
Can cancer be transmitted or promoted via blood transfusions?

Evidence from medical doctors, scientists and scientific studies

Copyright © 2020 & 21 Healing Cancer Naturally

Numerous researchers have detected particles in the blood of cancer patients that they found to be associated with their specific malignant disease. Many of these researchers are not household names, others such as Royal Raymond Rife and Dr. Johanna Budwig are.

Eminent cancer researcher and physician Prof. Dr. Dr. Gyula de Szilvay observed in his book "Grundlagenforschung über Krebs und Leukämie (Basic Research into Cancer and Leukemia) on page 26 (translated by Healing Cancer Naturally):

"According to experiments done by Wilhelm von Brehmer, Clara Jolles-Fonti, Ernest Villequez, Angelhoff and others, patients receiving blood from seemingly healthy donors but which actually were in a precancerous state, can themselves develop cancer. Thanks to their specific cancer test, these researchers were able to prove in numerous instances how a blood transfusion could give someone cancer. These are the findings of serious scientists. Clara Jolles-Fonti (Milan) reported on this topic in detail before the 6th International Congress for Preventive Medicine in Wassenaar, Holland, in 1957. Whoever claims that cancer is not transmissible has long since been disproved."[1]

A related discovery was reported by German doctor E.F. Scheller MD PhD[2]:

On the Seventh International Cancer Congress held in London (July 6–12, 1958), Cole and staff (of Chicago University) reported that cancer cells were found in circulating blood. They were detected by centrifuging the blood (blood fractionation) and then drying and staining the cells according to the cytologic technique developed by George Papanicolaou (or Georgios Nikolaou Papanikolaou).

Studies showing link between blood transfusions and increased cancer risk and mortality

While these studies generally seem to assume that the negative impact of blood transfusions is due to their altering the recipient's immune system, the net result — increased cancer risk — is the same.

Blood transfusions and the subsequent risk of cancers in the United States elderly

This study looked at over half a million elderly cancer cases and found that blood transfusions were linked to a significantly elevated general cancer risk as well as a significantly elevated risk of developing stomach, colon, liver, kidney, and renal pelvis and/or ureter cancer; the same increased risk was found to be true for lymphoma, myeloma, and leukemia.

Effects of allogeneic red blood cell transfusions on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Evaluating more than 20,000 colorectal cancer patients case histories, perioperative blood transfusions were found to be associated with an increase in mortality, combined recurrence-metastasis-death, postoperative infection, and surgical reintervention. Even the length of hospital stay was significantly extended in patients who had received transfusions versus those who had not. The study authors recommended looking into measures to limit the use of blood transfusions in patients undergoing surgery.

Blood transfusion promotes cancer progression: a critical role for aged erythrocytes

In rats, blood transfusions were a significant risk factor for cancer progression; they , doubled mortality and led to up to a fourfold increase in lung tumor retention. 

Common immune-related risk factors and incident non-Hodgkin lymphoma: The Multiethnic Cohort

Results of this large prospective study showed that blood transfusions increase the risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma.


1 But see Footnote 2 under The Moerman cancer cure diet. Whether "cancer agents" injected into the bloodstream may cause cancer may very much depend on the body's ability to fight off the invaders.

2 Author of "Krebsschutz durch Früherkennung und Ursachenbehandlung" [Cancer Protection By Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Causes] and many other books.

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