Supplements and Herbs

Haelan: fermented soy beverage

“The best nutritional food supplement” for cancer patients?

by Leonard (leonardleonard1 at, copyright © 2004–2023

Haelan, a high-quality, expensive fermented soy beverage ... costs about $1,500/mo if using 1 bottle/day (if ordered by practitioner or health food store); standard recommendation is 1 bottle/day for 30-60 days, then 1/2 bottle/day for another 30-60 days. [I wouldn't use it if money was an issue, despite what's written below]:

"May be the best nutritional food supplement...
I've interviewed many patients, maybe a hundred, who have taken Haelan as the only form of cancer treatment that helped them. Either it causes remissions, or...tumors...shrink and disappear...a patient who used Haelan as the only thing that caused his cancer to disappear...nothing else was working for him. He had liver cancer...metastasized...breast cancer with metastases to...liver and bones...[and was] about to die....a bottle a day for two more cancer..." (Morton Walker, DPM, cited in Hess, David J. [1999]: Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies. Rutgers Univ. Press, pp. 156-157).

At Hospital Santa Monica, Haelan was given to "six [cachexic cancer] patients...very critical [who reportedly were unresponsive to other therapies and had a one week life expectancy]...could not eat [or] walk...Within two days, four of the six people were up eating and walking again" (Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN, cited in Hess, 1999, p. 150). Five of them reportedly alive 5 years later; Haelan probably did not heal their cancers but rather healed their acute, life-threatening cachexia (Wainwright, 2003, personal communication). "I have put every patient on it that I can...many, many people benefit from it...some who have had miraculous turnarounds" (Pelton cited in Hess, 1999, p. 150).

"Sherman Sanders, the only known survivor of cholangiocarcinoma (primary liver cancer spread to the intestines, lymph system and gall bladder, you can read about him at and cancer free for over 6 years after using Haelan."

I've spoken with several holistic cancer practitioners who've used Haelan 951 and other fermented soy beverages. All have reported very positive results. For more info:

  • [Also]

Other much less expensive fermented soy products

Other cheaper fermented soy products (probably not quite as good as Haelan [though] several ... are reportedly comparably effective) include SE-185, Yang-851, Soy Essence, EcoGen, Nutra-Soy, Soy Option (BioImmune).

[Haelan costs about $50 a day, a two-months-supply would be $3000.]

[Of the above], SE-185 reportedly is [comparably effective].

About the other products:

SE-185 (from China): A practitioner reported that it tests comparably to Haelan in EDS but costs only $100/month.

Yang-851: "same type of product [as Haelan], but it only costs about twenty dollars per bottle, whereas Haelan costs fifty-five" (Pelton cited in Hess, 1999, p. 150)

Soy Essence organic powder; very inexpensive; ; $17 for 30-day supply; master herbalist Donald Yance (who specializes in treating cancer patients) mentioned that he used to use HAELAN but switched to this product due to cost. It's in health food stores; it reportedly doesn't taste bad.

EcoGen fermented soy drink
Reportedly recommended by Jesse Stoff, M.D.

Nutra-Soy: by Dr. Narula at Chapel Hill; reportedly better absorbed than Haelan.

Soy Option: fermented; especially effective with breast & prostate cancer; tastes better than Haelan; from

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally

A comparative study of Haelan 951 (Haelan Products, Inc.), Ecogen 851 (ecoNugenics) and BESO/Yang's 851 (BESO) (Iowa State University of Science & Technology, Food Science & Human Nutrition, 1997) published at seems to indicate that Haelan 951 is superior to both Ecogen and Yang 851.

There is NO product that will definitely help any given person, and Haelan's certainly no exception. Haelan has a high success rate but a significant portion of people who take it don't see much (if any) noticeable benefit. And I heard of a couple of cases ER+ breast cancer in which Haelan seemed to be counterproductive. ... I think it helps most ER+ breast cancer patients (and most other cancer patients), but not all.

The only safety issues I can think of would be with ER+ breast cancer, but I really doubt there have been any ... studies.

Tempeh and natto are the only soy FOODS that I would eat if I had cancer, and I would avoid all nonfermented soy products.

Haelan study from 2015

A study done on human pancreatic cancer cells and published in "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine" found Haelan a potentially promising treatment candidate for pancreas cancer. (The flavonoid beverage Haelan 951 induces growth arrest and apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cell lines in vitro)

Compare On Soy.

Note for European visitors by Healing Cancer Naturally

In July 2007, I received the following enquiry: “My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer which has spread to the bones. She is 58 years old. We are from Serbia (ex-Yougoslavia). Can you please help me and tell me where to purchase Haelan. I've tried to purchase from the USA, but they don't seem to send to Serbia. Can you help?” I did a search and found that the preparation can be bought from German and Austrian pharmacies (Apotheken) including online.

Further information and contact to specialists or persons concerned: Ferris Bühler Communications, Baden/Switzerland, Tel. +41 56 2091515, info AT

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.

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