
Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Healed

Part 2: The Use of Proteolytic (Pancreatic) Enzyme Treatment

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B. Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy using Wobenzym N

The use of large doses of pancreatic enzymes containing Pancreatin, Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Papain, and Bromelain is undergoing a 5-year phase III clinical trial in the USA. This is called Gonzalez Regimen, after Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, of New York [who based his work on the research of John Beard and William Donald Kelley, see further down].

The trial is being funded and conducted by the National Cancer Institute of USA. The funding decision was based on the results of a 1993 pilot study in which patients lived an average seventeen (17) and a half (1/2) months – nearly triple of what is expected for most patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.

For a more optimistic view regarding the long-term/permanent curability of pancreas cancer, see Superior herbal formula — sensational cancer remission testimonials, Fenbendazole combination treatment, the natural pancreatic cancer cure testimonial featured in the Budwig FAQ under "Is this protocol effective with pancreatic and liver cancers?", Gerson therapy pancreas cancer healing as well as Journal of the ongoing “alternative” healing of a pancreatic cancer case.

Gonzalez has been investigating nutritional approaches to cancer since 1981, and has been in practice in New York since 1987. The Gonzalez Regimen consists of measures such as dietary restrictions, the ingestion of fresh fruits and vegetables, taking dietary supplements including vitamins and pancreatic enzymes, as well as the administration of coffee enemas.

Update by Healing Cancer Naturally: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died in July 2015. Patients interested in this treatment approach can contact Dr. Linda Isaacs, his colleague of 20+ years, at DrLindaI.com .

The sponsor of the trial is the National Committee for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). The IDs of the protocols are: CPMC-IRAB-8544, NCCAM, NCI-V99-1538. The type of cancer under trial is cancer of the pancreas, the prognosis of which is almost always fatal. [See above links for a much more optimistic view.] Researchers plan to compare patients on the Gonzalez Regimen to a concurrently accrued group of patients being treated by gemcitabine-containing chemotherapy regimens.[5]

It is proper to mention here a few other names that are linked to this therapy.

At the turn of the century, an embryologist at the University of Edinburgh, named John Beard was studying placentas. He noted that in every species, as the placenta grows in the uterus, it invades like a tumor. Beard wondered exactly what prevented a normal placenta from growing into a cancer.

He discovered that the placenta stopped growing the day the fetal pancreas started working. First came the co-relation; then came the leap of faith. The embryologist figured that if the pancreatic enzymes could halt placental growth, they might just work against cancerous tumors as well[1]; but Beard’s theory was largely forgotten.

At least until the 1960s, when a few unorthodox therapists, notably an orthodontist named William Donald Kelley [Dr. Kelley healed himself of pancreatic cancer in 1963[2]], revived Beard’s idea.

As a medical student in the early 1980s, Dr. Gonzalez learned of Beard’s and Kelley’s work and sought to expand on the theories. He reviewed the records of 1,306 cancer patients, treated over a 20-year period with pancreatic enzyme therapy. Dr. Gonzalez discovered that some of the patients survived more than five years and published a book on his results.

Now, I would like to mention the German oncologist Dr. Wrba. Today with some 200 publications in prestigious medical journals, Dr. Wrba has quietly and permanently changed the way cancer is treated throughout Europe. He has educated a generation of European oncologists on the value of systemic oral enzymes in the treatment of cancer. It hasn’t been easy. And it hasn’t been always smooth sailing.

As in America, overcoming widespread negative mythologies has been one of the greatest roadblocks. But amazing things are happening on both continents — suddenly, the concept of protease therapy as an important aspect of cancer treatment is catching on in a major way.

Dr. Wrba’s daughter died of cancer. It was some years after the death of his daughter, when Dr. Wrba was the head of the federally sanctioned Cancer Research Institute, that he met Dr. Karl Ransberger, a molecular biologist with a doctorate from Fordham University (USA). And it was Dr. Ransberger who taught Dr. Wrba the protocol of treating cancer with proteolytic enzymes.

How Proteolytic Enzymes Work: The Theory

It is difficult for the immune cells, namely, the killer T-cells and the Natural Killer cells, to destroy the cancer cells because the membrane of the cancer cells is about 15 times thicker than that of the normal cells.

Also, the protein composition of the membrane of cancer cells is different from that of the normal cells. The proteolytic enzymes chew up the membrane of the cancer cells, making it easy for the immune cells to destroy the cancer cells.

The Dosage I Took and Why

Proteolytic enzymes for cancer treatment are extracted from the pancreas of pigs. It is called Wobe-Mugos in Germany. Wobe-Mugos or its equivalent is banned in North America. Dr. Wrba states that about 90 tablets are to be taken per day for the treatment of cancer as WoBenzym N is so diluted. So, I started taking 90 tablets of WoBenzym N every day.

WoBenzym N [Amazon partner link — commissions earned]

I presumed that cesium chloride and WoBenzym N were synergistic to each other, and used them simultaneously for about two (2) and a half (1/2) weeks. I stopped both protocols one week before the date of surgery. I don’t know why I stopped. But later looking at the good results of the therapies, I am inclined to think that I should not have stopped them that early.

Note by Dr. A, ND, on the effect of pancreatic enzymes on cancerous tumors

"The effect of pancreatic enzymes on tumors was first explained in The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis by Scottish professor John Beard, DSc, in 1911. Cancerous tumors grow by producing an enzyme called malignin that digests left-handed, living protein such as human tissue. As tumors grow, malignin production increases, which promotes more cancer growth.

Malignin is the mirror image of the pancreatic enzyme Trypsin. Trypsin breaks down right-handed living tissue, including tumor mass. According to Dr. Kelley, "Large quantities of Trypsin in the bloodstream stop Malignin's acceleration of tumor growth. Also, the non-growing tumor can now be recognized by the human body's defensive warriors, white blood cells and antibodies. These defensive warriors engulf the liquefied, dead non-growing tumor debris from the digestive activity of the enzyme Trypsin."

He says that other enzymes are needed to break down the starch capsule that surrounds a tumor and the intermediate proteins that are created as Trypsin liquefies the mass. Dr. Kelley says that the combination of pancreatic enzymes in the Kelley Metabolic Program "destroy and strip away about 97% of such starch capsules, thereby enabling tumors to be recognized, digested, liquefied and removed from persons' bodies via their bloodstreams."

Over 93% of the cancer patients who strictly adhere to the Kelley Metabolic Program for at least 6 months have seen their malignancies disappear, according to Dr. Kelley's records. For some patients, it takes 18 months or longer before they are free of cancer. Dr. Kelley emphasizes that the diet change and pancreatic support must be continued even after the cancer has disappeared if the person wants to remain healthy.

When patients start the therapeutic program, their cancer markers rise temporarily because the markers held in tumors are released into the bloodstream as the tumors break down. The number of white blood cells also increases, and tumors may swell as the immune system attacks them. As the debris from the tumor(s) is released into the bloodstream, patients often have flu-like symptoms that include headaches, nausea, irritability, elevated temperature, and 'achiness'.

Dr. Kelley recommends that patients follow a cycle of taking the enzymes and metabolic nutrients for 25 days (or less if the patient feels too toxic), then stopping the supplements for 5 days so that the body has time to eliminate the debris. This cycling continues until the malignancies are gone."

Historical Dosage

1) As a food supplement, take three (3) capsules after lunch and dinner (6–8 daily).
2) If cancer is present, take 6–10 caps at 3:00 am and again 6–10 caps at 3:00 pm in addition to 1)
3) Eat a light breakfast of fruit only — don't mix types of fruit.
4) Do not eat any animal protein after 1:00 pm

This is not the complete protocol, a few more things need to be done to become a valid anti-cancer protocol and it should be tuned to each individual.


If cancers are truly false placentas, malignant tumors would mimic pregnancy in other ways. All trophoblast[3] cells produce a unique hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is easily detected in urine. Thus, if a person is either pregnant or has cancer, a simple hCG pregnancy test should confirm either or both. It does so, with high accuracy. Recent research has shown that all cancers tested (80% of all known cancers) emit portions of this "pregnancy" hormone.[4]
See ralphmoss.com/html/cach377.shtml.

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Proof of Concept — 25 Best Cancer Cases Presented to the National Cancer Institute

by Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD

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Continue to Part 3 of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Healed


1 More at Trophoblast theory of the origin of cancer

2 Dr. William Donald Kelley’s, D.D.S., M.S., “One Answer to Cancer” or “The Original Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure: Do-It-Yourself Book” can be downloaded free at drkelley.com/CANLIVER55.html .

3 Trophoblast (embryology): a layer of tissue on the outside of a mammalian blastula, supplying the embryo with nourishment and later forming the major part of the placenta. (New Oxford Dictionary of English).

4 Compare Alternative Diagnostic Methods For Cancer Detection and Follow-Up: Pregnancy Test For Cancer Screening?

5 Pancreatic proteolytic enzyme therapy compared with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer This trial concluded: "Among patients who have pancreatic cancer, those who chose gemcitabine-based chemotherapy survived more than three times as long (14.0 v 4.3 months) and had better quality of life than those who chose proteolytic enzyme treatment.

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