Ozone treatment

Ozone and its uses in medical therapy

by Dr. Robert E. Willner

Ozone therapy is one of the most powerful and versatile therapies known today. Extensive medical research on ozone therapy has been done primarily in Europe. Through its mechanism of action, ozone has beneficial effects on every part of the body. The effects include:

1. Inactivation of bacteria, viruses and fungi: Ozone disrupts the integrity of the cell envelope through peroxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins.

In fungi, ozone inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the ozone damages the viral capsid and disrupts the reproductive cycle by interrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. Cells previously infected by viruses are more susceptible to destruction by the peroxide produced through ozonolysis, because they have weak enzyme coatings.

2. Enhancement of circulation: In circulatory disease, a clumping of red blood cells hinders blood flow and decreases oxygen absorption due to reduced surface area. There is a decrease in red blood cell flexibility which prevents them travelling down the tiniest capillaries, and blood viscosity increases.

With ozone therapy, clumping is reduced or eliminated and flexibility is restored, along with oxygen carrying ability. Oxygenation of the tissues increases as the arterial partial pressure increases, and viscosity decreases. Ozone also oxidizes the plaque in arteries allowing the removal of the breakdown products, unclogging vessels.

3. Stimulation of oxygen metabolism: Ozone causes an increase in the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This leads to the stimulation of 2.3-diphosphoglycerate which shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right. This leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen released to the surrounding tissues.

There is a stimulation of the production of the enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and cell wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase.

Ozone activates the Krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating production of ATP. Ozone also causes a significant reduction in HADH and helps oxidize cytochromes.

4. Dissolution of malignant tumors: Malignant cells have an increased rate of glycolysis which leads to the production of more lactate.

With ozone therapy, there is a significant decrease in lactate production, showing that the metabolism is being inhibited. Tumor cells have a peroxide intolerance due to insufficient peroxidase and catalase. Ozone is thus able to oxidize the outer lipid layer of malignant cells and destroy them through cell lysis.

5. Activation of the Immune system: Ozone stimulates the production of interferon and interleukin in the body. From this there is a cascade of subsequent immunological reactions.

6. Formation of peroxides: Ozone reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids of the lipid layer in celllular membranes, forming hydro peroxides. Lipid peroxidation products include peroxyl radicals, vital for killer cell action.

Oxygen plays a vital role in maintaining health in the body. Oxygen and sugar are the primary nutrients that each cell requires to generate energy for all its life functions. These functions include the transport of molecules, synthesis of all chemical compounds and mechanical work such as muscle contraction.

Thousands of these reactions are occuring at all times. These reactions are what allow the heart to pump blood, the immune system to fight infection, the gastrointestinal tract to digest food, and the nervous system to process information.

Oxygen is also an important structural component of the organic compounds used by the body as essential nutrients, such as vitamins and fatty acids. Oxygen also has an important role in removing waste products from the system.

As people age, their bodies extract oxygen and transport it to the cells less efficiently. The cumulative effect of this lack of oxygenation is a decrease in the flow of vital nutrients to the tissue, the impairment of the thousands of chemical reactions necessary and the subsequent appearance of deficiency diseases.

Thus an abundance of oxygen creates health and wellbeing and a deficiency of oxygen contributes to illness.

Ozone: its therapeutic action

found at Natural Solutions Radio, dated October 16, 2003, and other places

A widely used remedy is just starting to be used here in the United States. This remedy is so powerful, so efficient in what it does, that it may reform the practice of medicine. The substance is ozone! It is antibacterial, antiviral and kills protozoa. It works by releasing oxygen into the bloodstream when applied externally, intravenously, rectally or vaginally.

In 1740 German chemist and phycisist Christian Friedrich Schönbein (1799–1868) discovered ozone, although he did not know or understand its structure. The discovery was enlarged upon in 1891 with the determination of the ozone molecular formula. Observation soon revealed that ozone reacted with and destroyed bacteria and other organisms.

During the first World War, the application of ozone to war wounds served primarily as a disinfectant. In 1934 the dentist E.A. Fische and Austrian-German surgeon Erwin Payr (1871–1946) found that ozone-saturated water was a great bactericide and began using it.

This usage slowed temporarily because the ozone would quickly destroy the rubber tubing it flowed through. The arrival of Teflon and polyvinyl tubing overcame this inconvenience.

Today the largest commercial use of ozone is in the purification of water. Both the FDA and EPA certify ozone as destroying 99.9992% of all pathogenic germs, while oxidizing (destroying) 99.9992% of all pollutants in the water at the same time.

Ozone (O3) is an allotropic form of oxygen: it is oxygen in its most active state; it therefore means a more generous supply of oxygen, the life giver.

Through the action of the flashes of lightning, and the photochemical reaction of the UV light of the sun on atmospheric oxygen, nature produces ozone for the purpose of purifying the air, and to destroy all organic decay upon which disease germs and bacteria thrive.

Like oxygen, ozone is a healthful gas. It has, however, much greater oxidizing, antiseptic and germicidal power and for this reason is being used with great success for the relief of various diseases. Recently, the FDA and EPA have been telling the public that ozone is poisonous, and detrimental to the body. This is not so!

For years physicians around the world have used ozone for bringing palliative and curative results to many, many individuals. Ozone is one of the most energetic and useful agents known to science.

Its therapeutic action is due to oxygenation of the blood by the loose molecule (free radical) of oxygen in the O3 compound. It is carried to the various organs and tissues of the body and absorbed, thus oxidizing the waste products, and facilitating their elimination. In other words, ozone increases the metabolism without the expenditure of vital energy and special stress should be laid on the fact that ozone is a NATURAL remedy.

In the process of respiration waste products are exposed to the action of the oxygen of the air, and they are burned up very much as if they were put into a stove, thereby producing body heat. In the living body, heat, whether tangible or not, is continually being generated through the chemical action of carbon and oxygen.

When the blood receives sufficient oxygen to unite with the carbon, carbon dioxide (CO2) is formed, which is in a suitable state to be eliminated. The process of oxidation is complete, the body temperature maintained at normal (98.6° F), the organs perform their functions properly and the system is in a condition to resist the toxic influences of microbes, environment and mankind's excesses.

When, however, an insufficient amount of oxygen is received by the blood, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed, which is NOT readily eliminated, and through its poisonous influences, trouble begins. Carbon monoxide is a DE-oxidizer. It acts as an irritant to the organs, the body temperature is reduced below normal and the system is rendered incapable of resisting the toxic influences of various bacteria, viruses and environmental toxins, and disease is the result.

So prevalent is subnormal temperature among people who are called 'run down,' that nine out of ten of them will show a subnormal temperature by actual thermometer test.

There have been several reasons given for subnormal temperatures in recent years: they range from 'thyroid insufficiency' to 'hypothalamus disorders.' These explanations are correct, but only to a degree. The CAUSE of the problem is low and inadequate oxidation.

Therefore the thyroid, hypothalamus, or endocrine organs (given as the cause) are hindered in their normal metabolic function and the subnormal temperature is the result. The correct way to counteract this situation is to give a substance that will restore the oxidative process.

The clinical thermometer is the best means of determining the existence of underoxidation and should be used routinely. The temperature of one who is underoxidized will be found to run from a fraction to several degrees below normal.

The underoxidized and subnormal-temperature person will present one of more of the following symptoms: headache, dizziness, insomnia, constipation, faint-feeling, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, liver and kidney problems, menstrual problems, cold hands and feet, anemia, gastrointestinal problems, chlorosis, etc., all of which are due to an impoverished blood supply.

The symptoms or conditions that rise from a subnormal temperature are not necessarily in proportion to the degree of subnormal temperature. A person showing a fractional part of one degree of subnormal temperature may present as severe problems or conditions of disease as one who is several degrees below normal.

A sufficiency of oxygen for the blood means better blood, better circulation, better assimilation, better equilibrium of body temperature, better vasomotor activity, better digestion, better elimination of waste products, less chance of autointoxication or toxemia, and less chance of infection and disease.

After careful analytical investigation of disease, it has been demonstrated:

1. That one of the most common important conditions that the person is called upon to correct is weakness produced by an impoverished or diminished blood supply.

2. That under-oxidation produces bad health primarily because of an insufficient supply of oxygen that makes certain the formation of carbon monoxide, which is at once a de-oxidizer, a hemoglobin destroyer and an irritant poison devitalizing the blood and paving the way for a multiplicity of acute troubles, many of which run into chronicity.

It has been suggested that a subnormal temperature may be a normal condition with some people. This deduction can be disproved by placing anyone with a subnormal temperature under active influence of ozone and the temperature can be made to rise back to normal.

Almost all forms of nervous, functional, respiratory and blood disorders can be successfully corrected by oxidation restoration. The effects are perfectly natural, the nerves being left calm and toned with a feeling of buoyancy and exhilaration.

It stimulates the vasomotor system through the nerve centers, which fact is clearly shown in the increased redness of the skin, a feeling of warmth in the whole body, and waste products being more freely eliminated.

The ozone treatment shows that poor oxidation is the cause of many disorders, by reason of the fact that when the temperature is brought up to normal, the problems disappear.

Another aspect of ozone therapy that is understood by almost nobody in the medical community is the ability of ozone to oxidize almost instantly anything of a plant physiology. This is of paramount importance when you consider the work of the great German biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg.

He discovered the cause of cancer in 1923 and received his first Nobel Prize in 1931 for doing so. Dr. Warburg demonstrated that when the level of oxygen available to the cell drops below 40% of normal, the cell, in order to survive, begins to ferment the sugar anaerobically.

The regulatory mechanisms on cell replication are shut off, and the cell begins to make copies of itself wildly. The growth of cancer cells is supported by fermentation which can be initiated only in the relative absence of oxygen.

See Otto Warburg On The Prime Cause & Prevention of Cancer.

Ever since Warburg's discovery, researchers have been attempting to stop the fermentation process through drugs, radiation and surgery, which in some cases, has been temporarily successful.

Although the National Cancer Institute verified Warburg's theories in the 1950s, very little work has been done to determine the causes of the lack of oxygen in our cells. We must determine ways of getting more oxygen to all of our cells to prevent the initiation of the fermentation process.

Compare National Cancer Institute.

It is unfortunate that up till now the U.S. authorities have been painfully slow in their investigation of the beneficial uses of ozone. The Sixth World Ozone Conference held in Washington D.C. during May, 1982, produced many astounding papers on the medical uses of ozone. They ran the full gamut of topics from cancer to herpes to rheumatoid arthritis, written by the world's recognized specialists in their fields. These papers concluded that:

1. Ozone removes unwanted bacteria and viruses from the blood, the same way it does with water.

2. The possibility of becoming infected with hepatitis, HIV virus, syphilis or other infectious diseases through blood transfusion could be eliminated by the use of ozone.

3. Ozone is highly effective in peripheral vascular disease.

4. Ozone is effective in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, arteriosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia, and promptly restores circulation, relieves angina pain and improves brain function.

5. With ozone cancerous tumors, lymphomas and leukemia may be eliminated without the use of surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

6. Ozone is highly effective for all forms of rheumatoid and arthritis collagen diseases.

7. Ozone is very effective for allergies of all types.

8. Ozone improves multiple sclerosis, and other neurological diseases, senility, as well as [...] Parkinson's disease.

9. External use of ozone is very effective in treating burns, acne, leg ulcers, open cuts and wounds, eczema, fungus and other skin disorders.

10. Rectal insufflation with ozone is effective for proctitis, colitis, prostatitis and fissure; vaginal insufflation is effective for candidiasis and other yeast infections, trichomoniasis and other forms of vaginitis; bladder insufflation is effective for cystitis and bladder fistulas, as well as cancer.

11. AIDS[1], herpes, hepatitis, mononucleosis, and cirrhosis of the liver have been successfully treated with ozone.

12. The application of ozone is virtually painless, has no adverse side effects and is extremely cost-effective for both physicians and patients.

13. As of 1994, sixteen countries allow the use of ozone therapy. In a study in Germany, of all the millions of treatments, there have only been four deaths reported, with only 40 persons having side effects.

Most people are puzzled as to why something with this potential has not be used in the United States before now. In order to understand this, one has to examine how medicine has evolved over the past 100 years on two continents: Europe and America.

In the late 1800s, the way medicine was practiced in both areas was very similar, though quite diverse. Doctors on both continents were taught many different techniques of healing including herbal medicine, potions, manipulations, diets, purges, colonics, as well as drugs, and surgery. These physicians practiced holistic medicine in its original form.

The divergence began in the United States with the discovery of insulin and penicillin in the 1930s. In close conjunction with the rise in power of the drug companies is the ever increasing policing of all medical therapies by the FDA along with the development of the health insurance system.

Today's American doctors get practically no training in therapies other than drugs or surgery and are discouraged from practicing any alternative therapies.

On the other hand the European system nurtured diversity in which pharmaceutical development, as well as alternative treatments, were encouraged. This is how ozone, as a medical treatment, was allowed to develop in Europe, but did not find fertile ground in the United States, after 1933.

Ozone is not patentable. Thus, there is no money to be made in its research and development as a treatment since it cannot be protected. Money is what makes things happen in the United States, thus ozone hasn't happened.

However, with the development of the AIDS crisis over the last decade, many physicians in this country have been prompted to study the work done by clinicians in Germany and attempt to duplicate their results.

The FDA has actively persecuted doctors who have used ozone therapy. In spite of this, there is a growing network of physicians who have been using this efficacious therapy.

Compare The Federal Drug Administration and On Cancer Business & Cancer Industry.


1 See Urine therapy as a cure for Aids?.

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