Supplements and Herbs

Dr Binzel: vitamin B 17 plus diet as a cancer treatment

High survival rates with Laetrile compared to conventional treatment

Copyright © 2019 Healing Cancer Naturally

Dr Philip E. Binzel graduated from the Medical School at St Louis University in Missouri and completed his internship in Ohio where he entered family practice in 1955. In the 1970s he became interested in the role of nutrition in human disorders and incorporated that knowledge into his medical practice.

Between 1974 and 1991, he treated cancer patients (all of whom had been diagnosed by another physician, with the cancer diagnosis confirmed by a pathology report) using a combination of laetrile (vitamin B17) and nutrition.

His treatment plan consisted of three parts, a) vitamins and enzymes, b) nitrilosides (laetrile/amygdalin, administered both intravenously and orally) and c) diet.

Dr Binzel collected careful statistics on success rates as compared with similar cancer patients under conventional treatment and published his results together with 21 case reports in his book Alive and Well in 1994.

For his statistics, Dr Binzel divided his patients into two groups:

Patients with primary cancer, where the illness was confined to a single area with perhaps a few adjacent lymph nodes involved, and patients with metastatic cancer, that is, a primary cancer that had spread to other distant areas of the body.

Primary cancer

Dr Binzel believed that it takes up to six months for the body’s defence mechanism to respond to nutritional therapy. Therefore patients who died within the first six months of treatment were excluded from his statistics. Secondly, he included only those patients he had been able to follow up for a minimum of two years.

This left 180 patients representing 30 different types of primary cancer to be studied.

In the 17 years of observation (1974 to 1991), a total of 42 of the 180 died, 23 (12.7%) of whom from causes related to their cancer. A further 7 had died from causes unknown. As Dr Binzel had had contact with those 7 less than 2 months prior to their deaths and all were doing well, cancer was unlikely to have been the cause.

However even if these 7 were placed with the group who had died from cancer, the overall result was that 150, i.e. 83.3% of the group were survivors who had not died from their cancer.

Even though a minimum of 2 years follow-up contact was a prerequisite for inclusion, Dr Binzel in fact had continuing contact with 58 patients for 2 to 4 years and 80 patients for 5 to 18 years.

Metastatic cancer

Dr Binzel believed that it takes up to a year for nutritional therapy to have effect here and for this reason patients who died within one year were excluded from the statistics. As previously, only those patients with whom there had been at least 2 years follow-up were included.

A group of 108 patients were followed up representing 23 types of cancer.

In the 17 years of observation, a total of 47 of the 108 died, 32 (29.6%) of which from cancer. A further 9 had died from causes unknown defined in the same way as previously.

Therefore even if the 9 were placed with the deaths from cancer, 67 (62.1%) of the 108 did not die from their cancer.

Of this group 30 were followed up for between 2 and 4 years and 31 had contact for between 5 and 18 years.

Difference in survivorship between Dr Binzel's patients and patients under conventional treatment

Comparing Dr Binzel's results in primary cancer patients treated with diet and vitamin B17 with patients receiving orthodox treatment, the former showed a survival rate of some 85 % vs. only 15 % in the latter.

The difference becomes even more pronounced in metastatic cancer patients. Here vitamin B17 plus diet yielded over 60 % patient survival, compared to only 0.1 % in patients under conventional treatment.

Patient case histories

Dr Binzel added 21 case histories to the detailed statistics in his book.

A 59 year old woman with breast cancer had one breast removed and was told that her chances of survival were slim. She declined chemotherapy and radiation and was placed on Dr Binzel's nutritional programme. She was aged 79 at the time of writing and had had no recurrence. She noted that none of the people she had known who had gone on the chemotherapy programme had lived more than one and a half years.

A 59 year old man had carcinoma of the right lung. He had 5 radiation treatments followed by one round of chemotherapy which made him so ill he discontinued the entire programme. He went on the nutritional programme and at last contact with Dr Binzel after 12 years, was doing well. He commented: "The doctor I had at the hospital said it was the five radiation treatments I had. They just don’t want to admit it was the Amygdalin, I guess."

A 43 year old woman had cancer of the descending colon with 7 positive lymph nodes. She had no radiation or chemotherapy. After 13 years of nutritional therapy she had had no recurrence and led a normal life. At that time the odds of surviving 5 years with metastasised colon cancer were one in a thousand. One person commented:

"I hope you include in your book how we feel, and just how difficult it is for those of us who were supposed to die, when the medical profession and well-meaning, intelligent people make the suggestion that the only reason we are alive is because it was a misdiagnosis or the disease had gone into a ‘spontaneous remission’."

Dr Binzel’s book includes a discussion of the quality of life and makes the point, with case examples, that people following his nutritional therapy generally led a normal life compared to those on chemotherapy who often suffered debilitating side effects.[1]

He made the further point that consideration of the quality of life does not easily lend itself to statistical analysis.

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Alive and WellALIVE AND WELL: One Doctor's Experience with Nutrition in the Treatment of Cancer Patients (1994) [Amazon partner link — commissions earned — thank you]

by Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D.

Incl. The Total Nutritional Program, Boring Statistics and Exciting Cases, The Quality of Life, and Treat the Cause, Not the Symptom!

Laetrile Case Histories; The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience (2005) [Amazon partner link — commissions earned — thank you]

by John A. Richardson MD and Patricia Griffin

Read sample cancer survivor stories from the book.



1 See Side effects.

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