Causes of Cancer

Breast (and other) cancer

Possible link to tight clothing

by © copyright 2004–2023

By impeding proper circulation of blood and lymph, tight clothing can contribute to the formation of cancer or other diseases.

According to Singer & Grismaijer's book "Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras", women who wear a bra 24 hours per day have a 75 % chance of developing breast cancer (3 out of 4).

If they wear it more than 12 hours (but not during sleep), this chance is 14.28% (1 out of 7). With less than 12 hours per day, the breast cancer risk is dramatically decreased to 0.66% (1 out of 152) and women who never or rarely wear one, run the lowest risk at 0.60% (1 out of 168). Compare Can Wearing a Bra Kill You?

It's likely that any organ whose lymph circulation and thus vitally needed cellular nourishment and detoxification is throttled on a regular basis will be more liable to illness including cancer. One example could be tight trousers worn by men on a regular basis potentially contributing to prostate cancer.

Tips how to keep or regain attractive breasts

One (perhaps the only) way to keep attractive and healthy breasts without "needing" a bra is proper nutrition and regular internal detoxification. One of the important nutrients required to maintain healthy connective tissue is vitamin C.

Some pertinent observations:

"I’ve seen white women whose breasts had stretched down as far as their belly button, spring back to normal size in a few months. In other cases, I observed breasts swollen with fat, shrink to normal size, without stretch marks.

A raw, instinctive diet ensures that a woman eats the right amount of protein and stimulates the clearance of encroaching fat. Muscles regenerate and restore normal body shape as expeditiously as possible." (quoting Guy-Claude Burger who healed himself of cancer)

Dr. F.X. Mayr’s research into the link between dietary habits, thorough chewing, intestinal/digestive function and health & beauty arrives at similar conclusions.

Note: Another important element in the body's connective tissues is silicon dioxide (silica).

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


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