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DMSO helps against lymphedema?

A powerful anecdotal case report

by copyright © 2017 HCN, continued from the Lymphedema Help page

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a natural sulfur compound derived from wood. It has a long history of therapeutic and other uses and an extremely wide application range — including in cancer treatment and as a radioprotective agent.

Among many other functions, DMSO works as a potent free radical scavenger, a vasodilator (enhancing local blood flow) and an anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces edema (and judging by anecdotal evidence, can even bring back stroke victims already in a coma when locally applied).

DMSO can be taken orally or administered by injection or topical application (i.e. on the skin), with these methods being combinable.

In his book "The DMSO Handbook: A New Paradigm in Healthcare", naturopathic practitioner Dr. Hartmut Fischer reports the case of an 83 year old patient who among other serious symptoms suffered from massive swelling in her arms and legs.[1] Some of the swelling apparently was caused by the breast surgery she had had including excision of the lymph nodes,

Dr Fischer leaves it open whether her surgery was due to cancer but it seems likely that it was. While the lymphedema was not this patient's most urgent complaint, her phenomenal response to the administration of DMSO is the reason why her story is presented here.

In September 2012, Mrs. Meier, was brought to Dr. Fischer's practice. Presenting with extreme pain in her back and her right knee, she had been diagnosed with spinal stenosis[2] and osteoarthritis of the knee for which she was treated with drugs.

For walking, she had to use a Zimmer frame. Her right leg often "gave", which made her fall. Thanks to the 100mg of aspirin she took on a daily basis, these falls left her with huge hematomas (swellings of blood) under her skin. She also was on cortisone which by then had started to cause visible tissue damage.

Dr. Fischer began by giving the patient manual treatment. When asked if there were additional natural modalities he could offer, Dr Fischer hesitatingly introduced the patient to DMSO — mentioning it was a natural compound with regenerative effects.

While he had started using DMSO for a number of other illnesses in his practice, he didn't quite trust the reports of physicians and veterinarians successfully using DMSO for spinal stenosis — as conventional medicine suggested, he assumed that only surgery held out hope for this serious complaint.

But since Mrs. Meier showed a keen interest in receiving the treatment, he could not refuse.

To cut a long story short, as early as the very first DMSO infusion, the patient — formerly wracked with pain — rose more easily from her bed, her pain having lessened. After the second DMSO infusion, she actually dropped her walker by the door, heading straight for the staircase unaided (the practitioner had to rush to support her since she was unaware that her weakened muscles had to first rebuild before walking unaided over a longer stretch).

After the fourth DMSO infusion she reported that the swelling in her arms and legs had considerably decreased. She stopped taking the cortisone and reduced the aspirin.

After the sixth DMSO infusion, her enthusiasm rose even higher, the knee pain had gone, her lymphedema continued to recede and her entire vascular system was visibly improved. She now walked fast and very steadily. Her despair of just a few weeks earlier at the start of her treatment seemed completely forgotten. (Dr. Fischer's report ends here.)

It is allowed to speculate here whether ingestion (diluted according to dosage instructions) and/or local (diluted) application of DMSO would have yielded comparable results.

Note: DMSO is a truly amazing substance which could be called "the lazy man's cure" (and in that respect, it is comparable to magnet therapy) since it has allowed numerous people to heal without dietary change, exercise or other things that typically require a sustained personal effort. DMSO can be self-applied (via oral and topical administration).

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Books on treating illness with DMSO

I have read each of the following books and consider them complementary and important reading for anyone interested in being able to help themselves if smaller or perhaps larger health challenges should arise.

Did you know? You can easily support the work of this humanitarian site at no extra cost to you by buying these books or any other item through one of its Amazon affiliate links.

The DMSO Handbook: A New Paradigm in Healthcare
[Amazon partner link — commissions earned]

by Dr Hartmut Fischer

This book (in which the above anecdote is reported) is the recently published English version of the German original. It explains the use of DMSO including its home application in thorough detail.

DMSO Nature's Healer
[Amazon partner link — commissions earned]

by Dr Morton Walker

This is the classic information- and scientific-reference-packed work on the successful use of DMSO for many diseases including cancer. One chapter is devoted to a frequently successful cancer treatment combining DMSO with an agent you likely have never heard of.

The DMSO Handbook for Doctors
[Amazon partner link — commissions earned]

by Archie H. Scott

This book actually seems to address the general reader at least as much as the practitioner. Jam-packed with (alphabetically arranged) symptoms and diseases that have been improved or healed using DMSO, it addresses illnesses as diverse as amyloidosis, arthritis, gum disease, mental illness and retardation, as well as cancer, with pain relief being one of DMSO's most prominent features.

One full chapter is devoted to cancer treatment combining DMSO and laetrile. DMSO has even been successfully used in tandem with (lower-dose) chemotherapy (the subject of another chapter).


1 In the book, this case appears under the heading "Spinal stenosis".

2 Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal caused by various stress factors and resulting in a variety of symptoms such as pain, numbness and/or loss of motor control. Spinal stenosis not only affects humans but also horses (the result of using the wrong saddle, overstraining etc.).

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