Supplements and Herbs

Graviola (Annona muricata)

Studies show soursop to be a powerful cancer fighter

by Healing Cancer Naturally, copyright © 2023

Soursop is an evergreen tropical tree in the Annonaceae family. While its leaves are used for making tea and its delicious fruits — botanically related to the cherimoya — are widely used for preparing smoothies, fruit juice drinks, candies, sorbets, and ice cream flavoring, the Annona muricata is also known as "cancer killer" — e.g. in Malaysia —, where different parts of the trea are widely used to treat cancer and tumors.

Other folk medicine applications include parasitic infestations, diabetes, diseases of the liver, skin, heart, flu-like infections, rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis, fever, diarrhea, dysentery, pellagra, hypertension, insomnia, fungal infestations, and use as a relaxant.[1]

Modern research has since found scientific evidence supporting many of these traditional areas of application.

The fruits, bark, leaves and roots of A. muricata are rich in flavonoids (which inter alia lower the risk of cardiovascular disease), isoquinoline alkaloids (which boast sedative, psychotropic, and analgesic properties) and especially annonaceous acetogenins[1], more than a 100 of which have already been isolated from the leaves, bark, seeds, roots and fruits of A. Muricata.[2]

Annonaceous acetogenins are uniquely found in the Annona species (Annonaceae family) and owing to their potential antitumor activity, are considered one of the most promising classes of natural products.[3]


Annonaceous acetogenins from A. muricata kill malignant cells of twelve different types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, lung, liver, pancreatic, ovarian as well as lymphoma cells.[4]


In animal models* and laboratory testing, graviola fruit extract was shown to inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells while having no effect on normal human breast epithelial cells.[5]

An in-vitro study (test-tube experiment) tested a liquid-graviola fruit extract on human breast cancer cells. The extract was found to inhibit cell growth and provoke cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.[6]

In another study, breast cancer was artificially induced in rats which were divided into four different groups. While all developed pronounced histopathological signs in their breast and ovarial tissues, these mostly disappeared in the groups that received graviola fruit. The researchers mainly attributed these positive effects to graviola‘s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative components.[7]

* Healing Cancer Naturally does not support animal experimentation since it harms both animals and humans.


Three studies published between 2014 and 2017 reported the discovery of new anti-proliferative annonaceous acetogenins from graviola fruit. All these heretofore unknown acetogenins demonstrated (sometimes pronounced) antiproliferative action against human prostate cancer cells.[8]

Since typically prostate cancer will be discovered at an early stage, preventive measures (chemoprevention) are particularly important. Judging by observations made on mice, the NADPH oxidase enzyme complex is directly associated with prostate cancer progression and hence a signalling molecule of use in prostate cancer prevention.

So researchers looked at the effect of graviola pulp extract on NADPH oxidase in prostate cancer cells. Result: the extract exerted a very strong inhibitory effect upon the activity of the enzyme complex. In nonmalignant prostate cells, graviola neither inhibited NADPH oxidase nor had it any other detrimental impact. The researchers concluded that graviola fruit extracts would lend themselves for preventing prostate tumor progression.[9]


In search of ever new anticancer drugs, modern cancer researchers have discovered nanotech. They are experimenting inter alia with silver nanoparticles (between 1 nm and 100 nm in size) as carriers for delivering various payloads such as small molecules to specific target tissues (here: tumor cells) to be selectively released (which helps of course to reduce chemotherapy's toxic effects on the entire body).

A study from 2019 compared the efficiency (cytotoxic activities) of silver nanoparticles carrying Annona muricata (fruit and leaf extract) upon cervical and prostate adenocarcinoma cells with that of 5-Fluorouracil (a cytotoxic chemotherapy medication) and was able to show potential anticancer activity.[10]

A similar study[11] showed the silver nanoparticles carrying Annona muricata fruit extract to have significant antiproliferative effect upon both cell lines while selectively sparing normal cells. The fruit-carrying nanoparticles were considerably more effective than both the "first-line therapy" 5-Fluoruracil and the nanoparticles carrying Annona-muricata leaf extracts. Consequently, the researchers particularly recommend Annona-muricata fruit for use in the development of novel and better anticancer drugs.


A Korean study investigated the impact of extracts from graviola leaves, fruits and seeds upon human astroglioma cells, finding significant cytotoxic effects on cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner.[12]


A 2021 study investigated the effect of a graviola fruit pulp extract upon human colon cancer cell lines, comparing it with that of the chemotherapy medication Paclitaxel (Taxol). The extract altered multiple metabolic pathways playing a part in cancer cell proliferation and thus can be considered a promising anticancer agent due to its selective inhibition of cancer's energy metabolism.[13]


Diabetes and high blood pressure (particularly soursop fruit[14]), pain relief and inflammation[15], [16], mucositis (gastrointestinal inflammation[17], envenomation[18], and malaria.[19]


Typically, fruits contain little to no lactic acid but the soursop fruit contains an incredible 13.56 ± 2.00 percent.[20] Perhaps this furnishes another puzzle piece why soursop fruits can help with cancer (see research results of Johannes Kuhl, MD, PhD re the significance of lactic acid).




1 Asif Khurshid Qazi et al.: Emerging therapeutic potential of graviola and its constituents in cancers. In: Carcinogenesis. April 2018, PMC588937

2 Soheil Zorofchian Moghadamtousi et al.: Annona muricata (Annonaceae): A Review of Its Traditional Uses, Isolated Acetogenins and Biological Activities. In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. July 2015, PMC4519917

3 Rosa Tundis et al.: Annona species (Annonaceae): a rich source of potential antitumor agents? In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. June 2017, PMID 28415154

4 Keerthana Prabhakaran et al.: Polyketide Natural Products, Acetogenins from Graviola (Annona muricata L), its Biochemical, Cytotoxic Activity and Various Analyses Through Computational and Bio-Programming Methods. In: Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2016, PMID 27262333

5 Yumin Dai et al.: Selective growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by graviola fruit extract in vitro and in vivo involving downregulation of EGFR expression. In: Nutrition and Cancer. Vol. 63, Number 5, 2011, PMID 21767082

6 Djabir Daddiouaissa et al.: Antiproliferative activity of ionic liquid-graviola fruit extract against human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell lines using flow cytometry techniques. In: Journal of Ethnopharmacology. May 2019, PMID 30853648

7 Abd El-Fattah B M El-Beltagy et al.: Therapeutic Role of Annona muricata Fruit and Bee Venom Against MNU-Induced Breast Cancer in Pregnant Rats and its Complications on the Ovaries. In: Breast Cancer (Dove Medical Press). July 2021, PMID 34267553

8 Shi Sun et al.: Three new anti-proliferative Annonaceous acetogenins with mono-tetrahydrofuran ring from graviola fruit (Annona muricata). In: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. June 2014, PMID 24780120

Sun S., et al.: Isolation of three new annonaceous acetogenins from Graviola fruit (Annona muricata) and their anti-proliferation on human prostate cancer cell PC-3. In: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. September 2016, PMID 27499453

Shi Sun et al.: Novel Annonaceous acetogenins from Graviola (Annona muricata) fruits with strong anti-proliferative activity. In: Tetrahedron Letters. May 2017, PMID 31798193

9 Deep G., et al.: Graviola inhibits hypoxia-induced NADPH oxidase activity in prostate cancer cells reducing their proliferation and clonogenicity. In: Scientific Reports. March 2016, PMC4793251

10 In search of new anticancer drugs: Data for cytotoxic activities of green synthesized silver nanoparticles from ethanolic extracts of fruits and leaves of Annona muricata and 5-Fluorouracil against HeLa, PC3 and PNT1A cell lines. In: Data in Brief. October 2019, PMC6743010

11 Yahaya Gavamukulya et al.: Annona muricata silver nanoparticles exhibit strong anticancer activities against cervical and prostate adenocarcinomas through regulation of CASP9 and the CXCL1/CXCR2 genes axis. In: Tumour Biology. 2021, PMID 33935122

12 Judy Gopal et al.: The graviola impact on human astroglioma cells: functional significance of MUDENG. In: RSC Advances. March 2019, PMID 35517667

13 Djabir Daddiouaissa et al.: Evaluation of metabolomics behavior of human colon cancer HT29 cell lines treated with ionic liquid graviola fruit pulp extract. In: Journal of Ethnopharmacology. April 2021, PMID 33444719

14 Stephen A. Adefegha et al.: Distribution of Phenolic Contents, Antidiabetic Potentials, Antihypertensive Properties, and Antioxidative Effects of Soursop (Annona muricata L.) Fruit Parts In Vitro. In: Biochemistry Research International. December 2015, PMC4693006

15 Ismail O Ishola et al.: Mechanisms of analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Annona muricata Linn. (Annonaceae) fruit extract in rodents. In: Journal of Medicinal Food. December 2014, PMID 25133801

16 Larissa Morais Ribeiro da Silva et al.: Graviola Fruit Bar Added Acerola By-Product Extract Protects Against Inflammation and Nociception in Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In: Journal of Medicinal Food. February 2020, PMID 31502908

17 Shyamala Nayak et al.: Protective potentials of Annona muricata fruit pulp on etoposide-induced gastrointestinal toxicity in Wistar rats. In: Journal of Carcinogenesis. October 2019, PMID 31807120

18 Caroline Marroni Cremonez et al.: Experimental Lachesis muta rhombeata envenomation and effects of soursop (Annona muricata) as natural antivenom. In: The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases. March 2016, PMID 26957955

19 Lauve Rachel Tchokouaha Yamthe et al.: Extracts from Annona Muricata L. and Annona Reticulata L. (Annonaceae) Potently and Selectively Inhibit Plasmodium Falciparum. In: Medicines (Basel). June 2015, PMC5533161

20 Mabel Guevara et al.: Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of the Main Fruits Consumed in the Western Coastal Region of Ecuador as a Source of Health-Promoting Compounds. In: Antioxidants (Basel). September 2019, PMC6770235

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