
Supporting a Cancer Patient

who is hesitant to accept help

A guest article by Savannah Taylor bemyspiritguide.com

If you have a loved one undergoing conventional cancer treatment, you know how difficult it is for the individual, their family, and their friends. Sometimes, even when it’s obvious that an individual requires some additional support, they will continue to turn down your offers to help. Courtesy of Healing Cancer Naturally, the following suggestions can help you better support that cancer patient who is hesitant to accept help.

Listen and Encourage Sharing

As Exploring Your Mind notes, even in challenging times, some people may be unwilling to accept help for a variety of reasons. This could be things like not wanting to be a burden, fear that accepting help will make the disease more real, or perhaps the individual views accepting help as a sign of weakness. That’s why listening is one of the most effective ways to learn what you can do to help.

Offer Specific Help

Common side effects of conventional cancer treatment include exhaustion, muscle weakness, pain, appetite loss, and trouble sleeping. Because of this, your loved one may be unable to do a number of daily tasks. While your friend or family member may be unwilling to accept general offers of support, this person may be more receptive to specific offers. You can offer to purchase groceries, take care of pets, or drive children to and from school.

No matter what you do to help, be sure to follow through on the promises you make. If he/she is still reluctant to accept help, consider simply placing the burden on yourself and completing some of their daily tasks without asking. Remember, your loved one is particularly vulnerable right now and is likely underestimating the amount of help they truly need.

Help to Reduce Stress

Your friend or family member is obviously going through a lot of stress, both mentally and physically, so consider ways to help them reduce stress wherever possible. Without being overbearing, offer some stress-busting suggestions. They can improve lighting and choose supportive, ergonomic furniture to stay comfortable, or lean into some tech tools for things like medication and appointment reminders for their phone.

Consider a More Accessible Living Space

Climbing stairs, climbing into a bathtub, or navigating a narrow hallway with an assistive device can become impossible for some cancer patients. If your loved one lives with you, you may want to make a few home upgrades to improve accessibility. Adding a portable ramp to the home’s entryway, a seat in the shower, and swapping in offset hinges on interior doors can ease recovery. Another option, if you’re in a position to do so or if recovery will be long-term, is to search for an accessible home. This allows for aging in place, too, and the Philly marketplace has dozens of homes to consider.

Encourage Relaxation

Cancer patients endure tremendous discomfort. Common side effects from treatment include muscle tension, dry skin, a constant chill, nausea, and extreme fatigue. With this in mind, bring your loved one items that can help them combat some of the discomforts they feel. For sore neck and shoulders, give them a heated neck and shoulder massager or a heated foot massager. For dry skin, bring alcohol-free hand lotion and lip balm. A warm blanket and some ginger tea can be great remedies for nausea and chills.

Recognize Changes

While listening and helping with daily tasks is immensely helpful, you can also support the person you love by closely monitoring their physical, emotional, and cognitive state. If you notice your friend or family member is not taking the prescribed medication, has stopped eating or drinking, or is behaving out of sorts, take immediate action. If you are the primary caregiver, consult the individual’s doctor as soon as possible. If you are not the primary caregiver, share your concerns with this individual.

If the person you love is taking opioid painkillers, be aware of any signs of opioid addiction. It is estimated that 10 percent of cancer patients who take opioids after surgery are still taking the medication three to six months later. Over time, opioid painkillers change the chemistry of the brain and can make the individual dependent on the drug. The longer the medication is taken, the more likely the individual is to exhibit severe withdrawal symptoms when he/she stops taking it.

Seek Help for Addiction If Necessary

Seeking help for opioid addiction, especially in the context of cancer treatment, is a courageous step toward recovery and improved health. Many patients undergoing cancer treatment may find themselves inadvertently dependent on opioids for pain management, creating a complex challenge that requires compassionate and specialized care. In this situation, exploring the best New York City rehab centers can provide a vital lifeline, offering tailored programs that address both the addiction and the unique needs of cancer patients. These centers often employ multidisciplinary approaches, integrating pain management, psychological support, and holistic therapies to ensure a comprehensive treatment plan. By taking this step, patients can not only combat opioid addiction but also enhance their overall well-being, making their cancer treatment journey more manageable and hopeful.

* * *

There are hundreds of ways you can support a loved one going through cancer treatment. While your friend or family member may have turned down your offer to "help with whatever is needed", it is likely that they genuinely want the additional support. Listening, helping with daily tasks, and monitoring changing behaviors show your loved one that you care, and ultimately aids immensely in the recovery process.

Savannah is currently training to become a life coach so that she can teach others to be their own spirit guide. In the meantime, she created bemyspiritguide.com to be a spirit guide for others. Whether you are dealing with anxiety, depression, or just going through a rough patch, the information you’ll find on her site will be a huge source of hope when things seem jumbled up and wrong.

Photo by Pexels

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