Causes of Cancer

Geopathic Stress & Cancer

Background incl. how to detect geopathic stress zones in your home

Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2007 Healing Cancer Naturally

Geopathic stress and cancer: an introduction

German physician Dr Ernst Hartmann, MD (1915-1992), wrote that "Cancer is a disease of location triggered by geopathic stress. We all produce cancerous cells on a regular basis, but they are continuously destroyed by our body's immune system. Geopathic stress does not cause cancer, but weakens our immune system."

Geopathic influences may indeed be among the most neglected contributing or causative agents for cancer and other disease.

Contrary to what some may assume, geopathic stress is not a “question of belief”, but an area which has been studied in-depth over millennia and today includes scientifically measurable and “respectable” quantities and factors such as electrosmog (electrical field, magnetic field, electromagnetic fields as those emanating from high-voltage power lines, electric cables, electrical appliances and synthetic materials) and high frequency pollution (mobile [cell] phone antenna, mobile [cell] phone radiation, DECT telephones, hotspot/WLAN, radar). The latter are also referred to as technopathic stress.

In recent times, there are a few well-known German (and Austrian) researchers in the field of “water veins” or earth radiation who collaborated with supervising physicians and others to carefully record and ascertain the correctness and stringency of observed correlations between disease - particularly cancer - and geopathic stress influences from earth radiation (such as Käthe Bachler[1]).

An official confirmation and endorsement was published in 1985 by Dr. Veronika Carstens MD (wife of former German Federal President Karl Carstens): Dr. Carstens authored a study stating that there were 700 cases documented world-wide where terminal cancer patients had regained their health without any conventional treatment after their sleeping area had been moved from a geopathic stress zone. All of these cancer patients had been “given up” on by their doctors.

Please note: Due to the vastness of the subject, this page necessarily gives a general introduction and overview only.

Definition: what is geopathic stress?
(Types of ground or earth radiation, plus modern "technopathic" stress)

Geopathic Stress is a synoptic generic term designating the effects of

Water veins (underground streams) – running water only

Geological fault lines – differences in soil density

Benker cube – named after its German discoverer Manfred Benker

Curry lines - a global grid network of electrically charged lines of natural origin. These lines run diagonally to the poles (true or magnetic?) and were first discovered by Dr. Wittmann, then published by Dr Manfred Curry. The Curry Net grid forms 3.5m x 3.5m (~3.83 yards) squares and runs from South/West to North/East and in reverse.

Hartmann net or Hartmann Lines – a global grid named after Dr Ernst Hartmann MD, a well regarded German medical doctor, who first described it soon after the second world war. The Hartmann net consists of naturally occurring charged lines, running North-South and East-West. Alternate lines are usually positively and negatively charged, so where the lines intersect it is possible to have double positive charges and double negative charges, or one positive and one negative charge.

It is the intersections that are seen to be a source of potential problems, such as when someone’s bed or workplace happens to be above such a critical intersection — a so-called geopathic stress zone -- the person concerned is liable to suffer from sleep disturbances and over time develop disease.

The Hartmann Net appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible, radioactive walls, each 21 centimetres (9 inches) wide and encountered at intervals of 2 metres (6 feet 6 inches), while from East to West they are 2.5 metres (8 feet) apart (the Hartmann Net has a different pattern than the Curry Net).

The grid is magnetically orientated, from North to South. Between these geometric lines lies a neutral zone, an unperturbed micro-climate. This network penetrates everywhere, whether over open ground or through dwellings.

Radioactivity – may emanate from the soil

According to a definition proposed by the Dulwich Health Society, ”Geopathic stress is natural radiation which rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The wavelengths of the natural radiation disturbed in this way become harmful to living organisms.”

EMF - As mentioned before, “modern” man-made influences such as high-voltage power lines, electric cables, electrical appliances, synthetic materials etc. are also included within the “geopathic stress” group even if they may be referred to as technopathic stress to distinguish them from the natural, i.e. non-man-made sources listed above.

This includes the negative impact of cell-phone transmitter stations in one's vicinity (including cordless DECT stations in one's own home as well as mobile phone usage and smart meters). For more information, see

"Pseudogeopathic stress"

A term I first saw mentioned in Erika Herbst's book "Die Heilkunst von Morgen" [The Healing Arts of Tomorrow"], pseudogeopathic stress particularly refers to unhealthful energetic "impulses" and charges deriving from and built up by artificial man-made materials we use and keep in our close proximity, particularly in our bedroom and workplace. According to Erika Herbst's research, this pseudogeopathic stress nowadays accounts for the vast majority of negative (disease-promoting) influences emanating from geopathic stress. See "How to minimize pseudogeopathic and technopathic stress".

Discovery of the close link between cancer and geopathic stress or A historical overview of Radiesthetics

Translation © 2004 by

6000 BC
Rock drawings from this period in the Northern Sahara depict divining rods and pendulums.

3000 - 300 BC
Pharaonic tombs in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings contained sculptures and images depictings priests holding forked branches. Some tombs contained pendulums as burial offerings.

2205 - 2197 BC
Chinese Emperor Kuang Yu promulgated an edict (effective to this day) which reads: “No dwelling shall be built before the earth diviners[2] haven‘t confirmed the intended building site to be free of earth demons[3].” TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has long known about the influences of hidden – i.e. generally invisible – earth radiations.

2000 BC
Relief of a dowser in Turkey ascribed to the Hittites of that period

600 - 100 BC
Celtic songs as well as bard songs of the Druidic Order mention the divining rod.

About this time, Gottfried v. Straßburg (Middle High German minstrel of the era of knights and courts) mentions the divining rod, as does Konrad von Würzburg, the “most versatile poet of the 13th century, a ruler over language and verse” in 1280.

A Vienna documentary drawing depicts people dowsing for water.

Benedictine monk and alchemist Basilius Valentinus leaves detailed instructions on the use of the divining rod in his testament.

1618 - 1648
Dowsers were employed during the 30 Years War to track down treasures.

Middle Ages
The divining rod (wunsciligerta) finds frequent mention in the Nibelungenlied [The Song of the Nibelungs]. Minnesinger Wolfram von Eschenbach mentions the divining rod in his “Parzival”.

Generally, this lore was wide-spread in Europe in medieaval times (where it had been passed down, inter alia, as the art of geomancy from the Celts). Later, as the so-called exact sciences set out to conquer the world, dowsing was dismissed as mumbo jumbo. In more recent times, it was reintroduced to the West as part of the Chinese art of Feng Shui - even our scientists have turned their attention to this subject again.

1914 - 1918
Dowsers and diviners were used on all fronts of World War I to detect water, caves and duds.

In January, German scientist Baron Gustav von Pohl, a talented dowser who believed that earth radiation affected tree growth, animal behaviour and human health, set out to officially prove that cancer deaths only occurred in people who had been sleeping in beds positioned above a powerful “water vein” (underground stream).

In collaboration with the Berlin Centre for Cancer Research, Baron von Pohl investigated, i.e. dowsed and recorded his findings in the town of Vilsbiburg in Southern Germany. Using his own ‚Pohl‘ scale of earth radiation, the scientist mapped earth energy lines in the town, then compared them to the records of the district hospital.

It was found that every single one of the 48 recently recorded cancer deaths had occurred in people who had been sleeping in beds standing exactly above one of the powerful “water veins” (underground streams) Pohl had mapped before seeing the medical records.

The then district physician Dr. Bernhuber MD confirmed the accuracy of von Pohl’s stated correlations. (Read the original German minutes of the “Inspection of the Market Vilsbiburg on the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th January 1929 by firstly the honorouble first Mayor J. Brandl, police superintendent Fischer [on the afternoon of the 13th January], Constable Schachtner [every afternoon, the 13th January excepted], Christian Lechner sen., Lebzelter [on the 13th Jan.], Georg Brandl [on the 13th January], and secondly by the divining rod explorer Baron Gustav von Pohl, Dachau-Unteraugustenfeld, drawn up under official supervision” and signed by the town’s mayor.)

With this officially supervised investigation, von Pohl furnished incontrovertible proof that all cancer deaths of the previous years registered in the Lower Bavarian town of Vilsbiburg concerned people who had been sleeping above a powerful “water vein”, with not a single exception to this rule.

The Berlin Centre for Cancer Research accepted Pohl's findings and published the information in their July journal, positing that earth radiation could be a causative factor in cancer.

Pohl published a book on his work (“Earth Currents as Pathogenic Agents for Illess and the Development of Cancer”, currently out of print) and a number of German doctors began working with the material to help their patients.

1935 to 1953
Pohl's work was further advanced by the German/American doctor Manfred Curry. Curry was head of a research clinic in Southern Germany and investigated the earth energy phenomenon. In the course of his work on the impact of weather on humans and their energy fields, Curry discovered an energy net that affected human energy levels and even had an impact on blood sedimentation rates. It became known as the Curry Net.

Curry became so skilled in detecting the Curry Net that he could diagnose a patient simply by doing a site test and knowing where the patient's bed was positioned. He knew that where the energy lines intersected in a knot formation, cancers would manifest.

A German medical doctor, Ernst Hartmann MD, was dowsing for water and discovered what became known as the Hartmann Net. Hartmann, who published two books on the noxious impact of energy lines (Krankheit als Standortproblem Bd. 1 + Bd. 2 [Illness - A Problem of Location Vol. 2 and 2]), spent decades researching the phenomenon.

He found that if people worked or slept over the meridians of earth energy, they could suffer heart attacks, insomnia, chronic asthma, migraines, backaches and cancers. He discovered that constantly restless and crying babies would settle immediately when their cot was moved.

He further found that sleeping on a North/South line made people prone to cramps and rheumatism, with an East/West line making them prone to inflammations. But most notably, he documented three generations of a family who all slept in the same bed in the same house where two Hartmann lines intersected and who all died of stomach cancer.

Starting in 1953, Ernst Hartmann published observations on the connection between the incidence of unexplainable diseases and earth radiations, recording his experiences from a medical viewpoint. Up until his death in 1993, Dr. Hartmann had been searching for a cancer patient whose bed was not affected by noxious earth rays – without finding a single one.

Austrian schoolteacher and dowser Käthe Bachler started one of the most extensive and recent research projects into the earth radiation phenomenon. Working in collaboration with medical doctors, Käthe Bachler dowsed over 3,000 sleep and work places in fourteen countries interviewing 11,000 people.

In next to all unexplainable cases, they found earth rays to be the cause of the disease. Not only did she find that 95% of the ‘problem’ children that she investigated slept in beds or worked at desks placed at harmful sites, but she also checked 500 cancer cases every one of which was found to be sleeping over harmful radiation.

During the Vietnam war, the US Americans called in radiesthetists to find hideouts, caves and mines.

The aforementioned Dr. Veronika Carstens MD published a study stating that there were 700 cases documented world-wide in which terminal cancer patients had regained their health without any conventional treatment after their sleeping area had been moved away from a geopathic stress zone. All of these cancer patients had been “given up” on by their doctors.

Also see Chinese cancer healing via chi (life force energy).

Symptoms of geopathic stress

Geopathic stress apparently does not CAUSE any illness, but lowers one’s immunity, exerting a weak, but continuous stress on DNA.

According to the Dulwich Health Society, ”the most common indications of GS are: resistance to medical treatment, a feeling of being run-down and exhausted, depression, nervousness, loss of appetite, pallor and allergy to food, affected by electricity and not absorbing the necessary vitamins and minerals. Not wanting to go to bed and when in bed: insomnia, restless sleep, feeling cold, cramps, tingling in arms and legs, sleep walking, grinding of teeth, nightmares and fatigue and muzzy head in the morning. Children are often bed wetting and babies continuously crying.”

Dulwich Health Society, USA, studied over 25,000 people with ill health and concluded that the following groups are Geopathically Stressed (GS):

100% of people who get SECONDARY CANCER.

95% of people who get CANCER were sleeping and/or working in a GS place before or at the time the cancer was diagnosed.


95% of people who get Aids.

80% of parents/caregivers who ABUSE CHILDREN.

80% of DIVORCES are by one or both partners being GS.

80% of couples who CANNOT HAVE BABIES, one or both are GS.

80% of women who have a miscarriage.

80% of babies who died of COT DEATH.

70% of M.E. (Post Viral Fatigue) sufferers.

70% of people who are ALLERGIC TO FOOD/DRINK.

How to detect geopathic stress zones in your home

Apart from calling in professional help such as dowsers, radiesthetists or geomancers who perform an analysis of geopathic stress and/or electromagnetic fields (EMFs) present in your environment, there are some measures you can take yourself:

Baron Gustav von Pohl discovered that cats and insects were attracted to areas of earth radiation - cats sleep on such spots, bees and ants will nest there. So one of the simplest indicators pointing to the presence of a geopathic stress zone can be found in the behaviour of animals. If a certain spot is your cat’s favourite resting place, avoid it - dogs by the way, naturally do.

(The following is copied from Suzy Chiazzari, Copyright (c) 2000, Adapted from The Healing Home)

“When the natural electromagnetic field in the ground is disturbed, energy can become distorted. This is known as geopathic stress.

In the home, geopathic stress can affect your health, especially if you are sleeping over an underground stream or watercourse. Places disturbed by negative energies can be very disruptive to sleep. If you sleep near high-voltage power lines or even over domestic supply cables, you will find that your sleep may be restless. If you find that your sleepless nights have no apparent reason, you may do well to check for underground disturbances.

There are three ways of checking the magnetic field in a room in your home. These three are using a dowsing rod, a pendulum, and a compass. Due to space constraints this article will just offer how to use a compass.

Using a compass
Use a good compass. Turn it until the needle lies directly north and move it slowly over the area to be dowsed. As the compass approaches an area of disturbance, the needle will swing away from the north position. As it is difficult to hold a compass steady, it is best used over a small area like a bed, chair or sofa. Pass the compass over the area a number of times from different directions to ensure accuracy when pinpointing a disturbance.

Finding geopathic stress
To dowse for energy disturbances in the home, draw a plan of each room. This does not have to be exact, but it is best to pace out the rooms, so that you can pinpoint the spot where any disturbance may occur. If your room is six paces by five, draw a rectangle on squared paper, using one square per pace. You will need to make a number of passes across the room or area in two directions which are at right angles to one another so that you are forming a grid. Then walk diagonally across the space.

Select a wall and start at the left-hand corner. Walk along the edge of the room slowly and steadily holding the compass. Count your paces as you move. If the compass moves from the north position, mark the spot on your plan. Depending on the size of the room, move two paces to the right and walk across the room again, marking any points where the compass moves off true north.

Once you have walked across the room in several straight lines, move to an adjacent wall and start again. You will be forming a grid. When you have completed this grid you can walk diagonally from corner to corner in the same way.

Double check any points where you may have found disturbance. If they are small, mark them in blue on your plan, but if they are major disturbances mark them in red.

It may be that the metal frame in the furniture itself is the cause of the disturbance so check the bed, chair or sofa again, passing the compass carefully over it.”

A comment (written by a person with some dowsing experience) received by Healing Cancer Naturally shows that not everyone will be successful using the above “compass method”: “When testing the above method I was unable to move in such a way as to not already induce a slight movement of the needle at each step. Additionally I did not notice any additional movement/deflection of the needle when walking across spots I had previously via normal dowsing determined to be water veins."

For measuring EMFs (which requires an EMF meter), see Electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMFs and EMRs): critical protection and avoidance measures.

See also: Sam Biser's Health Discoveries Newsletter Issue #25 as well as . Much additional information can be found on the Internet by doing a search on some of the above key terms.

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 In the books following her first and best-known book, Earth Radiation: The Startling Discoveries of a Dowser (partner link to Amazon - commissions earned), Käthe Bachler spends much time trying to justify that dowsing does not in any way collide with the teachings of the Catholic church, often repeating that she is a devout Christian herself. It appears that she was attacked by a number of Christians for using dowsing as a tool to help others heal and lead healthier lives.

2 The Chinese called earth diviners those persons that knew about earth radiations - comparable to modern-time dowsers. Japanese culture continues to investigate building sites via dowsing to this day.

3 Earth demons were thought to cause the disease-producing effects of earth radiations which the people of that time could only imagine to be the work of demons or evil spirits.

Very interestingly, a healer of our times, Len Walker, found cancer-related "entities" to be attracted to and dwelling on geopathic stress lines. These entities use the lines as springboards to attach themselves to people living on the geopathic stress line who give off the correct (to them) vibrations, typically a combination of weakened immune system, a toxic environment, and toxic (unexpressed) emotions. These attract the entity and set up the person for the entity to attach and promote the cancer process.

Len Walker feels that the Attachments follow the toxic vibrations along the equally toxic geopathic stress lines somewhat like a male moth follows the pheromone trail of the female moth, so it's only once the environment within the body is "correct", i.e. when the immune system is compromised by the accumulated toxic emotion and the emotion's vibration reaches a certain level that an Attachment can actually attach.

To reverse the process one should remove oneself from geopathic stress and change the inner environment and/or remove the Attachment. Doing one of the above helps, two is very good, and doing all three is perfect.

The Chinese actually say/imply that entities will attach to certain meridian lines on our body.

Two general-interest articles by Len Walker on this site are A simple but powerful self-healing technique and Guided imagery: two simple but powerful meditations/visualizations for clearing your energy field.

All material on this page copyright & translation © 2004- 2021

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