

A complete source of all known minerals and trace elements incl. iodine

Copyright © 2016 Healing Cancer Naturally

Edible seaweed is an inexpensive "sea vegetable" and commonly found in the cuisine of peoples living close by the sea. Seaweed is a major ingredient of the macrobiotic diet which a number of people have used to help overcome various illnesses including cancer.

Seaweed is the most abundant natural source of assimilable minerals known and thus a prime candidate to consider for healing mineral & trace element deficiencies.

Edible seaweed and other sea vegetables have been a "major player" in chelating (detoxifying) excess ionizing radiation & destructive radioactivity from the body (see Combatting radiation poisoning tips).

Some of the positive effects of seaweed may in fact be attributable to its high iodine content:

  • iodine supplementation for instance has a suppressive effect on tumor formation and growth (with suppressed tumors showing a higher iodine content)
  • high iodine levels reduce the risk of prostate cancer by some 30%
  • iodine deficiency leads to dysplasia (alteration in shape, size etc. of adult cells), a potential precursor of malignant changes in the breast
  • iodine deficiency increases breast tumor size and makes cancer cells more aggressive
  • low iodine induces a hyperestrogenic state
  • the book " Breast Cancer and Iodine" addresses the connection between iodine deficiency, fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer and how to prevent or survive them, respectively (see its listing under Books).
  • iodine is an essential ingredient in the Gerson approach to the healing of cancer and other illnesses where patients are administered thyroid and Lugol's solution (Lugol's is iodine plus potassium iodide).[1]

With all its positive sides, seaweed can also contain heavy metals (seaweed is actually used as a bioindicator for heavy metal pollution because of its recorded ability to accumulate heavy metals in its cell walls). So when buying seaweed, it may be wise to enquire about its origin.

Seaweed should be available in health food stores. It can also be found in Chinese and other Asian outlets, albeit typically of uncertain quality/origin.

More on seaweed's health benefits including recipes can be found under Foods rich in minerals & trace elements: easily affordable sources.


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1 With all its positive qualities, take note, however, that iodine can be a two-edged sword. While it appears to have greatly benefited the health of a number of individuals, others (clearly a minority — but nevertheless) apparently have been seriously damaged. So inform yourself about the pros and cons before considering applying isolated iodine on your own for any purposes, or at least make sure to only ingest it in its natural complex with other minerals and trace elements in the form of seaweed.

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