Supplements & Herbs

Taraxacum (dandelion) medicinal effects

Scientific studies show wide-ranging therapeutic potential

Part 2

by copyright © 2018 Healing Cancer Naturally

The present page continues on from Part 1 which (in addition to an introduction showing why the common dandelion plant merits (re)consideration for its medicinal qualities) summarizes scientifically validated research studies into dandelion including

  • general reviews
  • toxicity studies
  • studies into immune-enhancing effects
  • studies into antitumor and cancer-related activity.

The present page provides succinct presentations of a number of selected studies into further medicinal effects found in dandelion, viz.

  • antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiotic, antimutagenic, hypolipidemic as well as
  • antiinflammatory effects.

Regarding animal experimentation upon which a number of the listed research is based, please refer to the previously stated remarks. Also please note that there are additional studies into nettles involving animals not listed here.

Source as before: PubMed database

Dandelion (Taraxacum): antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiotic, antimutagenic & hypolipidemic effects

Dandelion (Taraxacum): antiinflammatory effects

Continue to Dandelion medicinal effects Part 1 and Part 3.

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1 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a strain of Staphylococcus (S.) aureus bacteria (the most common cause of "staph" infections) which has become resistant to a number of commonly used antibiotics. In some cases it can become life-threatening. Because of the difficulty in treating serious MRSA infections, MRSA is also referred to as a "super bug". S. aureus frequently makes its home on the skin or in the nose of a person. About 20–30% of the population are "staph carriers".

Interestingly, in-vitro studies have shown components in honey that kill MRSA (for more on the medicinal properties of honey, see Treating Cancerous Tumors with Pure Raw Honey Packs).

2 Nitric (or nitrogen) oxide is a free radical and major cellular signaling molecule which participates in numerous physiological as well as in pathological processes. To protect certain organs such as the liver from damage due to restricted blood supply, nitric oxide production should be kept at low levels.

3 Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), aka lipoglycans and endotoxin, are large molecules found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which elicit strong immune responses in animal organisms.

4 nociceptive: causing pain or caused by pain

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