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Amygdalin and Laetrile against cancer

More research studies show tumor reduction and pain-relieving potential

Copyright © 2019 Healing Cancer Naturally

In 1968 the Scind Laboratories of the University of San Francisco (USA) carried out amygdalin[1] trials on 400 rats with Walker’s carcinoma (200 treated and 200 controls). The dose was 500 mg per day. The results indicated a significantly longer life for 80% of the animals receiving amygdalin. The conclusion was that "the results undoubtedly indicate some effectiveness against animal tumors." (Rosenberg)

Dr T. Metianu of the Pasteur Institute of Paris, France, conducted trials in association with the French Ministry of Agriculture on human cancers transplanted in mice. The researchers administered daily doses of 500 mg per kg of body weight and were able to achieve 100% increase in life expectancy and the total inhibition of tumor growth. (Rosenberg)

The East German Von Ardenne Institute of Dresden investigated the effects of bitter almonds amygdalin taken ad libitum in a chow diet in mice with implanted Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. The researchers observed significant increases in life expectancy as well as inhibition of tumor growth. (Rosenberg)

The following is a study presented to the Sixth International Cancer Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1954 by Ettore Guidetti, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Turin Medical School.

Laetrile[1] was administered to a group of five males and five females with an average age of 45. The diagnosis was adenocarcinoma (tumor of the glands) of the breast in four cases, Hodgkins disease three, cancer of the lung one, cancer of the prostate one and cancer of the pancreas and omentum (layer of tissue attached to the stomach) one.

The average period of treatment with laetrile was 17.5 weeks with an average total dose of 46.2 gms.

Dramatic relief of pain resulted in all ten cases. In five cases pain disappeared completely and in the other five it was definitely reduced. Narcotics were discontinued in five of the seven cases in which they were used. After seven injections the fetor (unpleasant smell) from an ulcerating adenocarcinoma of the breast disappeared and the discharge ceased.

In all but two cases the blood count was greatly improved upon laetrile treatment. There was no indication of agranulocytosis (deficiency of blood cells) or other hematogenous (blood) toxicity.

There was an average increase in the red blood cell count of 15% and a 2% decrease in the white blood cell count, the latter being regarded as statistically insignificant. The average hemoglobin (the substance within red blood cells responsible for their colour) showed a 6% increase after treatment. Urinalysis was negative and kidney function was not altered or affected by the use of laetrile.

In conclusion, in 10 cases of metastasised inoperable cancer, laetrile dramatically reduced pain to the point of making painkillers unnecessary, diminished swollen lymph nodes and tumor stench and improved appetite. To all appearances, the cancerous tumors were regressing.

A fall of blood pressure occurred in all cases after the administration of laetrile. This side effect was easily avoided by injecting phenylephrine hydrochloride simultaneously with the laetrile. No other side effects except transitory sensations of itching and heat were observed.

Comparison before and after hemograms showed definite improvement in the red blood cell count and hemoglobin in most cases. The findings presented an image of cancer which is consistent with the trophoblastic thesis.

The study goes on to describe in some detail the circumstances, treatment and results for each of the ten individuals.[2]

The following describes a report given to the 9th International Cancer Congress, Tokyo, October 1966 by B. Rossi, E. Guidetti and C. Deckers entitled "Clinical Trial of Chemotherapeutic Treatment of Advanced Cancers with Laetrile (L-Mandelonitrile-Beta-Diglucoside)".

From 1954 to 1966 they gave 150 cancer patients the above mentioned therapy chiefly at the Turin and Milan hospitals. All patients were in the final stage of their disease (most of them cachexic) and had been given up on by their previous doctors.

28 cases reacted in a measurably positive manner: the tumor either decreased in size or at least stopped growing, and both their x-rays and laboratory results improved.

62 cases showed a clear subjective improvement and 45 reacted negatively. An unclear number of patients simultaneously underwent an "immunotype therapy" (presumably a treatment aiming at strengthening the immune system) which is likely to have influenced the number of positive results.

The remaining 15 involved neoplasms (an uncontrolled growth of tissue, i.e. tumors) of the pleura (the cover of the lungs) with effusion (fluid that has escaped into a bodily cavity). Laetrile was injected into the pleural cavity (the space between the pleura).

These cases showed the greatest success: the effusion was reduced and in some cases completely disappeared, while the patient’s condition distinctly improved.

The researchers concluded that based on the results of their clinical trial laetrile could be considered a very beneficial drug for palliative care of malignant tumors due to its effectiveness and very low toxicity.

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1 Amygdalin ("vitamin B17") is a a naturally occurring chemical compound found in bitter almonds, apricot kernels and other sources. Laetrile is a simpler version of amygdalin and is synthesized from it.

2 The same study seems to have been published in 1962 under the title Chemotherapy of Inoperable Cancer Preliminary Report of 10 Cases Treated with Laetrile (

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