
Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine

Medical and other experts confirm validity

Copyright © Healing Cancer Naturally

There are a sizeable number of German-language expert opinions, certificates and testimonials penned by universities, professors of medicine and other disciplines and similar high-level authors which unanimously confirm the findings of Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine.

These are published in the original version on the 2000 page German-language site www.germanische-heilkunde.at which covers New Medicine and the case of Olivia Pilhar who was legally forced to undergo chemotherapy and surgery against the will of her parents who wished to follow Dr. Hamer’s healing method. If you read German, please search for the term Verifikationen on the above site.

One such detailed testimonial was authored by Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz of the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur (University of technology, economics and culture) in Leipzig, Germany. The following are excerpts from Prof. Niemitz’ Final Comments and Conclusion:

“Based on only its professional status, i.e. without scientific grounding, orthodox medicine claims to hold the sole right to determine which therapy should be applied. In fact it has already done so with respect to the therapies administered to children. This claim of orthodox medicine is in breach of our Constitution.

According to scientific criteria, New Medicine has to be declared as true according to the present state of science and to the best of our current knowlege.

Whereas orthodox (conventional) medicine, scientifically speaking, is an amorphous mush, which cannot even be falsified, let alone verified due to its being based on fundamentally misunderstood (alleged) facts. According to scientific criteria, conventional medicine can only be called a hotchpotch of hypotheses, hence unscientific and to the best of human judgment false.”

Strong words indeed. When I asked Prof. Niemitz if he hadn't run into serious trouble after writing his extensive testimonial (dated August 18, 2003) testifying to the scientific nature of Dr. Hamer's New Medicine and the lack of scientific bases of modern medicine, he replied (paraphrased):

"Well, I did get a thorough dressing-down by the dean of the University and another party, but since they were unable to prove that what I had written was wrong, they left it at that." What a remarkable implicit further confirmation of the validity of Dr. Hamer's New Medicine from the highest scientific levels!
Compare Can modern medicine justifiably claim to be a science? and Powerful Quotes For Cancer & Other “Patients” On Modern Medicine, Its Dangers, Scientific (?) Nature, Conventional Doctors & A Different Truth.

University of Trnava Confirms New Medicine

by the University of Trnava, Slovak Republic (translated)

Hornopotocná 23, 91843 Trnava

Letter of confirmation

On September 8 and 9, 1998, seven patients presenting over 20 individual diseases were investigated at the Oncology Division of the Hospital of the University of Trnava.

Present were:

the Vice-Chairman of the University of Trnava,
the Dean of the Faculty of Treatment Methods and Social Science of the University of Trnava, and a total of 10 teachers and professors.
(The medical protocols prepared by Dr. Hamer for these cases are available).

The object of the investigation was to establish whether the New Medicine system was verifiable according to scientific rules of reproducibility.

This proved to be the case.

Some 100 facts can be established for each disease according to the rules of the ”New Medicine”. While all 100 facts could not be established given the shortage of test results, the facts that could be established showed that the natural laws of the ”New Medicine” were all fulfilled.

The undersigned therefore conclude from the proof presented in two testing conferences that there is a high probability that the system is well founded.

We have the greatest respect for Dr. Hamer’s human, ethical and untiring commitment and his new holistic patient approach. In view of all these factors, we are of the impression that the ”New Medicine” should urgently be followed up and put to use.

Trnava, September 11, 1998


Prof. MUDr J Pogády, Dr Sc, Prof. of Psychiatry, Chairman of the Commission
Prof MUDr V Krcméry, Dr Sc, Dean of the Faculty
Doc RNDr J Mikloško, Dr Sc, Vice-Chairman of Research

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: I have written to the University of Trnava after reading a report on a German-language site according to which the above certificate was a fake. In spite of sending my enquiry re veracity of the above report to two different email addresses given on the university's website, I have not received a reply. I have concluded that by neither confirming nor denying the veracity of the above document, considering the controversy surrounding Dr. Hamer, it is likely that the University of Trnava no longer wishes to be seen as associated with his work.

Demonstration in Support of Dr. Hamer in Berlin, Germany, on September 18, 2004

In radiant sunshine, a public rally was held in Berlin, Germany, on Saturday, September 18, 2004, in support of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer who was arrested on September 9 in Spain and is in danger of being extradited to France.
See Details on the apprehension of Dr. Hamer: Events Leading to the Arrest of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, September 15, 2004, at newmedicine.ca/news.php.

The demonstration started before the German Ministry of Health and ended before the French Embassy, situated by Brandenburg Gate. It was attended by people from all over Germany, the Austrian webmaster of www.pilhar.com, and, to judge by the accents overheard, also by at least one Swiss participant. The prominent public speakers included Prof. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz of the Leipzig University of Technology, Economics and Culture, an outspoken long-term supporter of Dr. Hamer’s New Medicine.
See above: Medical & Other Experts Confirm Validity of Dr. Hamer’s New Medicine.

Long after the demonstration had officially ended, a medical doctor stayed on to explain various aspects of New Medicine to interested listeners.

Pictures of the Berlin demonstration in support of Dr. Hamer:
please click on the thumbnails to see details.
Picture credits: KoseckATt-online.de

Start of demonstration and speeches held before the German Ministry of Health, Mohrenstr. 62: banners read “Freedom for Dr. Hamer”, “Discoverer of the Cause of Cancer in Jail”.

Banners read “Freedom for Dr. Hamer”, “France - Not A Constitutional State”

Banner reads “Freedom for Dr. Hamer”

On the way to the French Embassy:
banners read “Freedom for Dr. Hamer”, “Germanic New Medicine”, “Justice for Dr. Hamer”.

Passing through the Friedrichstraße: banners read “Healthy: Thanks to Dr. Hamer New Medicine”, “Great Pioneers? We arrest them. Signed: Europe.”, “Release Dr. Hamer” etc.

Final addresses held near the French Embassy: banners read “Freedom for Dr. Hamer”.

Appeal for support for Dr. Hamer & the New Medicine

by the Association of Applied Biological Laws, Italy

Dear Friend,

The collection of signatures in support of Dr. Hamer is meeting with great success, and I should like to thank you very much for the appeal that you have already signed, or are about to sign.

This simple gesture will have great significance for the life of Dr. Hamer and for the future acknowledgement of the New Medicine: seed of a wider vision of medical therapy, and, therefore, of the health and welfare of all living beings.

Our association, made strong by your help, will initiate a campaign at a European level!

To do this, we will need as much help as possible from our associates, from health workers, from patients, as well as anybody who has knowledge, from experience and from any reading done, and who believes it is right for the scientific world to verify the Biological Laws discovered by Dr. Hamer.

To continue the collection of signatures, I attach a new appeal that you’ll be able to copy and have signed by the greatest number of people, relatives, friends, acquaintances and patients, and send it back to us as soon as possible by fax, e-mail or mail. This action will be our drive, our strength!

Every additional collected signature will represent a great contribution from you, so that every human being will have the right to the cures and benefits of the new scientific discoveries.

For your own information and in case you are in personal contact with any journalists, newspapers or magazine editorial staff, as well as any association that can support us, I attach a press release just issued in Word Document form, Also the Press release can be found below.

I have confidence in your cooperation, and am certain of your enthusiasm. I thank you from my heart and on behalf of all ALBA members:

Marco Pfister,
Presidente Associazione Leggi Biologiche Applicate (ALBA)
President, Association of Applied Biological Laws, Chairman
Segretariato A.L.B.A. c/o Sonia De Santis, Via A. Piazzagrande 7/8, 16158 Genova, Italy
Secretariat telephone no: 011-39-10-61-23-051 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 to 7 p.m.);
Association’s website: www.albanm.com (Italian-language)

Here is the appeal in rtf format for download:
Declaration in favour of the request for scientific acknowledgement of the biological laws discovered by Dr. Hamer
Fax the filled-in appeal to +011-39-106-123-051 or email to info at albanm.com.

Press Release: A Voice For Dr. Hamer

by the Association of Applied Biological Laws, Italy

On the 9th of September, the German physician Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, discoverer of the 5 fundamental Biological Laws of the New Medicine, was jailed by Spanish police and is being held in a prison in Madrid, following a warrant from the French judicial authority of Chambery.

Following this event, The Association of Applied Biological Laws - recently constituted and established in Italy - on its own behalf, and on behalf of its 500 members, people who work in the field of health: physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists in general - deemed it necessary and urgent to raise its voice and to show itself as a structured and consolidated scientific research organism, supporting the discoveries made by Dr. Hamer.

The Association proposes that it should act as the mouthpiece for the thousands of people, and many associations, that have already tested the validity of Dr. Hamer’s theories. Notwithstanding the repeated verifications, including the official acknowledgement by Trnava’s University (Slovakia), a portion of official medicine, evidently moved by prejudice different from the scientific ones, not only has never consented to the possibility of a scientific confrontation with Dr. Hamer, but has now gone forward with a strong action to stop the German physician from continuing to spread his discoveries.

Without doubt, the scientific significance of Dr. Hamer’s studies is of huge importance, to the extent that it involves a ”Copernican” overturn in the medical diagnostic.

On this assumption, Association ALBA, in agreement with the other organisms constituted on a European level (Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and others), and made strong by the consolidated experiences and verifications, intends to resolutely proceed to work towards the acknowledgement of Dr. Hamer’s discoveries.

To this purpose, in the immediate future, the necessary procedures will be activated to demand that the scientific world definitively acknowledges the Biological Laws, and, secondly, obtains the professional rehabilitation of the German physician, therefore allowing the spread of his discoveries and the continuation of his work.

The proceedings instituted presuppose, and are founded on, the natural and constitutional principles of the freedom and right to scientific research, in the respect of a serene and impartial comparison, which so far has been refused and obstructed without reason.

This press release is also an appeal to all those who were able to know, and verify, the German physician’s discoveries, to support the work of people who have the bravery and strength to defend a revolutionary scientific discovery, that, if on one hand assumes the humility to accept the consequences of a restructure, on the other, contains the seed of a wider vision of medical therapy, where the only pursued aim is a human being’s health.

Association of Applied Biological Laws
Marco Pfister, Chairman
A.L.B.A. (Associazione Leggi Biologiche Applicate)
Association of Applied Biological Laws
Genova Administrative Seat
Tel. 011-39-329.433-4667/349.242-0680/ Fax 011-39-10-612-3051

Scientific Committee:
Dr. Gianni Giannella (odontologist)
Dr. Roberto Luciani (rheumatologist)
Dr. Emmanuele Lupi (general pratictioner)
Dr. Danilo Toneguzzi (psychiatrist)

from www.newmedicine.ca/news.php

"October 18, 2004
Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that Dr. Hamer’s battle to prevent extradition has failed. As a result, he will be sent to France within the next 24 hours to serve a three-year sentence in a French prison.
However, Dr. Hamer’s assistant in Spain has informed me that a French lawyer will be instated to appeal the decision, handed down on July 1st 2004, by the appeal court in Chambery.

For this reason, I urge you to continue your support by signing and e-mailing or faxing the document for A.L.B.A found on the support page of my web site at www.newmedicine.ca/support.php [the appeal in rtf format can be directly downloaded here:
Declaration in favour of the request for scientific acknowledgement of the biological laws discovered by Dr. Hamer.
We have successfully reached our initial goal but will need thousands more signatures and letters sent to the French Embassies. Please make everyone you know aware of this travesty against Dr. Hamer and of his discovery of the New Medicine.
I thank you on behalf of Dr. Hamer."

According to German-language information dated 24 October 2004, his French prison address is:

Monsieur HAMER
No d'écrou 334 750 J
M.A. de Fleury-Mérogis
7, avenue des Peupliers
91705 Ste. Généviève des Bois

No one has contact with him or a sign of life. No one knows how he is or if he can receive mail, apparently he is held incommunicado.

Update December 2005

Dr. Hamer has been languishing in a French prison since his arrest.

Update February 2006

After enduring c. seventeen months of psychological torture (his words) in a French prison, Dr. Hamer was released in February 2006. Read his letter dated 26 February 2006.

Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

discover what this German expert thinks.

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