Juicers & Juicing

Juicing against cancer

Advice and experiences of a terminal cancer victor

© Healing Cancer Naturally 2023, Copyright Noticet.

ctd. from Cancer-fighting diet nutrition basics: A beginner's guide by a "terminal" cancer victor

As I said before, the single greatest advances in the curbing of my cancer came when I started juicing vegetables and then when I added juicing beets to the regimen.

The first time I heard about juicing, there was quite a mixture of emotions. I am old enough to remember Jack LaLanne as the health and fitness "nut" nearly 50 years ago. He was big into juicing then and still was in his late 90s.

At any rate, until cancer happened, juicing did not happen in my life. Of all the doctors and people in general I talked to, absolutely nobody mentioned this to me INITIALLY other than my pastor telling me about a relative who did it because he had cancer.

Once I looked into it and then mentioned it to a number of people in the health industry, the response was somewhat different. It ranged from having no benefit when talking with 4 MDs, to "yes we do it ourselves." Oh well...

I read a lot about it, mostly after I went and purchased a juicer. I might have done things a little differently had I read more about it before I bought, but probably not. When I went back and interviewed the people I originally talked to about cancer, all the natural people were aware of juicing and most (16 of 18) did it as part of the program. None of the allopathically-treated people did any form of juicing or juice therapy.

In retrospect, with my cancer under control, the area of juicing is becoming a greater part of the way I can see fighting cancer most effectively. In the piles of debris I call an office, are scores of books on every conceivable subject relating to diet and cancer. On the top of the pile is a book by Rudolph Breuss about curing cancer with a juice fast. Oh how I wish I had found this when I was first researching this topic. I would have done it in a heartbeat.

When I started juicing, I did two distinct things. First is beets. Actually I am discussing it first, but did not start doing them until April, 2005. This I am now doing every day and in addition the following discussion about other vegetable combinations I now do every other day. Just do not have enough time to cram it all in.

Beets, as someone told me, has quite a history of fighting cancer all through Europe. I plugged it into a search engine and sure enough, there is tons of information. A lot of junk science, but a lot of good stuff as well [see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=beetroot+cancer showing beetroot's anticancer potential).

There is even a company that exports beet juice to America in 10 oz bottles for roughly $5.50 as of this writing. For $5.50 per bottle per day, I can juice a lot of beets which is exactly what I do. Ten ounces of beet juice, 2 oz carrot juice, 2 stalks of celery, and a small cucumber (pickle size) is what I combine, some for flavor and some for phytonutrients. Although this breaks with the rule I generally impose upon myself about doing the same thing every day, I do make the exception because of the published documentation I have read about the cancer-fighting properties of beets.

In addition to the above-mentioned beets, typically what I juice for myself is 1/2 head of Romaine lettuce, 6 tightly packed cups of baby leaf spinach, a cup of kale or Swiss chard, 4 or 5 sprigs of parsley, some cilantro if it is in the refrigerator, 1 stalk celery, 1 carrot (go light on carrots as they are very sweet and you do not need to add the extra sugar to your diet), and 4 fresh garlic cloves. This will produce about 10 to 12 ounces of juice.

Occasionally and that means rarely, throw in an apple for good measure. You can vary this mixture based upon what is in your refrigerator as found in the earlier list of vegetables provided (under Cancer-fighting diet nutrition basics: A beginner's guide) or whatever you were able to add to my list with your own research. The key here is that any bright-colored vegetable has much to add. Next I add about 8 ounces of crushed tomatoes and mix it all together. Drink the mix, straining out the pulp. In all you should be taking a minimum of 16 ounces of juice per day.

There are several cancer protocols out there based upon juicing and those typically run 24-32 ounces of just juice per day. But because of the high level of supplementation I am doing, juicing is effective in the above-described range per day.

I have what everyone around me is sure to call a "cast iron stomach." I could count the times in my life when I have had indigestion (other than when sick) and have fingers left over. My wife, however, made a discovery about what I am juicing and that became what is above when I say, "Throw the pulp away." For whatever reason, this mix above when combined with the pulp, has an incredible "bite". I notice a little tingling in my mouth, but it sits really heavy in Beverly's stomach. It could be the garlic. I firmly believe it is impossible to have too much garlic in almost anything [if nothing else, garlic is a powerful cancer preventative]. My wife does not share that opinion. Garlic oil can be very intense. It is quite possible that when released and combined back with other things above including the parsley and cilantro, it develops a bitterness.

What I do, instead of just drinking the juice, is to take the pulp and put it back in. I eat it with a spoon. You are getting over 95% of all available nutrients in the vegetables plus fully usable fiber that would otherwise need to be artificially added to your diet.

One of the inherent problems with juicing comes with the volume of food and the time it takes to prepare. I juice once a day, but I have the luxury of time to do that. You can juice once a week and then freeze daily portions. Juiced foods just sitting around will tend to lose their nutrient values. Freezing will protect virtually all of it.

If you are working, you need to carry a cooler bag or have access to a refrigerator at work. Take your glass of juice or bowl of "sludge" and a muffin or slice of rice and bean bread to go with it. It is not difficult or impossible to adapt. It is your life in the balance. You can do this, if you choose to.

As disgusting as this may sound; 1. the above juice and pulp mix actually tastes pretty good; 2 it will do more to build up your body than any other single food source you can come up with. When combined with good supplements, more people have turned cancer around by juicing their vegetables than by any other means. It will not cure cancer, but it certainly will go a very long way in helping your body fight back.

There are over 5,000 known phytochemicals in bright vegetables and they are the single biggest source of immune system support there is. (Sadly, only a few dozen of these flavonoids have been studied in great depth.) Worst case scenario, I would rather ingest a bowl of my juice and fiber mix daily for the rest of my life, than have both my kidneys cut out and possibly spend the rest of my life on hemodialysis. That to me is a no-brainer.

Let's devote a few sentences to juicing equipment. First, regardless of what you purchase, buy the best you can afford. Look for warranties on the overall machine and even more importantly, the motor unit. Purchase nothing with less than a 4 year life, and preferably lifetime on the motor. It will extricate lots and lots of juice from fiber over its lifetime and you need something that will just run, and run, and run. Be sure that it is easy to clean, simple to operate and is not overly loud to operate. There are five primary types to choose from.

The masticating juicer literally chews its way through the food and then squeezes the pulp it created. It runs at a low RPM, high torque and produces a very high quality juice. These do best with vegetables.

The twin gear press literally has a pair of close meshing gears through which food is pushed and crushed. It produces very high quality juice. This type of juicer can work well with wheatgrass. These do best with vegetables.

Centrifugal juicers generally are capable of only making one or 2 quarts of juice at a time. They spin at a relatively high RPM (typically 3600). They periodically must be stopped and the pulp removed. These work well with fruits as well as vegetables. Because of the higher speed, they do not produce quite as good a quality of juice in that they can damage some of the nutrients by overheating them during the extraction process.

The centrifugal ejection juicers operate also at a higher rate of speed (typically 6300 rpm). Instead of having to tear down every little while to clean out, they can run nearly indefinitely as they eject the fiber after extracting the juice. They can do fruits as well as vegetables. Generally these units do not extract as much juice from the pulp as other types.

The final type of juicer is one devoted to juicing wheatgrass. There are both manual and electric models available.

One last thing to note here is that there are also juicing blenders that simply break the food up to extract the juice, but leave it intact with the fiber. This would probably suit me better than what I do, but I do also create fresh pure juices and I do not have counter space for two machines or a pocket book that is all that deep. Buy the best you can afford that will do the most things you need and adapt to the situation.

Other than the Breuss book, I have yet to find a book on juicing that really deals with cancer. Most books, including the ones I own, show mixtures that frequently combine the wrong produce and vegetables to be properly digested. The taste may be great, but we need to be more concerned about how your body is healed. That is not to say that you have to eat things that taste bad in order for them to be good for you.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally

You will find detailed advice on the best juicers for cancer patients in the Juicing section.

More nutrition advice for cancer patients by the same terminal cancer victor

How to do Dr. Coca's Pulse Test for Food Allergies Support your immune system by eliminating foods you are allergic to

Food Combining (upcoming)

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