The 5 Biological Laws of Nature in Dr. Hamer's New Medicine
by Walter Brunner, edited by Healing Cancer Naturally
Dr. Hamer’s discoveries can only roughly be outlined in this article. For more in-depth coverage of “German New Medicine”, see the entire section devoted to Dr. Hamer.
About 15 years ago Dr. Hamer found the causes and course of events for CANCER and many other diseases. According to his discoveries, psyche, brain and organ are intimately linked and working in coherence. The causes of all diseases are serious, acute-dramatic and isolating conflictual events, with recovery also starting in the psyche by the conflictual situation being solved.
The consequences of Hamer’s discovery are twofold:
Healing of cancer is only achievable by solving the underlying causative conflict, not by medical treatment (in fact in many cases medical treatment is unnecessary).
There is a direct connection between the type of conflict experienced in the psyche, the focus in the brain and the disease manifesting in the organ.
While Dr. Hamer and other physicians have proved his discoveries, orthodox medicine fights against Dr. Hamer and stops at nothing to bring his discoveries into disrepute.
The 5 biological Laws of Nature read as follows:
- The Iron Rule of Cancer
- The Two Phases of All Diseases
- The Ontogenetic System of Tumors and Cancer-Equivalent Diseases
- The Ontogenetic System of Microbes
- The Biological Meaning of Diseases
1. The Iron Rule of Cancer
Criterion 1:
Every cancer and cancer-equivalent disease starts as a DHS (Dirk Hamer syndrome), i.e. as a serious, acute-dramatic and isolating conflict-shock-experience, simultaneously happening on all three levels of:
- psyche
- brain
- organ
Criterion 2:
The conflict’s “theme” will determine, in the moment of the DHS happening, the HAMER focus’ location in the brain, and the location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent process in the organ.
Criterion 3:
The course of the conflict correlates with the particular development of the HAMER focus in the brain, and the course of the cancer or the cancer-equivalent process of the organ.
2. The Two Phases of All Diseases
Every disease develops in two phases, i.e.
- = confict active, cold, sympathicotonic phase starting with a DHS (ca phase) and
- = conflict solved or healing phase, warm or vagotonic phase, if there is a solution of the conflict. This phase is also called "post-conflictolytic phase" (pcl phase).
Every disease the underlying conflict of which is being solved proceeds through a ca phase and a pcl phase. Each pcl phase exhibits (unless cancelled by a resumption of the conflict) an epileptic or epileptoid crisis at the bottom of the vagotonia. This epileptic or epileptoid crisis constitutes the turning point in the pcl phase, where the individual is in their upward trend back to normotonia.
Not a single disease so far has been correctly identified:
with the so-called "cold diseases", the following healing phase has been ignored or misinterpreted as a new illness, while with the so-called "hot diseases" the preceding cold phase (ca phase) has been ignored or misinterpreted as a new illness.
During both phases, the HAMER focus in the brain stays in the same location of course, while exhibiting changing characteristics:
ca phase: HAMER focus shows sharply defined edges.
pcl phase: HAMER focus swollen, oedematous, circles disappear.
ca phase - conflict active phase, e.g. marked by:
- obsessive thinking about the conflict
- stressful efforts at solving the conflict
- sympathicotonia
- loss of weight
- contraction of vessels: cold hands and feet
- insomnia (often waking up shortly after falling asleep)
pcl-phase - conflict solved, e.g. marked by:
- vagotonia
- appetite
- well-being
- fever
- trouble falling asleep until 3 am (biological daybreak)
- expansion of vessels: warm hands and feet
Duration and seriousness of the ca phase determine the duration of the pcl phase and the seriousness of the epileptic crisis, and the complications encountered during the healing phase.
3. The Ontogenetic System of Tumors and Cancer-Equivalent Diseases
According to Hamer, the different conflict themes can be understood by and classified according to their evolutionary background. Diagnosis is possible by means of a cct (computer tomography of the brain) long before a cancerous growth is detectable via conventional examination methods. Ccts can also be used as a means of progress control because they show changes in the circular Hamer foci indicating which phase of the conflict the patient is in.
The brain location where the Hamer focus appears determines the nature of the conflict and the resulting localisation of the cancerous growth in the organ.
Since all conflict themes must be understood from an evolutionary point of view, the original elementary survival functions must be seen metaphorically due to our civilized lifestyle and alienation from nature.
Location of conflict in the brain
Location of conflict in the brain stem: the tissue involved is the endoderm, the Hamer circular foci are found in the pons of the brain stem.
Cancer locations are ear, mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, uterus, prostate, urinary bladder.
Themes of conflict: from nature.
- Conflict: "not having been able to get hold of some vital information": Adeno-carcinoma of the middle ear.
- Conflict: "not being able to swallow a chunk": Adeno-carcinoma of the palate.
- Archaic fear-of-death-conflict, fear of suffocation: Adeno-ca of the alveoli.
- Conflict: "not being able to digest the chunk" indigestible anger: Adeno-ca of the small or large intestines.
Location of conflict in the cerebellum and the medulla of the cerebrum; involved tissue is the mesoderm; the Hamer circular foci are found in the cerebellum and in the medulla of the cerebrum.
Loci of cancer are adrenals, testes, ovaries, kidneys, bones (osteolysis).
Themes of conflict:
- Loss of self-respect ("I was a bad mother"): Osteolysis of the shoulder.
- Water or liquid conflicts (almost drowning): parenchymatous-necrosis of the kidneys.
- Conflict of loss: necrosis of ovaries, necrosis of testes.
- Conflict of having gone into the wrong direction (gone astray): necrosis of the adrenal cortex.
- Conflict of being wounded: necrosis of the spleen.
Location of conflict in the cerebral cortex; involved tissue is the ectoderm; the Hamer circular focuses are found in the cortex.
Cancer locations are thyroid gland, larynx, coronary veins, uterus, vagina, rectum, epidermis, nose, sinuses ...
Themes of conflict:
- Conflict of fear and fright: Ca of the epithelium of the larynx
- Territorial conflict: Ulcus of the bladder, the renal pelvis, the urethra(?) ...
- Territorial loss conflict: Epithelic ulcera, ulcera of the coronary veins...
- Conflict of separation: Vitiligo, intracutaneous mamma cancer...
Cancer and cancer-equivalent diseases run particular courses, depending on their relationship to the three primary germ layers.
The tissue that originated from the inner germ layer (endoderm) produces adeno-carcinoma. In the parasympathetic relaxation (healing) phase, the compact tumors are removed by fungi and mycobacteria (e.g. tuberculosis).
The tissue that originated from the middle germ layer (mesoderm) can be divided into the mesoderm related to the cerebellum and the mesoderm related to the white matter of the cerebrum.
Histological formations related to the cerebellum produce compact adeno-carcinomas, which are removed by fungi and mycobacteria.
Histological formations related to the white matter of the cerebrum are tissue necroses and osteolyses, which are restituted by bacteria during the course of healing (at first they form abscesses which will be filled with scar tissue and later with granulating tissue (e.g. callus-forming osteosarcoma, lymphoma, fibroma, healing-cysts with following induration).
Histological formations related to the cortex cerebri (ectoderm) form cancerous ulcers and induce functional failure (e.g. motor paralysis, diabetes etc.). In the course of healing the restitution of tissue is supported by viruses (e.g. hepatitis A).
4. The Ontogenetic System of Microbes
Furthermore, the genetic system of microbes classifies the microbes according to the three primary germ layers as follows:
The most ancient microbes, the fungi and mycobacteria, are related to the endoderm and to the organs controlled by the brain stem.
The less ancient microbes (bacteria) are related to the mesoderm and to all organs that developed out of the mesoderm and that are controlled by the cerebellum and the medulla of the cerebrum.
The more recent microbes (viruses) are solely concerned with the ectoderm and the organs controlled by the cerebral cortex.
5. The Biological Meaning of Diseases
Every disease has to be understood as a useful special program of nature meant to solve an extraordinary, unsuspected, biological conflict.
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