Causes of Cancer

Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark: The Cure For All Cancers

Book excerpts

Copyright 1993-1995 by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. All rights reserved.

Including Over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured

Plus two revolutionary electronic circuits, one to diagnose and monitor progress, the other to zap parasites and bacteria!

According to Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, cancer and other diseases are caused by parasites and/or pollutants and are healed and prevented by cleaning the body and environment of the offending substances/invaders. The following excerpts from her book The Cure For All Cancers give a thorough introduction to Dr. Clark’s approach to healing cancer and other disease.

Cancer can now be CURED, not just treated

We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure for cancer. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about a cure.

This is possible because in 1990 I discovered the true cause of cancer. The cause is a certain parasite, for which I have found evidence in every cancer case regardless of the type of cancer.

So lung cancer is not caused by smoking, colon cancer is not caused by a low-roughage diet, breast cancer is not caused by a fatty diet, retinal blastoma is not caused by a rare gene, and pancreatic cancer is not caused by alcohol consumption.

Although these are all contributing factors, they are not THE cause. Once the true cause was found the cure became obvious. But would it work? I set a goal of 100 cases to be cured of cancer before publishing my findings. That mark was passed in December, 1992. The discovery of the cause and cure of all cancers has stood the test of time and here it is!

You may not have time

to read this entire book first if you have cancer and are scheduled for surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment. You may wish to skip the first pages which describe how a parasite and a solvent cause cancer to develop. Go directly to the instructions on eliminating the parasite with herbs (Cancer Curing Recipe, page 19) or with electricity (Zapping Parasites, page 30).

Using the herbal recipe along with the zapper is best. It only takes days to be cured of cancer regardless of the type you have. It does not matter how far progressed the cancer is-you can still stop it immediately.

After you have stopped the cancer, you can turn your attention to getting well (Part 2). Read the case histories to see how easy it is to stop even terminal cancers (Part 3). Learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Does this mean you can cancel your date for surgery, radiation or chemotherapy? Yes, after curing your cancer with this recipe, it cannot come back. This is not a treatment for cancer: It is a cure! But if you do not wish to make your doctor angry, you could follow her or his wishes, too. Be careful not to lose any vital anatomical parts in surgery, though, because you may need them later when you are healthy!

Remember that oncologists are kind, sensitive, compassionate people. They want the best for you. They have no way of knowing about the true cause and cure of cancer since it has not been published for them. I chose to publish it for you first so that it would come to your attention faster.

Permission is hereby granted to make copies of any part of this document for non-commercial purposes provided the original copyright notice with the author's name is included.

Published in the United States by New Century Press, San Diego, CA

Library of Congress Card Catalog Number RC268.C96

Other books by Dr. Clark:
The Cure For HIV And AIDS
The Cure For All Diseases

Notice to the Reader:

The opinions and conclusions expressed in this book are mine, and unless expressed otherwise, mine alone. The opinions expressed herein are based on my scientific research and on specific case studies involving my patients.

Be advised that every person is unique and may respond differently to the treatments described in this book. On occasion we have provided dosage recommendations where appropriate. Again, remember that we are all different and any new treatment should be applied in a cautious, common sense fashion.

The treatments outlined herein are not intended to be a replacement or substitute for other forms of conventional medical treatment. Please feel free to consult with your physician or other health care provider.

I have indicated throughout this book the existence of pollutants in food and other products. These pollutants were identified using a testing device of my invention known as the Syncrometer.? Complete instructions for building and using this device are contained in this book. Therefore anyone can repeat the tests described and verify the data.

The Syncrometer is more accurate and versatile than the best existing testing methods. A method for determining the degree of precision is also presented. However at this point it only yields positive or negative results, it does not quantify. The chance of a false positive or a false negative is about 5%, which can be lessened by test repetition.

It is in the public interest to know when a single bottle of a single product tests positive to a serious pollutant. If one does, the safest course is to avoid all bottles of that product entirely, which is what I repeatedly advise. These recommendations should be interpreted as an intent to warn and protect the public, not to provide a statistically significant analysis. It is my fervent hope that manufacturers use the new electronic techniques in this book to make purer products than they ever have before.

The Cure For All Cancers


From Time Immemorial Healthy People Have Held Sick People Hostage.

The Witch Doctor, Medicine Man and Woman, Herbalist and Clinician are all alike in this respect. They wish to keep information surrounding illness and wellness to themselves and away from the common person so that a profession of medicine can grow and become lucrative.

The Herbalist did not tell which herbs could relieve colds or bring on a woman's menstrual period (birth control) for fear that the people in need would get them for themselves and not need (nor pay) the Herbalist.

The modern medical profession overlooks information on prevention; it tries to make self-help and simple treatments illegal. All for the same purpose: to build and aggrandize their profession. This seems inappropriate, especially where communicable or wide-spread illness is involved. This example is taken from a text on herbology:

"This [bath] is a safe and sane procedure and will prove most beneficial to those who are obese and desire to reduce safely. In combination with the internal treatment with decoction of Fucus, this course is worth considerable to very stout people, and should not be sold too cheaply. It is a grave mistake to put this scientific treatment in the same class as the many advertised nostrums on the market. It is also a mistake to let your patient know what you are using. If any do make this mistake, he will lose his client who will straight away go to a drugstore for supplies."

I believe hostage-holding of the sick is immoral, fundamentally unethical, and needs to be stopped.

Besides the moral issue, there is a practical issue. It would benefit society much more if the sick person were quickly rescued and helped back to productivity. A healthy society benefits each of us immensely. Likewise, an ill society injures us immensely, even when it is half a planet away. With this book, I hope to give away as many secrets as I can about the cause and the cure of all cancers, letting the truth come first and "professional concerns" come last.

The human species can no longer afford to make a business out of illness. Global travel reduces our planet to the size of our backyards. In order to keep our own backyards clean, the neighbors must keep theirs clean. So it is with keeping our bodies free of viruses, bacteria and parasites. We all must be free of them. The concept of health as a narrow professional concern is obsolete.

This book is intended as a gift to humanity. I make a plea to the public and private sector of the medical community not to suppress this information but to disperse it regardless of embarrassment or liability from the simplicity and newness of the cure, provided only that it meets your standard of truth.

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... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

Books by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark

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The Cure for All CancersThe Cure for All Cancers: Including over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured

by Hulda Regehr Clark, PH.D., N.D.

One of Dr. Clark’s ground-breaking works. Note that Hulda Clark does not deal with thoughts, emotions or spirituality.

"The Cure For All Advanced Cancers" by Hulda Regehr Clark seems to be currently out-of-print but should be easy to acquire second-hand.

The Cure For All Diseases

by Hulda Regehr Clark, PH.D., N.D.

[Above picture with embedded Amazon partner link — commissions earned — thank you]

Introduction and extensive excerpts

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