut the last pill in half, and yesterday they cut that half pill in half once again. God is so good!

I truly believe, if taken correctly, Protocel will take care of any autoimmune disease. If you could see Joe today, other than the weight he lost, you would not believe that he was at death’s door only two months ago. I believe God did the healing through Protocel and the supplements. We serve an awesome God!!!!

Please believe: You do not have to die or be incapacitated by an autoimmune disease. Think of this…Joe really expected to leave the hospital in a body bag. When I spoke to our doctor after his release from the hospital, and told him what Joe had feared, he said he expected the same. At the present time Joe is well, and getting stronger every day.

C.H., Joe’s wife

Inoperable tumor in right lung with metastases

First and foremost let me thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I give Him all the Praise and Glory for what He has done in my wife’s (Judy’s) life. He has truly laid His healing hand on her.

Also let me thank our home Church, Fairhope Avenue Baptist Church for their prayers, and many other Churches who have placed Judy on their prayer lists. And all of those who offered up Prayers on Judy’s behalf.

Also I am indebted to Mr. Sheridan [the inventor of Protocel] who through enormous odds did not give up and perfected PROTOCEL.

I am also indebted to many people who offered much needed advice, encouragement and prayer. Just a few of them are; Dr. Tony Bell very knowledgeable as to how Protocel works and the chemical reactions, Elonna McKibben's real life experience with Protocel and a testimony as to its cure, Kathie Cazessus a real encourager and positive person, Elaine Hulliberger's book “Winning The Battle Against Cancer” is a must read for everyone who is fighting cancer, Ty Bollinger's book Cancer Step Outside The Box [Amazon partner link, commission earned] should be the bible of every person who is battling cancer. Tanya Harter Pierce's book Outsmart Your Cancer [Amazon partner link, commission earned] gives an excellent profile on Protocel and is loaded with very helpful information. Kim Cassidy who owns Vitamin Depot, LLC. (330-634-0008) is very knowledgeable in Homeopathy, Nutrition and Wellness and is always available for questions. And many others who have written and researched to write books and provide valuable information for those of us who are desperately trying to save a loved one from cancer. These people and their books and knowledge are the ones who are educating the public, THAT CANCER CAN BE BEAT, AND NO LOVED ONE HAS TO DIE OF IT. No matter what the FDA, AMA, Big Pharm, NCI, NIH, ACS and the many other organizations that are on the money train will say.

Just to give you a quick background; Judy had suffered from a constant backache for over a year, thru many Doctor visits, finally in October of 2007 she again went to our GP Doctor. He finally took x-rays and found a spot on her lung. He referred us to a Pulmonary Doctor who did another x-ray and determined she had Lung Cancer (she had not smoked for 25 years) He ordered a CT, MRI and a PET Scan. They showed that she had an inoperable tumor in her right lung with metastases to her back close to her spine in three places. One very low on her right hip just below the belt line, this was the one giving her the pain. All this occurred between the end of October 07 and Dec 07.

He referred us to an oncologist who recommended that she have radiation treatments and follow up with chemotherapy. She only took two weeks of radiation and stopped because it turned her into a zombie. In January of 2008 reading "Cancer Step Outside The Box" set me on a course to save my wife from Cancer. This book gave us our first hope that there is another way, an alternative to the medical treatments (radiation, chemotherapy and surgery) now offered. One was Protocel which she started Jan 10, 2008. I have since read many books and did much, much research into cancer. To my amazement I found that there are over 200 natural cures, cures! for cancer, Protocel being the easiest and most reliable.

Getting back to the news I wanted to tell you; It has been six months since Judy started Protocel #50, with Paw Paw, Larch, Germanium 23 and Bromelaine recommended by Dr. Tony Bell.

We finally found an oncologist who was agreeable with our alternative treatment and didn’t question it or look at us as if we were committing treason or something. He took one look at Judy and said, "You don’t look like you have cancer, what are you doing." We told him of the Protocel, he had no comment. He ordered an MRI to determine exactly what was causing the pain. Also he ordered another PET scan to compare with the first one that was taken in December 07.

Our oncologist read the tests, and said “I don’t know what you are doing but whatever it is, keep doing it.” Praise God, the Protocel has stopped the progression of the cancer. Cancer was not found in any other part of her body. Also it is at a standstill. Protocel has caught up with it and is about to completely overcome it as Dr. Bell and so many others had predicted. The tumor in her lung is now a shadow. The other two tumors in her back are dissolving and not giving her any problems. The one in her lower back is pressing on a nerve; this is the one causing the pain.

He recommended that pinpoint radiation would shrink it and stop the pain. He said not to worry about the other tumors because something is taking care of them. He also said that, "if she had been given chemotherapy she would not be in the good shape she is in at this time". And, he would not recommend it.

Through the radiation she will continue to take Protocel and its protocol, which will amplify the radiation up to three times and destroy the tumor that much faster. In addition the Protocel will alleviate the side effects caused by the radiation. Halleluiah!! We are on the home stretch to defeating this scourge. To be fair, I must point out here that there are many other things we are doing in addition to the Protocel protocol to fight the cancer. It all adds up to a battle plan to save Judy.

Praise God!! (reported on July 22, 2008)

Note 1: The above testimonials were originally published on a site which has gone offline. They have been republished here in an anonymised form to protect the privacy of the individuals concerned.

Note 2: An "offshoot" of Protocel is sold under the name of Cantron, see Protocel®, Entelev®, Cancell®, and Cantron: Background on a confusing supplement and "Related content" below.

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