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On diet, dehydration & the need to drink water

Studies find link between dehydration and certain types of cancer

Copyright © 2004 & 2008 Healing Cancer Naturally

Astoundingly, one of our (physiologically speaking) closest relatives, the gorilla, seldom or never drinks water. Its succulent food items (including over two hundred types of leaves, roots, vines, bamboo, thistles and nettles, tubers, flowers, and fruit, supplemented with fungi and some types of insects) provide enough dietary water.

The gorillas' disinterest in water additionally may be due to the fact that they abstain from ingesting any dehydrating fluids such as coffee (in stark contrast to what many humans are wont to do), and generally speaking that they don’t live in toxin-laden environments or eat food the quality of which is compromised by the addition of pesticides or lack of essential nutrients.[1]

Moreover, gorillas don't eat salt which by itself may make additional fluid intake a necessity - although they do seek out sodium-rich wood for licking and eating.[2]

A similar mechanism might be true for healthy humans whose diet mainly is made up of organic fruit and vegetables and who live in healthy environments: they might not need to supplement their diet already high in water with any additional fluid to keep their cells well-hydrated and functioning at peak performance.

Those who do need to detoxify may (in addition to a perfectly adequate water intake through fruit and vegetables) benefit (perhaps even greatly) from supplemental water or fresh juice intake to help flush and cleanse their system and cells.

Even Edgar Cayce recommends drinking lots of water (in fact eight glasses a day, which considering the greater pollution today's humans have to contend with, might well still be too little).

On the other hand, Traditional Chinese Medicine advises to drink moderately (such as a liter or quart per day depending on body size and weight) and in small amounts in order not to overburden the kidneys.

Personally I have watched an instantaneous healing miracle after simple intake of water[3], so it seems to me that water drinking may indeed be a good idea for any human. I’d make sure, however, to drink the cleanest water possible (no fluorides, chlorination etc.).

Last but not least, some scientific studies found an association between dehydration and certain types of cancer (and other diseases).

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after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 caused by soil depletion due in particular to inorganic husbandry and rising CO2 levels, see The importance of minerals and trace elements for health and cancer prevention, Quality matters: organic vs conventional food and cancer and Rising atmospheric CO2 decreases micronutrients in plants world-wide.

2 See .

3 A person was suddenly immobilized with extreme joint and vertebra pain (right hip joint and lower back). After a friend gradually “infused” her with c. 1 1/2 liters of water, the pain vanished within minutes and (at least as far as her back was concerned) never returned. This happened about ten years ago.

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