
Emotional Healing Exercises

Sometimes in our lives we reach rock bottom. We experience what we call HELL. For each of us it’s dressed up differently, but for all of us it is dark, tough and devastating. This HELL can be our awakening. Some people call it a breakdown; I believe it is a breakthrough.
From “The Pocket Guide To Your Heart"

The following describes one approach in “allowing feelings to flow to resolution”. I strongly advise to always and above all remember to be gentle and loving to yourself. Do not try to “wrench” feelings out of your system in an effort to heal yourself.
I believe that only love (of self and others) is truly healing.

Addendum 7 December 2006: I recently started to read up on and use EFT Emotional Freedom Technique and now recommend it over techniques such as the one featured on this page due to its often-observed speed and ease of application, the numerous long-term successes reported as well as its (frequently nearly pain-free) gentleness. In some cases, a combination approach may be most advantageous but any such decision obviously needs to and can only be made by the individual.

Detailed introduction to the link between Emotions & Cancer here, including insights and studies into the “cancer personality” and the crucial role of positive emotions.

Note: All material on this website including occasional articles based on or including channelling are submitted for your discernment since I believe them to hold truth and value for people on a healing quest.
Only you, however, can decide what is your own personal truth and what will make for your optimum journey towards healing and lasting health.

Emotional Healing Exercises

Version Nov 11, 2002
© by Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser

During this time of transformation on earth, the feeling natures of all the Children of Light are coming up to be healed and uplifted. Only by feeling cosmic love, supreme happiness, grace and mercy, and all of the other feelings of the divine virtues can heaven be attracted to earth.

Feelings are the magnetic feminine energy that determine which reality is attracted into physical manifestation. It is normal now that wounded feelings from the past are making themselves felt like earthquakes as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, brings forth heaven on earth.

Feelings are the water element, and cleanse by flowing, just like water. If wounded negative feelings are denied, blocked, suppressed, medicated, dissociated from, or acted out in a destructive way, they do not heal in a natural way. Denied feelings go into the subconscious and are stored in body tissue as tension. There they continue to magnetically attract physical realities that vibrate to their frequency. When negative feelings are acted out, harm is caused and more negative feelings result.

Therefore, acknowledge negative painful feelings with love and compassion just as you would acknowledge an upset or wounded child. As you acknowledge and accept negative feelings, they will naturally flow. Let them flow in your awareness in a nondestructive way. Feel your pain, your fear, your anger, your hopelessness. It is in feeling them deeply that they change and transform.

Cry in a pillow, or hit a pillow if you feel tears or anger come up. Find a place where you will be undisturbed, that is private. Use eye movement, which is explained below.

The two most important things to know about painful emotions is that the most powerful feelings are linked to the past, and, secondly, if painful feelings are allowed to flow freely, the memory of the original wounding event or trauma will be recalled to awareness. When the original wounding trauma is remembered, it can be healed permanently through remembering and feeling all emotions connected with it completely through.

Living and reliving an old painful memory not only allows the feelings to heal through flowing and releasing, but it also allows the mind to recall facts and details that were not noticed at the time of the original trauma. Additional insights change the perception of what happened and why.

As a painful memory is remembered over and over again and each time the feelings are allowed to be felt, changes of perception keep developing.

These changes of perception eventually become spontaneous healing images.

A memory is made up of only three things. They are feelings, mental pictures, and thoughts.

Deep new insights change feelings, thoughts, and mental images. These changed feelings, mental pictures and thoughts replace the original feelings, mental pictures and thoughts.

In this way, a memory is permanently changed forever.

Because feelings are the water element, they must flow in order to stay pure and healthy. If a feeling is resisted, bottled up, bypassed, denied, or disassociated from they go underground where they continue to work subconsciously.

Feelings must be felt in order to change them, in order to heal them. They can't be made to 'go away' through will or 'thought away' through reasoning, or medicated away etc.


When a feeling is negative, it must be felt through in a safe and non-destructive way. If a negative feeling is denied or acted out destructively, it cannot heal. A negative feeling can only heal by being felt through in a safe place without causing any harm to anyone or anything. Crying in a pillow, or hitting a pillow does not cause harm.

It is best to accept all feelings, both negative and positive, with an attitude of unconditional all encompassing love, because love is the most powerful transformative agent. Loving a negative feeling is like loving a frightened or angry child. Love creates the acceptance and safety for the healing to take place.

It is also good to use eye movement when feeling negative feelings, because it helps the feelings process quickly.

Eye Movement in Flowing Emotions

Remember to use eye-movement exercise while letting emotions flow.

If you are feeling a strong negative feeling in a public place and want to process it, eye movement can be done very privately by pretending to read a book or looking at a monitor as you feel the feeling.

As you feel your feelings, move the eyes left to right and back and forth over and over again at a speed, from very slow to fast, that is comfortable to you. This works with the eyes opened or closed.

Pay attention as the feelings flow and go through their changes. Memories and the insights will pop up.

Eye movement shifts the emotional energy back and forth from one hemisphere of the brain to the other, allowing the energy to process.

This is the same technique that the body uses naturally every night in dreaming.


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When is the best time to work on emotions? The optimal time for healing to occur is when painful feelings come up spontaneously and naturally as a reaction to events happening in day to day life.

On these occasions when you are "triggered", the negative feelings are activated, accessible right then, available to be processed without efforting.

At other times if you have to "stir them up" in order to manufacture upsetness for a therapeutic session, the access will be correspondingly more limited to both the early childhood traumatic memories and feelings associated with them, and the resultant healing less complete. If you are attending weekly psychotherapy sessions scheduled at a predetermined time, then choose the most recent upsetness that is most powerfully triggered to work on.

In general, if you are feeling fine, the axiom "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." is best to follow. If you have the luxury, cancel your therapy session at these times and enjoy the good feelings.

Most therapy patients do it just the opposite, that is, they cancel sessions when they feel bad. The time to do emotional healing work is whenever you feel like you are NOT OK. Some people feel troubled or depressed most of the time. If that is true, it is appropriate to do emotional feeling work, such as the ten minute exercises or the trauma clearing exercise, until good feelings return.


Healing the Divine Feminine Force of feeling and form.

PRINT OUT AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE {based on workshops and a book in progress by Michael Schlosser PH.D}

Ten Minute Exercise

This ten minute exercise will handle most painful feelings and moods that arise on a day to day basis. These instructions are a basic model that you can customize to fit your particular circumstances.

Sometimes, instead of the ten minute exercise below, it is helpful to agree with your partner to listen quietly, WITH NO INTERRUPTION OR JUDGEMENT, while the partner unloads pent up feelings with no particular time limit.

Regardless of what container is chosen for expressing feelings, whenever negative feelings are expressed, the rule must be agreed to and followed that there will be no acting out of violence to any person or object. It is OK to scream, cry, moan, be silent, pause and go within, be sad, be happy, or whatever, as long as no physical violence is acted out.

Another rule is that the person who is facilitating, who is listening to the person who is releasing feelings, DOES NOT INTERRUPT, not even with well-intentioned gems of wisdom or comfort. The process of releasing feelings is an inward one, much like dreaming, and should not be interrupted.

It is extremely important that an agreement on how the session is to be conducted is reached between the facilitator and the person releasing feelings BEFORE FEELING WORK BEGINS. Stay with this agreement unless you both mutually agree to modify it. It is also important to agree that the person who is acting as facilitator will have the opportunity to switch roles and be the one to release feelings as soon as it is possible.

It is normal for the facilitator to feel upset while listening to another person release feelings. Just sit quietly and LOVE these upset feelings, perhaps using eye movement, if this happens. DO NOT INTERRUPT the person you are facilitating. When it is your time to release feelings, and the other person is the facilitator, then you can express whatever feelings are up for you.

Here are the instructions for the ten minute exercise:

Step 1: Get with a partner and agree on a time that is mutually agreeable to do a ten minute exercise with each other. Since each person will do at least ten minutes, allow 30 minutes or more for this emotional work.

Decide on who will do the ten minute exercise described below first. The person doing the ten minute exercise is the one who is being asked a feeling question, such as "What are you feeling now?". The other person acts as facilitator. After one person does the exercise for ten minutes, switch roles and the facilitator then does the ten minute exercise and the other partner becomes the facilitator.

The person being asked the question decides on which question he or she wants to be asked .

If you are the one doing the exercise, and if something is bothering you, or you feel down or upset, then the question that you want might be, "What's bothering you ?" Or it might be, " What is making you feel upset?"

If you feel OK, but a little stuck, the question could be something like, "What is coming up for you today?"

Once you decide on a question, the facilitator asks the question out loud to you and you answer it any way that you want to. It is OK to say whatever comes up. It does not have to make sense or be rational, just say whatever pops into your mind.

The facilitator DOES NOT INTERRUPT OR GIVE ADVICE...EVER. Answering the question is a deep inward process of discovery and must not be interrupted.

[As you gain skill at doing this, it is helpful to express feelings using 'juice ' words, or words relating to exactly how you feel. Juice words express emotions, such as:

"I feel upset, happy, excited, angry, sad, worried, optimistic, loving, hopeful, depressed, etc."

It works better to use feeling words instead of using an intellectual detached description of how you feel such as: " The finances are in terrible shape and Junior is staying out too late." An example of using a 'juice' word [ as in," where's the feeling energy?"], would be," I feel very anxious and worried about the finances. In fact, I am feeling overwhelmed and scared." "I am also feeling a little anxious about Junior staying out too late."

When you have finished answering the question, the facilitator acknowledges you by saying something like, "Thank you for sharing." and then asks the same question all over again.

As with the first time you were asked, you answer any way you want to, saying whatever comes up. When you finish this time, the facilitator does exactly the same thing all over again, saying "Thank you for sharing" and asking the same question again.

This is called the ten minute exercise because this process is usually repeated over and over again for about ten minutes, peeling off the layers of the psyche like peeling an onion.

After about ten minutes, or whatever time had been previously agreed upon, partners switch roles, the facilitator becomes the one who is asked the feeling question and the other partner becomes the facilitator.

[If you want to take longer or shorter than ten minutes each, this can be agreed upon by both partners to fit the situation.]

In almost all situations, there are usually a mixture of feelings, some positive and some negative. A good suggestion for the ten minute exercise on a daily basis is to use what we call The POSITIVE-NEGATIVE container. In this example, the person being the facilitator first asks,"What is bothering you?" and then follows by asking "What are you feeling good about?" in the same ten minute time period.

Another useful pair of positive-negative questions are:

"What is upsetting you about______?" and "If all things were possible, what would make you feel better about _______?"

Remember, once you decide on the question, and your partner asks it, and you give your answer--taking all the time you need--including long pauses to go within and check, your partner says "Thank you for sharing" or "thanks" and asks the question over again.

The person answering the question and expressing feelings STAYS with whatever feelings come up. Often feelings will come up that are a surprise, sometimes very intense ones that have been buried in the subconscious and are ready to finally be expressed.

The facilitator does not offer advice, interrupt, or try to "fix it" in any way. He/she just listens and then asks the question again when the person who is expressing feelings reaches a stopping point.

In this way the layers of the psyche are peeled away...just like an onion. Emotions are expressed and released and changed.

[Emotional healing must come from inside, and the advice of another person, no matter how wise and well-intentioned, cannot substitute for inner revelations and healing.]

As a Child of Light continues this process, he or she arrives at deep core feelings. Usually, just doing this much clears the air and brings a person back to balance and clarity.

[If it doesn't, even after repeating it a few times, It may be necessary to do a trauma clearing. See below]

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If you need to do emotional processing and do not have a partner, follow the directions exactly as if you did have one, carefully doing each step and perhaps writing down the answers.

Reminder: It is helpful to use Rapid Eye Movement [REM] while surfing the feelings. This is the eye movement that the body does automatically in dreaming. Emotional processing uses many of the same neurological states as dreaming, and could be termed "a waking dream". REM is moving the eyes back and forth, right to left and back again, over and over, at any speed that is comfortable, while reliving the memories or just feeling any feelings. This shifts the emotional-thought energy back and forth from one brain hemisphere to the other and allows it to process naturally. PAY ATTENTION ONLY TO THE FEELINGS, INSIGHTS, THOUGHTS, AND MEMORIES THAT COME UP. THE EYE MOVEMENT ITSELF MUST BE ABSENTMINDED AND AUTOMATIC FOR THIS TO WORK. REM is great for doing emotional processing when you are alone.

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[This can take up to a few hours. You may need to email for more instructions because only a basic outline is presented here.]

When you are facilitating a trauma clearing for a partner who is in very painful emotional feelings, first do a ten minute exercise with him/her until he/she comes to the core feelings.

Ask a question such as "What is making you feel so bad." or "What is upsetting you." Let them vent and unload without interruption. Crying and emoting is wonderful as long as it is done nondestructively.

Once they have unloaded their feelings, check their level of distress. If they are still unhappy or troubled go to the next step.

Ask them how painful their feelings are on a scale from one to ten, where one is feeling wonderful and ten is horrible.

If their feelings are six or seven or above, they should go to the next step.

Now ask the partner to list their negative feelings. Ask them, "What are the negative feelings that you are feeling?" You, as the facilitator should write these feelings down to use later.

Negative feeling words often look like this: overwhelmed, betrayed, angry, dissapointed, sad, blindsided, hopeless, suicidal, etc.

Once you have about ten to twenty negative feeling words in a list, ask the troubled person to list corresponding negative beliefs about life that are connected to these feeings. Typical negative beliefs associated with an old trauma are: "Nobody understands me." "People I trust and love hurt me when I need them the most." "Life isn't safe." etc.

It is good to write these down, so that when the person doing the clearing gets stuck you can read the feeling words and beliefs back. This will usually get them going again so that they can unearth more of their feelings.

Read back the list of negative feeling words and ask the troubled person "When have you felt like this before?"

The partner goes back to a previous time when they felt the same way.

Usually it is a memory of a childhood traumatic experience.

If there are several memories, most often it is the earliest one.

A way to make sure, is to ask how they would feel if they could magically heal all the feelings connected to each memory. The one that gets the most emphatic answer of relief is the correct memory to use for healing.

Once a specific memory is selected, ask them to describe a mental picture of the memory, of the trauma, as if they had a photograph of the event. This is called the 'still photo'. Write down a description of this to use later.

Now ask the troubled person to remember the memory from beginning to end silently to themselves.

When they are done, ask them to relive the memory and describe it outloud, saying what is happening as they remember, using feeling words and staying with the feelings as they come into awareness.

Write this down as they describe the memory out loud. Then ask them what level of pain their feelings are now on the scale from one to ten. It probably will already be lower. If they started out as a seven, by this time it will probably be down to a five or six. [Sometimes the number goes up first before coming down.]

Now ask them to relive the memory silently again. When they are done, ask them to remember it all the way through again outloud. Write it down again. You will see that already the memory is changing.

When they are finished, ask them to remember it again silently to themselves. Don't be surprised if they cry or emote during any of these times of remembering. When this happens, DON'T OFFER ADVICE OR INTERRUPT THEM IN ANY WAY. A deep deep process of healing is going on and it should not be interrupted. Every now and then ask them what their feelings are now on the scale from one to ten. The number should be consistently going down.

It usually takes approximately four to ten times of living and re-living the story before the number gets close to one or zero and the healing image begins to emerge from the psyche.

Remember to tell them each time when they are finished remembering it to go back to the beginning and remember it all the way through to the end again, taking careful note of new impressions that emerge each time. DO NOT INTERRUPT LONG SILENCES, OR FAR AWAY LOOKS....IT IS DURING THESE TIMES THAT IMPORTANT INSIGHTS ARE OCCURING.

As in a dream, new information will present itself with each remembering.

If at any point the person remembering says that they wish that they had, or could, say or do something different in the memory, you, as a facilitator, may suggest that they do so in their imagination. This is a part of the healing image developing........"

At first, the emotions are difficult and painful and it is important to encourage the troubled person to STAY WITH THE FEELINGS as they come up.

As the telling and retelling process continues, the emotions change and finally the feelings are less and less painful.

After a few times healing insights about the trauma have occured and positive feelings are growing.

When the number of the feelings on the scale from one to ten reaches zero, a new picture of the memory develops which is called the healing image. This image develops from the positive emotions that are growing.

Allow the healing image or images to mature up and develop. Eventually there will be a final strong healing image.

Now ask your partner to merge the original still photo [that you wrote down at the beginning of the session] with the final healing image. Ask him or her to imagine pushing the old previous painful picture of the memory into the new healed picture. Ask them to describe what happens to the original picture of the trauma when this happens.

The resulting image is called the resolution image.

Allow plenty of time for the resolution image to be integrated into the psyche.


The trauma is cleared.

The person clearing will know this because they feel a permanent weight lifted from their shoulders. They will need time, perhaps a few hours to a few weeks to let the emotions integrate and re-align themselves.

During this time they are very sensitive and vulnerable and it is necessary that they have alone time in harmonious surroundings. At this stage their psyche is like a newly healed wound, and it takes time for the emotional scar tissue to get strength.

Respect their space and let them stay in a "healing bubble" for as long as they need to. During this time, do not bring up loaded subjects or make demands.

Note: If the emotions are too difficult to handle and do not respond to this method, it often means that there was an earlier wounding and traumatic memory that should have been processed instead of the one chosen. To avoid this, be sure to take time in the beginning to make the negative feeling word list carefully, and use this "constellation" of negative feelings as a map to help the person doing the clearing to remember previous times when they felt this way before.

Usually it is the earliest memory. When you ask them how it would feel to clear each of the previous memories listed, the one that needs to be cleared will be the memory that will bring the most relief to be cleared. Often the person will say, when asked how it would feel to clear the right memory," Oh my God! If I could clear the feelings associated with that event it would be a miracle!"

End of trauma clearing technique. Email for further instructions if necessary: spiritus at mindspring.com.

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Included below are a collection of various channelled angel messages on emotions for further reference.

Healing the Divine Feminine Force

The magnetic Divine Feminine force expresses itself through emotions and through the physical plane.

Feelings are intense now because great healing is underway. Some people are ending lifelong relationships, leaving projects that they have faithfully given their all to, experiencing death of loved ones, and facing uncertain futures. They may be feeling great fear and trepedation about politics, health, and the future of earth.

Wounded feelings from childhood are coming up to be healed in everyone. There are feelings that need to be healed now. This is necessary for the transformation of consciousness in the physical body. In flowing into these feelings, sometimes memories surface that feel violent. They have so much pain associated with them that the programed instinctual reflex is to do everything to avoid feeling them. It feels like life itself is at stake...This is a true panic attack.

Everyone has experienced panic and these feelings are surfacing now to be healed. Emotions heal through flowing. Use eye movement to relive the tragic event, if you can remember it. Relive the memory over and over until all the feelings associated with it have time to flow. If you cannot remember anything, but just have the feelings, flow with them using eye movement and deep breathing.

These are times when overwhelming feelings are coming up to be healed. KEEP BREATHING. Deep rythmic breathing is the foundation of holotropic breath work. Just as a woman breathes while giving birth, keep breathing when panic feelings come up. In addition to deep breathing, use eye movement and stay focused on the feelings for as long as it takes for good feelings to return. Usually this happens quickly.

Traditionally when panic attacks happen...... the old paradigm of shutting DOWN the feelings IMMEDIATELY takes over. This has been accomplished through medication, alcolhol, diversion, dissassociation, denial, magic, hynosis, etc. Break the habit and STAY WITH THE PANIC.

The panic passes in SECONDS.... BREATHE and use EYE MOVEMENT, and use every bit of will power and mastery to stay with the feelings and to FEEL THE FEELINGS through. Conscious flowing is how feelings heal.

This is important, everything depends on GETTING THROUGH THE FEELING and NOT AROUND IT. Flowing is how EMOTIONS heal, denial just makes them unconscious and the body stores them as tension and stress in the musculature. Use eye movement and breathing instead of giving into disassociation or destructive acting out.

It is wonderful when panic comes up. By healing these emotions, the Divine Feminine Force is healed. By healing the emotions of the dark dark wounding, the body is healed. It is like having an emotional bowel movement. Whether it is fear, anger, hopelessness, suffocation, betrayal, shame, etc, this is the healing process at work.

The next time feelings become unbearable, stay with the feelings no matter how painful they are, use eye movement and keep breathing. The feelings heal so fast it is amazing.

* Miracles.

The note at the end of this message may also be helpful....

Note: A number of you have written about intense feelings of sadness, disconnection, pain, and anger coming up at this time. The feminine energy is the emotional energy and now is the time that the feminine energy is going through healing and balancing. Uncomfortable feelings must not be bottled up any longer, or suppressed by chemical means. Any attempt to "make them go away", or bypass them with "positive thinking", is just another way of refusing to FEEL the feelings that need to heal. Once they are healed, positive feeling and thinking comes naturally. The most difficult thing to do, and paradoxically the easiest, is to allow spontaneous feelings to come up and feel them. It is the only way they heal. Feelings are like water, they cleanse themselves the more they flow freely. Feelings stay the same only when they are not felt and they are bottled up. When they are expressed appropriately, they change quickly. The key to doing this is to allow any feeling that comes up to be felt with an accepting, unconditionally loving, and patient attitude. The creative aspect of expressing a feeling is to tune in to exactly how the feeling "wants" to come through. Then experiment with sounds and movements until you find the way that feels most releaseful. It hurts "good." The most important precaution is to find a way to express these feelings in a non-destructive way to property and to others. Screaming into a pillow, or beating up a pillow releases anger and pain in a safe way.

Use eye movement like your body does in REM sleep. While feeling, move your eyes back and forth, left to right and back again, slow or fast, whatever is most natural. This shifts the energy from one brain hemisphere to the other in order to process the feeling energy on all levels in all brainwave patterns. When the feelings are strong, it's because they have re-awakened an earlier time in your life when you suffered a traumatic situation. Allow yourself to remember this time and relive it in your memory the best that you can, feeling the feelings that come up as you do so. Once you have done this, repeat it again, and remember the memory from the beginning, like a movie, all the way through to the end.

Each time you relive the memory like this, more of the memory will come back, and more of the feelings will come back.

By feeling the feelings, crying the tears, feeling the anger, reliving the pain, the emotions can release. The memory will go through changes, and some of the changes will be healing insights and desires. Follow these intuitive changes. When you have a desire to correct something, or if there is something you wish you could have said, imagine that you are doing it.

The changes in the memory that arise from these imagined interventions is the process that the psyche uses to heal. The Kahunas of Hawaii call this type of process 'O Pono Pono', and the native Americans refer to it as 'Recapitulation'. Stay with this process, reliving the memory over and over from the beginning to end, until you feel all the feelings and "rewrite" the memory completely through the healing images that come up naturally.

Be free to call in the angels for help, or ask the higher self of one of the people involved, including your own Self, to come back in time and heal it.

This is the divine healing energy of the Feminine Force. It is very dreamlike, and involves the same brainwave patterns that are used in dreaming.

By learning how to do this, you are taking the automatic process of healing that happens every night in dreaming into conscious control. In this way you heal feelings as they come up naturally day to day.

When the psyche is ready for a certain memory to heal, it will flood your consciousness with the feelings from that memory. That is the time to embrace these painful feelings and process them, and the memory they are associated with, instead of trying to run from them. There are a finite number of emotional wounds, so this process eventually heals all of the past traumas of your life. This frees up the energy in your body so that instead of holding in the tensions of all the emotional pain of every traumatic event of your entire life, your body can dance with the joy of the Divine in each present moment.

This totally alters the chemical makeup of your glandular secretions, which in turn alters your aging process and stimulates your immune system. "And the last enemy to be overcome is death."

It is becoming common knowledge in the scientific community that emotions are the causative factor in creating reality on a quantum level. As each one of us heals emotionally from our past, we free ourselves to feel Divine Joy and unconditional Love in the present. Radiating this Joy and unconditional Love is the precursor to heaven on earth.

Special Addendum to 18 Pisces, The Angels of Relationship:

Beloved, The escalating craze for sensationalism in the world stems from the numbness that people feel emotionally.

Since so many people (out of self defense) have deadened themselves to virtually all of their feelings, in their search for meaning, many have experimented with stronger and more shocking ways to stimulate and awaken themselves in order to feel deeply again, as they did as children.

They instinctively know that it is their feeling child-self that has access to rapture and ecstasy.

Their longing to feel again, to be excited, thrilled, to awaken to adventure, to joyously anticipate the next day, is so great, that often there is no price so great that they will not pay if they think that they can taste this exhilaration for even one moment.

This desire for "awakening", to come to life emotionally, is the longing for life itself.

When people cannot contact the sensitivity of their inner child easily, powerful stimuli-like violent and scary movies, which trigger an adrenaline "pump up"; dangerous hobbies like sky diving, racing, sexual affairs; 'reality' TV; taboo pursuits like child prostitution, cruelty, and other illegal activities like taking harmful stimulants, and any number of other forms of sensation-seeking are desperately sought to replace the natural emotional high that they long for.

Not uncommonly people do practically anything just to feel alive again, so desperate is their sense of loss of the feeling sensitivity of the child self.

From their numbed-out perspective, most people assume fatalistically that access to this sensitive child self, once gone, is lost to them forever.

They believe it is lost to them forever unless, perhaps, they are fortunate enough to fall madly in love.

The possibility of falling deeply in love with life itself, often escapes them, and does not seem like a realistic option.

Not understanding about the laws of emotional expression, they do not even suspect that their sensitivity has not been killed forever. They keep their wounds bottled up within, fighting to keep them at bay. They do not know that it is by going back into the memories and allowing themselves to flow with the feelings that come up, that they finally come to resolution.

The good news is that the vibrant child that they once were and long to be again is still there-even in the most hardened wounded criminal. It is covered over by a shroud of unresolved emotional traumas.

The hopelessness they feel about recovering their Real Self is itself an unexpressed emotion of one of their unresolved traumas, the traumatic experience "the incident where they gave up hope."

By remembering this experience, and reliving it repeatedly within themselves over and over until all of the feelings come out, the psyche heals itself.

Couples who have "lost that loving feeling" likewise believe that it is gone forever, not realizing that recovering their love more strongly than ever might be as straight-forward as finding and clearing the feelings which are blocking their original feelings of being in love.

Those feelings are still there, and they grow when emotions are embraced with unconditional love, allowed to flow, and old painful feelings are no longer 'bottled up' inside.

The Angels of Lotogi, and all of the Angel groups and enlightened Beings, have all banded together in the unconditional love of Divine Providence to bring heaven to earth.

What bringing Heaven to earth means, is that the sacredness, beauty, and meaningfulness of all life is once again self evident to everyone in each moment. Experiencing the beauty of God in all beings is the natural birthright of each person and is easy and effortless in an emotionally enlightened state.

When Divine consciousness, that is already present in all manifestation, is no longer shielded from awareness by numbed-out feelings and the veil of forgetfulness is removed, then the exquisite sacredness and wonder of each moment is returned. In even the most mundane of everyday activities the sense of anticipation, great joy, and discovery of precious treasures of consciousness is experienced, just by being. This is the great Tao, and the truth of Zen Enlightenment.

The magical paradise that you long for is already yours- and surprise! This paradise is not somewhere outside yourself-is is found within your very own heart. The original archetype of finding buried treasure is the symbol for what we are describing. By allowing the emotional energy located in your body and subconscious to heal through flowing, layer by layer this long-sought-for child self is revealed and brought to the surface .

The great paradox is that once paradise is lost within the heart, it is lost everywhere.

And once it is found within the heart, it is found everywhere.

The kingdom of heaven lies within.

As above, so below.

* Miracles

The magnetic Divine Feminine force expresses itself through emotions and through the physical plane.

Feelings are intense now because great healing is underway. Some people are ending lifelong relationships, leaving projects that they have faithfully given their all to, experiencing death of loved ones, and facing uncertain futures. They may be feeling great fear and trepidation about politics, health, and the future of earth.

Wounded feelings from childhood are coming up to be healed in everyone. These are feelings that need to be healed now. This is necessary for the transformation of consciousness in the physical body. In flowing into these feelings, sometimes memories surface that feel violent. They have so much pain associated with them that the programmed instinctual reflex is to do everything to avoid feeling them. It feels like life itself is at stake...This is a true panic attack.

Everyone has experienced panic and these feelings are surfacing now to be healed. Emotions heal through flowing. Use eye movement to relive the tragic event, if you can remember it. Even if you can't recover the entire event, stay with whatever visual impression and associated feelings of the memory which you can access. Relive the memory over and over until all the feelings associated with it have time to flow all the way to neutrality (resolution).

If you cannot remember anything, but just are aware of the feelings, flow with them using eye movement and deep breathing.

Expect that you'll need to go through the impression a number of times, punctuated by a receptive pause between times of reliving it when you passively take stock, overall, of how the feelings and impression of the memory is changing. The perception that any aspect of the memory is changing in any way at all is your confirmation that the method is working.

Welcome moments of feeling overwhelmed — times when the feelings fill you to overflow and come spilling out as tears or better yet as steady crying, or best yet as uncontrollable sobbing, screaming or moaning. Resist the impulse to cut off this natural healing reflex before it has completely run its course and come to its own completion, however long that takes.

Traditionally when panic attacks happen...... the old paradigm of shutting DOWN the feelings IMMEDIATELY takes over. This has been accomplished through medication, alcohol, diversion, dissociation, denial, magic, hypnosis, etc. Break the habit and STAY WITH THE PANIC.

The panic passes in SECONDS.... BREATHE and use EYE MOVEMENT, and use every bit of will power and mastery to stay with the feelings and to FEEL THE FEELINGS through. Conscious flowing is how feelings heal.

This is important: everything depends on GETTING THROUGH THE FEELING and NOT AROUND IT. We can't repeat it too many times: Flowing is how EMOTIONS heal!; denial just makes them unconscious and the body stores them as tension and stress in the musculature. Use eye movement and breathing instead of giving into dissociation or destructive acting out.

It is wonderful when panic comes up. By loving these emotions, the Divine Feminine Force is healed. By healing the emotions of the dark dark wounding, the body is healed. It is like having an emotional bowel movement. Whether it is fear, anger, hopelessness, suffocation, betrayal, shame, etc, this is the healing process at work. Learning to react to scary emotions by loving them and staying with them, giving them all the time they need to "run their course" instead of automatically judging them and banishing them is the paradigm shift.

These are times when overwhelming feelings are coming up to be healed. KEEP BREATHING. Deep rhythmic breathing is the foundation of holotropic breath work. Just as a woman breathes while giving birth, keep breathing when panic feelings come up. In addition to deep breathing, use eye movement and stay focused on the feelings for as long as it takes for good feelings to return. In some people this happens quickly using eye movement.

Usually there will be a period of transition between the expression of the bad feelings and the spontaneous return of good feelings. In the pause between times of reliving the memory, you can tell when you are close to resolution and the return of good feelings because you'll find when you're close to that point, that you'll scarcely be able to stir up the bad feelings as you take stock.

The next time feelings become unbearable, stay with the feelings no matter how painful they are, using eye movement and consciously keeping up deep breathing. Of all the levels of manifestation--contrary to popular belief — feelings change the most rapidly when they are loved, accepted, and appropriately expressed. Especially if you are one of the majority of people, who can benefit from the eye movement technique, your unpleasant feelings can heal so fast it will amaze you.

* Miracles.

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