
Protocel®, Entelev® and Cancell®

Cancer survivorship testimonials (I)

by copyright Healing Cancer Naturally © October 2021

Lung Cancer

Just a few years ago I first heard of Protocel from a friend discussing it with my daughter. I didn't pay too much attention at the time, but in 2003 I was diagnosed as having lung cancer. After having x-rays and a PET scan, I decided to try it. After I received instructions on dosage, etc., I began taking Protocel formula 50 four times daily, every 5 to 5 ½ hours. I began taking it on July 29, 2003.

I continued this routine for 11 ½ months at which time I had three sets of x-rays with the following results. The first set of x-rays showed the following results after beginning Protocel in July of 2003:

First X-ray September 2003: No change, tumor still showing.
Second X-ray November 2003: Tumor still there, but smaller.
Third X-ray (can't remember month) 2004: X-ray clear — No tumor
Forth X-ray: March 2005.
Last X-ray — Clear of cancer.

While taking Protocel 50 I had no ill effects of any kind, and also had no colds of any kind, and I felt really good and energetic.

Today is March 18, 2009, and I'm delighted to report that my lungs have been clear of all cancer.
S.M., March 2009

Prostate Cancer

One year ago this month (10/08) my PSA was 48.7. My urologist did a biopsy and found that I did have cancer of the prostate. On the Gleason scale of 2 to 10, it was an 8. If it had been a 10 or more, suspicion of it having gone somewhere, like the bone, would have been in order.

I decided to try the radiation treatments of which 42 were scheduled. I also started to take Protocel in the recommended dosages. Am I glad I did! I am a man of Faith and this had much to do with my healing. I elected not to take hormones. My attitude was great. I faithfully went to all of the radiation treatments and took Protocel® on time.

The results were astounding. Where the radiation did its thing, Protocel® did its thing. Within two to three weeks my skin felt new and younger than ever. My blood pressure leveled out to around 123/82 and I didn't get any sickness, like my yearly summer or autumn cold. I haven't seemed to need my blood pressure pills during all this time.

Needless to say, as of this month (11/09) I have a PSA of 0.63. This made me believe that Protocel® did something wonderful, as an added feature to the radiation. I have no side effects and I never felt anything so as to know I even had a prostate. I had a few side effects from the radiation but none from the Protocel®.

I am convinced that Protocel® was miraculous in its effect on the healing process. My oncologist said it was all right to take it since it was a supplement that may have value. My urologist doesn't want to see me until February.

T.B., November 2009

Breast Cancer, diagnosed October 1979

I discovered a lump in my breast in the spring of 1979. However I did not go to the doctor about it until October of that year. I was scheduled for surgery, and during the operation it was determined that the lump was malignant. A simple mastectomy was performed and 2 or 3 lymph nodes were also removed. The lab report showed that cancer cells were present in the lymph nodes.

After the surgery, I was treated with chemotherapy for six months and had a standard round of radiation treatments which lasted for three weeks — five times per week. During this time I also began to take Entelev (later called Cancell). When my round of chemotherapy was complete and after the radiation treatments, a bone scan showed spots on both my clavicle and rib cage. The target area for the radiation was very close to my throat, and I also developed difficulty in swallowing. The doctor felt I should have no more chemotherapy or radiation. However I continued to take Entelev on a regular basis.

At the time of my next bone scan the suspicious areas on the bones had diminished considerably, and I continued to take Entelev for some time longer. I was on no other form of treatment. My recollection is that I continued to take Entelev until at least a year after the mastectomy. My swallowing problem disappeared and my health and blood tests continued to improve until the levels were in the normal ranges. A cancer specialist has monitored me regularly, and all tests have been normal.

C.D., October 23, 2009

Skin Cancer (second attack)

I give thanks ever so much to those who continue to make Protocel® available. I have been taking it for almost a year (7/15/08), and find it working beautifully and simply on a second bout with skin cancer. I wish I'd known about Protocel® the first time.

There are no allopathic medical records available for me because I do not use these doctors, except in emergencies, such as my horseback riding accident.

I found out about Protocel® from a friend. I knew the cancer was back big time, because I used some Cansema paste (left over from a few years ago) three times on the suspected cancer spots, and there was a big reaction every time. Cancema eats the local cancer cells, but does not clear the disease. I used many other alternatives for almost two years. This time the cancer appeared like itchy wart-looking bumps. Now the cells were spreading inches out from the initial areas.

In addition to the Protocel 50®, I modified my diet to include Spirulina, Nature's Fuel, ginger to keep my blood pressure up (2 caps a day), B complex, MSM, D-3 (4,000 units daily), pawpaw, more fruits and vegetables, no red meats except for lamb occasionally (it's a red cell builder), and no vitamin C or E. I drink only black tea (decaffeinated usually), water, some juice like apple or grape, and very occasionally a glass of wine. Very little sugar is taken, some local unprocessed honey is used occasionally. I eat organic poultry, fruits and vegetables most of the time. I buy mostly wild 'caught' fish which generally is from cold water, e.g., salmon, halibut, and cod.

After the initial couple of months for my body to adjust to Protocel®, it has been so easy and cost-effective to take, leaving more money to buy organic foods. Protocel® has also been effective in not allowing viruses to take hold, such as colds and the flu. Hemorrhoids have also been healed. I am breathing better and feel stronger than a few months ago, as attested by my daily dog walks which are increasing from 20 to 40 minutes daily with little or no fatigue, even uphill. The only effect that has stayed with me throughout my taking Protocel® is being tired in the evening, but that doesn't bother me.

Please continue to keep Protocel® available! I've recommended it to other folks who are interested in alternative treatments. I am most grateful!

E.F., July 2009

Breast Cancer

It was hard for me to write this story. I've been cancer-free for 8 years and I think I've forgotten about what a miracle I went through. But today I took my 12 year old granddaughter to a funeral for a classmate who died of leukemia. Emily fought a tremendous battle against this disease but in the end modern medicine couldn't help her. Or could it? If she'd been allowed to take Protocel, would it have prolonged her life? We'll never know. It made me realize that I owe other people the information to help them choose their own recovery method.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on March 17, 2001. "You have cancer". No one can realize how devastating those words can be until you hear it about yourself. Is my life over? Will I miss seeing my grandchildren grow up? What will I miss out on, and will I suffer? These are just a few of the thoughts that go through your mind. I spent most of the day crying and feeling sorry for myself. But that evening my sister was having a St. Patrick's Day party and I didn't want to ruin it for her.

I pulled myself together and went to the party with the idea I would enjoy myself and not let anyone else know. My husband was my strength and he agreed not to tell anyone. At the party, my sister (not knowing my diagnosis) introduced me to a woman whose son-in-law was given six months to live because of brain cancer. I asked how he was doing and she said remarkably well.

He had been taking this product called Protocel® and the tumors were shrinking. She spent the evening telling everyone who would listen of this wonderful miracle find. I was intrigued. However, I had convinced myself that I would have a lumpectomy and radiation and be well again. I had to believe that.

After the lumpectomy, I was told that the cancer was in my lymph nodes and I needed more surgery, chemo and radiation. They gave my husband and me a pamphlet on chemo to read. I thought I could come to terms with weight gain and hair loss but I wasn't sure about the other side effects of chemo: those effects are listed below.

1. extreme fatigue
2. pain while receiving the drug
3. vomiting
4. nausea
5. anemia
6. central nervous system problems
7. infections
8. blood clots
9. diarrhea
10. constipation
11. nerve and muscle problems
12. effects on skin and nails
13. sunlight sensitivity
14. kidney or bladder effects
15. flu-like symptoms
16. fluid retention
17. effects on sexual org

This was a lot to digest. After much prayer, I couldn't believe that the loving God that I knew would want us to put poison in our bodies. The cure seemed worse than the disease.

The next day I called Dr. Tony Bell (a chemist and one of Protocel's® biggest supporters), and told him my story. He told me how the Protocel worked and gave me lots of info to think about. He also gave me a name of a nun, Sr. Hermana, who had the same cancer I had, and she was cured by the Protocel®. I called Sr. Hermana. She was told she'd need a lumpectomy and lymph node surgery. Another nun was recovering from a double mastectomy and she was told she needed chemo. Both nuns declined the standard procedures and instead did Protocel®. Both nuns became cancer-free. A third nun was diagnosed with colon cancer. She too became free of cancer due to the Protocel®. Sr. Hermana was the answer to my prayers. I truly believed that God was telling me what to do.

I took Protocel religiously for 1 ½ years and another 2 ½ years as maintenance. I've gone to all my check-ups and eight years later I am cancer-free.

I truly believe that God wants us to be proactive in our health decisions. Ask him for advice and he will guide you. Protocel® is a miracle substance, a miracle that I feel blessed to have found. Life after cancer can be very rewarding and life with cancer can be too.

G.P., August 2009

Breast Cancer

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2008. I had a biopsy and partial mastectomy in June 2008.

My doctors informed me after the partial mastectomy that they had left some cancerous filaments they had missed. They wanted me to have chemotherapy and come back for a total mastectomy. I refused, and proceeded to go on the Protocel regimen after talking to Dr. Bell.

I have now been on Protocel® for one year and have had an MRI, mammograms and ultrasound tests. All are showing I am clear of any of the cancer!

I intend to continue on the Protocel regimen for another year.

K. R., August 2009

Colon Cancer & Hepatitis C

First part of story: In March, 2006, I was not feeling well and ended up in the hospital. I underwent many tests and was diagnosed with hepatitis C, cirrhosis and colon cancer that had spread to my liver.

I had a colon resection and began chemotherapy. I began taking Protocel formula 50 on June 25, 2006. In October, I asked the doctor to retest me for hepatitis C. The result was that I no longer had hepatitis C. It was gone. The doctor told me four times that day that I did not have it because I couldn't believe him.

I am still taking Protocel and still hoping that this will make a difference, and will get rid of my cancer.
( March 4, 2007)

(End of story): My husband, Tom, was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasized to his liver and he had tumors blocking his bile ducts. Tom had surgery and they removed the tumor from his colon, but the doctors were unable to remove the cancer from his bile duct. He began chemotherapy and was taking a drug called Avastin with the chemo. We discovered Protocel and Tom started taking it also.

We really thought that everything was working great together. He was able to skip the chemo and he still continued to improve. Tom's doctor continued to recommend Avastin and Tom was getting it about every three weeks.

Unfortunately, Avastin made the tumors "necrotic" (localized death of living tissue). We will never know for sure, but I wish he had not taken any of the chemicals and just taken the Protocel. The tumors were blocking the ducts from draining, and killed him. I feel as if the Avastin prevented the Protocel from working.
It is really hard to put all of your faith into one thing and really trust that it will work. I wish we had done just that.

Breast Cancer

This is my story.

About four years ago (fall of 1998), I had a breast cancer scare. The radiologist reported an abnormality on my routine mammogram. After losing my mom to colon cancer in 1977, when she was only 41 years of age, anything even remotely related to the "C" word sets me into a panic. I immediately wanted to have a biopsy, but was told a biopsy was "not medically indicated" and insurance would not cover it.

I have had one of my greatest blessings in the world since my junior high school days, having Elonna McKibben as one of my closest friends. Her advice — start Protocel®. She was with me every step of the way. I went through the process of lysing. I actually felt better physically than I had in a long, long time. I never told my doctor what I was doing. My goal was to cure myself before "medically indicated" came to be.

After my six-month waiting period, I was allowed to have another mammogram. I was told the mass looked "different". Hmmm.I didn't even ask what they meant by that. With these mammogram results, I then became "medically indicated" to have an ultrasound, and then "medically indicated" to finally have a biopsy. To cut or not to cut. I guess that is an individual's personal choice. For me, I wanted this thing completely out. I opted to have a lumpectomy done. It was BENIGN!!!

Along the way, another benefit of Protocel® just sort of snuck up on me. I was born with hereditary ataxia. Over the years, my sense of balance has gone from bad to worse. My body just aches much of the time. Showering is a bit challenging. One hand to wash and one hand hanging onto the bars on the side of the tub for dear life. As I said above, while I was taking the Protocel I felt, really, really well. The aching was less. Even my kids noticed that mom was much more balanced and not grabbing every piece of furniture in sight as I walked around my home.

Update 2009:

As of this date, I am very happy to say that all is still well. I take a bottle of Protocel® a year to help insure that I stay that way

L.J., November 2009

Lymphatic Leukemia

Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukemia and... the doctor also found that I had a lump on my breast the size of a large pea. Of course I panicked....

The doctor wanted to put me on chemo immediately. After the second opinion and some research into alternative treatments, I decided to start using 'Protocel®'. Two months later when I went back to the doctor to have the lump on my breast checked out again...they couldn't find the lump. It was gone! So far I have not had chemo and have regulated the leukemia with the use of 'Protocel®'.

About a year ago the doctor said I was in remission and could stop taking that 'stuff'. I did quit taking 'Protocel®' for about three months. When I went back to my doctor for a checkup he said I needed to go on chemo right away!!!! The white count numbers had gone up. I went back on 'Protocel®' and have been fine ever since.

In addition to the leukemia, I found that some moles (not cancerous) have disappeared and I feel well enough to work (for money) four days a week.

A side note: knowing that diabetes is also an immune deficiency disease. my husband started taking 'Protocel®' after he was diagnosed with it. The diabetes went away after about five months and he was just checked out by his doctor and he is diabetes-free still.

I am so happy I found 'Protocel®', and I have highly recommended it to many others!!!!

A. T., August 2009

Metastatic Malignant Melanoma

I found out that I had metastatic malignant melanoma cancer in 2004. I started taking Protocel® formula 50. I was told I wouldn't see 2008 if I didn't try the doctor's drugs. In 11/16/06 I had a PET scan. Here is some of what was said.

"The lesions seen in the right supraclavicular area appeared to have resolved, or nearly resolved. A prior small lesion seen in the left axilla is no longer present".

At that time I put the Protocel® 50 down because I thought the cancer was gone. On 06/21/07 I had another PET scan done. The cancer came back plus it spread to some new areas. So, I went back on the Protocel®.

J.L., November 2007

[Footnote 11/09: J.L. is still alive as of today but may be losing his battle. The cancer that returned was very aggressive, which appears to be the case when patients quit taking Protocel immediately after their doctor has said the cancer is gone. It is believed that it is important to continue taking Protocel for several months past the point when the diagnosis indicates that the cancer has disappeared, and to take the Protocel for perhaps 6 to 12 months more in order to eliminate undetectable traces of remaining cancer.]

continue with Part 2: Protocel brain tumor and other cancer testimonials

Note 1: The above testimonials were originally published on a site which has gone offline. They have been republished here in an anonymised form to protect the privacy of the individuals concerned.

Note 2: An "offshoot" of Protocel is sold under the name of Cantron, see Protocel®, Entelev®, Cancell®, and Cantron: Background on a confusing supplement and "Related content" below.


The Cancell Controversy: Why Is a Possible Cure for Cancer Being Suppressed?
[Amazon partner link — commissions earned]

by Louise B. Trull


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