
Two cases of stomach cancer healed with the Breuss Cancer Cure

plus other cancers and diseases healed with the Breuss diet

by copyright © October 2012 Healing Cancer Naturally

On Rudolf Breuss and the "Breuss diet"

Rudolf Breuß (1899–1990) was an Austrian naturopathic practitioner who developed his own (frequently very effective) 6-week "juice fasting" approach to cancer (which also insisted on the inclusion of herbal teas and the avoidance of geopathic stress and certain household toxins).

This diet (which was slightly varied according to the type of cancer).successfully healed diseases such as breast cancer, brain tumors, laryngeal (throat) cancer, lung cancer, advanced liver cancer, bone cancer, intestinal cancer, terminal ovarian cancer, and even patients who had suffered extensive radiation burns to their skin following radiotherapy treatment.

The rationale behind the Breuss approach was to starve the cancer cells while providing essential nutrients to the healthy parts of the body.

The Breuss approach to cancer is similar to Dr. Max Gerson's diet in that they both heavily rely on juicing. The "Breuss cancer cure" however is comparatively very simple and much less demanding than the Gerson diet and has been easily implemented at home by a number of people.

The Breuss cancer cure also has common elements with Dr Salzborn's cancer cure and seems to partially rely on the anti-cancer effects of a low-calorie and/or ketogenic diet.

Two stomach cancer patients cured with the Breuss diet

In 1950, a doctor had diagnosed Olga Marte from Götzig (Austria) with stomach and intestinal cancer and wanted her to undergo surgery. Olga hesitated to submit to this intervention. Around that time, she "happened" to meet Rudolf Breuß who was visiting another cancer patient in her hometown.

Mr. Breuss instructed her how to do his "total cancer cure" (juicing diet) and though she was only the third person to ever try this approach, Olga immediately decided to follow it, together with Mr. Josef Fend who also was suffering from stomach cancer.

It wasn't easy since at that period in time, Olga didn't have access to a juicer. But 42 days later (and 15 kg lighter), she did pass the tumors with her bowel movement(s). Fascinatingly, Mr. Fend experienced the same — and on the very same day. A subsequent x-ray could not detect any traces of cancer. So the effort and patience had been worth their while.

Olga states that to the day of her writing her subsequent testimonial (in 1975), her health had been excellent (and the same was true in 1980 when her letter was finally published as part of a book.) She finished by saying that she recommended this approach to everyone and that she couldn't thank Rudolph Breuß enough.
(Testimonial signed by Olga Marte on 18 August 1975)

Other cancers and diseases cured with the "Breuss cancer cure"

Rudolf Breuss' book describes in some detail cases of colon/intestinal cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the vocal chords and the lower lip, cancer in the abdominal cavity, as well as leukemia (which incidentally he considered a disease of the portal vein circulation caused by depression, and not blood cancer).

Rudolf Breuss' book also features dramatic case histories describing the cure of

  • an unclear case of either stomach cancer or pancreatic abscess (both declared terminal by the doctor) with constant bloody vomiting of any food taken, where the person could not be x-rayed since she was too ill to be transported) but who was healed in four weeks,
  • a case of liver/pancreas/kidney disease on heavy medication and strictest diet which healed after six weeks on the Breuss cure and since then had been able to eat anything with no signs of the former illness remaining,
  • terminal sepsis (blood poisoning)
  • joint inflammation
  • lupus.

Important tip (1): for the greatest chance of success, follow Breuss' instructions to a T

Rudolf Breuss stresses that his observation of patients over the course of many years have taught him that so-called failures of his therapy were due to a lack of strict observance of his instructions.

These include (fresh) juicing of specific vegetables, herbal teas according to the type of cancer one suffers from, as well as strict avoidance of geopathic stress and common household toxins such as moth repellents, camphor, fly sprays, naphthalene, DDT, toilet rim blocks etc. (more details in his book). In fact Breuss writes that where this kind of toxin can be found in a house, hardly any disease can be cured.

Important tip (2): include daily enemas to assist in the cleansing process

Make sure to regularly move your bowels to avoid toxins backing up in you both from the tumor(s) and from toxins released during the juice fast from different parts of the body. Breuss gives some instructions in his book in case of constipation developing, but if these aren't enough, use other natural/herbal/nontoxic approaches (such as daily enemas) since your intestines are likely to come to a standstill on a juice cleanse.

Apparently, some people have failed to reap benefits from the Breuss approach due to the backing up of toxins in their body.

In addition, with our living environment having become increasingly toxic over the years, regular detoxification without fail such as via the bowels has become more and more of the essence, particularly so during a juice fast and for cancer patients.

In fact, re the implementation of the Breuss cancer cure without using daily enemas, warnings range from "could be ineffective", "might be dangerous", to "you could die from internal poisoning".

Judging by one comment found on Amazon, at some point daily (in fact multiple) enemas must have been considered of utmost importance for the success of the therapy by Rudolf Breuss himself, but for reasons unknown, this "detail" has been lost in later editions of the book.

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Book on the Rudolf Breuss diet

The Breuss Cancer CureThe Breuss Cancer Cure [Amazon partner link — commissions earned — see further below]
Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases

by Rudolf Breuss

In addition to numerous letters of thanks from people who recovered using his approach, the book also includes Breuss' advice for a wide range of serious and less serious complaints such as diabetes, rheumatism or warts. (Make sure to read the instructive Amazon reviews before purchase, there seem to be some errors in the translation.)

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There are a number of stomach cancer cure reports which attribute their healing to various nonconventional approaches, see for instance further below under "Related content".

Yet another one was reported by the late author Bill Henderson: Edmond Albert, 82, from Madawaska, Maine, was diagnosed with stomach cancer stage 4 and given about six months to live. He underwent two chemotherapy sessions which worsened his state and in fact, nearly killed him.

Two months after his diagnosis he started on the Budwig diet (that is, its modified version as promoted by Bill Henderson) and seven months later a PET scan showed him to be cancer-free. His doctors called it a miracle. (Note: Healing Cancer Naturally personally knew someone with originally stage 3 colon cancer who followed the Bill Henderson version of the Budwig diet and died.)

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Related sections

For other approaches that achieved recoveries for stomach cancer patients (including inoperable cases), see for instance

Related content

Other instances of stomach cancer (incl. "terminal" cases) successfully addressed or improved are mentioned (or detailed) under


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