Why Alternative Cancer Treatment

Surgery risks

How to reduce your chances of serious side effects from cancer surgery

Copyright © June 2007 Healing Cancer Naturally

While there are of course numerous potential risks associated with invasive procedures such as surgery (which even include death), the following articles and real-life stories aim to demonstrate the degree of risk which can be inherent when opting for surgery, as well as advise those readers who do contemplate surgery as to some of what s/he can do to protect him or herself from these possible risks and “side effects” (apart from not consenting to being operated upon in the first place, of course).

Inadvertent Spread of Cancer at Surgery

Surgical cure requires that a given cancer be removed without inadvertent spillage of cancer cells by technical error. More

Torturous pain after multiple surgeries due to adhesions

See this Testimonial (incl. advice how to stop the pain).


Doubtless one of the most serious possible side effects of surgery and other conventional cancer treatments.

Weighing the Risks of Surgery

by Katharina

A case history came to my knowledge that is extraordinarily tragic. I got to know the patient herself, and she told me the story. So no second-hand gossip.

During her microsurgery on the cerebellum, the surgeon made a mistake, the instrument (fine needle) broke, and a piece of it got stuck in the cerebellum. It is still there, to remove it would enlarge the damage.

The outcome of the surgery was devastating to her: her condition has worsened since, she is disabled to a degree she cannot do her daily chores any more, driving ability is gone, she can walk, but only with a walker, has to take medication and this — combined with the other causes — has given her the problem of extreme overweight.

She filed against the surgeon re malpractice. At court she was granted nothing, although the surgeon frankly admitted at court that he had made a mistake. The woman judge literally said:

"These things happen. If I judge him guilty, No doctor would Ever have the opportunity to do Anything Any more." (case of precedence)

To the fact, that the patient was in a disabled condition caused by this surgery, and that she needed help for her everyday life (that costs an awful lot of money here, which was also an issue of her filing!) the woman judge had nothing but the scathing remark: "You have children, they can look after you."

Behind the scene the financial power of the insurance companies tried to prevent a judgement unfavorable to the surgeon, because they would have been the ones to pay the bill.

The patient's lawyer was so upset he went to the state's prosecutor and filed against this woman judge. When the patient asked her insurance company to help her finance the revision of this trial, her own insurance company kicked her out, and would not pay any costs for her lawyer any more.

The husband of this patient bluntly recommended her to commit suicide, as to his opinion she was nothing but a waste now. This is the case history and the extreme outcome for the social life of the patient.

What is important for us: Do surgeons, when they do the legal education to the patients, speak about the possible risks of micro surgery, mention that it is possible the instrument breaks and partly remains in the brain, with the consequence of worsening the condition to the degree of disability?

Or is the whole thing hushed to the broader public?

So many jump on the bandwagon, with the argument "This is new, so it must be an improved treatment.", never knowing what is going on backstage. I consent, if you might want to spread these news to the groups and people who would benefit.

Surgery advice: ask detailed questions beforehand and speak to patients who had the operation

by A. G.

Very often difficult surgical procedures are thought of as the fruit we enjoy from modern scientific and medical progress. Unfortunately there is a very frightening downside. I know of some people who have had excellent outcomes from difficult surgeries. But is the risk worth the chance of making things much worse.

Your doctor should be able to give you firm statistics on the success rates of the surgery, what benefits are expected AND what the risks are of an adverse outcome, what can go wrong.

You should also be able to speak to other patients who have successfully had the operation and are satisfied and willing to discuss it. If this cannot or will not be provided, it should raise a warning flag! ARE the doctor’s statistics backed up by real people or is it from statistical manipulation of data defining benefit as anyone who survives the procedure.

Surgery advice: make good use of the consent form

by L. P.

Introduction by Healing Cancer Naturally: While the following is written with a view to breast cancer surgery, L.’s advice could be helpful for anyone planning to undergo surgery. Read L.’s full story at Rushed into conventional breast cancer diagnostics & therapy: a woman tells a tale of manipulation, dishonesty, callousness, lack of integrity and ethics and the trauma, pain, shock, disfigurement & regret she experienced.

For the benefit of any woman who might decide that she will still do some surgery for breast cancer:

Knowing what I know now, I personally would not opt for that, since surgery itself can induce metastasis. Once the tumour has been disrupted, the cancer can start to move (compare Inadvertent Spread of Cancer at Surgery).

However, if a woman does opt to go the surgical route, I would like to advise her about the consent form. Presumably, she will have discussed the surgery with the surgeon and settled on just how much or how little she is prepared to have.

Some time before the surgery, she will be given a consent form. It is usually a very generalized form that more or less gives the surgeon carte blanche. Don't be like me — I took for granted that he would honour my priorities and do only what was agreed upon, with disastrous results.

My advice is to make sure you have a black felt-tip pen with you. Cross out the generalized statement and write down exactly what was agreed upon and also write "Nothing more". If you are not intending to have radiation or chemo, write "No axillary dissection".

The surgeon might then say that he refuses to do the surgery with those restrictions. The answer to this is, "Then give me my clothes." Ten to one, the surgeon will still do the surgery, since the operating theatre has been booked, has to be paid for, and he'll lose his fat fee if the surgery is not performed.

That's my advice. I hope this helps someone.

Morcellation can rapidly spread cancer

Women died of uterine cancer after myomectomy or hysterectomy surgery, more here.

Addendum by Healing Cancer Naturally

I think that both A. G. and L. P. as well as Rhoda in Take time to decide—alternative or allopathic offer excellent advice. In my experience, a good (trustworthy) person always trusts that others will treat them with the same honesty, fairness and consideration as s/he would treat them (until s/he learns “better”), but it ain't necessarily so at all, particularly in "business" (which medicine often seems to be).

Realizing this and taking simple precautions as those outlined by these three authors can possibly save one from experiencing great physical, mental and/or financial anguish and harm.

Also make sure to read On the (potentially) positive role of tumors as toxin reservoirs as well as On the moon's transit through the zodiac signs and the best times for surgery and taking medications: pure superstition or force to be reckoned with?.

... and for ALL the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer after studying the subject for some twenty years,

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