
Orgone Accumulator Therapy of The Very Ill

A Personal Report of Experiences (Part 1, p. 2)

by Heiko Lassek, M.D., edited by copyright © Healing Cancer Naturally

First part and introduction to Dr. Wilhelm Reich

I decided to publish this report because after detailed advice and personal care provided during the first two weeks of the treatment, the patients continued to use the orgone accumulator on their own. Therefore, the oft-mentioned influence of the clinician was playing a very minor role.

Furthermore, since first publicly presenting these results I've received additional reports of similar experiences made by other cancer patients with orgone energy treatment.

As a physician, it's the most important and most noble aim of medicine to alleviate and, if possible, prevent human suffering to the largest possible extent. If part of this aim can be achieved by using equipment as simple as the orgone accumulator developed by Wilhelm Reich, this possibility must no longer be excluded from broader public or medical discussion.

Medical Experience with the Therapy Developed by Wilhelm Reich: Vegeto/Orgone Therapy

After several terminological changes, from the 1940s onward Wilhelm Reich called his treatment ORGONE THERAPY. This kind of therapy can be subdivided into two groups which in the practical work with the patient actually overlap or complement one another:

1) Psychiatric Orgone Therapy (character analytic vegeto therapy)

2) Biophysical Orgone Therapy (use of the orgone accumulator and medical DOR-buster[1])

The way I've applied these therapies can be subdivided into three fields which again partly overlap:

I) Long-Term Therapy, i.e. character analytic vegeto therapy on patients suffering from diseases and physical symptoms diagnosed by means of traditional medicine, which had been treated by conventional means without positive results. I will work with the patient once a week, and with patients based outside Berlin, about every three weeks for several hours on successive days. This therapy will run over 1 1/2 years on average.

II) Intervention Therapy, i.e. consultation and demonstration of self-aid techniques harmless to the patient, which they can continue independently after being briefed and initially supervised. Later, if necessary, personal coaching and guidance are given.

III) Biophysical Intensive Therapy, i.e. consultation and guidance of most seriously ill patients mainly in the last stage of the cancer process; use of the orgone accumulator and of the diagnostic instrumentation developed by Wilhelm Reich for the ongoing monitoring of results (Reich blood test).

I. Experience with Long-Term Therapy

Up to now, I have been able to treat the following diseases and symptom complexes with vegetotherapy, supported for short intervals by the orgone accumulator, with very satisfactory results.

By this I mean a decisive alleviation or even complete disappearance of pain, often followed by the complete discontinuation of all pain medication in patients with the following problems:

  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Chronic pain in the locomotor system, especially of the spine
  • Chronic glaucoma
  • Recurrent gallbladder colics incl. emergency cases
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Respiratory dysfunction with presence of pulmonary emphysema
  • Symptoms of recurrent angina pectoris
  • Meniere’s syndrome (rotary vertigo)
  • Chronic lymphatic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia
    (The vegetotherapeutic treatment of these diseases will be described in another article. Use of the accumulator in this particular case is contraindicated.)
  • Schizophrenia of the paranoid-hallucinative type
  • Chronic depression
  • Anxiety neuroses
  • Persons suffering from cancer (more details of their treatment are given below).

II. Experience with Intervention Therapy

With this method I have been treating 41 patients during the last 2 1/2 years. With 17 patients, a complete disappearance of the main symptoms was achieved. With 8 patients, the pain condition could be reduced. From the remaining 16 patients I have not received any feedback for a significant time, or problems were reported regarding practising the recommended techniques.

III. Experience with the Biophysical Intensive Therapy

Here I want to concentrate on the treatment of most seriously ill people with multiple metastases in order to demonstrate the wide range of possibilities but also the clear limits to influencing the cancer process in the last stage of the disease.

The patients coming to see me in this terminal state had been trying for years all the conventional treatments including chemotherapy, surgical removal of the primary tumor, and radiation therapy. Additionally, nature cures such as macrobiotics, homeopathy, fasting cures and treatments in private clinics had been tried by most of them without any evidence of even delaying the progress of the disease.

From the end of 1987 until the spring of 1990, I was treating a total of 17 such seriously ill patients. Viewed from a medical standpoint, these patients had exhausted all the possibilities when they started the orgone treatment; almost without exception, they had been given from one to three months to live by their oncologists.

To give an idea of the severity of the cases, here is a description of the condition two of the patients were in before they began the orgone accumulator therapy:

Patient A: My first patient at this time was a professor of economics and businessman, age 53. In 1984, he had had surgery for malignant renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma) without any signs of metastases, and had remained symptom-free for 2 1/2 years.

At the beginning of 1987, after six months of radiatiotherapy, seven pulmonary metastases were detected, bioptically identified as belonging to the primary tumor and diagnosed as inoperable since all lobes of the lung were affected.

In September of the same year, two more cerebral metastases were discovered, which grew from 0 to 4 cm on the right and from 0 to 3 cm on the left side within the space of two months. Neither the pulmonary nor the cerebral metastases responded to large-dose chemotherapy; given the involvement of neighboring motor centers, further radiotherapy of these rapidly growing metastases could not be undertaken.

An implant of radioactive cobalt into both temporal lobes was considered but the patient refrained after consulting with several specialists including some in the US and the USSR.

In mid-November 1987, he came to see me, or rather he was being carried in by two men, the entire left half of his body being paralysed. His paralysis, caused by the pressure exerted by the cerebral metastases on motor areas, had developed in the space of two weeks.

Specialists had given him a maximum of three to six weeks, and all medication had been discontinued at this time because of ineffectiveness, except for morphine sulfate and Temgesic (an opiate precursor) to reduce his pain.

Patient B: The second patient I'd like to present was a 58 year old administrative employee who had had surgery for gallbladder cancer at the end of 1986. In 1987, he developed six continuously growing metastases to his liver. Two additional mets were detected via CT scan in his vertebrae after the patient had been suffering from increasing pain in that area for months.

Altogether, five cycles of chemotherapy were undertaken without affecting the continuous growth of the mets. According to the patient’s own report, he had been going downhill for several months, and his doctor had told him that very probably he would not live to see Christmas 1987.

Our first meeting took place at the beginning of December 1987, and he was only able to come to see me with the physical support of his wife. I was shocked by his overall appearance —- it made his doctor's verdict appear realistic.

The above two patients will serve as examples for all the other people I have treated: after all the conflicts they had gone through, the despair felt at their first diagnosis, the renewed hope after their surgery and their initial freedom from metastases, then the terribly quick flare-up and spread of the cancer process, these individuals had resigned themselves to their fate and were thankful to their doctors for frankly telling them what little time they had left. To us apparently healthy people, this attitude is probably hard to comprehend.

For their pain, both of these patients received Temgesic and morphine sulfate, the last and strongest type of analgesics that can be regularly prescribed to cancer patients in the so-called terminal stage. To them, as well as to all other patients in a similarly advanced stage of the disease, I had to say in all clarity that the process was far too advanced to be stopped.

Nevertheless, the two patients wanted to try the orgone energy therapy, at least hoping for some reduction in their pain.

The Reich Blood Test of both patients showed disastrous results: Immediately after applying the sample to the slide, more than 90% of the erythrocytic membranes were in the process of disintegration; almost all red blood cells had become clumped aggregations; and the preparations were swarming with t-bacilli[2].

This kind of result was found in almost every patient in the final stages of cancer.

Eleven of the patients as well as their family members were present at the first blood test which was simultaneously followed by physician, patients, and family members thanks to a video system attached to the microscope. While I explained the (easily understandable) main criteria of the Reich Blood Test, they were able to follow their own native blood picture on the video display.

At each consultation, the blood test was repeated so that during the weeks and months that followed, most of the persons involved could correlate the subjective changes in the patient's condition with the objective picture of his or her respective bloodwork and could even partly evaluate it on their own. Without exception, they all appreciated this opportunity very much.

The Course of Orgone Therapy

During the first two or three sessions in the orgone accumulator, most of the cancer patients will have uncomfortable sensations. In spite of taking morphine they often feel dragging or pulling pains where the metastases are located.

However, this pain is described in their own words as “strange”, “new”, “being of a different, but somehow not alarming quality”, compared to the well-known intense pains.

Several patients felt and described one or two further areas of pain which they could exactly localize and which later were shown to be additional metastases yet undiagnosed at the time of the first accumulator sessions.

Some patients even reported having a very detailed visual perception of their tumors or metastases while being in the accumulator.

A less frequent observation was the reduction of pain during the first two accumulator sessions. Thirteen patients described a different sensation of pain, which was “somehow beneficial” or was “something moving in the body in the area concerned”,which intensified while being treated in the orgone accumulator.

This first reaction of the organism to the accumulator will disappear after 3 to 6 one-hour sessions, and will not reappear unless the daily orgone accumulator therapy is interrupted for several days.

After one week of treatment, sometimes even during the second or third session, more and more reactions of the entire body are experienced: sensations of warmth or even heat, dilation of the cutaneous vessels, increase of the peristaltic sounds clearly audible without stethoscope, and delicate tingling sensations especially in the limbs but also in the scapular and cervical region.

Without exception, after a short period of wondering what was happening, these perceptions were described by the patients as very agreeable.

From this point onwards, the intensity of the constant pain experienced by the patients started decreasing. At this point the patients began to use the orgone accumulator twice daily for an hour both at noon and in the early evening.

After three weeks of such large-dose accumulator therapy, the extreme pain of 9 of the 17 patients was reduced to such an extent that to the astonishment of their medical advisors they no longer desired the daily administration of analgesics.

With 5 other patients, the pain had been latently present before the therapy even under strong long-term medication. Under the influence of the orgone accumulator, however, the pain attacks developed a certain rhythm: periods of complete freedom from pain alternating with periods of the previous condition. At their own request, these patients carefully reduced their long-term medication as well.

In only 3 of the 17 cases did the accumulator therapy fail to achieve a reduction of the pain: A 72 year old patient with a primary hepatocellular carcinoma with pulmonary metastases could only use the accumulator for 30 minutes a day since he developed distinct hot flushes; a 47 year old woman with severely dedifferentiated mammary carcinoma only felt a slight reduction in her pain during her stay in the accumulator, but discontinued orgone accumulator therapy anyhow.

A 61 years old patient with bladder cancer discontinued accumulator treatment after 6 sessions, even though it had given him a slight reduction of his pain; he experienced anxiety attacks and complained of a strong feeling of restriction, as if being “locked up” while in the accumulator. I did not receive any further feedback from him.

6 patients reported that they could manage with just aspirin in case of pain attacks. The patients felt that the accumulator and the aspirin were mutually enhancing regarding their pain-relieving effect, and this was later confirmed by many other patients.

It was especially impressive how the changes concerning the quality of life were described by the persons surrounding the patients — the wives, children, and friends who were able to observe them.

After some three or four weeks, normal appetite had returned, joint walks, the resumption of old hobbies and independent car driving had become possible again. The general appearance of the patients had changed. Many of them reported feeling a vitality they had not felt for years, as before the time when their disease symptoms first appeared. continue

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Footnotes by Healing Cancer Naturally

1 DOR = deadly orgone energy, a form of energy hostile to life discovered/postulated by Wilhelm Reich. The DOR buster was a device used to draw out DOR.

2 T bacillus (T for German "Tod" = death) is the name Wilhelm Reich gave to a form of bacillus he discovered in the course of his experiments.

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