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One page particularly close to my heart (since reading it could and would help spare people so much suffering) is Potential Serious Side Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatment By Radiation Therapy (Radiotherapy/X-Rays), Chemotherapy & Surgery (Chronic Radiation Enteritis, Chronic Radiation Proctitis, Death from Malnutrition & Other Hazards) as well as the many pages it links to including Cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment: Do be aware!

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8 “Positive energy”

Last but not least, prayer, reiki etc. can be powerful and I am grateful for any positive energy sent my way meant to enhance my wellbeing and inner and outer experience of love while striving to serve the highest good of all.

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... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer after studying the subject for some twenty years,


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