Budwig Diet
Testimonial: Lymphoma — Thymidine kinase at 10.9
Complete Budwig protocol heals "terminal" cancer
by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2024 Copyright Notice
"20 April 2009: Yesterday, I received an interesting testimonial from the Canary Islands, in fact 2 different testimonials. A man tells how he experienced a "spontaneous remission" (from a conventional medical point of view) of his testicular cancer in the early 1970s and how he successfully tackled a malignant lymphoma with Dr. Budwig's approach in 2006. I deliberately wrote "Dr. Budwig's approach" here because very often, Dr. Budwig's work is reduced to nutritional therapy. But in the end, Dr. Budwig's entire approach is about enabling the organism to store solar energy and use it for its vital functions, as well as making this energy available to the extent required. Sunbathing, which is highly recommended in this context, is unfortunately very often neglected.
But here is his report.
'I discovered your testimonials on the Internet today and describe my two bouts with cancer:
1) 1970 (18 years old): Testicular cancer — Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) Hospital Koblenz. Operations + chemotherapy several times until 1972 in Koblenz — further surgery (a total of 13 outpatient operations + removal of lumps) + chemo several times!
Finally was handed over to my parents: "... there is nothing more we can do for him; he has about 3-4 months left..." My parents asked about my last wish: I wanted to go to Spain. Came to a family of guest workers in Burgos / Castile (approx. 1000m altitude). I lay there exhausted at 48 kg / 173 cm, waiting for death.
Diet: no meat — no cow dairy — only fresh vegetables, fresh olive oil, fish once or twice a week, vegetable juices... After one year healthy enough (spontaneous remission according to German doctors) that I was able to go home and study sport (degree completed). Afterwards, lived "normally" again, as I thought my cure was a spontaneous remission...[1]
2) 17 May 2006: 4 tumors on neck and both groins, thymidine kinase levels at 10.9 (must not be higher than 6); lymphoma was diagnosed. The tumors had grown within 4 weeks, the largest 19.4 x 7.5 x 3.2 cm... Physically so weak that I couldn't even walk around the block. I immediately rejected chemo etc. — after the bad experiences of 1970-72 — and wanted to live pain-free until I couldn't! Afterwards, I was determined to jump off the bridge. I looked for cancer books (palliative) in the library so that I could live a little longer without pain.
I came across the Budwig diet through "Menschen gegen Krebs" in Stuttgart. I tried it for 5 weeks without believing. After about 2 weeks, the lumps on my neck receded and I regained strength(!) in my body. I changed everything I could (natural clothing, dental cleanup[2], all electrical appliances removed from the bedroom). I was lucky that 2006 (World Cup) was such a great summer. I made it a point to take sunbaths and stuck to the strict form of the diet (Cancer-The Problem and the Solution) for 6 months. The 2 lumps on my neck were gone, the tumor on my right groin was only approx. 1 cm x 0.5 cm and the largest tumor was more than halved (6.8 cm x 1.5 cm). I also felt very well. However, it took a lot of discipline, as during this time my life basically consisted of preparing, eating and digesting food + walking twice a day for about 1 hour and ELDI oil wraps / rubs!!! Very hard on the psyche.
Then I passed to the somewhat extended form and started eating fish once a week...
On May 1, 2007, I went to Tenerife, where I went on the extended Budwig diet (including fish up to 3 times a week, but still with sparkling wine at lunchtime/afternoon).
In September 2007 I went back to the island for 4 weeks;
On March 1st 2008, another 2 months — all that remained was a 1 cm large vacuole filled with fluid in my left groin!
In August 2008, I moved there permanently. My blood tests are great, I have no more (!) tumors and hike 3-7 hours 4 times a week in the pine forests (1000-2000 m high — so I don't need the recommended ozone treatment either). I also jog 3-5km once a week in the pine forests.
Since starting on the Budwig diet, I haven't had a cold or anything like that — as I used to have every year. Hopefully my report will encourage many people. I now know that this was not a spontaneous remission in 1972, but the result of a change in climate with a sensible diet (similar to the Budwig diet — only goat's curd with olive oil, fresh and healthier than today).
D. P. Tenerife'
The above testimonial was translated from the German original appearing on www.oel-eiweiss-kost.de, Michael Bierschenk's website. Michael also is the author of "Dr Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet — How To Get It Right — The Ultimate Guide" written to "fill in all the gaps". This important book was published in 2023 on Amazon as a Kindle and a paperback. It is also available as a downloadable PDF at a discount.
1 This nature cure is strongly reminiscent of the story of the man with terminal cancer who was healed without treatment by a return to nature, still alive and healthy 40 years later.
2 This can be a decisive step on a healing journey, see "Terminal" non-Hodgkin lymphoma healed "in extremis" after dental cleanup.
... and for all the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer
after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.
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