Spirituality (IV)

The Causes and Treatment of Cancer

A Research Report Based on the Readings of Edgar Cayce

by David McMillin, MA, Meridian Institute, December, 2002

[NOTE: This paper was presented at the 7th Annual Cayce Health Professionals Symposium, September 15, 2002 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Click here for the Adobe Acrobat (pdf) version.]


Objective: The purpose of this study is to survey the Edgar Cayce readings that discuss the causes and treatment of cancer to determine potential relevance to modern research and clinical application.

Data Sources: The Edgar Cayce Readings on CDROM (DOS and Windows versions) were the primary data sources for this project.

Data Extraction: Data was extracted via structured searches using the keyword "cancer."

Data Synthesis: Data synthesis was accomplished by quantitative analysis of simple frequency parameters and qualitative analysis of the data by the primary researcher with discussion and analysis of selected readings by a study group.

Results: Excerpts representing various themes are presented to document Cayce’s views. Commentary is also provided to help explain concepts and terminology.

Discussion: Relevance to modern researchers, clinicians, and the general public is discussed.

Conclusion: The Cayce information represents a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and the general public. Further research is needed to explore specific hypotheses and the efficacy of certain therapeutic techniques.


Edgar Cayce, an intuitive diagnostician who is an important figure in the holistic health movement in America, provided considerable information on cancer in the psychic discourses ("readings") he gave during the first half of the twentieth century.

The purpose of this study is to survey and analyze the Cayce readings on cancer with the objective of identifying important themes and specific concepts that may be relevant to modern researchers and clinicians. This study is to be viewed as a preliminary step leading to future studies in this area.

The study does not seek to determine the validity or accuracy of the Cayce material – only to understand Cayce’s perspective. A fundamental understanding of the Cayce approach is essential for developing testable hypotheses that accurately represent Cayce’s views on the causes and treatment of cancer. Future research that follows up on the themes and hypotheses cited in this report are required to determine the validity of Cayce’s ideas.

Data Sources

The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings on CD-ROM DOS Version (ECF, 1993) and The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings on CD-ROM Windows Version (ECF, 1995) were the primary data sources for this project.

Data Extraction

Computerization of the Edgar Cayce readings provides excellent access for researchers. The two primary search and data extraction tools (DOS and Windows CDROMs) are very different in what they offer.

On the whole, the DOS version is more versatile and powerful but does not provide the specificity of the Windows software. Thus the DOS version was used as the initial extraction method with the Windows version serving to elaborate the data in a few instances.

A structured search using the keyword "cancer" yielded the primary data set of 397 readings. The actual search string was: ".ti text and cancer and .rc physical". The data set included the text of all "physical" readings that mention the word "cancer" or words with this root. In the DOS version, a search on "cancer" also catches other words with this root (e.g., cancerous).

Graph I illustrates the frequency of readings containing the word cancer in a chronological series. Graph II shows the same data when compared to the total number of physical readings for each year. Although Graph I gives the appearance of a somewhat erratic but gradual increase in the number of cancer readings given over time, when adjusted as a percentage of total physical readings, there appears to be no real increase.

The spikes in certain years are indicative of a large number of readings given for a single individual during that year. For example, the large spike during 1935 reflects a series of 17 readings given in that year for a woman with breast cancer. The following year 7 readings were given for a man with throat cancer. When these series of readings for individuals are taken into consideration, overall rate of cancer readings is relatively stable between 1% and 2% of the total physical readings.

There are numerous readings in which the individual receiving the reading asked if they had cancer. Many times, Cayce said no. Usually these readings were not included in the results, although a few of this type were helpful in delineating the distinction between cancer and noncancerous conditions. Also, there are many readings that discuss precancerous conditions. These readings offer valuable insights into the etiology and pathogenesis of cancer as well as preventive strategies to avoid the condition.

Another search technique focused on the indexes of the "physical" readings yielded 502 readings (".ti index and cancer and .rc phsyical"). The indexes are abstracts that describe the content of the actual readings. Thus readings that discuss cancer using terms such as "malignant" or "sarcoma" may be indexed as cancer without the word "cancer" in the readings. This accounts for the greater number of readings indexed as cancer as compared to the readings that contain that word or its derivatives.

As with the previous search, this data set contains many readings that are not necessarily indicative of cancer. "Cancer tendencies" accounted for the largest group of readings that were not clearly cases of cancer. Table I contains a list of readings indexed as cancer that are most likely to be considered as cancer readings. The index header is included to indicate the type or nature of the cancer.

One of the powerful features of the DOS software is the ability to export large data sets (including up to 250 readings) to a text file on the computer hard drive. The readings were exported as text files that were then opened in Microsoft Word for qualitative analysis and transfer to the Results section of this report via copy and paste. Particularly interesting and significant readings were also formatted into a cancer notebook that was photocopied and distributed to members of a study group that focused on this topic.

The Windows version of the CDROM was used in a few isolated instances to pursue specific searches as a follow-up to the initial DOS search. The Windows searches did not make a significant contribution to the final results.

Data Synthesis

Data synthesis consisted of qualitative analysis by the author of this study and discussions/analysis of selected readings by a study group that met weekly in Virginia Beach. The membership of the group varied somewhat over time and included medical doctors, a chiropractor, a biologist, a registered nurse, and other researchers from the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E).

Qualitative analysis and synthesis focused on several key areas:

  • Terminology and Language – Numerous words and phrases tend to reoccur in the cancer readings. Understanding these key terms is very important. Defining the terminology and language of the readings is essential to understanding Cayce’s perspective. Some readings provide definitions. Since comparative study of the historical literature and the Cayce readings may also be productive, identifying key words is important for future research.
  • General Concepts and Themes – A basic understanding of the conceptual foundation of the Cayce approach to cancer is a primary goal of this project. Thematic analysis is used toward this end.
  • Categorical Statements – Some readings contain explicit, categorical statements about the nature and treatment of cancer. Identifying and analyzing these instances can elaborate the conceptual framework developed in this process.
  • Detailed Descriptions of Etiology and Pathophysiology – Analysis focused on succinct and explicit discussions of etiology (causation) and pathophysiology.
  • Clinically Applicable Treatments – Edgar Cayce recommended numerous diverse treatments for cancer. Some of these therapies are no longer available or have limited application. Other therapies are readily applicable. This study identifies the most common treatments for cancer while placing emphasis on therapies that are currently available.
  • Research Hypotheses – Several research hypotheses will be identified.


This section is the most extensive due to the enormous volume of data in the Cayce readings involving cancer. The material will be presented as reading excerpts with commentary under thematic headings. Here is an outline of the results:

I. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Cancer

A. There Are Many Forms of Cancer
B. Cancer Represents A Failure of Natural Processes
C. Chronic Irritation Is A Primary Etiological Factor in Cancer
D. Cancer Is an Entity Unto Itself
E. Cancer Draws from the Vitality of the Body

II. Prognosis and Outcomes

A. Cancer Can Often Be Prevented
B. Early Treatment Results in Better Prognosis
C. Several Cases of Cancer Indexed as Cured
D. Some Cases of Cancer Were Regarded As Incurable

III. Holistic Aspects of Cancer

A. Cancer Involves Mental and Spiritual Factors
B. Cancer Is Sometimes A Karmic Pattern

IV. Therapeutics

A. Treatment Strategies

1. Prevention and Precaution
2. Halting the Spread of Cancer
3. Palliative Treatments for Cancer

B. Complementary and Alternative Medicine

C. Conventional Treatments

1. Surgery
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Drugs

D. Alternative Treatments

1. Diet and Nutrition
2. Energy Medicine
3. Manual Therapy
4. Herbal Medicine
5. Prayer
6. Other Alternative Therapies

I. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Cancer

A. There Are Many Forms of Cancer

Cancer can manifest in various ways and forms. The inherent variability was acknowledged explicitly in the Cayce readings. In two readings, nineteen different forms of cancer were recognized:

(Q) What is the disease known as cancer?

(A) As we have indicated in other information, there are many varied kinds of cancer. Nineteen — as we find — variations or formations, externally, internally, stony, and the variations that arise from glandular or organic disturbance, or infectious forces that arise from bruises[1] or from all the various natures from which these come; each having a variation according to that portion of the system or its cycle in which the affectation takes place. (1242-6)

See, we have many various forms, and many various conditions as exist in the human body that produce cancerous and cancer conditions, see? In this condition we have here in this, this comes from both the condition existing in prenatal forces and from those of neglect of the minor condition existing in digestive system, with properties taken internally that irritated, rather than healing. THEN this condition arose.

There are, as seen, about (there are more or less, or variations in them) nineteen various forms of cancerous conditions, see? varying from the soft condition, the eating kind, the bony or stony kind, and that of a malignant growth that blossoms in itself. Keep this from the blossom, and we will keep much of the condition allayed in system. Hence the culture. (4977-1)

B. Cancer Represents A Failure of Natural Processes

Edgar Cayce observed that the same processes that result in cancer are present in the body all the time.

(Q) Are there any symptoms of cancers in the system?

(A) No symptoms of cancer. Remember, for every individual physical body what might be sometimes called symptoms are ever present. But the breaking of cells, injury to some portions of the body, these are usually the sources and the activities that bring about such. The body here is growing more healthy and less susceptible to such disturbances. (533-18)

(Q) Is there danger of this body inheriting cancer?

(A) More danger of it becoming active in system … (5555-2)

(Q) Any danger of any malignant condition arising in this body?

(A) Always DANGERS, but not necessarily – if there are the precautions. (903-30)

Thus, the Cayce readings tend to view cancer as a deviation from normal physiological processes. According to Cayce, cancer usually results from the failure of natural processes such as coagulation, absorption, and elimination of wastes. The following excerpt discusses the normal process of healing using terms that are often found in the Cayce readings on cancer:

The throwing off of refuse and its being able to be centralized, or sufficient of the properties in body — or the lymph and blood — to segregate same, should be taken as a good omen, of the ability to create in system those of the proper coagulating elements in system.

This a very good study here, taken properly. Where these have been segregated, and where it has been taken up by the lower portion of the epidermis formations, these should be brought to the surface by the applications of properties that will cause same to SEPARATE itself from the system, or in an ASTRINGENT in the nature of an antiseptic in its reaction, that there may not be in the destroyed tissue that which will cause any condition to become in the form of the creative in itself. [cancer warning?] (409-7)

Note the terms "refuse," "centralized," "segregate," "coagulating," and "SEPARATE." These words are often used in readings discussing the cancer process, yet in this case they are welcomed as indications of healing. Also note that care must be taken to prevent "destroyed tissue" from becoming "creative" or malignant in itself. This is probably a reference to cell replication that is part of the normal healing process by which cells are created to replace diseased or damaged tissue. In cancer the cell replication process goes out of control.

Using this model, cancer may result when the healing process becomes abnormal due to chronic irritation, decreased vitality, poor eliminations, chemical imbalances, and other related factors. Note the similarity of terms and concepts in the following selection that discusses the development of cancer:

We have no condition as is, as yet, of the NATURE that would produce [cancer], unless it is MADE so by becoming centralized, see? It is not a malignant condition as yet, for it has not set in its own cell, see? else it could not be eliminating or disseminating through the system…

In building in the systems in natures of this character, we find where glands become clogged by any secretion, or any condition in a system wherein cell tissue becomes broken, these lodge and form a condition that is set around by the leucocytes in the system, to attempt to prevent inroads in such tissue.

In this condition here, as we find in [569], we are speaking of, we find tissue in the gland wherein this has become separated, but NOT set in the nature of that as is in the case of cells becoming cell building inside of the condition, see? for each cell of any nature, whether of the live tissue, in health or in disease, builds by separating.

In this condition the building has been by the system separating. Hence the necessity of that as given — of the eliminations throughout the system being kept in an accentuated, yet not aggravated, condition, else, by creating aggravation in tissue, or in lymph, or in blood, there may be this same condition set up in other portions of the body.

[GD's note: Miss [569] died 10/43 after surgery to remove cancerous tumor on Fallopian tube.] Not that the condition in itself is of the malignant nature as yet, for this is as of one separated only in the system of broken or of dead tissue NOT eliminated in the normal way and manner. (569-9)

Note that "separation" is a normal part of the building of tissue in health and in disease. Fortunately in this case, the condition had not yet "set in its own cell building" or reached the stage of "cells becoming cell building inside the condition." These phrases are indicative of the abnormal, exaggerated proliferation of tissue reproduction associated with malignancy.

Also note the role of the immune system (leucocytes) in the separation process. Cayce observed that it was the chronic irritation and "aggravation" produced by poor eliminations ["clogging"] that made the system vulnerable to malignancy in this instance. The following excerpts further elaborate on the progression to maligancy:

… cancerous conditions are where cellular forces have congregated on account of irritation, or poor elimination and irritation following, and the system attempting to relieve same sets up from broken cellular tissue the condition from within which becomes malignant. (583-7)

These, as we find, have to do with the separation of the lymph circulation and the emunctory [cleansing] activities from the deeper circulation. And when cellular forces become so aggravated, either by bruising[1] or lack of elements in the system to keep a continuity of life force, they set up within themselves. Thus they draw upon the system, becoming — ORDINARILY, and oftentimes — malignant in their nature. (1013-1)

(Q) Certain doctors think I have a tendency to cancer. Is this true and if so is there any real danger?

(A) If there is not something done, this may be the eventual outcome of the clogging through the mammary glands. (1783-1)

A thirty-eight-year old woman asked Cayce about her chances of developing cancer.

(Q) Is this body a cancerous type in view of tumors and extreme tensions?

Cayce replied,

(A) As indicated, this is a strain. If the body is built up sufficient for resistance, these disturbances in these directions should disappear. If tissue is allowed to become adhered, or if the tumors are allowed to form and then these become bruised[1], or there is the lack of the ‘elan vitale’ in the system to create proper coagulations, then such might arise. (954-2)

Thus, stress and strain can weaken the body’s natural vitality ("élan vital") and decrease the immune response ("resistance"). With decreased vitality and immune functioning, the system becomes more susceptible to cancer.

"Coagulation" is an important term mentioned in many readings on cancer. Strictly speaking, coagulation refers to the process of clotting in wound healing. According to Cayce, the body typically "segregates" diseased or injured tissue to assist with healing and prevent contamination of surrounding tissue. Coagulation is part of this phase of healing.

Normally, the body then replaces diseased or injured tissue by cell division and replication while absorbing and eliminating the waste and toxins that naturally result from this process. If the natural healing process is hindered and further insult or injury occurs, the segregation becomes more extreme resulting in ulcers, tumors, or other forms of "broken tissue" that have become "localized" or "centralized."

The chronic irritation may be due to internal toxicity (e.g., metabolic drosses, bacilli, etc.) or outside source (e.g. bruising[1], smoking, overexposure to sunlight, etc.). The cell reproduction process becomes exaggerated and the "segregated" tissue takes on an identity of its own becoming a parasite on the host system, competing for energy and nutritional resources.

In some instances, the segregated tissues spreads (metastasizes) throughout the host system. This is not necessarily the progression of cancer in all the Cayce readings on the subject. But at least it does give a sense of what is meant by the concept of cancer as a failure of the natural healing process.

Based on preceding discussion, the following lists compare and contrast the normal healing process with the typical cancer progression as described by Edgar Cayce.

Normal Healing Process

  1. Injury or disease produces toxicity in the system (accumulation of ash, dross, or broken tissue);
  2. Separation or segregation of toxicity via immune response isolates the problems and protects the rest of the body;
  3. Absorption of toxins or diseased tissue via local circulation;
  4. Elimination of toxicity via four primary channels of elimination;
  5. Increased reproduction of cells to replace damaged or diseased tissue.

Typical Cancer Progression In The Cayce Readings

  1. Injury or disease produces toxicity in the system (accumulation of ash, dross or broken tissue);
  2. Separation or segregation of toxicity via immune response isolates the problem and protects the rest of the body;
  3. Depletion of system (low vitality) due to chronic illness or lifestyle choices (poor diet);
  4. Inability of system to absorb or eliminate toxin or diseased tissue resulting in ulcers, tumors, or other forms of "broken tissue" that have become "localized" or "centralized;"
  5. Chronic irritation due to internal toxicity (e.g., metabolic drosses, bacilli, etc.) or outside source (e.g. bruising[1], smoking, etc.);
  6. Creative force produces abnormal reproduction of cellular units;
  7. Segregated tissue takes on identity of its own and becomes a parasite on the host system competing for energy and nutritional resources;
  8. In some instances, the segregated tissue spreads (metastasizes) throughout the host system.

C. Chronic Irritation Is A Primary Etiological Factor in Cancer

Tabor's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary states that cancer "may be caused by various forms of chronic irritation." (Thomas, 1973, C-9) The Cayce readings contain numerous examples of precancerous conditions that could be triggered into malignancy by irritation or bruising[1]. The following excerpts provide additional information on the role of chronic irritation as a contributing factor in cancer. The preventive potential of this concept is obvious.

They are not necessarily in the present of malignant or cancerous nature, but may become such if they are bruised[1] or if there is a breaking of the cellular force, — without the absorption through producing a coordination. (1762-1)

Here we find there have been accumulations since changes were wrought in the glandular system, where there were the disturbances — from lack of proper eliminations — in the mammary glands, glands of the stomach proper, and those as related to associations with the sensory system.

All of these have been clogged, and in some areas they have become of a tuberous or tumorous nature. These as we find were not necessarily within themselves of a malignant nature; but with bruises, and with lack of proper coordination being set up in the eliminating systems, these might easily become such. (3336-1)

(Q) What has caused the condition?

(A) The lack of the proper combinations in the chemical forces or salts of the body; thus allowing the improper coagulation through the blood and lymph forces; causing adherences or sticking, or the accumulations that form more in the lymph — though if irritated they might become malignant. (2529-1)

(Q) Please advise as to condition of breast.

(A) As indicated, it is very satisfactory — very well done; only needs the precautions indicated; that there are no bruises[1] of the glands. For, this is NOT of the nature that would be or cause a disturbance or outgrowth of same, unless there are injuries or constitutional disturbances brought about by lack of attention. It is not malignant, then, in its nature. (2078-2)

If there is the reverting to the conditions that cause superacidity, overaggravation by cold or congestion, we may produce greater adhesions, greater lesions; and eventually cause irritations that would become malignant in their nature. (1446-3)

(Q) Was my operation last Spring for tumor successful?

(A) Successful save as we have indicated, that there is the tendency through the lack of the activities for proper distribution though assimilated forces, or katabolism of the system, to prevent adherence or tissue becoming clotted. And unless this tendency is dissipated in a way as suggested (which we find would be preferable) we find that there may become greater disturbance, and a tendency later — if bruised[1] — toward the malignant nature. (1128-1)

(Q) Is it malignant?

(A) Only would it become so by the undue irritation or allowing same to remain so long without corrective measures. (959-1)

These, as we find, are NOT of a malignant nature; yet, if the conditions were allowed to remain or if there were to become bruised[1] tissue or inflammation in the system, they MIGHT become of a malignant nature.

For in a portion of the pyloric end of the stomach there is an indication of the forming of hardened conditions in the tissue, first from lacerations — but the warriors, with the ability for coagulation to be formed sufficient, have encased same. We see the same in one of the sphincter muscles in the lower portion of the body, that has formed something of the same nature.

We would do this [radium pad], for we will find with the continuation of these that this would become in that state of a malignant condition. Do this before such comes. Do not bruise portions of the body in the manipulation, rather stimulating the organs of elimination, that the system may eliminate properly. Prevent any bruising or rubbing to any of the portions where the swollen portions show in outer portions of body. Do that. (643-1)

(Q) Dr. O'Connor [I. L. O'Connor, D.O.] finds a fibroid in uterus, and suggests analyzing tissue to determine whether or not malignant. Is it malignant?

(A) As has been indicated, this is not necessarily malignant. If the condition is so irritated by the applications as to bring about a segregation within the irritated portions, this may BECOME malignant!

If there is the desire that this be investigated, very well — but the irritation will be severe for the body! (601-28)

These unless they are kept may become, of course, of a malignant nature; but do not irritate or bruise if possible. Keep the ointments in the manner indicated, and we may bring eventual dissimulation or distribution of the energies without their becoming localized. (538-46)

Unless these precautions are taken, this will become deeper and deeper-seated. And unless PRECAUTIOUS may produce such an irritation in the bladder, or such an irritation in the urethra, as to become malignant. (391-17)

(Q) What is the condition of my uterus?

(A) As indicated, there tends to be inflammation owing to the tendency for infectious forces to arise from the exhuming of the influence of the circulation through the portions of the system. The body need not be fearful of these being malignant conditions unless there arises either a congestion or an abrasion of some character that is not cleansed properly. (313-15)

D. Cancer Is an Entity Unto Itself

In most cases, cancer is a group of cells or tissues which separates ("segregates") itself and forms its own entity within the larger system of the body. In a sense, cancer has its own separate identity like a parasite that infests a host organism.

… for those bacilli as are discharged are of the different nature from that where wholly malignant troubles have set in; for we find that malignant wholly is an organism that has set up a growth within itself independent of the system, other than as a parasite toward same, drawing from, or absorbing, CONSUMING the organs or portion of system to which it becomes attached or attaches itself. (4741-1)

(Q) Is this condition cancer or ulcer? Please explain the difference if possible.

(A) As has been indicated, this is more of a sarcomatous nature in its reaction — or cancerous; and the activities are such that they are of the nature as to grow within themselves.

Ulcer is rather that of flesh being proud, or becoming infectious; while cancer is that which lives upon the cellular force by the growth itself. (1375-4)

(Q) What causes severe pains in spine? in pit of stomach?

(A) As indicated, this is sarcoma. It will cause pains anywhere, everywhere — for it is a living thing on and of the body itself. (3387-1)

(Q) Will complete recovery be possible?

(A) Be possible — but this will be determined better by the reactions in the system, for remember we are dealing with LIFE FORCES within themselves, or that which lives upon human tissue — cancer! (5585-1)

E. Cancer Draws from the Vitality of the Body

Cancer uses the body's life-force energy to survive. Like any parasite, cancer is a drain upon the resources of the host organism.

Those conditions as are prenatal in their effect, through the activity of forces made manifest in a physical body, are beginning to become in the manner of producing within the system an element as of its OWN resuscitation, living upon the life OF the body-physical. That's a very good description of cancer, isn't it? for it IS malignant in its nature, and has already attacked the mammary glands, and is going to be rather fast in its operation unless there are means taken as to check same. (2457-4)

… malignant (in this sense meaning the ability to create, or to live a parasite, or upon the life-giving fluid — hence draining … from this body those forces as carry forward in the nerve and nerve reflexes and nerve impulses from the radial center from which this is directed … (4344-1)

… unless there are [corrective] forces brought about, it must of necessity — from the character of the condition — become the malignant type, or that wherein it feeds upon the vitality of the living organisms of the system. (275-1)

II. Prognosis and Outcomes

The Cayce readings cover the full spectrum of prognosis and outcomes ranging from prevention to fatality.

A. Cancer Can Often Be Prevented

According to Edgar Cayce, keeping a healthy diet and good eliminations can help prevent cancer. Specific therapies such as iodex and ash ointment and plantain salve were recommended by Cayce to prevent lumps and tumors from becoming malignant[1]. Gentle osteopathic treatment was also often prescribed to set up "drainages" and improve eliminations thus decreasing the chances for cancer.

Now, as we find, there are improvements in the general physical condition of this body. While there are still those conditions that disturb the body, and there must be those precautions taken else there will be the arising of that which would become malignant in those conditions in the pelvic organs and which would become a greater and greater strain upon the physical forces of the body — if these drainages will be kept set up in the system, and the activities followed that have been and may be indicated here, we find the conditions taken in the present may be eliminated. (715-2)

(Q) Are the doctors correct in their diagnosis?

(A) As given, these vary from that we have outlined. These conditions are in the early stages of such conditions. [Cancer — see 372-8, Par. R1.] Hence, they are not correct in their diagnosis — AS YET; though, if the condition is allowed to continue, then it must become what the doctors have given! (372-8)

Doing these, as we find, would make for the better conditions. Unless these changes are made, as indicated, the conditions must — and will — become of such natures that a gradual drain through the malignant activities in the system will make for disintegration. (133-5)

Compare Cayce on Assimilation & Elimination, Nutrition, Budwig Diet, Detoxification, Almonds as Tumor Preventatives and Preventing Cancer.

B. Early Treatment Results in Better Prognosis

In agreement with modern medicine's view of cancer treatment, Edgar Cayce noted that early intervention produces better therapeutic results.

The organs of digestion function fairly normal, especially when we consider the distresses as are seen in the pelvic organs and the distresses as are produced there by the germ or bacilli as has set up the form of tissue that destroys self in the activity with the organ, the organs of the system. This, as we find, has become malignant.

Had this been taken in time, these MIGHT have been corrected entirely — but, from lacerations as produced from the condition of the system, in the way of forming those of an over-acid, the lesions became those of first the sarcoma reaction, then of the [lesion] nature as produces destructive cell. (5585-1)

C. Several Cases of Cancer Indexed as Cured

There are several cases of cancer that apparently responded to the Cayce regimen. The cases indexed as cured are listed below.

4901 male cancer of the lip
2457 female cancer of the breast
1967 male cancer of the ear
1500 female sarcoma of the breast and legs
757 female cancer of the skin
570 male cancer of the abdomen

D. Some Cases of Cancer Were Regarded As Incurable

Although Edgar Cayce was generally optimistic with regard to the body's innate ability to heal itself from almost any illness, in some cases of cancer the disease was too advanced to expect a physical cure. In such instances, Cayce would recommend therapies to decrease the pain and suffering while emphasizing the mental/spiritual (soul) aspects of healing.

So, little or nothing from the material angle may be administered in the present. It IS malignant. It HAS entered vital tissue. It may NOT be changed from present environ advantageously. (2637-1)

It has reached such stages that there is not a great deal that may be done, as we find, unless there is some immediate action; or some applications made as to stop the inroads of the condition, that is more or less of a malignant nature in its present activity. (588-1)

In terminal cases of cancer, the readings would typically recommend palliative treatments and encourage the individuals involved to focus on the spiritual side of life by preparing for the ultimate transition.

As we find, keep the body quiet where it is; keep the great amount of lightheartedness, anything else but pessimism. Be optimistic, and hold to this doctor. For you have a good one. No matter what the others may say, he knows more than most of the others around him who condemn him.

Do massage the body gently to keep up better circulation in the extremities. Do this, and let the body rest, especially evenings.

A little later, we would add the ultra-violet with the green glass projected between the ultra-violet and the body, which will give ease. This is only a prolonging, of course. The body should prepare itself for the ultimate. (5166-1)

III. Holistic Aspects of Cancer

Edgar Cayce typically used a holistic approach based on a triune (physical, mental and spiritual) model of human experience. Whereas the preceding excerpts have tended to focus more on the physical dimension of cancer, the following excerpts discuss the psychospiritual.

A. Cancer Involves Mental and Spiritual Factors

Edgar Cayce's holistic approach to health and healing is notable in the readings he gave for person's suffering from cancer. The mental and spiritual aspects of prevention and treatment were strongly emphasized in numerous readings. Specifically, Cayce stated that excessive worry and negative attitudes can make a person with a genetic predisposition for cancer more vulnerable to developing the illness.

(Q) Would the removal of the accumulation in mammary glands by surgery help to overcome the condition in the body more quickly?

(A) This would help to overcome the conditions more quickly. The growths are NOT necessarily malignant, but may become so; though the very spiritual influences have kept them in check. (560-7)

… the mental and spiritual forces manifesting themselves and itself through the organs of the system keep these, as it were, in abeyance, else we would have the condition formed into that of the malignant form that would separate itself in the system and become destructive elements in the physical. (180-1)

There must be a dismissal from the mind of this being malignant as yet. And if there will be the application of those things that may be suggested (which will necessitate being considered in a consistent and persistent manner), it will bring relief to the body; and give the opportunity for many years of experience that may be used in a service of helpful hopefulness to many. (635-6)

Do not allow the anxieties AS YET to produce the reaction as would follow, owing to the general conditions of a prenatal effect or of the conditions that this is as yet a malignant nature. [See 601-1 on 7/2/34 indicating scar tissue in uterus and pressure in small of back due to effect of childbirth — daughter [480] on 2/10/12.]

(Q) Is this condition due to a hereditary family complaint? [cancer?]

(A) As has just been indicated, this is a PORTION of same. But DO NOT allow the self — the mental self — to dwell upon same; else we will have it! (601-26)

(Q) Her attending physician diagnoses the condition as a large cancer in her abdomen in an advanced stage, for which nothing can be done. Is this correct?

(A) As we find, rather as has been indicated; and if there will be the use of those things as given, these offer the better aid and help.

(Q) Is there any malignant condition at all?

(A) Rather as we have indicated, that this may BECOME malignant, — or that the mental attitudes and those depreciations of the activities of those influences indicated may bring destructive influences, or the production of that which might produce peritoneum disturbance. (975-7)

There should be no fear in the body-mind, if the proper precautions are taken, that this will become or is malignant in its nature; though with caustic or with irritation, or with too much neglect, these conditions may become secondary in that nature, and thus cause the great drain and strain upon the system from the general anxiety.

(Q) Could I have gotten a cancer germ from [1004]?

(A) As has been indicated, do not consider such. DO THAT as is necessary under the existing conditions. (313-10)

(Q) Since plate glass either deflects or absorbs the ultra-violet ray, from what source does the body derive benefit from this treatment?

(A) Do this, as we have given. This we have given will help, if you will use it. If you reason about it, just forget all of it. (3374-1)

When the body does not worry, the body is better. When the body DOES worry, the body is worse. (325-31)

Compare Emotions and Mind.

Continue to next page: Cancer Is Sometimes A Karmic Pattern.

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1 Compare this Russian folk remedy to help prevent former bruises turning malignant.

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