Working with a Universal Healing Light to fight (dissolve) cancer
and other diseases: visualization technique & self-healing meditation
excerpted, summarized and prefaced by © 2007 Healing Cancer Naturally with special permission of the author from the article “We Can Heal Ourselves: Our Ability To Create the Opportunity To Overcome Life-Threatening Disease” by © 2005 Melanie Tonia Evans
The following meditation/visualization technique involving a Universal Healing light “was given” to holistic healer Melanie Tonia Evans of Visionary Spiritual Institute of Australia at a time in her life when she felt the strong need to assist a very close friend fighting a particularly vicious and lethal disease (as Melanie confirmed to me in a private communication, this individual had cancer).
While she never doubted its power, the results of this visualization technique were surprising nevertheless. Since working with it, not only did her loved one's disease stop progressing and start improving (with no other changes applied in their treatment), but additionally, "the areas that were specifically visualized on with the most concentration were the areas where the disease had rapidly diminished the most."
Similar progress has been reported by virtually everyone, incl. patients with fully blown cancer, who conscientiously performed this visualization technique exercise daily, resulting in their specific dis-ease either completely vanishing or measurably decreasing.
With all that, this white light meditation technique is very simple, possibly by directly tapping the source of all healing, the light (or one of its forms) that quantum physicists have discovered to form the basis or be an integral part of all life ("we are frozen light", also see for instance Dr. Fritz Albert Popp’s research into biophotons and cancer).
While many or most all healing meditations, visualization and protection techniques involve calling on and bathing in “the light” (compare Guided Imagery Meditation Scripts & Divine Light and Love Healing Energy Meditation), the beauty of this particular one is its very simplicity and its reported track record incl. for cancer patients.
On the subject of healing with white light, the following also seems of great interest to me:
“Hawaiian medicine men called kahunas ... healed through the utilization of a life force they called mana [also compare Energetics]. It was believed that health exists when mana is adequate, while illness results when it is insufficient.
Trained to detect deficient or imbalanced mana, the Kahunas knew the techniques to strengthen energy in themselves and the methods to transmit it to others. ... [Max Freedom Long, the author of several books on the healing system and philosophy of the kahunas] describes mana as a stream of white luminous light capable of performing miraculous deeds, including healing.” (excerpted by me from the free ebook "The Quest — Maximizing Health and Wellness Through Spiritual Healing" by Raphael Ferraro)
In Melanie Tonia Evans' experience, the below Universal light meditation can be performed by anyone with an active imagination and requires only 10 to 30 minutes daily. Its purpose is to “re-teach” the killer T cells (cytotoxic Tc Cells) to carry out their normal function (for scientific background see How & Why Guided Imagery Works Cancer Victor Describes Psycho-Neuro-Immunological Background, Chapter 2: A PATIENT LOOKS AT THE HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM).
As Melanie Tonia Evans writes: "I ... know that factors beyond any human comprehension or intervention may in fact govern whether or not an individual will live or die. The power of the mind is truly an incredible thing. It has granted me a huge glimpse of just how powerful we really are even under the direst of circumstances.
I believe that this new knowledge can create a level of mind, body and soul connection, that transcends the 'old law' of 'when our number is up', to change our concepts of fate and chance, and 'unlucky tragedies'.
... History has shown many individuals that have miraculously healed by defying science and the odds. I am fortunate enough now to witness many such 'miracles' in my life."
Here is Melanie Tonia Evans' light visualization technique (© 2005) for self-healing in its entirety:
Lie down, and have your eyes closed and feel relaxed. Do some deep slow breathing until you feel that you are in a peaceful state. Meditation music, candles and incense or the smell of oils can be very helpful.
It is imperative that this time is free of distractions. I often advise people to do this early in the morning whilst lying in the sanctuary of their bedroom, or late at night when the house is quiet. Make sure the phone is off the hook!
Imagine an enormous light over the top of you (like a large billiard table light), make sure in your visualization that the light is longer and wider than you are, and that it is about two feet above you.
In your mind's eye switch this light on, and “feel” a powerful warmth and “see” a blinding white light coming out of the light. Feel the sensation of the light on you.
Know that this light represents Universal Healing and that there is no greater power of “perfection”, and that no earthly disease is immune to such power and perfection.
Feel the light enter your body, and know that it energises your killer T Cells into action. “See” and “feel” the T Cells activate. Imagine the T-Cells in any way that you wish. Many people have come up with the image of an army and several members of my Meditation Classes see them as little “Pac men”. This is personal and it doesn’t matter what they look like to you.
See these T-Cells “wake up”, stir and energise and flock together in great excitement. See and feel the light shining into them and energizing them. Feel and know that this bright blinding light that is surging through your body is giving your T-Cells “memory recall” and grants them “invincibility.”
In your mind, gather your T-Cells into a large cluster and then give them the “order” to go to the site where the disease is. It is important at this stage to visualize the disease. Again this is very personal. You may see it as a red lump, a black area, or in any other form. Trust your intuition (imagination) and go with any form of visual that comes to you when you focus on this site.
Then send your “troops” in. See them spray an incredibly blinding white light (Universal Healing) over the area which dissolves the diseased area into 'nothingness'. This has been a fascinating procedure whereby I have heard reports of incredible events. Many people claim that they physically feel the sensations of the “dissolving.”
In one such case I held my hand over a gentleman’s liver and actually felt his liver quiver as his T-Cells eradicated the cancer. (This man is today alive and in excellent health). One night after feeling the awful effects of a very sore throat, I myself “sent my troops in” and felt instant relief in my throat and a sudden reversal of fever immediately after this process. The next morning I awoke with a clear throat and no physical symptoms of a virus.
It is important at this stage to continue the dissolving until the area is clear and restored to normal. If the troops are having trouble penetrating or winning, the focus on the bright light giving the T-Cells density in numbers and “invincibility” assists greatly.
In the extreme cases of a very potent disease the subject may not be able to maintain the dissolving, and may feel that the T-Cells are faltering. In such a case the procedure can become “sneaky” where a planned dissolving occurs by directing the T-Cells to enter the diseased organ and spray the dis-ease with white light from behind.
In some forms of cancer individuals have reported that the cancer cells seem to have a “protective coating” on them that feels like some sort of force field. In such cases a visualization can be produced that effectively camouflages the T-Cells by disguising them as cancer cells, whereby they can be directed to merge with the cancer cells and then dissolve them.
Once the area is clear the subject then visualizes cleansing and clearing the area with a wave of white light. Then B-Cells (Guard Cells) are visualized and stationed in and around the battle site (for scientific background on B cells see How & Why Guided Imagery Works.
These guards are alert and forever observing. Their purpose is to alert the T-Cells if they become aware of “anything unusual.” Just knowing that they are positioned is enough for an individual to have peace of mind that their disease is effectively under control.
About the author
Melanie Tonia Evans offers a range of books and courses to assist with self-mastery and healing. These include the titles 'Breaking The Chains of Painful Love' and 'Take Back Your Power' and Self-empowerment and Meditation Courses. Melanie also offers Healings, Personal Readings and Numerology Profile Readings.
... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways healingcancernaturally.com knows to heal cancer
after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.
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