
Metabolic Typing Diet

Strongly endorsed by natural medicine’s heavy-weight Dr. Mercola and with readers reviews ranging from ”The Metabolic Typing Diet is truly the missing link on the nutritional information scene ... Read it. It will change your life.” to ”Save your money!”, William Wolcott, author of "The Metabolic Typing Diet" contends, "To Succeed at Any Diet, You Must Know Your Metabolic Type".

Excerpted from ”...the idea of metabolic typing is not new. The roots of the concept of metabolic individuality can be traced to antiquity.

The 5,000 year old East Indian system of medicine known as Ayurveda was based on the interaction of the 5 elements and the 7 energy centers in the individual and primary treatment addressed one’s dosha (one's metabolic type) before it addressed the symptom or disease.

Similarly, the ancient system of Chinese medicine recognized 5 elemental, constitutional types.

Diagnosis and treatment in ancient Egyptian medicine was based on the 7 organ systems in the body.

Greek physicians were concerned, as Hippocrates stated, with the patient who has the disease instead of the disease that has the patient, and evaluated the 4 humors (liver-bile metabolic types).

The ancient Roman philosopher Lucretius is attributed with the saying, ”One man’s meat is another man’s poison.”

”How can one best-selling book say one thing about nutrition, and the other bestseller say just the opposite? Why will a certain diet give my friend energy and help to lose weight but make me tired and gain weight? How can someone eat the best organic foods, take the finest nutritional supplements that money can buy, get plenty of rest, exercise regularly... and still not feel well?”

Wolcott’s answer is that for genetic reasons, people are biochemically or metabolically different:

”Due to widely varying hereditary influences, we all process or utilize foods and nutrients very differently”, so ”[u]nless you match your nutrition to your metabolism, you'll only be wasting your time and money! ... Thus, the very same nutritional protocol that enables one person to lead a long healthy life full of robust health can cause serious illness in someone else. ... there is no one diet that is right for everyone, i.e., there never has been and there never will be a universally healthy diet.

Second, the only healthy diet is the one that meets one’s genetically-based requirements — not what some book or diet expert says is right. Eat a diet that is right for your metabolic type and not only can you stay healthy but you can reverse degenerative conditions as well.”

This metabolic individuality acc. to Wolcott includes things like foods classified as "alkalinizing" being actually acidifying to people who are ”oxidative dominant”, and likewise for "acidifying" foods:

”The metabolic type defines the way in which the body reacts to nutrients. Different metabolic types react differently to the same nutrient. For example, in one metabolic type 100 milligrams of potassium or eating, say, an orange (also high in potassium), will cause the body’s pH to shift alkaline and produce a sedating effect.

But in a different metabolic type, the same amount of potassium or an orange will produce an acid shift and a stimulating response. This has been observed tens of thousands of times through both objective metabolic type testing as well as through changes in symptomatology.”


”This same principle applies to any adverse health complaint, from simple to complex, from cramps to cardiovascular disease (CVD), from rashes to rheumatoid arthritis.

For example, we have seen just as many cases of high cholesterol and CVD resolve through a high carbohydrate, low fat, low protein diet as we have seen resolve through the opposite low carb, high protein, high fat diet.

Match the diet to the metabolic type and any degenerative condition has a chance to reverse. But eat the wrong foods for the metabolic type, even high quality, organic foods, and degenerative processes will only worsen.”

”The implications of these premises are staggering. If they are true, then allopathic nutrition has no rational basis. Seeking a common therapy for all people for every condition is a wild goose chase and is doomed to failure. Any success with that approach has been and will continue to be by chance — not systematic, reliable predictability.”

”If any nutrient or food can have totally opposite influences, biochemically speaking, in different people, how can there be a treatment, for any condition, that can work for all people?”

”The answer is that there can’t be only one treatment. This is precisely why what works for one person can worsen the same condition in another person. This is why what makes your friend thin can make you fat. This is why what improves energy and performance for one person can worsen it in another. As it turns out, metabolic typing explains why Lucretius’ adage, ”One man’s food is another man’s poison,” is literally true.”

”And, if it is true that two people with the same degenerative disease can have virtually opposite biochemical imbalances, and that when two opposite biochemical protocols are administered the problem resolves, then this clearly means that it’s not the diseases that should be treated but the underlying metabolic type imbalances that have caused the diseases that need be addressed.”

”From this viewpoint, the diseases are not the problems; they are the symptoms, the manifestations, the expressions of the underlying, foundational imbalances. The reality of metabolic individuality demands that the person who has the disease — not the disease that has the person — be treated!”

”These premises of metabolic typing also explain why scientific research on nutrition is usually so inconclusive and produces such inconsistent results. For example, researchers have been confounded why calcium can lower blood pressure in some but raise it in others. Similar findings occurred with the effect of potassium. Until research on the effect of a given nutrient on a given condition is performed on a like metabolic type subject population, you will always see variable results.”

”In summary: Biochemical individuality is responsible for the fact that nutrients behave differently in different metabolic types.”

”The variable influences of nutrients on different metabolisms along with the same condition arising from totally different biochemical imbalances make it impossible to treat conditions with a standardized treatment protocol.”

”Successful, predictable, reliable therapy can only be chosen once you know the metabolic type because only then will you know how nutrients behave in that person’s metabolism.”

”Degenerative conditions account for well over 80% of all of the adverse conditions that afflict the peoples of our country. This means that only a little over 1 out of every 10 people that go to doctors has crises or infectious conditions that require and respond to allopathic treatments.”

”...through the research that has been done over the past 25 years, there is available a systematic, testable, repeatable and verifiable advanced nutritional technology that enables people to discover their own unique dietary needs with a very high degree of precision. This technology is known as Metabolic Typing. Through metabolic typing those often mysterious, seemingly unanswerable questions become perfectly clear and answerable indeed.”

The Metabolic Typing DietThe Metabolic Typing Diet: Customize Your Diet to Your Own Unique Body Chemistry
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by William Linz Wolcott, Trish Fahey

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