Nature Heals

Urea treatment as a cancer cure

Spectacular tumor healing successes with the urine compound urea

Copyright © December 2012 Healing Cancer Naturally


Considering the frequently stunning healing successes reported by both doctors and laymen who have applied uropathy (in any of its various forms), it is remarkable that a simple urine compound alone — urea — has been able to reap amazing successes with malignant tumors.

The following cancer success stories obtained with the administration of urea alone are meant to underline the potential of what the "real thing" (urine) can (and has already proven to) achieve.

It is regrettable however that while urea is inexpensive, safe, and reportedly effective (at least) against eye, skin and liver cancer, this virtually side-effect-free treatment has garnered scant attention among oncologists.

Dr. Evangelos Danopoulos' work with urea and cancer

In the 1970s and 80s, Greek Professor of Internal Medicine Dr Evangelos Danopoulos and his daughter conducted a number of experiments with synthetic urea applied topically, by injection and by oral administration. They went on to publish impressive papers reporting dramatic tumor responses to urea in respected medical journals.

However, details of the Danopoulos' research with urea and cancer seem not to be easily made available.

If you do a search of the biomedical database PubMed for Danopoulos and urea, you will mostly obtain a mere listing of his published works.

Titles include "Anticancer activity in urea" (published March 1983 in "Clinical Oncology"), "Regression of liver cancer with oral urea" (Lancet, January 1974), "Urea treatment of skin malignancies" (Lancet, January, March and June 1974), "The results of urea-treatment in liver malignancies" (December 1975 in "Clinical Oncology"), "Eleven years experience of oral urea treatment in liver malignancies" and "Urea--treatment of liver metastases" (both published December 1981 in "Clinical Oncology").

Some information is made available by PubMed on several of Dr. Danopoulos' other scientific publications such as "Urea in the treatment of epibulbar malignancies", "The effects of urea treatment in combination with curettage in extensive lip cancers", and "Effects of urea treatment in combination with curettage in extensive periophthalmic malignancies".

On another website, I found a summary of his spectacular successes with the treatment of liver cancer (but NOT on PubMed where it should be — one does wonder why).

The following provides an overview of Dr. Danopoulos' results with urea treatment of cancerous tumors as far as I could find them to date.

"Urea in the treatment of epibulbar malignancies"

was published in the "British Journal of Ophthalmology" in May 1975 (59[5]:282-7).

Eight patients with cancer of the eyes (1 malignant melanoma, 1 Kaposi's, 6 squamous cell carcinomas) some of whom had already lost their vision in the affected eye were sucessfully treated with urea. At least four of these eight patients would have had their eye or the entire orbit surgically removed as an alternative to urea therapy.

You can download the entire heartening article with before and after photographs.

"The effects of urea treatment in combination with curettage in extensive lip cancers"

was published in the "Journal of Surgical Oncology" in March 1982 (19[3]:127-31).

28 patients with lip cancer (23 of which extensive or very extensive, with 26 squamous cell carcinomas, three basal cell carcinomas and one adenocarcinoma), received local urea injections in combination with curettage, which proved "effective" in all cases.

When four patients had a relapse, three of them (those who returned for the same treatment) were easily cured by the same method. Three cases developed metastases in the lymph nodes of the neck, which were surgically treated.

"Effects of urea treatment in combination with curettage in extensive periophthalmic [around the eye] malignancies"

(published in "Ophthalmologica" in 1979)

46 patients had (mostly large or very large) cancers of the eyelids and the corner of the eye (in seven of them, even the inner corner of the eye and the conjunctiva were affected). After receiving local urea injections in combination with thorough curettage, all of them experienced 100% remissions.

Dr. Danopoulos points out how remarkable it is that the skin that had been destroyed by the cancer fully recovered, without leaving traces of scars or other disfigurement and with the lids becoming normally functional again.

He adds that curing extensive carcinomas around the eyes is virtually impossible using conventional methods while the above-described approach yields the most beneficial results without any of the disadvantages of the former.

"Effects of urea treatment in malignancies of the conjunctiva and cornea"

("Ophthalmologica", 1979)

8 of 9 patients with large squamous cell carcinomas of the conjunctiva (five with additional cornea involvement) were cured by local urea applications. In one case with additional extensive conjunctivitis, the treatment showed no effect.

Dr. Danopoulos stresses that without the curative urea treatment, at least five of the nine patients would have had their eye or the entire orbit surgically removed.

Eyelid tumors

(published in Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde in July 1976)

German researchers used a similar approach to treating malignant lid tumours by injecting urea into the eyelids. 36 malignant tumours of the eyelids (basaliomas, basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas) were treated by injecting a 5 to 25% solution of urea (1.5 to 3.0 ml) around the tumors. After eleven months of treatment, six tumours had disappeared.

"Eleven years experience of oral urea treatment in liver malignancies"

(published in December 1981 in "Clinical Oncology")

Over eleven years of observation, a group of 39 liver cancer patients — 18 with inoperable primary liver cancer and 21 whose liver cancer had metastasised — received oral urea in syrup at doses of 12–15 g per day (urea's bitter taste can also be hidden in fruit or tomato juice, or by dissolving the entire daily amount in 1–2 liters of water).

This daily dose was taken in six installments throughout the day due to urea's short "half-life".

Two patients who had large liver tumors were administered higher amounts (up to 30 g a day for up to two years and 5 months).

(According to another source, Dr. Danopoulos used 45 g [6 rounded teaspoons] of urea per day for a period of 40 days distributed over six doses, followed by 20 g of urea a day taken in 3 doses for two years. As mentioned, his original papers on the subject are not disclosed by PubMed, not even an abstract is shown.)

About two weeks after the start of the urea treatment, most patients reported improvements such as enhanced well-being, weight gain and better performance. Some three months into the treatment, regression of liver enlargement was observed.

Seven patients were still alive at the time of Danopoulos' report incl. a patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma who actually was in excellent condition after 113 months (approx. 9 and a half years) of urea treatment. The longest survival time of a patient with hepatoma was 93 months (nearly eight years).

While the entire group's median survival at the time of reporting was only 20 months, the survival times obtained were considerably longer than those reported for comparable patients under chemotherapeutic care. In addition, even after years of urea treatment, the substance proved to be well tolerated without side effects.

While urea is known for its strong anti-neoplastic (anti-tumor) properties, we also know that the kidneys rapidly excrete urea. According to comments found at, this precludes attaining adequate concentrations in most body tissues when urea is administered by oral or intravenous route — except for the liver, owing to the fact that oral urea reaches the liver in high concentrations via the portal vein (direct transport from the intestines to the liver).

Additionally, taking urea will frequently lead to extremely high blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, which would "normally" indicate renal failure. In spite of such elevated BUN levels, urea does not seem to negatively affect the kidneys in any way.

Research into urea treatment of liver metastases done by others

In 1981, Ruge-Anderson S, Burcharth F, Miskowiak J. and Steen J. published a paper titled "Urea--treatment of liver metastases" in "Clinical Oncology" (March 7[1]:69-71). Since again, there is "No abstract available" on PubMed (see, it's fair to assume that these researchers arrived at similarly encouraging results.

I can only assume that such inexpensive successful treatment which cannot be patented would interfere with the gargantuan business of cancer so has to be kept under wraps.

Other urea treatment successes: skin cancer

10% urea injected sub- and intracutaneously into basal and squamous-cell carcinomas of 112 patients, with the lesions subsequently covered with 60% urea ointment, resulted in the complete and easy healing of 73% of cases without scar formation. (reported by Dr. Ulrich Erwin Hasler MD)

Would regularly dabbing one's own urine onto the eyes avoid serious issues or even show similar successes as above reported?

Regularly dabbing drops of one's morning urine onto the eyelids is said to help keep eyes in good repair. There really is nothing to lose in trying this simple home remedy.

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

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