
Healthy Ways to Cope With Grief

A guest article by Lucille Rosetti thebereaved.org

Grief is a complicated, multifaceted experience. No two people deal with it in the same way. There's no specific formula for processing your loss, nor is there a magic number of steps you must take to heal. However, there are healthy ways to cope with the grief that can help bring both temporary relief and long-term healing. Healing Cancer Naturally can help.

Spend Time in Nature

Spend some time outdoors. It can be as simple as sitting on your front porch or taking a walk around your neighborhood. Chances are, you can connect with nature in many places in your town or city, like parks or walking and biking trails. Mental Floss points out that being outdoors in the elements has the power to soothe and bring a sense of calm. The sights, sounds, smells, and textures of the natural world may be just what you need to quiet your mind, slow your breathing, and ease the pain in your heart.

Keep Eating Healthy

When you lose someone close to you, comfort food may seem like the only option to get you through those difficult moments. But, as comforting as those food items may be, they're often calorie-dense and nutrient-poor. Turning to food for comfort can be counterproductive in the long run because, as Grief Recovery Center notes, it may negatively affect your health. If you do decide to pick up some comfort food, make sure you keep it in the back of the pantry, as this will keep you from immediately grabbing them when you get hungry.

Start a Journal

Journaling can be a helpful way to process your grief. You may find it therapeutic to get the emotions you're feeling onto paper, or you may discover that writing helps you gain clarity about your feelings. You also might find it helpful to read back through your journal entries or share them with others.

Change Careers

Some people turn to their work for comfort in times of loss, but it's essential not to let your desire to heal drive you over the edge. If you've been thinking about changing careers or pursuing a different path, a period of grieving may be an excellent time to make a fresh start. One option is to take classes online to either go for a college-level degree or to take professional development courses. For example, there are several medical coding classes you can complete online that would springboard your career as a medical coder. You would learn industry-standard coding practices, and at the end become certified. If you choose this option, it's essential to approach the situation with a level head. For example, opening your own business is an excellent step, but do it with a plan for success. Consider an LLC as the entity. States have different regulations around forming an LLC, so check the rules in your locality before proceeding.

Improve Your Home's Natural Light

Sunlight has the power to lift your mood. When you have a home filled with natural light, it can brighten up your living space and improve your outlook. If you live in a sunny area, you can easily incorporate more natural light into your home to help you feel the comfort of the sun. Simply opening your blinds and curtains can make a big difference.

Spend Time With Family and Friends

Spending time around loved ones can bring you comfort. Even if you're not feeling up to going out with friends, you can find comfort simply by being around those who care about you. If your loved ones live nearby, open your home so that they can be around for support.

Don't Lose Sight of Your Health

Everyone deals with grief differently. If you're having trouble coping with the loss of a loved one, consider seeking professional help.

Image via Pexels


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