Budwig Diet

Testimonial: Liposarcoma

Budwig protocol heals massive cancerous tumor

by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2024 Copyright Notice

"January 18, 2020
Dear Mr. Bierschenk!

A serious illness shook my wife Jutta and me at the end of 2018 — and at the same time opened the door to new knowledge and a miracle.

Jutta felt a bulge in her abdomen that was getting bigger and bigger. Her left leg swelled up when she sat and she became weaker. She went to the doctor and an ultrasound and then a CT scan showed a tumor about 14 cm in size, which appeared to originate from the left kidney. The tumor could only be partially removed in a two-hour operation at a university hospital. As complications of the anesthesia and surgery, Jutta suffered a pneumothorax and a urinary tract infection with resistant hospital germs.

Histological examination revealed a well differentiated liposarcoma (aka low grade liposarcoma) stage 3B or higher. The edges of the removed tissue were not tumor-free. She was therefore recommended high-dose chemotherapy with hyperthermia, followed by a segmental resection, after which the chemotherapy should be continued. According to current studies, the five-year survival rate for sarcomas at this stage is 20 percent.

Jutta came home from the clinic very weak and could almost only lie down. Against medical advice, she decided against further treatment in the clinic. She searched the internet for "spontaneous healing of cancer". She read testimonials and gradually tried to put into practice for herself what had helped others. Jutta radically changed her diet to a raw plant-based diet.[1] No sugar, no white bread, no ready meals, no milk and dairy products, no meat.

We have only been reading about Dr. Budwig's findings for a few weeks (end of 2019) and are implementing them as a supplement, we now eat the quark flax oil dish, freshly ground linseed and make our own Oleolux. We already feel lighter as a result, and my impression is that my fish cravings are also disappearing.

Jutta did telephone consultations for several years and walked around all day with the cordless phone in the back left pocket of her pants. The tumor grew right next to her left kidney.[2]

Now we've switched to cable phones, we turn off the Wi-Fi when we don't need it and switch off the internet router and phones completely at night.

She realized that she also needed to do something for her psyche. As a psychological counselor, she was often too selfless. Now she expresses her wishes more and more forcefully and sometimes says "No!" Jutta spent a few weeks at a healing place in Brazil. She felt good healing powers. She feels mentally and physically strong and can walk long distances. Jutta has not seen a doctor and has no medical proof of a cure. But she feels that such an advanced malignant tumor that has only been partially operated on should have grown back long ago if it were still there.

What actually worked on her? Is it the power of a sacred place? Is it the rediscovered love for herself? Is it the diet? She says: It's all three together. Body, soul and spirit.

All good things come in threes!

Note from the webmaster:

A great testimonial that shows that some people are prepared to take responsibility for their health. My impression is that the number of these people is not very large, but it is nevertheless increasing, which I find very pleasing.

"Feeling lighter" is a phenomenon that Dr. Budwig has pointed out every so often and which is probably experienced by many people on the oil-protein diet.

I am also very pleased that the couple takes the danger of electrosmog seriously, as the unrestricted use of today's media and associated devices (smartphones, Wi-Fi, etc.) is unfortunately considered indispensable by most people."

The above testimonial was translated from the German original appearing on www.oel-eiweiss-kost.de, Michael Bierschenk's website. Michael also is the author of "Dr Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet — How To Get It Right — The Ultimate Guide" written to "fill in all the gaps". This important book was published in 2023 on Amazon as a Kindle and a paperback. It is also available as a downloadable PDF at a discount.


1 Compare Raw food treatment for cancer.

2 The carcinogenic nature of EMFs cannot be warned too strongly against. In fact, a WHO expert group classifies mobile phones as "possibly carcinogenic" to humans. Also see Related content below and Cancer Causes and read "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization — heart disease, diabetes, and cancer — are related to electrical pollution.

... and for all the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

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