
The 'Banerji Protocols' — homeopathy standardised and simplified

and successfully used to obtain cancer remissions

Copyright © 2022 Healing Cancer Naturally

Homeopathy is widely used in India where half of the population is said to use nothing but homeopathy, one of the reasons being costs. The Banerji family of medical doctors (based in Kolkata, India) spanning four generations of homeopathic doctors have been practicing homeopathy since 1863. By treating tens of thousands of patients with many different complaints including cancer, the Banerjis succeeded in standardising and simplifying homeopathic treatment.

While classical homeopathy is tailored to the individual and demands an in-depth evaluation of each patient before prescribing a specific homeopathic remedy, the Banerjis thanks to extensive research spanning many years managed to assign specific remedies to specific maladies. Their secret: by observing many thousands of patients they were able to ascertain which remedy in which potency was the most helpful for any specific complaint. From here on, all that is needed is a precise medical diagnosis to be able to issue a prescription within minutes.

While this approach does go against basic homeopathic principles, their spectacular successes have proven them right and may point to the future of homeopathic treatment — truly taking it to the next level where homeopathy will become accessible to all.

The Banerji protocols have been scrutinised by the National Cancer Institute of the USA, with lung and oesophagus cancer patients treated with homoeopathy until they showed complete regression of their tumors, see studies below.

Some examples of the Banerji treatment for cancer

Lung cancer

Kalium Carb. C 200 (used for all types of pulmonary diseases)
Thuja occ. C 30, twice daily.
Ferrum Phos. D3 (in case of Hemoptysis)

Ovarian and uterus tumor

Conium Maculatum C3 morning and night
In case of bleeding and pain additionally
Arnica Montana C 3 twice daily, if needed with pain and bleeding every three hours

Stomach ulcer and stomach cancer

Arsenicum album 3c 2 drops before each meal, but
Arsenicum album 6c in case of a cold, sneezing, etc.
Arsenicum album C 200 with an open ulcer

Prostate cancer

Thuja C 30 mornings and nights — 4 x a day.
Cantharis C 200 twice daily
Carcinosinum C 30 once daily

Colorectal cancer

Hydrastis C 200
Conium mac. C3

Breast cancer with bone metastasis

Symphytum C 200 twice daily (bones)
Calc.phosp. C 3

Breast cancer

Phytolacca C 100 twice daily
Carcinosin C 30 once every day

Brain tumors (glioblastoma and others)

In the evening before start of therapy: Camphora C 200
Ruta Grav. C 6 mornings. Avoid acidic and irritating foods in the evening.
Calc. Phosph. D 3 noon and night

Additional remedies are prescribed to alleviate other symptoms such as cramps, headaches, paralysis etc.

Bronchial carcinoma

Kalium carbonicum C 200 2 drops every other morning
Thuja occidentalis C 30 twice daily
Ferrum phoshoricum D 3 twice daily
Can take up to two years before significant improvement is obtained.

Pancreas cancer

Hydrastis canad. UT twice daily
Conium macul. D 3 twice daily
Carduus marian. UT twice daily
Hydrastis and Conium are very good for all abdominal cancers (liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas etc.).


Antimon. Crud. C 200 every other day, if no effect Thuja C 30 twice daily.

Brain metastases

If the metastases are due to breast cancer etc., give Phytolacca C 200 every other week together with Ruta and Calc.phos. Ruta heals all pathologies.

Osteosarcoma (bone cancer)

Symphytum C 200 twice daily
Calc. Phosph. D 3 twice daily
Carcinosinum C 30 once every other day

See details of treatment plus osteosarcoma case study.

Lymphoma (lung)

Kal. Carb. C 200 every other day
Thuja C 30 twice daily.
If the heart is affected: Lachesis C 200 alternating with Thuja

Urothel carcinoma of the bladder

Thuja occ. C 30 twice daily

Radiation toxicity

Fluor Ac.

Please note

There is one or several impostor(s) (in India and the US) pretending to be "Dr P. Banerji" and treating with / selling homeopathics. You will find multiple consumer complaints regarding this / these person(s) but they continue to be in business. The only authentic Drs Banerji are found on https://www.pbhrfindia.org/

Scientific studies

One of the arguments put forward by homeopathy's detractors is that its effects are simply due to placebo.
Well... it turns out that even cancer cell lines — which are not known to react to suggestion — can respond to homeopathic remedies!

... and for ALL the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


The Banerji Protocols — A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines

by Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji (Amazon affiliate link — commissions earned, see further below). Contains a whole chapter on cancer and protocols for more than 175 diseases ranging from the less serious to life-threatening.

Even if you don't have cancer, I urge you to get this book as well as the follow-up "Additional Banerji Protocols from the Clinic" by Nimisha Parekh who wrote it based on her practical experience at the Banerji Clinic in Kolkata over the years and which lists remedies for many additional complaints not listed in the original Banerji protocols book. In my experience, homeopathy is one of the most potent and effective while inexpensive treatment modalities available to mankind.

And did you know? You can easily support this humanitarian site at no extra cost to you by doing your Amazon shopping through its affiliate links which will send a 1-4% commission on your purchase my way. You can also use the above link leading to the Banerji Protocols book.

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