
Emotional Healing Links

In addition to the many mind tools for healing found at Healing Cancer & Your Mind, here are pointers to interesting but lesser-known sites offering emotional healing support and techniques for people working at healing cancer and/or other physical or emotional dis-ease.


Loren Parks’ web page offering free “automated psychotherapy on the internet” by telephone, based on his experience with many hundreds of people since 1974.

Note: This website is now owned by a commercial company offering a different service but can still be read via archive.org (just put www.psychresearch.com in the search box) and contains much helpful information.


“Most cancer patients say they know that it's important to keep a positive attitude, and to try to keep some humor and laughter in their life. But they simply can't generate a mood or frame of mind that allows them to find anything to laugh at. Their sense of humor abandons them right when they need it the most!” Dr. McGhee offers many articles and an “8-Step Program for learning to use humor to cope“. See Laughter Is Medicine for three of his articles on the impact of emotions on cancer recovery, the immune system and pain relief.

A Course in Happiness
http://gitacademy.tripod.com/GodsInTraining/ACourseInHappiness.htm (still downladable via archive.org)

by John T. Davies Dip. C.H.GCHS, Dip. A.I.P.C. is a free online self-counselling course with a spiritually orientated leaning. "Happiness is an emotional state of mind. Your level of inner happiness is a direct reflection of the thoughts you choose to run through your mind. This free course will help you identify the underlying causes of your unhappiness and set you on a path to higher awareness, understanding and acceptance.

Free yourself from fears, phobias, anger, resentment, jealousy and all types of emotional unhappiness by identifying each of their negative and addictive causes."

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  • Emotions, including introduction to the link to cancer, insights and studies into the “cancer personality” and the crucial role of positive emotions for health maintenance and healing cancer and other disease.
  • Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine
  • Mind

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