Supplements and Herbs

Vitamin D Supplementation During Seasons Lacking in Sunshine

may slow down prostate tumor growth

OTTAWA, Jan 17, 2005 (Xinhua via COMTEX) — A new study suggests that giving vitamin D supplements to men with rising rates of prostate tumor markers (PSA) seems to slow down their rate of tumor growth, it is reported Monday.

It is a small study and this is very preliminary evidence, but doctors do see a connection between vitamin D levels and PSA levels, according to the study reported by Canadian Television.

"The PSA levels seemed to reflect the seasonal variation in vitamin D levels," Dr. Lawrence Klotz, a urologist at Canada's Sunnybrook and Women's CollegeHealthSciencesCenter.

Researchers followed 190 men for the study. They found that overall, their PSA levels were flat during the summer, but rose during the fall and winter at the rate of about one percent each month.

The doctors then gave the men 2,000 International Units of vitamin D during the fall and winter months to see what would happen.

Interestingly, the vitamin D seemed to cut the rise in PSA rates by more than half. Without vitamin D, PSA rates rose by about five percent. With vitamin D, PSA rates only rose by two percent.

"As far as I know, there is no other nutrient studied that has shown a slowdown in the rate of rise of a PSA." said Reinhold Vieth, a professor at the University of Toronto and a leading researcher in the field of vitamin D research.

Xinhua News Agency
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