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Lactic acid in red and white wine

Moderate wine consumption good for cancer patients?

Copyright © 2020 HCN

Dr. med Dr. phil. Emil Scheller[1] supported the Lactic-acid-fermented food treatment for cancer approach and reported the following regarding red and white wine as a valid source of lactic acid:

"Lactic acid not only is found in fresh apple juice and a fortiori in apple cider, but also in wine. Both red and white wines contain considerable amounts of natural lactic acid.[2] The lactic acid is produced not just from sugar but also by conversion of malic acid into lactic acid (via a process called malolactic fermentation).

This explains the surprising fact that every wine contains inactive lactic acid as a normal constituent and frequently in higher amounts than other acids. Warm storage promotes the formation of lactic acid. In fact, unadulterated sour wines have lactic acid contents of up to 8 g per liter, with 3-4 g per liter on average. So lactic acid is an essential component of wine, except of course of sweet (dessert) wines.

It follows that moderate but regular drinking of wine is recommended with cancer, not just for enjoyment but for treatment as well. Both white and red wine can be used. Patients with weak stomachs may be better served with red wine."

Addendum by Healing Cancer Naturally: Please make sure to use organic wine exclusively to avoid contamination with synthetic pesticides, fungicides, insecticides or fertilizers.

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1 Emil Scheller authored numerous books and inter alia invented a cancer test designed for early detection. The translated excerpts featured here are from his book "Krebsschutz durch Früherkennung und Ursachenbehandlung" [Cancer Protection By Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Causes], Humata Verlag Blume 1965, chapter "Cancer and Nutrition".

2 according to W. Fresenius: Anleitung zur chemischen Analyse des Weins [Guide to the chemical analysis of wine]

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