
Cancer cures achieved via natural non-invasive approaches

reported on other websites — a small selection

Copyright © HCN

The following (far from exhaustive) listing is meant to complement this site's own extensive listing of cancer healings achieved by strenghtening the body’s natural defenses against cancer cells and supporting its innate “thrust for health” in a number of variegated ways.

It is added here to give a small idea of the enormous range of cancer healing testimonials available.

Please note that occasionally you will see a comment to the effect of “rather commercial” etc. When I don’t put such a note, this doesn’t mean that the site is non-commercial but may simply denote the fact that I haven’t studied the site in any detail.[1]

General cancer healing testimonials

Collections of cancer testimonies
  • http://cancercompassalternateroute.com/testimonials-2/testimonials/
    Many dozens of healing testimonials from "anal cancer " to "uterine cancer".
  • www.drclark.net/en-us/testimonials/76-testimonials/cancer-testimonials1
  • www.drhuldaclark.org
    Excerpts from Dr. Hulda Clark’s The Cure For All Cancers
  • http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cesiumtherapy/message/2108 ff.: experiences/cures using cesium : to access you need to be (or become) a yahoogroups member.
  • groups.yahoo.com/group/cancer-testimonials/messages/1?viscount =100
  • www.fightingcancer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/cancersurvivors.pdf
    25 testimonials of cancer survivors who healed either by a combination of conventional and alternative or by purely alternative treatment
  • curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=2
  • curezone.com/diseases/testimonials.asp

Dietary/nutritional cancer cures: miscellaneous

According to Bob Davis (himself a terminal cancer victor thanks to alternative treatments such as detoxification, juicing and healthy diet), “One correspondent told me recently that in his internet search, he had found over 600 people who had conquered cancer by dietary changes alone. Diet has been used to successfully treat cancer long before there was the internet.”

On HealingCancerNaturally.com, you will find many dozens of Nutrition/diet-based cancer healing testimonials: reports of remissions achieved via nutritional changes and approaches.

Grape cancer cure

For background on the Grape Cancer Cure see Greatest Hits.
For someone who considers the Grape Cure a worthless approach, see this article. His verdict is partially based upon the American Cancer Society’s negative reviews of the "Grape Cure": background on the ACS.

For very important-seeming additional information on the Grape Cure, read Johanna Brandt/Fred Wortman Grape Cure For Cancer at cancertutor.com/Cancer/GrapeCure.html .

Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s sodium bicarbonate protocol

A number of impressive interviews with cancer patients treated by Dr. Simoncini’s method at https://www.youtube.com/user/seoleoINT/videos (link current as of March 2021)

Background eg at Destroying Tumors with Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate): Is Cancer “Just a Fungus”?.

Cancer healed thanks to Jesus Christ

  • www.jesuschristhealstoday.com
    Numerous testimonials of cancer healings reported which (in May 2021) include breast cancer incl. stage 4 and metastasized, neuroendocrine cancer, melanoma, multiple myeloma, metastatic and advanced stage lung cancer, cancer of the appendix, lymphoma, squamous cell cancer, glioblastoma (brain cancer), cervical cancer, a case of tumors on the skull with bone metastasis, and a case of terminal cancer (prostate, testicles, and a grapefruit-sized tumor on the pancreas) which from untreatable changed to treatable.

Spontaneous remission

  • cancersalves.com/checklist/spirit.html
  • www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Library/spontaneousregression.htm

Herbal cancer testimonials

  • http://sirjasonwinters.com/customer.htm (commercial)
    Sir Jason Winters defeated the cancer he had developed with a simple herbal formula.
Cansema (herbal salve & tonic) / Black salves / cancer salves / Amazon Black Tropical Salve healing testimonials
  • altcancer.com/can2.htm How Cansema Works (pictorial demonstration)
  • www.cancertutor.com/cansema/ (overview and suggestions for the use of Cansema)
  • altcancer.com/rlbanks.htm (Pictorial Narrative of An Amazing Melanoma Recovery)´
  • www.altcancer.com/vidgal.htm and www.blacksalveinfo.com/blacksalvemov.htm : video testimonials
  • www.meditopia.org/video.htm
    Greg Caton on escharotic preparations, including healing testimonials for cancer and other diseases thanks to black salve

(A note by Leonard [leonardleonard1 at earthlink.net, address may be defunct]): They're often very effective... but black salves are extremely painful, and reportedly once you start one, you have to continue. Also, they can cause cancers to become inoperable.

See also About Herbs & Grasses Against Cancer.

Hoxsey testimonies of cancer healed
  • groups.yahoo.com/group/cancer-testimonials/message/56

For more info & background see The Hoxsey Legend. According to Leonard (leonardleonard1 at earthlink.net), the Hoxsey Formula is one “of the best cancer-healing products available for any ... type of cancer. My 1st choice would probably be the Eclectic [Institute’s] eclecticherb.com/ ‘Red Clover-Burdock’.

My 2nd choice would probably be ‘Hoxsey Red Clover Supreme’ from gaiaherbs.com. Ideally, I would use BOTH; they're both found in some health food stores. The Hoxsey clinic makes an individually tailored formula, which I'm sure is the best, but it costs several hundred dollars; I've heard the clinic is honest: Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey clinic), PO Box 727 (615 General Ferreira, Colonia juarez), Tijuana, B.C. Mexico. phone 706-685-0967 or 52-814-9011/9132 or 52-6-684-9011 or (01152664) 684-9011, fax 52-6-684-9744 or (01152664) 684-9744, bmc at telnor.net.”

Essiac tea (also called Flor-Essence) testimonies of cancer healed
  • groups.yahoo.com/group/cancer-testimonials/message/11
  • www.essiacherbal.com/testimonials.html
  • www.allnaturalpainrelief.com/info_testimonials.html (scroll to "In praise of Essiac)
  • testimonialindex.com/cgi-bin/nsp/testimonials/products/t1360-4.pl?s=12&p=combo.htm

Click here for ingredients list of Essiac/Flor-Essence.

Note by HCN: it is advisable to check for contraindications (such as pregnancy) for Essiac tea/Flor-Essence.
www.cancertutor.com/essiac/ discusses Essiac Cancer Treatment: suggestions on how to optimally use Essiac tea.

Mistletoe (Iscador) and cancer

Medicinal hemp oil/medical marijuana/natural THC/cannabis oil

  • http://phoenixtears.ca/rso/video-library/
  • http://phoenixtears.ca/testimonials/
  • www.cureyourowncancer.org/testimonials.html

    features cannabis oil cancer cure testimonials including prostate, anal and skin cancer, large B-cell lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL), squamous cell carcinoma (this patient spent a million dollars on conventional treatments [radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery]), inoperable brain tumor in a baby, melanoma skin cancer, stage 4 stomach, throat and pancreatic cancer, basal cell carcinoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma plus a number of video testimonials.
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPm0Jq9bj98
    Skin cancer cured using concentrated cannabis extract oil
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6iba3sEUIg
    8 month old "miracle" baby: massive inoperable brain tumor within four months reduced to zero with a "pacifier lollipop with cannabinoid oil" given twice daily (interview with Dr William Courtney of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine, a former skeptic; includes MRIs).
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmviQBB5DHs
    Two-year-old with stage 4 brain tumor, at the time of reporting cancer-free thanks to cannabis oil.
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hUoyXKf81c
    Terminal (stage IV) lung cancer (non-smoker) healed with fresh cannabis leaves, cannabis oil and cannabis enemas.
  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckY7Of3NMeg
    Tommy Chong overcame his prostate cancer thanks to hemp oil, diet and supplements.


  • https://strongholdofhope.com/protocel-cancell-entelev-testimonials.html

PolyMVA (Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex or LAMC)

  • www.polymvasurvivors.com
    Many testimonials

More individual cancer cure stories

Note: When looking for healing stories for a particular type of cancer, please be aware that there is not one approach that will heal every case of the same type of cancer, but rather a number of different modalities that have helped people heal.

To find individual cancer cure stories, advice and encouraging inspiration on Healing Cancer Naturally, see the complete testimonials listing and additionally do a search and read the extensive Why Alternative Cancer Treatment: Inspirational section.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma (video)


Brain cancer

Karuna Reiki(R)- Miraculous Healing for Cancer Patient by Lorena and David Solinger. This likely is an incomplete healing but nevertheless very impressive sine it "only" involves energy treatment.

Breast Cancer

Diagnosed at age 47 with stage 4 breast cancer, Dr. Ruth not only overcame her cancer thanks to a strict vegan diet, but meanwhile, some 40 years later, is the winner of more than 900 trophies and 67 marathons (incl. Boston, New York, and Moscow) as well as 8 gold medals in the U.S. Senior Olympics. Ruth actually was named one of the Ten Fittest Women in North America.

Carmen’s “Breast Cancer survivor since 1992, healthier than ever” testimony page (read her story on Breast Cancer Healing).

An interesting cancer cure podcast where the solution was finally found in the patient's mouth (oral health) — yes, toxic teeth, i.e. root canals, amalgam fillings, cavitations and/or other oral factors can be the decisive puzzle piece and make or break a person's healing journey, see e.g. "Terminal" non-Hodgkin lymphoma healed "in extremis" after dental cleanup.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia


Hessel Baartse managed to defeat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia without submitting to chemo. Because this is so rare, he put his story on the net in order to help others with CLL.

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) stage 4


After giving birth to twins in 1989, Elonna received a dismal diagnosis of GBM. Already a very rare and considered invariably fatal cancer, Elonna's was in the spinal cord which made it even more rare, aggressive and faster-killing. Doctors did not believe she would live to see her children's first birthday. After surgery, she was left paralysed from the waist down.

Someone recommended an alternative cancer treatment product named Cancell (now Protocel/Cantron) to her. While very sceptical (as so many, she thought if there were a cure for cancer, it would be widely used rather than letting people die), Elonna knew she had nothing to lose by trying.

The effects were obvious within 18 hours after taking the first dose: cancer waste products literally started "pouring" out of her body. After several weeks of such detoxification and of persevering with the CanCell, she was feeling much better and began to do physical therapy to increase her mobility. When she had scans in February 1990, no trace of the former cancer could be found — to the greatest amazement of the radiologist. Elonna McKibben's story can be read on her website.

Islet cell carcinoma (aggressive pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor)


In 1976, Fred Eichhorn was given a maximum life expectancy of three years. During surgery (which was not expected to be curative), his spleen and part of his stomach were removed together with 90 percent of his pancreas. Fred believed that ill health follows from a first cause.lying in the body's biochemistry which needs to be corrected to achieve the elimination of the disease.

In other words, good nutrition along with exercise and a positive mental attitude were the cornerstones of good health. Cancer-free today, Fred Eichhorn enrolled in medical college and developed his own nutritional supplement — Cellect — which reportedly has helped to achieve many remissions of various forms of cancer as well as to reverse Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Grave's Disease, manic depression, ADHD, and even drug, cigarette and alcohol addiction. Fred is the founder of the National Cancer Research Foundation (www.ncrf.org).

Malignant Melanoma

www.DrJoeBrown.com (currently — March 2021 — not available but still found on archive.org)
www.drjoebrown.com/wst_page3.html (various cancers cured with Dr Brown's help)
Dr. Joe Brown, N.M.D., Tempe, Arizona, was diagnosed with metastatic malignant melanoma and literally fought for his life. Apart from three surgeries, he refused the other conventional treatments offered him.

Using diet, supplements, juicing, IV vitamin C, acupuncture and other modalities, he found himself healed within five months. Today, sixteen years later (in 2013), Dr. Brown practices as a naturopathic doctor to help people who are desperately searching for help.

Webster Kehr interviewed a man who over twenty years ago healed his malignant melanoma mainly through fruit and vegetable juice diet, raw food, fasting and exercise.

Compare this holistic/herbal "terminal" malignant melanoma cure testimonial "20 years later" (healed with herbs and mind/spirit power without chemo, radiation, surgery) and Dr. Johanna Budwig sample cancer cure testimonials.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (video)

“Jerry Brunetti's highly informative video lecture Food as Medicine (2005) where he lays out his experience with terminal cancer which he successfully overcame with eating healthy and different food than he used to eat until then.

In 1999 he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and given 6 months to live. He did not submit to chemotherapy, but rather, developed his own unique dietary approach to enhance his immune system.

Jerry shares his personal experiences and provides his recipe for healthy living. You will learn about the crucial importance of minerals, which foods to choose for your best health requirements and what to avoid.

After viewing this fascinating lecture you'll realize the remarkable value of food in building good foundations, and providing buffers, to keep your body healthy. 3h long. ...

Food as Medicine features — The power of pigments — Make your plate a rainbow — Protection from cruciferous vegetables — The good oils — Fabulous fermentation — Eggs — The ultimate food. — Butter vs. Margarine — The power of raw milk — What major minerals do — Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Sulfur — The trace mineral catalysts — Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron and Iron — The forgotten five — Iodine, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Selenium and Chromium.

(If not available via the above site link, try youtube, bitchute.com or other video platforms.)

Rectal cancer


In November 1999, Christopher Sheppard received a very surprising diagnosis of locally advanced rectal cancer. After deciding to go on a "healing journey" which included a modified version of the Gerson diet, supplements, meditation, joining an emotional counselling group, and visits to a Brazilian spiritual healer known as "John of God", his tumor completely disappeared within a year.
Christopher describes his journey in great detail at his website.

Holistic/energetic/self-healing/meditation cancer cure testimonials

A number of testimonials including many related to cancer where the healing was based on / achieved by applying the principles of Dr. Hamer's German New Medicine. Currently (April 2016) there are personal reports re basal cell carcinoma, bone cancer, breast cancer, a brain tumor, colon cancer, a kidney tumor, laryngeal cancer, leukemia, melanoma with metastasis to the lungs, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma), stomach cancer and testicular cancer (some not diagnosed by conventional oncologists).


Brain cancer

Diagnosed with a baseball-sized tumor in her right frontal lobe, Meredith chose a path of natural healing. One of surrender, love, trust, gratitude and self-discovery. After six months of cleansing on all levels, her tumor had shrunk to almost nothing (includes pictures of MRI scans).

Lung cancer
Robert M Mack. Lessons From Living With Cancer, New England Journal of Medicine 1984, 311

Healing Cancer: Various Protocols

(newly founded on Valentine’s day 2004)
“In my never ending quest to gather information about the many ways that cancer can be treated, I have been fortunate to discover very effective means. I would like to encourage [all] to share their protocols, and their experiences...While NOT limited to, I would like to emphasize a similar format: Cancer Type, Diagnosis, Protocols, Standard, Alternative, Diet Change (if any), Summary, Results”

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways healingcancernaturally.com knows to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 My definition of “commercial” is not selling a product per se (which when done honestly is just fine by my standards) but selling a product by using manipulation, half-truths etc. instead of honest descriptions given to the best of one’s knowledge. For background and examples, see Negative experiences in the alternative cancer treatment field: on honesty & deception, money & manipulation, commercialism, theft of copyright, ego & “all that glitters is not gold”.

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