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The "Grape Cancer Cure"

General introduction

by J.F. Goodavage

When Fred Wortman of Albany, Georgia, developed an inoperable malignancy of the intestine, he faced the prospect of long treatments with x-radiation "therapy". "The doctors," Mr. Wortman said, "refused to operate when they discovered the condition of my bank balance."

Being a wide reader, he remembered a simple remedy for cancer that was given in a book by a 'Mrs. Brandt', and looked it up. It was rather involved and cumbersome to follow, so he reduced it to its essentials, took the "cure" and was completely cancerfree within a month.

Wortman then had his experience published in "The Independent" and received hundreds of replies. Over 200 cancer sufferers reported complete cures - total recovery.

The grape treatment cured lung cancer in two weeks, he reported. Cancer of the prostate took a little longer, about a month. Only four cases of leukemia (cancer of the blood) were treated, but the judicious usage of grape juice cured them all.

Start the treatment like this:

Begin with a 24 oz. bottle of (dark concord) grape juice the first thing in the morning. Do not eat until Noon. Take a couple of swallows every 10 or 15 minutes (Don't gulp it down all at once).

After 12 o'clock, live the rest of the day normally, but do not eat anything after 8 o'clock in the evening...food seems to carry off the curative agent in the grape juice, which may be magnesium, so stick to the fast between 8 P.M. and Noon the following day.

Keep this up every day for 2 weeks to one month. I'd appreciate hearing of the firsthand results of this treatment. The more cases, the better the evidence.

Krebiozen is fine, but it racks up only about 80% cures, and is no longer available due to the federal injunction suit, the F.D.A., the A.M.A., etc. Ditto "Mucorihicin", the 87% effective cancer treatment from Pittsburgh. The dark concord grape juice treatment is reported to be nearly 100% effective.

Addenda by Healing Cancer Naturally

Make very sure to exclusively use organic grapes - conventionally grown grapes count among the most pesticide-contaminated foods (www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php). Additionally, eat the seeds as well (which have meanwhile been shown to possess potent cancer-preventative and curative properties).

For additional information, read “Johanna Brandt / Fred Wortman Grape Cure For Cancer” (www.cancertutor.com/grapecure/) published by R. Webster Kehr who writes:

“The first treatment plan discussed ... is the grape cure. There are two reasons I start with detailed information about the grape cure for cancer.

First, I feel it is a highly overlooked, viable and extremely inexpensive treatment plan. The theory behind it is superb ... I feel it is largely overlooked because there is no vendor needed for this treatment plan and it is vendors that control most alternative web sites.

Secondly, I want to demonstrate how an old, well-established treatment plan can be supercharged by new technology. Since the original plan was discovered, in the 1920s, many, many discoveries have been made, and many, many new products exist that can improve on any treatment plan. I want to give a demonstration of how to supercharge an old plan and grape cures actually date back several hundred years!”

Compare excerpts from Johanna Brandt’s Grape Cure (Author’s Note & 1st Chapter) and Research studies: anti-cancer effect of resveratrol, pterostilbene and grapeseed — on science corroborating "The Grape Cure".

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

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