
How to do Dr. Coca's Pulse Test for Food Allergies

Support your immune system by eliminating foods you are allergic to

by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2023, Copyright Notice

The following valuable advice comes from a website that has been defunct since 2017. A "terminal" cancer victor advises how to use allergy testing - as he did himself in his successful journey to determine the foods that would best help him to achieve healing and eliminate those that would hinder it.

Before we start chasing rabbits as to what constitutes the "best" type of diet, I want to throw out a couple of types of self-testing for you to consider. Unless you go to a medical practitioner and be literally tested for everything you eat, which could cost a small fortune, I can lend some quick assistance. It will take time, but it is not hard to do and costs are minimal (just the food you would eat anyhow and one vitamin). And as long as you are focusing on getting your body repaired, it only makes sense that you would try to consume those things which will do your body the most good. It makes little sense to eat foods that can, because of your personal physiology, detract from your wellness plan.

Now to the issue of testing individual foods for maximum body support. Dr. Arthur Coca developed a testing program to help his wife who was having severe food allergy problems. During his research, he discovered that pulse rates changed when foods had an adverse effect on his wife. To make a long story short, this system seems to work well on myself and I see no reason it should not work on others. It just takes time to test your individual foods.

You need to begin with keeping a record of your resting pulse in the morning while still laying down. Keep this up for at least a week. It should remain relatively stable. Test one, if your pulse rate does not exceed 84 in the morning, the chances are you have very few food allergies, if any. You also need to test and record your pulse just before you eat a meal and finally at bedtime.

There are several ways to test pulse. Two fingers on your wrist at the artery leading into your thumb is typical. You can also feel the carotid artery in your neck, just below your jawbone. Or, if you have a wrist-type blood pressure monitor that also gives pulse readings, this is adequate.

When you are ready to test foods for allergies, start with one single food. Whether it is a banana, or glass of milk, or a piece of steak, does not matter. Test your pulse just before eating. Eat one thing. Test it again 1/2 hour after eating. If your pulse rate climbs more than 4 or 5 beats at most, your body is fighting the food you ate (you are having an allergic reaction) and you should not be consuming it as it is more injurious to your body than helpful.

Wait at least 2 hours before testing another food and then repeat the process. It is ideally best to only test one foodstuff a day, but if you are careful about what you are doing and do not do anything that would raise blood pressure and pulse rate as the day goes on such as physical exercise, this can be done a number of times. It is also best if doing a multiple number of tests during the day to not plan on eating regular meals as that will also affect your responses. If you get an allergic-type response, you should not test the rest of the day so that your body can purge itself.

I have done this test also and have found that, for the most part, things I really like to eat I test normally with except for 2 favorites which for the sake of killing off my cancer, I will give up. Things that I have never really cared for typically did not test well. The question here is whether or not a certain amount of predisposition to personal likes and dislikes shades the results. I am trying to be very analytical about this and until I have some feedback from others, I honestly can't render an opinion other than about my own reactions; but I will for the sake of argument accept this as a valid test until proven otherwise.

I will give you one personal example of the power of food allergies and how they can affect the body. For over 20 years I had fought a continual problem with my feet splitting open, more typically in the winter, nevertheless on and off throughout the year.

By accident, I happened to ask a doctor (not my regular physician who only wanted to prescribe hydrocortisone cream) one day about this and his response was to have me stop drinking coffee for a couple of months. I asked if I could still drink it and just make it decaffeinated and he told me the issue was not the caffeine but rather the oils in the coffee.

I then also took a homeopathic remedy consisting of a very minute amount of sulfur for 2 weeks. My feet cleared and for over 3 years now the splits and bleeding and pain have not returned. This took how much effort on the part of my immune system to continually fight when all I had to do was change an eating pattern?

That is the point of testing. I think that if you have a number of allergies such as this that your body is fighting, there is little doubt that it is an extra strain on the immune system that you do not need. You should do everything in your power to be sure that you are helping yourself heal yourself as much as possible.

These simple tests are enough to get you on the way to finding the right foods for you. Remember, what is right for you is not necessarily right for anyone else and the best way to determine that is to test yourself. And, just because you happen to fall into a specific category whether or not is by blood or metabolic definition, does not mean that you are not allergic to a specific food type. That is why you should test yourself or have yourself tested. Uniqueness has its price.

Make a list of foods that you can eat without reactions as noted above and then you have something to discuss with your doctor. Now, use him as a guide to help refine what you eat and when you eat it and how to prepare it most beneficially. This is a prime example of taking charge of your own health. You need to be involved because absolutely nobody else out there has anywhere near as much vested interest in your life as you do.

For a place to start your investigation, the following vegetables all have well known phytochemicals that are beneficial to fighting cancer. There are many more to try, but begin here: Artichokes, beets, beet greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, celery, garlic (fresh cloves), kale, onions, parsley, purple cabbage, romaine lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, tomatoes, turnip greens.

There are a number of fruits that are also beneficial, but their use should be severely curtailed while tumors are not under control simply because of the high sugar content (fructose) that can act to feed the tumors. Blackberries, blueberries, cherries (tart), cranberries, grapes, grapefruit, McIntosh apples, oranges, pineapple, raspberries, red currants, strawberries. You can eat them, but do not gorge. If you make juice out of them, be sure to cut that juice one to one or more with water to reduce the sugar hit to your body.

One of the best books I know of to own is called Alkalize or Die by Broody. It does not go into the specifics of what foods are best for what type, but he makes a very strong case for why you need to have your body running on an alkalized food regimen.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally

A number of health professionals found that food allergies actually disappeared after detoxification, see e.g. The Cure of Advanced Cancer By Diet Therapy, The Master Cleanser, and Liver & Gall Bladder Cleanse.

Even the humble but oh so powerful stinging nettle has helped against allergies (at least in the case of allergic rhinitis).

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